I have a problem. I have an interview this Thursday, which I would be excited about if I didn't have this problem.
I had two career jobs. The first one I was asked to leave or be terminated. This was because I made a lot of stupid mistakes, missed details, and these caused me to miss deadlines. I chose to leave so I could easily explain away why I left without having to say anything negative about myself from it.
The second job I was terminated from, for pretty much the same reasons as the first one. However I found out shortly before that I was diagnosed with ADHD, and realized that explained a lot! I tried reaching out to my boss from the second job and explaining it to see if maybe I could get my job back. She was on board with the idea and tried, but the upper management wasn't for it. However she will still give me a good reference.
The problem is with the interview, they want me to bring references with phone numbers from each of my last 3 jobs, and these have to be managers/supervisors, not peers. This puts me in a difficult spot for job #1, as I don't think that boss would give me a good reference. I'm not quite sure what to do.
I know I said they required 3 positions, and the third was a job I worked for the school newspaper back in college, a reference is no problem for that.