Anyone else's running crazy hot and draining battery?
which model?
Anyone else's running crazy hot and draining battery?
Anyone else's running crazy hot and draining battery?
Got to the main Apple store in Boston around 8:30ish, they're doing a great job. Really long line for those looking to buy it in store, but the online order line took about 30 minutes. Getting it all synced up now, what a beauty!
Just curious about this: Anyone know Apple's policy for returning cases? The guy who rang me up said I can return a used case within two weeks, but that seems way too generous.
Got to the main Apple store in Boston around 8:30ish, they're doing a great job. Really long line for those looking to buy it in store, but the online order line took about 30 minutes. Getting it all synced up now, what a beauty!
Just curious about this: Anyone know Apple's policy for returning cases? The guy who rang me up said I can return a used case within two weeks, but that seems way too generous.
It is just a case. A lot of retail establishments give a 30 day return window on things like that.
He's right. You have 2 weeks to return it, no matter the condition.
I ended up with a 16 because I hardly use any storage.
I should have ordered from Apple too. I ordered via AT&T as soon as pre-orders went up and I am not getting one until early October. No explanation and little to no updates on the order. Terrible customer service too.
I would be okay with waiting if it was truly "first come first served" but it isn't and it simply doesn't make sense. That's on top of getting little to no alerts/messages about my shipment (& date) -- just inexcusable for a pretty expensive (128 GB Plus) item.
smells like coffee and stale urine at the apple store In Killadelphia right now.(Walnut)
smells like coffee and stale urine at the apple store In Killadelphia right now.(Walnut)
smells like coffee and stale urine at the apple store In Killadelphia right now.(Walnut)
This is the bane of my existence. I check it every oh, 30 minutes or so.I'm not crazy
Got mine. I hope it lives up to the hype. (It's my first phone too.)
Preorder Processing
Expected Ship Date: 10/02/2014 To 10/13/2014
Never again, AT&T, never again.
I don't download video, play games or take many photos on my phone so I should be fine with 16GB.
Frankly I would just order the plus from and wait. "Settling" on a color is one thing. Settling on hardware config should just not be done.
I plan on auto-uploading to OneDrive so I can delete photos quickly.I don't download video, play games or take many photos on my phone so I should be fine with 16GB.
I ended up going into the store and comparing the sizes of the 6 and the 6 plus and decided to not settle for the 6. The 6's screen was nice but the size, potential battery life, and the resolution made me make a retreat. I can't settle, I want the 6 Plus. Verizon will call me.
Or... will I have a better chance just ordering it online today and waiting, I wonder? The store said it could be a week it could be a month, but they would call me. I tend to not believe them, myself.
Is that place closer to you than Cherry Hill?
Called my local T-Mobile. They have 16, 64 and 128GB's in stock. Now to decide to JUMP! from my M8. I really like everything about it, minus the camera.
I could have saved them a ton of money by letting them know that mixing glass with concrete results in shattered glass.
at work today- I preordered here- wife gambling at cherry hill mall now- (I live near Cherry Hill)
which model?
Wait...seriously!? Not even the 4S? That seems great. Both my wife and I have iPhone 4.
Wait...seriously!? Not even the 4S? That seems great. Both my wife and I have iPhone 4.
My apple store had 100 plus phones
Total, I was number 40After the first come first serve line or total in store?
It does. You can auto upload to iCloud drive, and keep only the optimized version on your phone. Should be a lifesaver for the 16gigers out there.I plan on auto-uploading to OneDrive so I can delete photos quickly.
If iOS 8 doesn't have auto-upload like Windows Phone, then I'm screwed.
Whoa, you mean something like this one?
Only problem would be having my nekked Plus for the couple days it'll take to get here.
How's it do with lint? Since it's clear can you see build up? Or around the edges of the power/volume/etc cutouts? I mean, taking it out of the case to clean it isn't a deal breaker unless it's something I'm gonna have to do on a daily basis. And it's soft but not soft enough to be.. "sticky" I guess would be the proper term?