Dr. Feel Good
I'm in kind of an awkward position right now.
So, I do currently have a job and I make...Ok money doing it. But I really dislike the company I'm working for. It's insurance related and...anyone whose been anywhere near that world can probably tell you how shady that is. Even companies on the up and up like the one I'm at do some despicable stuff. Also, there is like 0 chance of upward mobility in the company I'm working for. My boss quit a few month's back and they just gave me all her responsibilities and a $1/hr raise and never replaced her position.
Anyway, I'm being offered a potential position with NoA (not testing, something else.) Same pay all that, but like most NoA positions, it's temporary: 9 months on, 3 off sort of deal with no guarantee they'll rehire you obviously. BUT all my friends who work for Nintendo rave about what a good work environment it is and how much they love working there and being fulfilled with one's work environment sounds like such a novel thing...and I know the odds of transitioning from temp NoA to proper staff are astronomically small, but it would get me working in the industry and I would have a greater than 0% chance of having upward mobility.
Anyway, is the sacrifice of a little stability worth it to work somewhere that doesn't make your skin crawl? I'm leaning yes, but I was just wondering what some other people thought about it.
I guess it would depend on the position. I would say screw it and go with Nintendo. Insurance positions are a dime a dozen... if all else you could easily slide back into that if needed. But the NoA position, it's an assembly line/warehouse position, you're probably out of luck on being hired full time. But an admin position... not necessarily. Prove yourself and you can lock in full time.