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Apple iPhone 6 [OT]


Hm, may just sell my 6 Plus and go Android. Hearing about 1GB of ram coupled with that marginal gain in performance is enough to dissuade me.


Permanent Junior Member
What's the title/tagline? What portions of that text will they blow up to 40pt and throw in the middle of the review?


So my order status item and shipping status are Preparing to Ship but the Ship date shows: 11/09/14 - 11/27/14...

Will there be a chance to get it at launch?

Gah damn, November? Who did you order through? And what day/time did you order? I hear there is a MAJOR shortage of 6 + models. So much so that a lot of carriers didn't even have 6+ models to fill pre-orders before pre-orders even went up. I think Apple really bungled this launch, and didn't have the goods when launching. Should have just pushed + to Oct/Nov release.

Guess Who

Hm, may just sell my 6 Plus and go Android. Hearing about 1GB of ram coupled with that marginal gain in performance is enough to dissuade me.

The "marginal" gain in performance is still enough to beat nearly every other phone on the market. Only the 2014 Moto X matches it in Geekbench.


The age of the larger phones are upon us, and Apple, as usual, is not leading the charge. Keeping true to the running theme, Apple's new iPhone 6 and 6+ are not the first to offer many of the new features being offered. Big HD screens and NFC payments have long been part of the competition. How does Apple's new lot compare to last year's model, and how does it stand against the competition?

An updated design and some modestly updated internals and camera, this year's iPhone is less about what's inside and more about what's outside.

The Exterior
Outside we have a new set of screens, with a 4.7" screen on the iPhone 6, and a 5.5" screen on the iPhone 6 Plus. Along with these new bigger screens, we get thinner phones to boot. The iPhone 6 runs at a stickly 6.9mm, and it's bigger brother the 6 Plus at smidge thicker at 7.1mm...this is a 10% and 7% reduction to the thickness. On paper this seems paltry, but I assure you that these thinner phones with their rounded edges feel great in your hand. True to Apple form, these phones just feel like a premium product.

Updated screens mean updated resolutions, and here we have a 1334 x 750 (326 PPI) iPhone 6, with a 1920 x 1080 (401 PPI) iPhone 6 Plus. In yet another game of catchup, Apple's new phones have finally entered the HD era. These screens are rocking what is called dual-domain pixels, which increases the viewing angles. You can look at your new phone from above, below, side to side and everything looks a good as ever. The screen's colors pop more, appear sharper and can be viewed from more extreme angles. The screens themselves, between the increased physical size and increased resolutions, are the stars of this generations iPhones.

Tracing further on the outside, we bump into the new protruding camera lenses and it's partner TrueTone flash. In what will forever be debated as "The thing that Jobs would never have let through", the camera update this year is just an updated sensor in both phones. In our experience with pictures, images looked just a hair sharper and a bit more clear in low light scenarios. Blemish to the back panel aside, the camera on these phones are still some of the best on the market, even if the specs don't show it. New to the iPhone 6 Plus only is Optical Image Stabilization, which help correct any movement done by the holder of the phone while taking pictures. This feature won't magically let you shake your phone wildly and still capture those precious moments with clarity, but in our tests the images taken by the 6 Plus were more often just that much clearer than it's iPhone 6 counterpart. A nice touch, but a confusing omission from the iPhone 6. You can already hear the keynote next year: "And now, coming to the iPhone 6S..." Fortunately when you lay the phone on it's back, the protruding lens doesn't seem to impede the feel of laying flat, and your phone won't noticeably rock back and forth to the touch.

The other item of much ire on the outside, and our last stop on this exterior tour, is the new bold antenna stripes acting as the header and footer to the back of these devices. There's no way to say this other than to say it: These new bars are not going to win any design contests. In combination with the updated carrier band support, however, both of these phones do very well getting signal on the go. In our testing we continuously were able to meet, and in a few instances exceed, the signal strength of other top competitors. Most people will only ever see these after opening the phone, and immediately cover it with a case, never to be seen again. If you opt for a naked device, hopefully you'll learn to love your new antenna stripes! "But my reception is great...!"

The Interior
With an A8 dual-core, 64-bit processor, Apple is boasting that users should see roughly a 25% increase in performance with this chipset for CPU and 50% increase on GPU compared to the current 5S. This is a less of an increase than models in the past (typically jumping by at least 2x historically), and because of this the phones largely feel exactly like the 5S in terms of performance.

Paired with this A8 is the newly minted M8 coprocessor, Apple's brain in charge of monitoring your movement, now adds a barometer to it's bag of tricks.

After much mystery online, we can confirm your worst fears as well: both iPhone models only have the same 1GB of RAM that it's predecessors have had. This stunning "hold your ground" stance by Apple is hard to swallow in the shadow of rival phones having 2GB and 3GB, especially considering how inconsequential the cost of RAM in these phones. It would have cost Apple $11 per phone for an extra GB of RAM using last years prices (which are probably even cheaper today), a small sum for a company with profit margins this large. While Apple does typically get more out of their hardware than their spec sheet would imply, having yet another year with only 1GB or RAM just wreaks of greed. As our tests will show, not all is well in the land of the 1GB iPhone in 2014.

Rounding out the last major item inside the new iPhones is the inclusion of NFC, to be used hand in hand with the newly introduced Apple Pay.

A modest upgrade in the A8, altitude tracking in the new M8, and the same amount of RAM...the spec sheet for these new iPhone's don't scream off the page. Our tests below will show you how this translates against the high resolution pixel pushing these devices require.

Also included in the iPhone 6 Plus is 2915 mAh battery, which pumps up the life of a charge from 20% to 220% depending on the activity. Obviously the big phone has more space for a big battery, but it's a shame that the iPhone 6 didn't see at least some significant change in this regard. Battery performance of the iPhone 6 is roughly on par (though slightly improved) over the 5S. Make sure to have your chargers handy if you aren't opting for the Plus model!

iOS 8
With the new iPhones comes iOS8. If we had to sum up this new release of iOS, it would be unification. Everything that Apple's been including over the years in iOS and on the Mac is all starting to work together in ways the truly do change the way you will use your devices (assuming you have more Apple products than just your phone!)

Starting things off is the new Continuity feature, and it's a game changer. Get a call on your iPhone? Pick it up and talk to them over your Mac. Editing a document on your iPad? Pick it up on your iPhone as you run out the door to make those final tweaks. With the introduction of Continuity, it feels more than ever that all of your Apple products are working in concert to make your life just that much better. I can't tell you how many times I've shed a tear over my personal iPhone 5S running iOS7 ringing across the room and my Macbook not picking it up now that I've experienced Continuity. It's scary how quickly it becomes an expectation of your everyday use, and it's a slum dunk feature.

The next major inclusion is the ability for applications to use Extensions. This enables a developer to extend (get it?!) the functionality of their application and push it into other applications. A notable example of this would be the popular password management software called 1Password. Before you had to always open up the 1Password application if you needed to fish out whatever password you needed for that webpage you're on. With Extensions, there is simply an icon you can press which opens a 1Password extension in Safari, allowing you to retrieve your password without ever having to leave the browser. The possibilities for this are endless, and we're excited to see where developers take this. Unfortunately at the time of this review, there are no major applications we can test this with.

Beyond these two tent-pole features, you can now send voice messages over iMessage, track your fitness and health data in Healthkit, add widgets to your notification center, install 3rd party keyboards and use Touch ID in applications to authenticate instead of using a password.

The last major addition to the lineup is the new Apple Pay service. By adding your credit and debit card information on the iPhone's Passbook, you can now pay at any NFC enabled retailer with the simple press of your finger on the Touch ID sensor. This feature isn't going to be activated at retailers until early October, however our experience at Apple's press event last week proved that it was a quick and seamless way to pay for things and a great step up from having to manually swipe a card.

iOS 8 really improves the day to day use of your devices, and we haven't even seen what developers can do with these updated tools. We have high expectations for what's to come!

Fortunately for people not upgrading to the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, you can install iOS8 on your 5S starting tomorrow and get all the benefits!

The Tests
Our Geekbench results showed a 1633 on the single-core and a 2920 on the multi-core tests. This is just about exactly a 25% increase in performance over last year 5S, and a very thin update in this bigger beefier phones.

What's disappointing with these results is really what the real-world performance hit becomes when you're dealing with the new screen sizes of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Pushing around significantly more pixels doesn't come for free, and basically any gains provided by the updated A8 chip are sucked up just by the new screens. At the end of the day using an iPhone 6 feels just like using an iPhone 5S...with a bigger screen. While this certainly isn't the end of the world, we can't help but be disappointed that with all the new real-estate inside these phones that Apple didn't find a way to push the performance to a higher level.

Things take a slightly more frustrating turn when dealing with the iPhone 6 Plus, which is pushing more than double the total pixels of it's new iPhone 6 counterpart. During normal activities like browsing the web or reading your email or watching a video, there is no difference between the devices. The problem is going to be when heavy applications like video editing or games try and wrestle with the 6 Plus. Games specifically will almost certainly not attempt to run at native 1080p, but even running a game meant for the 1335 x 750 resolution screen of the iPhone 6 feels tangibly worse on the iPhone 6 Plus. We were hoping that an upclocked version of the A8 may have made it into the 6 Plus, but instead we're left with our phones gasping to keep up with their more nimble iPhone 6 brethren.

The performance gap between the iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6 will only truly be felt by those who are much more seasoned with iPhone usage or running heavy applications, but that Apple didn't do something to make the experiences on these two devices the same feels like yet another odd compromise that was made to get these phones on the market...which leads us to:

The conclusion
In what can only be called the generation of compromises, consumers are left with the hardest choice they've had to make if they are looking to get the new iPhone:

- Do they want a phone with a gigantic screen or one with a less gigantic screen?
- If they don't want a big screen are they OK with less battery life?
- Is getting the increased battery life and screen size worth taking a hit in performance?
- Will you hate yourself if you take a blurry photo with the iPhone 6 which would have been clearer on the 6 Plus?
- Can anyone live with those fucking antenna bars?!?

If you're in the market for an upgrade and have your eyes set on an iPhone, make no mistake that you can't go wrong with either the iPhone 6 or the iPhone 6 Plus. Whichever device suits you will be a great device. It will feel great. It will run great software.

If you put a gun to our head and asked us if we'd say the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus is a significant upgrade to the 5S...we'd be hard pressed to say yes.

These phones are a great evolutionary step from the 5S before it, but unfortunately the majority of the great features coming with the new phones comes in the form of iOS8, which can be installed on the 5S should you already have one.

While the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will remain at the top of the smartphone charts and continue to keep Apple at the forefront of industry...we're left asking ourselves "what if"...

Final Score: 8.5


Seems like it would be a fair review. At the end of the day, Apple isn't necessarily doing anything special and it kind of feels like a "safe" update to the 5S.

Still expect The Verge and Engadget to give it 9+ though lol

Edit: You guys do know it's satire right?


The "marginal" gain in performance is still enough to beat nearly every other phone on the market. Only the 2014 Moto X matches it in Geekbench.
I'm just thinking about how often my 5S crashes, and imagining the 6 Plus will do so more often. While that won't be too much of a problem now, I'm planning on keeping this phone for three to four years.

Either way I'm still deciding; may just stick with it since I've always used iOS and have a lot of apps I am familiar with and use on a daily basis.
My boredom
Wait, none of that is real? So the 6 Plus may not be slower than the 5S?


Of course the credit card I preordered the 6s on AT&T at midnight for my upgrade was part of the Home Depot breach and Chase is sending me a new one although they said I can continue using the old one.

Sent them a message saying if I can just keep using the old one until I activate the new one.

The concerning part is AT&T's pending charges no longer appear on that credit card and aren't regular charges either.

Anyone else see their AT&T's pending leave their card(s)?

Yeah don't worry about it. Pending charges fall off if the actual charge doesn't go through in x amount of days. They can still charge your card when it ships.


My boredom



Permanent Junior Member
I'm wondering how the Verge's love of Apple Pay will affect the review score, considering it won't be available until next month and we won't know the adoption rate of companies for quite some time.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Wow, dude. I'm guessing you got the 6 and not the 6+.

6 Plus!!!

I'm mentally ready for both the girth and performance...I think...


6 Plus!!!

I'm mentally ready for both the girth and performance...I think...

I have faith in the Plus being able to deliver. The A7 had plenty of power to spare. I'm wondering what a year, 20nm, and a billion more transistors will do.


Hah, I fell for that and was ready to cancel my 6+ pre-order.... I'll be very disappointed if the plus does have lag and poor game performance.


I have faith in the Plus being able to deliver. The A7 had plenty of power to spare. I'm wondering what a year, 20nm, and a billion more transistors will do.

It's true. The A7 seemed to power an iPad Air just fine, I'm sure the A8 can handle it.


I mean, would Apple really release a new phone that lags and crashes? I guess the iPad Air had issues with Safari crashing (and that was a new release). I can't recall anything from 4 on up being sluggish out the gate. Usually they are pretty on point with their processor chip and optimization, that you get a really great performance (even compared to those with massively better specs).

I mean, yeah I think we should be worried given the size of this phone, and that it's still using 1gb of ram. I guess reviews will let us know if the performance is bad or clunky.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the plus was the worse performer, like at all.

Pre-ordering the 6+ over the 6 was seriously one of the most frustrating Apple decisions I've ever made.

If the iPhone 6 had the battery life and the optical image stabilization, I probably wouldn't have even blinked and just pre-ordered that one.

I feel like I'm compromising whichever phone I pick, and at the end of the day took a gamble on the phone that I felt would fundamentally change how I use it day to day by being huge.


Yep. Even If that brilliant review is fake, it's a pretty realistic scenario. Which is why getting 6+ is the smart move. If you don't like it or the performance isn't up to par, just return it and pick up a 6 which will probably be in stock.

Will be a bit harder the other way around.


I mean, would Apple really release a new phone that lags and crashes? I guess the iPad Air had issues with Safari crashing (and that was a new release). I can't recall anything from 4 on up being sluggish out the gate. Usually they are pretty on point with their processor chip and optimization, that you get a really great performance (even compared to those with massively better specs).

I mean, yeah I think we should be worried given the size of this phone, and that it's still using 1gb of ram. I guess reviews will let us know if the performance is bad or clunky.
The iPad 3 was horribly sluggish. So bad they had to refresh it after 6 months.


At the fake review. Totally felt for it, and that's probably what it is truth be told. No outlet is out to bash Apple as they are given the permission to review it this early. Don't expect harsh reviews until websites like cnet get a hold.
I'm wondering how the Verge's love of Apple Pay will affect the review score, considering it won't be available until next month and we won't know the adoption rate of companies for quite some time.

Doesn't it work everywhere PayPass or PayWave already work? If that's the case then the adoption rate is already pretty high at least here in New York.


If I don't get a shipping confirmation soon then I'm just going to cancel my 6 pre-order and just pre order the 6 plus. I mean if I'm going to have to wait until Oct/Nov might as well be for the 6 plus.


If I don't get a shipping confirmation soon then I'm just going to cancel my 6 pre-order and just pre order the 6 plus. I mean if I'm going to have to wait until Oct/Nov might as well be for the 6 plus.
if you are in the states, can't you reserve and pick up at apple store on the 9/19 for 6 atm?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Half an hour til reviews?

Some guy posted one above of questionable legitimacy, but the official embargo apparently lifts in 28 minutes.


The iPad 3 was horribly sluggish. So bad they had to refresh it after 6 months.

I skipped iPad 3. Seems like iPad 3 + air had issues. Air wasn't sluggish, but it had a lot of crashes. Has there ever been an issue with an iPhone at launch being sluggish with iPhone 4 on up?

I guess it still doesn't bode well (i mean if they would release tablets that are sluggish, don't see why they wouldn't release a phone that has problems as well). Seeing my iPhone 6 + is backordered to a billion years (with no real ETA), if the reviews all come out slamming the 6 + model as having issues, I could just switch back over to the 6 model (which has more in stock anyways).


I figure at least if I really want the 6 plus I can just suck up the restocking fee and get it. I think I'll like the 6 size wise better though.


i've never ordered from at&t directly and it's been like five years since I worked there... anyone know which carrier do they use?
So now my Verizon order says:


Your order has been processed and will be shipped based on inventory availability and shipping method. You will receive shipment notification and tracking details via email.

...and I see my credit card was charged. For you veterans...this is an "It's Happening" moment, right?


It's Macrumors so it should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

macrumors member

Join Date: Jun 2010
1st order was a SG 128 Iphone 6 Plus- placed at 12:30PST
est deliver 10/2-10/13

2nd order was a SG 64 Iphone 6 Plus- placed at 12:50PST
est deliver 11/09/14 - 11/27/14*

Thank you for your patience! Your AT&T Representative will be with you shortly.
Welcome! You are now chatting with 'Athina '
Athina : Hello, thank you for chatting with AT&T today. I am currently reviewing the information you have supplied.
Kevin :thanks!
Kevin rder number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Athina : I'd be more then happy to assist you, is it okay if I call you by your first name?
Kevin : yes, that would be super!
Athina : After reviewing the information you supplied I see your chatting in regards to your shipping date. Any order ordered on 9/12 or 9/13 should be receiving their orders on 9/19. Customers are seeing pushed back dates because our system is on a default setting and when the website was getting a lot of orders put in, it automatically pushed the dates back. You should have nothing to worry about and I apologize for the inconvenience.
Kevin : ok, that is terrifc- are you pretty sure about that?
Athina : Yes, I'm sure.
Kevin : great! Would you mind checking another order for me? It's one I ordered for my wife.
Athina : Yeah, no problem. Can I get the Web Order number?
Kevin : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Athina : Thank you, Kevin. Give me just a moment to pull up the order. Were you just wanting to check the status?
Kevin : Yes and to see when you think that one might actually arrive as the dates are really far out. I actually placed it only about 20 minutes after the first one.
Athina : No problem. It will be just a moment.
Kevin : thanks, Athina!
Athina : I will be right with you.
Kevin : No problem, take your time
Athina : Thank you for your patience, Kevin.
Kevin : no worries!
Athina : In order to protect your privacy, may I please have the First Name, Last Name, and the last four digits of the Social Security Number associated with this account?
Kevin : sure
Kevin : Kevin xxxx
Athina : Thanks. Can you also provide me with the full billing address, including street, city, and zip code?
Kevin :xxxxxxxxxxxx
Kevin :Houston, TX 77079
Athina : Thank you. It's showing your order date on this order was 9/14, is that correct?
Kevin :It says that but it was actually placed at 12:50 PST on 9/12
Athina : Just a moment. Looking through my resources.
Athina : Okay I confirmed it does say in the system it was ordered 9/12 so you should be receiving your phone on 9/19.
Kevin :for ORDER NUMBER: "First Order Number"- if I'm to receive it by Friday- shouldn't I have gotten a tracking number by now?
Athina : They usually send out a tracking number once the order is about to be shipped in a confirmation email.
Kevin :sure, i understand but wouldn't it of needed to be shipped by now for a 9/19 delivery date?
Athina : Not if it's overnight shipping. It wont be shipped out till tomorrow or the next day maybe.
Kevin :Oh ok, thanks!
Kevin :How can I get back in touch with you specifically? you've been very helpful!
Athina : Unfortunately I don't have a direct line. I'm glad I was to be of assistance!
Kevin :OK, well thank you very much!!
Kevin :Have a great evening!
My iPhone 6 Plus Review

If we are going to talk about specs, what other smartphone has it's own custom bespoked tailored SOC with 64 bit memory addressing with native 64 bit OS support. How about that Touch ID, the technology that's just works. You teach it your fingers a couple of times to learn who you are by putting your finger on the home button. You don't have to repeatedly swipe your finger across a narrow bar, you have an entire button. Apple even designed a memory allocation on the SOC just to store your Finger Print key hash that is sandboxed away from everything else on your phone.

If you are going to talk about specs on the iphone compare to android you are going to lose. There is only one company out there that puts alot of thought in to what they design for their phones from the silicon up and that's Motorola (RIP_Lenovo plz don't suck) with the Moto X. They have a vision of what they want that device to do and they have backed it up not with gimmicks like gaze tracking like Samsung does but by designing better Antennas to deal with attenuation better so your phone has better signal and battery life, developing a very low power chip just to monitor voice and motion, integrating motion gestures that actually work and makes Google Now work seamlessly with out taking a giant battery hit.

Here's my thesis on why phones in the 5+ inch category are so popular, Big screens for media consumption, reading email, watching media, surfing the web are all better on a bigger screen, and Big batteries for every evolving Arm SOC dick waving contest by measuring the number cores and how many gigs my phone can do better then your phone. Immeasurably it is a device that you pay 200 dollars on contract that will always have a data connection and on the Android world have not the greatest of options for a small tablets that act like tablets and not big phones.

You would say well Android has NFC, and I would say the japanese has had NFC payment for over 12 years but it only works because there national train system effectively gave them a reason to have a NFC system. It made paying for a train ticket more efficient. By product of that allowed NFC to be used in situations were mobile payment made it more convenient like in a 7/11. But japan is still a cash society so outside of trains and 7/11's most places in japan takes only cash.

So what's the point of Apple Pay? It's a way for you the consumer to use Apple as the middleman to buy goods. It will be a profit center for Apple, it is a way to put those Millions of Apple ID's with attached Credit Cards to spend money outside of it's Apple Stores. They are doing this by making it as friction less as possible and as secure as possible. There is trust there with Apple that I don't think you would get with a corporation like Samsung. (Side note Sony invented this technology yet in those 12 years never thought of bringing it to the united states, Christ they could of integrated in the PS3 as a secure way to make purchases online) [Another Sidenote, I hope Apple Pay doesn't get hacked and my dildo purchases are on the internet]

So in conclusion, I have no idea what the fuck the health kit shit is going to do or won't do. I think the Apple Watch should be like a square egg instead of what they got. But i think the Apple Watch is going to be great for the Tinder Grindr demographic and people with wives, mives or genderless significant others.

Maybe i should get the 6 minus instead?

7/10 the iphone 6s plus will have more ram and no bezel and i will be angry i got this one.


It's Macrumors so it should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

That would be great for AT&T customers. Sprint customers are boned though. Seems like the 3-4 week delay is 100% for their + models. And some are going to be 4-6 weeks out. It's not a mistake on their system.


That would be great for AT&T customers. Sprint customers are boned though. Seems like the 3-4 week delay is 100% for their + models. And some are going to be 4-6 weeks out. It's not a mistake on their system.

Sprint isn't getting any plus phones?!
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