Gaf I have a seemingly stupid and straightforward question but trust me it's really difficult for me as someone who has crazy amount of anxiety.
So I got accepted for a job at a new company and I have to inform my current company/manager and give them 2 week notice. My manager sits in a cubicle in the corner and I sit one cube down from him (with walkway/open space on my left). Fhree of us sit in cubes front of three other people from a different team who also report to my manager. I never had a relationship with my manager where we're close or have spoken work-related stuff in conference rooms. Nor have I ever gone up to him, sat in his corner and shoot the shit. We are very curt with each other. Now I have to give him a two-weeks notice
Please dont laugh. I know it sounds dumb as fuck but it's driving me crazy. I hate that feeling. Options:
1) Send an email. No need for drama. Least desirable option as far as job professionalism is concerned. I'm not an ass.
2) Walk up to him and drop the news. But everyone will hear it and I will be on the spot. I can wait for people around to leave but that moment might never come and time is running by.
3) Book a conf room and invite him to it, but he will know it and the walk to the conf rooms on different floors will be worse than anything anxiety-inducing for me. I cant!
Gaf only you understand. Please help. Anyone have good advice for my situation?