it's confusing, but basically the actual iTunes Match service (the actual named service) is a separate service from Music. HOWEVER the Music service includes functionality identical to Match.
I'm really not sure why Apple says they are complementary. They are redundant in fact.
Probably check if use Cellular Data is enabled in Settings > iTunes & App Store
it's confusing, but basically the actual iTunes Match service (the actual named service) is a separate service from Music. HOWEVER the Music service includes functionality identical to Match.
I'm really not sure why Apple says they are complementary. They are redundant in fact.
edit - what is the offline size/count limit?
Does it? Is it just not available during the trial? I still see a link to sign up for iTunes Match, and it looks an awful lot like it still wants me to pay $24.99 so I haven't gone past that button.
So the For You section plays the tracks of a specific Artist rather than shuffling between the different tracks belonging to different artists? Wtf?
Wait so I can upload my own music just like match?
Why do you think I've been pining for iTunes to be released?
Yep, I got a LOT to upload!
Sad thing is, most will not be matched, and will need to be uploaded. This is gonna take forever.
Only thing I have data off for is Passbook and Stocks.
I think I DID previously have Music set to "Off" for Data, but the new Music icon is set to "On" now. I wonder if there's some glitch where it's using the old Music "Off" setting?
Will be interesting to see how many people cancel their Spotify subs.
Ignoring everything else, the new interface alone is miles better than the previous music app.
iCloud Music Library is the iTunes Match-like feature for Apple Music.
ITunes Match still available for those who just want their own music in the cloud, separate service.
Does iTunes match songs that are not available in your home store? Like if they have all my Jpop in the Japan store but I'm in the US, will it still be matched?
Alright, I think it all makes sense now. I guess the "complementary service" stuff confused me. Thanks!
A friend just told me that you can't download songs on other systems without match. Can't download again after deleting locally either. This true? (I have match so can't test.)it's confusing, but basically the actual iTunes Match service (the actual named service) is a separate service from Music. HOWEVER the Music service includes functionality identical to Match.
I'm really not sure why Apple says they are complementary. They are redundant in fact.
edit - what is the offline size/count limit?
Why do you think I've been pining for iTunes to be released?
Yep, I got a LOT to upload!
Sad thing is, most will not be matched, and will need to be uploaded. This is gonna take forever.
Nope, will be encoded to 256kbps and uploaded to the cloud if it is anything like the old iTunes Match, yeah, what a waste of time.
A friend just told me that you can't download songs on other systems without match. Can't download again after deleting locally either. This true? (I have match so can't test.)
Yeah, iTunes Match definitely becomes a much tougher sell now, it's purpose is more nebulous.
it still serves a purpose in that it stores my library in the cloud if I ever need to access it, but with Apple Music...I would very rarely ever need to access it.
You have to look inside of iTunes and App Store inside of Settings not the Cellular part. It's a bit confusing. It should be under iCloud.
Apparently, all my song ratings are gone. Wow.
UK selection seems lacking compared to spotify, also the only thing that would get me to switch is if they offer a student pricing option that matches spotify as currently i only pay £5 a month and there's no way I'm switching until then (and if they match spotify's music selection).
Wait, what?!
So I can't access music from japanese iTunes while having canadian Apple Music subscription? This is terrible. When the say 'whole catalog' I was expecting WHOLE or at least access to different regions :/how long before sites start releasing stats on what is missing in markets outside of the US? Assuming they'll have focused on US+Global rights, and then the smaller local rights will just have to wait.
anybody tried a japanese itunes account yet? Curious what the selection is like for local music.
Sorry, false alarm. It seems that a huge bunch of ratings hadn't been synced from my Mac to my phone.
Why do you think I've been pining for iTunes to be released?
Yep, I got a LOT to upload!
Sad thing is, most will not be matched, and will need to be uploaded. This is gonna take forever.
Make sure you don't have offline mode on, otherwise it might not work.
Is there any way to transfer a Spotify playlist into Apple Music easily?
Is there any way to transfer a Spotify playlist into Apple Music easily?
I hope somebody comes up with something as I cringe at thinking about manually creating my playlists.
Otherwise I'm loving this service so far. Beats 1 has been very good and I'm loving the playlists. I do hope collaborative/user playlists are a feature soon. That's a big thing I always loved about Spotify.
All the breakout artists Zane Lowe highlighted during his debut show on Beats 1