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Apple iPhone 6 [OT]


What would it feel like to have this phone in your pocket and sitting down...forcing enough pressure on the phone that it bends in your pocket as a result?

That couldn't have been comfortable...

I know right. How awkward it must've looked.
I never fully sit down with my phone in my pocket. I always take it out and lay it down - on the car seat, table etc.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I have run into my first awkward "too big" use case with my 6:

When I'm getting out of my car to park at the train station, I'm holding 4 quarters in my left hand to pay for my space, and then in my right hand only I try and get my headphones in and plugged in and turn on music as I'm walking to the pay station.

Plugging the headphones into the headphone port with extra care so I don't scratch the shit out of the bottom of the phone doing it haphazardly is a bit rougher to do...I will likely need to put my headphones on in the car prior to walking so I can do it with both hands.


Meanwhile video podcasts on the train was awesome. I wasn't pushing my face to the screen while I was watching over time like I ended up doing with the 5S. Lady standing over my shoulder (that I offered my seat to!) was clearly peeping the hardware. Trying to build up the courage to ask me out. Seeing the wedding ring and having her day ruined. Her grumble of "all the great ones are taken" was so loud I could hear it pierce through my IEMs. The 6+ boys...it's that good.


How has the only 1 gb of RAM been treating ya? Do you feel like safari and multitasking is better, the same, or worse than your older iOS stuff?


I have run into my first awkward "too big" use case with my 6:

When I'm getting out of my car to park at the train station, I'm holding 4 quarters in my left hand to pay for my space, and then in my right hand only I try and get my headphones in and plugged in and turn on music as I'm walking to the pay station.

Plugging the headphones into the headphone port with extra care so I don't scratch the shit out of the bottom of the phone doing it haphazardly is a bit rougher to do...I will likely need to put my headphones on in the car prior to walking so I can do it with both hands.


Meanwhile video podcasts on the train was awesome. I wasn't pushing my face to the screen while I was watching over time like I ended up doing with the 5S. Lady standing over my shoulder (that I offered my seat to!) was clearly peeping the hardware. Trying to build up the courage to ask me out. Seeing the wedding ring and having her day ruined. Her grumble of "all the great ones are taken" was so loud I could hear it pierce through my IEMs. The 6+ boys...it's that good.

oh my god, too good.


So, just had some real hands on time with the 6.

I hate it. It's spectacularly uncomfortable to use and virtually impossible to type on one handed.

And the double touch compress feature doesn't work with the tap the top bar to return to the top of the page gesture. Is that right? Wouldn't that be the most common use case for it? What a bloody mess.


I think the lesson to be learned here is stay off the macrumors forum. Stop freaking out until it becomes an issue for you.

I used to freak out about the scuffgate with my iPhone 5. Then once a nasty scuff happened it released me from the terror. After that I used my phone normally and never got a second scuff LOL
So, just had some real hands on time with the 6.

I hate it. It's spectacularly uncomfortable to use and virtually impossible to type on one handed.

And the double touch compress feature doesn't work with the tap the top bar to return to the top of the page gesture. Is that right? Wouldn't that be the most common use case for it? What a bloody mess.

6 or 6+?


So, just had some real hands on time with the 6.

I hate it. It's spectacularly uncomfortable to use and virtually impossible to type on one handed.

And the double touch compress feature doesn't work with the tap the top bar to return to the top of the page gesture. Is that right? Wouldn't that be the most common use case for it? What a bloody mess.

The normal 6? Huh?

I know plenty of people with the S3 - which is slightly wider than the iPhone 6 - and have not heard that complaint. The Plus on the other hand...


How has the only 1 gb of RAM been treating ya? Do you feel like safari and multitasking is better, the same, or worse than your older iOS stuff?

Safari on iPhone always sucked for me, pushing pages out of memory with a few tabs. Always used Chrome and it's been the same on the 6 as it was on the 5. I can load 4-5 tabs at a time without reloads. Sometimes I can switch out to light apps and go back without reloads too, bigger apps like some games cause reloads though. Overall, it seems to be the same with my 5 which is perfectly fine for me.


So, just had some real hands on time with the 6.

I hate it. It's spectacularly uncomfortable to use and virtually impossible to type on one handed.

And the double touch compress feature doesn't work with the tap the top bar to return to the top of the page gesture. Is that right? Wouldn't that be the most common use case for it? What a bloody mess.

It does work. Double tap he home button, then press the status bar that's now at the middle of the screen. It will scroll you back to the top of the page.


I have spectacularly small hands for a grown man over 6'0" tall and I have no problem using the 6 one handed. I have to stretch a bit to get the very top but it's not exactly hard and certainly worth the effort for the extra screen space. Hopefully more apps go to left/right swiping for getting around the app as well, that really helps.




The normal 6? Huh?

I know plenty of people with the S3 - which is slightly wider than the iPhone 6 - and have not heard that complaint. The Plus on the other hand...

I hated the S3 too. Bought one and sent it back because it was too wide to type on.

It does work. Double tap he home button, then press the status bar that's now at the middle of the screen. It will scroll you back to the top of the page.

Well, I didn't get it to work in at least half a dozen goes. It must be crazy fussy about the touch target. It just expanded back up.


So, just had some real hands on time with the 6.

I hate it. It's spectacularly uncomfortable to use and virtually impossible to type on one handed.

And the double touch compress feature doesn't work with the tap the top bar to return to the top of the page gesture. Is that right? Wouldn't that be the most common use case for it? What a bloody mess.

I've only tried it on GAF so far but had no problems. Tap the top of the browser to return to top of page. Tap blank space to close reach ability or whatever.
The Titan finally fell.

Taken off the charger at 9am Saturday morning. Died at 12:15am Monday morning.

Thing is an absolute beast.

I cannot for the life of me get the goddamn imgur link on my phone but the stats were:

Usage: 10 hours 15 minutes
Standby: 1 day 15 hours

My next test will be to turn on LTE and we how that affects the battery life.

10 hours usage? Of what?

I have a 6 plus and it will get me through the day easily and the next day I'd start around 49% but it's too risky to not charge

Edit: you didn't have LTE on, LOL, that explains your battery life

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I was on my friend's 6 last night. So much easier to type one handed due to the size and lightness and I have resigned to the fact my 6+ is a two handed device. It doesn't bum me out but I need to adjust. But oh lord, dat battery life - I got through 2 and a bit days before charging.



I hadn't even heard about this. I'd say that's a pretty big design flaw.

Aluminium is a soft metal and these phones are stupidly thin, I could easily imaging the 6+ especially bending a bit of pressure is applied. Be careful and it should be fine.

Yet another reason however why they should not have made these so thin.

I've got the iPhone 5 currently which has a 1" crease in the back, it's not so bad. But when it happened I remember racking my brains trying to remember how it could have possibly happened. I still don't know to this day.

More than likely I did it at work when it was in my pocket.

I found your mistake...

I'm concerned about several members of MacRumours and their mental health as they seem delusional.

Some seem to honestly believe that phones shouldn't be put in a pocket.

I'm weeping for humanity.

Yep. That's just ridiculous. What a ridiculous suggestion.
I need of help setting up an account for my iPhone. Does anyone have experience with Outlook and "aliases"?

If I create an alias for my primary email account, can I use that alias to then register for a new Apple ID/iTunes account? I already have a shared Apple ID/iTunes account with my partner, but I want to create my own to use with my iPhone 6. We purchase our apps/movies/music on the shared account, but I'd like my own account for iCloud backups, etc.
Holy shit....



Case 4-life


What would it feel like to have this phone in your pocket and sitting down...forcing enough pressure on the phone that it bends in your pocket as a result?

That couldn't have been comfortable...
Yup. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I will have to remove it from my pocket when I sit down.

I know right. How awkward it must've looked.
I never fully sit down with my phone in my pocket. I always take it out and lay it down - on the car seat, table etc.
My 4S seldom leaves the front pocket of my trousers/jeans. I will need to adjust, but I'm ready to give it a go.


Received an e-mail this morning saying that my iPhone 6 Plus will be coming tomorrow!! I can not believe it!

Screw AT&T Premier though. Will never pre-order anything from them ever again.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
It's weird because I wear jeans that aren't "skinny jeans" but are certainly tight to your legs on the thigh area. They're "straight cut" and look good..etc etc.

In those pants the phone outline is clearly visible (as is my wallet/keyphob in the other pocket), but when I sit down there is no undue pressure on the leg...it just continues to clearly be visible in the pocket.

Work pants same type of fit and it's also fine, although the pockets in my black pants are shallower...making the phone sit higher on my leg, but JUST below popping out.

Pants situation: not an issue for this guy.

If your pants are any tighter I'm not quite sure how you fit anything in there anyways. Like I have a hard time getting my phone out of my pocket in my jeans as is, and there are WAY tighter jeans out there.

You are pushing the limits of fashion so hard, it's literally bending your phone! RECONSIDER YOUR LIFE CHOICES!


Anandtech just posted some prelim benches. GPU looks impressive. Only thing faster is Kepler, which is really a higher tdp tablet chip.


Stupid question. Recorded a slow-mo video and was adjusting the part of the video that would get slowed down, but after swiping too far over one way the moveable slow-mo "window" went away. The only thing left is the bar to fast forward/rewind. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Anandtech just posted some prelim benches. GPU looks impressive. Only thing faster is Kepler, which is really a higher tdp tablet chip.

Link here.

Wish they did more on the battery life test. 6 seemed to do well all round, high end (if not top) competitor in most areas. Doesn't seem like a huge jump from the 5S, but we knew that already. That Tegra K1 on the Shield Tablet tho.


I'm concerned about several members of MacRumours and their mental health as they seem delusional.

That's putting it lightly. I used to think AVS Forum was bad, and then I found that place. Good christ.

"I have a speck of dirt on my Lightning Cable, I made an appointment at the Genius Bar but they were booked for TWO HOURS. I drive in and go to my appointment, and it took TWENTY SECONDS to get somebody's attention, and when I got my replacement cable, the box had a tear in it. A TEAR IN THE BOX. As I collect all Apple Packaging and dust it nightly, this is unacceptable. This would never have happened under Jobs."

Edit - the above is a parody. Sorry for not making that clear, Dany.


That's putting it lightly. I used to think AVS Forum was bad, and then I found that place. Good christ.

"I have a speck of dirt on my Lightning Cable, I made an appointment at the Genius Bar but they were booked for TWO HOURS. I drive in and go to my appointment, and it took TWENTY SECONDS to get somebody's attention, and when I got my replacement cable, the box had a tear in it. A TEAR IN THE BOX. As I collect all Apple Packaging and dust it nightly, this is unacceptable. This would never have happened under Jobs."

that has to be fake


Haha, i mean i wouldn't put it past macrumors. the last line was a bit suspect. You'd do a good job trolling macrumors Cheech. :p


Ok, so after a weekend, here's my impressions for those who are either on Android, or debating on upgrading.

The Pros:

-Apple's build quality is second to none. Went on a camping trip this weekend with around 50 other people, and everyone was admiring the phone. I loved my HTC One M8 (still quite a few things I miss from it), but that never got the attention that the new iPhone got over initial impressions.
-The "reachability" end sounds silly, but it does work well in practice. Makes using the device one handed a breeze.
-The display, even though its technically 750P, looks better than most devices with 1080P displays on 4.7" screens. Viewing angles are fantastic, and the screen really does "pop". Looks like the icons are above the screen, not in the screen. Kind of hard to understand until you see it.
-The camera. Oh man, the camera. I defended the One M7 and M8's camera. I never really saw the difference. Until I started snapping photos with the new iPhone. Incredibly fast focus, and zooming in on photos, hardly any detail is lost.
-Apps. So many apps.

The Cons.

-I miss my widgets. I had everything right on my home screen on my M8. I could see my notes to remind me of things to do. I had my MLB At Bat app w/ the detail I needed to see. Apple needs to find a way to fit these on future releases. Its one of those things that you really don't realize you miss, until you don't have it.
-While there's a lot about iOS I like, it really does seem like its taken a step back now that KitKat is out. "Ok,Google" was a really great feature. Siri gets the job done, but its no where close to what Google Voice can do.
-I wanted to load a ringtone. So I went to Zedge's app, and picked a ringtone. I then was prompted to connect to iTunes with my phone, and had to set up WiFi Sync. In this day and age, there is no reason I should ever have to connect my phone to my PC, unless I'm transferring photos, videos etc. Something like a ringtone shouldn't need to go through those methods.
-I know Apple loves the grid method. But I already have 3 screens full of icons. Folders help, but I like my home screens with a little less clutter. App drawer from Android works well, since you have the apps, but they're hidden and easily accessible in the drawer.

Overall, iOS 8 is a big step forward that bridges some of the gaps between Android and iOS. But if you've been riding on KitKat, going to iOS may be a tough transition. The phone itself is fantastic. Build quality, camera, display is jaw dropping in person. I took the foray after an unfortunate screen shatter on my M8, and decided to jump back to Apple to see if the magic was still there. Its there still, but I can't say I won't jump back to next years Android flagships, depending on whats offered.


A weekend with the 6 Plus and I have decided that I love it. My initial reaction was pretty negative of its size, but it really only took a day of use to realize that it's something you get used to.


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This is still a crime against humanity and should be regulated by the hague

This is insanely comical to me. Seems like you could easily fit another row or two given the space. 3x3 folders pages when each main page holds 24 apps is crazy.


A weekend with the 6 Plus and I have decided that I love it. My initial reaction was pretty negative of its size, but it really only took a day of use to realize that it's something you get used to.
I'm banking on this. It's going to look a beast next to my 4S.

This is still a crime against humanity and should be regulated by the hague

It really does seem like an awful design choice, especially with the bigger screens. Why is there so much wasted space at the bottom which is the most reachable portion of the whole phone?


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What did this Chrome update even do that it didn't release until today...

What's the purpose of Chrome on iPhone anyways? Bookmark syncing between desktop/mobile?

It doesn't even support WebM on the phone making it 100% useless.

I stopped using Chrome on my gaming rig because the browser was being overall shitty and switched to FireFox, which is also shitty but less so. I wish there was a proper Safari release on PC...but my beefy peasant machine will have to do with FireFox.

Safari has it's own problems, but at least the integration with the rest of my Apple devices makes it easily worth it.

It's been a weekend. My phone is still naked. What cases should I give consideration to?
While I'm not a case guy, myself, my wife picked this guy up from Best Buy and it's actually pretty nice. Phone still feels thin in your hand and grippiness is improved. The visual in the pattern on the back is insanely less in your face in person. It's more of a texture than a design when you hold it in real life.

Not at all a bad choice, but that's a Best Buy in-house brand...so you'd have to get it from them if you're interested.
my father in law complaining about battery drain on his 6, same with 2 coworkers. The battery life on my 6Plus , so far, has been stellar. From a full charge at 10am yesterday lasted until 8pm using bluetooth, and wifi- Gaf most of day-
It's been a weekend. My phone is still naked. What cases should I give consideration to?

Either of the Apple cases get my recommendation.

What's the purpose of Chrome on iPhone anyways? Bookmark syncing between desktop/mobile?

It doesn't even support WebM on the phone making it 100% useless.

I stopped using Chrome on my gaming rig because the browser was being overall shitty and switched to FireFox, which is also shitty but less so. I wish there was a proper Safari release on PC...but my beefy peasant machine will have to do with FireFox.

Safari has it's own problems, but at least the integration with the rest of my Apple devices makes it easily worth it.

I just think the overall browser design is better than Safari on iPhone. Yeah the bookmarks and stuff is nice but it's just less cumbersome to use in my opinion.
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