Nah I'm using the 6, not the plus and I'm aware of Apple's claims and Anand's tests. It's weird but I doubt my phone is defective. I've felt like I've always gotten worse battery life than what's claimed or the "norm" since the iPhone 4 though. I'll just keep discharging and recharging and keep an eye on it, but so far, I'm not impressed cause I'm just browsing most of the time and cellular is off, fetch is set to manual, I've looked at most of the backgrounded apps and set that to Amazon music, Downcast and icab, and I've disabled most of spotlight outside of music, notes and mail.
can't speak to those apps, but maybe turn some/all of those off in the background just as a test also... I know setting Facebook to background status is pretty brutal on battery life..
also the numbers apple gave put the 6 at "slightly" ahead of the 5s in battery life.. IMHO that was not a cautious statement. The reality for me so far has been about on par with my launch 5s when I bought it. About the biggest difference I am noticing presently is that I suffer from low signal at work... that would plow through my 5s battery as of last week like 80% or worse by mid-morning... currently my 6 is at 96%.
but yeah, actual usage the 6 is "very slightly" better than the 5s and that's about it. enough to notice it but nowhere near enough to even make an impression on you. Still, for the added performance (substantial) and better LARGER screen, that's still pretty damn nice.
People are bending their 6 Pluses, what.
I see and the first thing I think is "god damn idiots...". The second thing I think is "well here it goes.. 'apple's phones have a serious flaw.'"
Sorry. Not 4 in a row. Maybe about 3 not in use and 1 hour browsing on my 6+.
tough to say... battery life on phones these days is a god damn science... where are your brightness settings? LTE or wifi? what is your signal strength over LTE/3G? What apps do you have installed? What apps are running in the background, etc. The problem with these battery tests is that while they are done in a controlled environment and can be used to decently do A:B comparisons, they really don't go a long way to giving you "typical" performance simply because typical doesn't exist. ESPECIALLY in iOS where iPhone 6 Plus might come configured this way, but you are using an iOS8 restore that was first configured on iPhone OS 3 on an iPhone 3GS (in my case). So who knows what settings were changed where over the years as opposed to a stock out of the box 6 Plus?
Some suggestions:
Turn off auto-brightness and keep the brightness set to a level that is as low as it can go while still being viewable.
Turn off ALL background apps except for the apps you absolutely need/want background refresh on
turn off location services on all apps except for those you absolutely need/want them on. For the most part I leave it running for all system services, but if you're so inclined go into there and start disabling it there also.
turn off push email and set it to fetch and like every 30 minutes or more.