I did an employment course recently and aced all its projects, but couldn't hold a placement because it drained me and made my depression worse.
I rarely have any energy, and just applying for the jobs they had us apply for (placement was only temporary unless they really liked us and I never made a sale) was draining. I hated it. I'd stopped applying on my own a few years back, once I started reviewing and feeling like garbage.
Now this:
I received a very unexpected letter today, from an automotive company I used to work for during college. That was years ago, when I did two nights of midnights per week on their assembly line and hated it. The money was great, but I only got work half the time, because I was just a fill in for people who wanted to go home or stayed home, and I was the lowest support worker on the totem pole.
I'm a slow person, and always have been. I put a lot of effort into the job and didn't slack, but I couldn't keep up with their 30 second time limits on most jobs. I got in shit a lot for being slow, but couldn't help it. If I ran to the parts, they'd yell at me too.
There were two easy jobs I got really good at and could finish in about 10 seconds, but only those two. The others were too convoluted for a klutz like me.
This was back when I felt better, but I hated how mind-numbing it was.
They laid me off after less than a year, and said I just wasn't working out. Then, two years later, they were hiring f/t and my Dad forced me to try again. They didn't hire me, though, as I failed the practice session in the interview, where I had to do a test job. I was too slow (most people did much more than me) and got in trouble for trying to speed up by putting two parts (nut and bolt or washer) on together.
Now, I got a letter saying that since I was in the student program, they want to know if I would like to join a supplemental full-time workforce at $20/hr with minimal benefits. I really don't want to work there again, and don't think I could work full-time like I am, but I feel like I shouldn't pass it up and my Dad will kill me if I do.
However, it just says to write my name/cellphone number and home number there, then mail it in. So, there'll be another interview that I'll likely fail. Likely just a waste of time.