Trying to get work in the jobs thread, ey? Very clever.
LOL! the irony.
No, this is a side project!!*
Supporting my charity in whatever way I can and because I love making people sound spectacular on paper (I found out I have a real knack about bragging about how great other people are but I am really crappy on bragging about myself).
I can't help it if I'm opportunistic -- the job market sucks (even in Canada). I am trying to create a solution for those that have lost their jobs due to the economic downturn.
All of you who have jobs and are complaining--don't. You should be thankful, but never stop looking for opportunities to move up, or to be your own boss.
I target entry level and intermediate business/commerce/management professionals, as well as retail and blue collar professions as that is what I have experience in.
New resume and tax receipt**-- Win-Win for you!
*(Edit: employed as an accounting coordinator with a multi-national grain-trading company, but teaming up with a Career Coach to offer a job-seekers seminar in the new year)
**Canadian residents