I just want to vent a bit.
I became unemployed in september. So far it's been going fine, gotten a part-time job in administration and helpdesk for the healthcare, also gotten a couple of interviews, freelance jobs and a possibility to work in Bulgaria. I'm entitled to 300 days of payment from my union, after that I get paid by the state, but the money's the same as long as I pay my monthly union fees.
However, all unions in Sweden are bound by a law that's called "the 75-days-rule" which they implemented in 2010 to lower the amount of people working part-time while increasing the amount of people working full-time. Sounds great huh? Wrong!
How the law works, is that if I work part time, one day per week, the remaining four days of the week are added together. When that number reaches 75, I'm not entitled to any money for the weeks I work a single hour. Ever since this law was implemented, the amount of people working part-time has stayed the same, but the amount of people being unemployed full time has increased drastically. People are literally declining jobs because they can't afford losing their benefits. I called my boss the other day and told him, unless they can give me a tighter schedule, I'm gonna have to quit.
And therein lies another problem: If I quit, I have to inform my union, and if they think I didn't have a sufficient enough reason for quitting, they freeze my payments for 45 days.
I called my union and the unemployment agency, and both handlers agreed it's a ridiculous law that has no positives to it.
Well hopefully I get either the helpdesk-job I just applied to (the recruiter loves me) or I get the job in Bulgaria.