Anyone coming from a 5S to a 6? Do you feel there are enough improvements to justify the upgrade? I bought an unlocked 5S last week (had a 4 previously) and it seems awesome, but thinking I won't upgrade again for 3 years or so and it might make sense to just get a 6 now. Still have a couple week to return the 5S.
I made the upgrade from a 5S to the 6 (I've had every iPhone, a Palm Pre, and a Nexus S over the years). For me, it was worth the upgrade, but since you're taking the "I won't upgrade for 3 more years" approach, I'd say it's definitely worth the upgrade if you don't take a big hit on the 5S you just bought. I'd say that because the iPhone 5S will start to get left behind in software features starting with iOS 9 (which is Apple's standard 2 years of full support policy/history). By the time you'll be ready to upgrade, your 5S will be running a heavily gimped version of iOS 10/11.
Here's my three biggest 5S vs. 6 thoughts:
- Extra screen real estate is a huge bonus. The jump from the 4S to the 5 was a nice boost in that everything became widescreen. The jump from the 5S to the 6 just gives you so much more screen real estate overall. It's really a pleasure to surf the web, play games, etc on the 4.7" display.
- Battery life is definitely an improvement. There were a lot of times with my 5S that I was charging the phone back up around 3-4pm just so I could make it through the rest of the night. Even with the new phone factor of me using the 6 pretty heavily all weekend, I haven't been scrambling to find a power cord yet.
- Apple Pay is clearly going to be their next big thing with the iPhone line and you'll be left out with the 5S.
One positive I'll say with the 5S is that it has the 64-bit architecture, so it should keep up with OS advances MUCH better than the 5 and 5C will with their 32-bit architectures. But, if you can return your 5S and get the 6 for just $100 more, I'd do it...especially if you're looking to get 3 years out of the phone. If you'd have to sell the 5S to someone else and possibly lose money on the transaction, it may not be worth it. Overall, though, Apple's pretty well known for their planned obsolescence so you're always going to get more bang for your buck longevity-wise if you're picking up the newest model.