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Apple iPhone 6 [OT]


How long does it take to activate your phone through AT&T? It's been over 11 hours and I'm still waiting... My old phone no longer has service.

Edit: restarted my phone and now I have service.


Cut micro SIM is fine if it works (I cut mine and it didn't). The thing you need to be careful about is trying to put the cut nano into a holder to make it micro again - eg if you switch phones. The SIM can get detached and stuck inside the phone


I've been using a cut micro-sim in my 5 for two years now. It will be fine.

Cut micro SIM is fine if it works (I cut mine and it didn't). The thing you need to be careful about is trying to put the cut nano into a holder to make it micro again - eg if you switch phones. The SIM can get detached and stuck inside the phone

Sounds good, I ordered a nano-Sim just in case (I kind of screwed up a bit with cutting my micro-Sim, it sits good enough but I'm not sure if it stays like that).
If a product needs me to "get used to it", most of the time, that product is shit and i would regret buying it.

I'm still super pissed apple stopped making "regular" sized phones :(

Every single thing in life has a learning curve. Some things are super easy, some things are super hard. Going from a 4-inch screen to a 5.5-inch screen is something that takes at least a small amount of adjustment. The phone is now an entirely different shape and weight, made out of different materials, and has much more screen space than what some of us have been using the past 7 years. That takes a little bit of getting used to, and has absolutely nothing to do with it being a shit product or not.

What an incredibly strange outlook on life. (Though I understand and empathize with your spoilered text)


Every single thing in life has a learning curve. Some things are super easy, some things are super hard. Going from a 4-inch screen to a 5.5-inch screen is something that takes at least a small amount of adjustment. The phone is now an entirely different shape and weight, made out of different materials, and has much more screen space than what some of us have been using the past 7 years. That takes a little bit of getting used to, and has absolutely nothing to do with it being a shit product or not.

What an incredibly strange outlook on life.
Yeah, that comment made no sense to me.

Even if a product happens to be immediately intuitive, it's usually an advancement upon years of existing technology use, skill and experience, anyway (e.g. the Wii Remote was so intuitive because it took something we were all familiar with -- a TV remote -- and applied it differently).

And as far as I'm aware, phablets are almost immediately intuitive to most people insofar as navigating a small touch screen and icons, but may take some getting used to due to the new experience of a bigger size and weight.


I'm sorry I need to quote this for new page just for how painful this experience was. Need my venting to be viewed by more people, haha.

Apple's fault you went and stood in a 500+ crowd of people in the rain for 10 hours for a new phone and had a bad time?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Quite happy with how the 6+ fits in my jeans. They aren't "skinny jeans", but they are straight fit and generally snug to the leg at the top.

You see I've got a gigantic rectangle in my pocket, but it actually feels completely fine standing and sitting with it in there.

Was my last concern, really.

Airframe+ comes today, skin for the back coming mid-week...debating going completely naked though.

People overly talk up the slipperiness of the phone. I've already started to get fairly loose with how I handle the phone.


Any early impressions with glass screen protectors and their interaction with the rounded edges of both 6 and 6 Plus phones yet? I usually always have a Spigen glass protects on my iPhones, but I'd like to know how they're affected by the corners of the new iPhones.


Can we have more camera sample shots in this thread? Preferably 6 vs 6+ if someone have both. It's so annoying how most of the review sites don't even cover that.


When I got to the store and the lady went into the back to get my Plus, I picked up a demo unit and immediately my stomach sank. It was too fuckin big, I messed up, I got the wrong size. I picked up the 6 and it is just fantastic. The normal sized 6 is so good. I picked up the Plus again and felt it slide around in my hand, tried to reach different points of the screen, ugh.

The lady brought out my phone, and told me since I was upgrading and not starting a new line, I HAD to activate it in-store (Uh what? What if I'd shipped it to my house?) we talked about the screen size and she kept comparing it to the iPad Minis by us and I kept panicking that I got the wrong size. Walking out of the store I just kept taking it out of my pocket and putting it back, trying to figure out the best positioning for my hands, blergh! My friend that came with me was like, "You have huge hands! Don't worry you'll get used to it."

She was right! After spending the day with it I fuckin LOVE my 6 Plus. Typing on it is a dream, the keyboard is the perfect size, the Reachabikity function is super helpful, the screen is BEAUTIFUL, and though I've only taken one picture the camera is amazing. And the slow motion video feature!! Oh man.
Are you in Canada? Phones have to be activated by the carriers before they leave the store.


Can we have more camera sample shots in this thread? Preferably 6 vs 6+ if someone have both. It's so annoying how most of the review sites don't even cover that.
They're the same. Same lens and sensor. Just assume that you'll get less out of focus shots if you're doing low light landscape or architecture photography. Other than that there's literally no optical difference.


How slippery is the back to the 6 Plus? A friend was complaining about his. The phone is too big to put a case on it since I don't have that big of hands so I am not sure if I even want it if a case is a must (Delivery is set for Oct 3). I was just planning on using a leather pouch to protect the phone when in my pockets.
The slipperiness feels really overstated to me. Maybe compared to previous iPhones it is, but in my day of using it I've never once felt like it was just going to slip out my (also not very big) hands. I'd say give it a go and see what you think, if you're worried then grab a case.
Got my 6 yesterday, such an improvement over my old 5. I love it!
The size is still small enough to be able to use it one-handed, cameras and speakers made a huge step forward and build quality in general is insane as always.

Now we just need more of those iPhone 6 updated apps, the upscaled ones look pretty ugly.


They're the same. Same lens and sensor. Just assume that you'll get less out of focus shots if you're doing low light landscape or architecture photography. Other than that there's literally no optical difference.
Does the ois make a huge difference? I would love to see comparison shots.
Went from a 5 to a 6 yesterday. First impression is "woah, this is kinda big". My impression after using it all night, "woah, this is kinda big". I seriously can't even imagine a 6+ in my hands/pocket on a daily basis. I'm nearly certain I'll never have a bigger phone than this. It's just at the size where I still feel ok putting it in my back pocket, etc.

- Overall it's just a better iPhone, which is great.

- Love the improved camera/video. Slow mo videos of my dog were hilarious tonight.

-The bigger screen is nice. Just makes it easier to browse the web, view pictures, etc.

- Excited to finally have a password on my phone because of the fingerprint unlocking.

- The antenna bands on the back of my gray phone are a little ugly IMO, but of course they'll forever be hidden behind a case. It's weird they didn't make the back of the gray phone a darker gray, like the previous model, as it would have made the bands far less noticeable.

- IOS 8 has some shitty quirks. Things seems to reload more often than they should. The browser will often show a white screen for a moment when going back into it. Very annoying. This was happening after putting iOS 8 on my 5, but it's sill happening on my 6. WTF?

Apple's fault you went and stood in a 500+ crowd of people in the rain for 10 hours for a new phone and had a bad time?

My thoughts exactly. You decided to put yourself in that situation, and now you want sympathy? There is a reason I've never done that before, and it's because I've read/heard stories like that.


- IOS 8 has some shitty quirks. Things seems to reload more often than they should. The browser will often show a white screen for a moment when going back into it. Very annoying. This was happening after putting iOS 8 on my 5, but it's sill happening on my 6. WTF?

What? I literally had 5 tabs open (reddit, community page of me, Apple store, events site and a google search) + 5-7 other apps opened after that and yet it didn't reload anything in the browser?

I was surprised at how good it is with memory management, my 4S froze and had to reload the google default page when I opened the settings app after loading the website... this is a big step up IMO.

The only issue I had was my first call going all distorted and dropping but that might've been bad connection and/or me messing up when cutting my micro-Sim. New nano-Sim is already on the way.


Impressed with the camera in low light.

Was at a club last night and took this. The old iPhones would never take a night picture like this before.

(Taken with the 6)


Any early impressions with glass screen protectors and their interaction with the rounded edges of both 6 and 6 Plus phones yet? I usually always have a Spigen glass protects on my iPhones, but I'd like to know how they're affected by the corners of the new iPhones.
The consensus is that they are a bit annoying because they can't go to the edge since the curve in the glass starts a bit before the screen ends. It means that all brands of glass protector are seemingly leaving a line at the sides of the screen because they are cut so they don't hit the curve.

If you really want to try though, there's one on sale for $5 a page or two back.

- The antenna bands on the back of my gray phone are a little ugly IMO, but of course they'll forever be hidden behind a case. It's weird they didn't make the back of the gray phone a darker gray, like the previous model, as it would have made the bands far less noticeable.
They lightened the back because it showed scratches horribly and thus they needed a color that was closer to the color of the underlying aluminum.

Impressed with the camera in low light.

Was at a club last night and took this. The old iPhones would never take a night picture like this before.

Please label pics as 6 or 6 Plus for those looking to find comparison, thanks! Looks excellent.


They lightened the back because it showed scratches horribly and thus they needed a color that was closer to the color of the underlying aluminum.

Please label pics as 6 or 6 Plus for those looking to find comparison, thanks! Looks excellent.

Good point. I edited :)
What? I literally had 5 tabs open (reddit, community page of me, Apple store, events site and a google search) + 5-7 other apps opened after that and yet it didn't reload anything in the browser?

I was surprised at how good it is with memory management, my 4S froze and had to reload the google default page when I opened the settings app after loading the website... this is a big step up IMO.

Did you set up your 6 new or restore? I've noticed in the past memory management can seem much better at first on a new device.

They lightened the back because it showed scratches horribly and thus they needed a color that was closer to the color of the underlying aluminum.

I guess that makes sense.


I'm A little bummed. I got my iPhone 6 and It had a dead pixel so I swapped it out at the store and got home and check out the new one and it has a dead pixel also. I really don't feel like doing exchange game right now.


Had a quick look at both phones in carphone warehouse. 6+ is way too big for daily use for me. My Lumia 930 already makes me concerned I might snap it when I bend down, so anything over 5" is a non starter I think.

6 seems nice though. Same size as my 930 only thinner and lighter. Like how well the glass is blended into the chassis - lumias have had cubes glass for a while but this really takes it to the next level.


Anyone else always set up their device as a new one? I like getting a fresh start usually. Does the iCloud backup only restore the info related to that account rather than a full backup? I'm thinking I'll just do the iCloud backup to keep my iOS 8 settings and then start fresh with the rest.

Also, I'm proudly using that "Perfect Timing" instrumental from the very first iPhone ad as my ringtone.


Yep. I am with EE.

edit: apparently not out yet, just dated as autumn 2014.

Received my 6 from EE yesterday. Can't wait for wifi calling at home as my phone reception is terrible at home and I'm constantly moving around the house on call or sending a SMS.

Liking the phone so far and it's not as slippery as my HTC M8 which the 6 is similar to in design and size.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Does reachability not always work for you guys? I've had to turn it off and on multiple times just to get it to work.
Is kinda weird, but I find that I never use it even on the plus.

Seems to work fine, when I do try it though.


Did you set up your 6 new or restore? I've noticed in the past memory management can seem much better at first on a new device.


Fresh install just to be sure. I hate that my messages (SMS, WhatsApp etc.) and other App related data is gone but that feeling vanished quickly due to the phone being really fast and responsive + I enjoy setting up phones so there's that.

But I still hate WhatsApp for disabling iCloud Backup one day before I got my iPhone 6, a lot of important conversations (and pictures since I disabled camera roll auto-saving...) gone but oh well...

Anyone else always set up their device as a new one? I like getting a fresh start usually. Does the iCloud backup only restore the info related to that account rather than a full backup? I'm thinking I'll just do the iCloud backup to keep my iOS 8 settings and then start fresh with the rest.


It's usually a full backup (all App data, settings, photos etc.) but you can toggle stuff like photos or App data off on your old device (and then back it up).

Guess Who

Is kinda weird, but I find that I never use it even on the plus.

Seems to work fine, when I do try it though.

I think, counter-intuitively, it's more useful on the regular 6 than the 6+. On the Plus you're probably two-handing it anyway, but on the regular 6 you're more likely to be using it in one hand and have something just out of comfortable reach.


It's usually a full backup (all App data, settings, photos etc.) but you can toggle stuff like photos or App data off on your old device (and then back it up).
By App data, you don't mean the apps themselves. Just the saved data they had stored locally?


The Autumn Wind
Just got my shipping notice from AT&T. Scheduled to arrive Monday. Considering they originally told me it would ship between Oct. 13 and Oct. 31, I'm pleasantly surprised.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I think, counter-intuitively, it's more useful on the regular 6 than the 6+. On the Plus you're probably two-handing it anyway, but on the regular 6 you're more likely to be using it in one hand and have something just out of comfortable reach.

Also oddly enough, I don't two hand the phone all that much unless I'm typing long sentences.

Perhaps my natural reach as a bass player is helping more than I think!
Anyone else always set up their device as a new one? I like getting a fresh start usually. Does the iCloud backup only restore the info related to that account rather than a full backup? I'm thinking I'll just do the iCloud backup to keep my iOS 8 settings and then start fresh with the rest.

Also, I'm proudly using that "Perfect Timing" instrumental from the very first iPhone ad as my ringtone.

Yup I always setup as a new iphone. Part of that is because my older one is always jailbroken and I don't want the backup copying over any jailbreak data to the new phone, but I just like the feeling of starting with a clean slate and important stuff like contacts and notes are stored on your iCloud account anyway
So att messaged me to tell me to come in store for a new SIM after I put the sim from my 5s into the 6+. everything seems to be working fine though. Wtf are they talking about?
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