I got my brother to start watching the People vs OJ
It's a decent watch.
damn it's so small where is it????*
That's what Menome said.
I got my brother to start watching the People vs OJ
damn it's so small where is it????*
I love me a nice 1080p screen on a fucking watch, too!*brags about how great and convenient this thing I keep dropping and cracking the screen of is-oh wait, I can't find it, I swear I just had it along with these other 7 things but damn it's so small where is it????*
*Brags about quality, spends 20 dollars on a Blu-ray that you are only going to watch once**brags about how great and convenient this thing I keep dropping and cracking the screen of is-oh wait, I can't find it, I swear I just had it along with these other 7 things but damn it's so small where is it????*
I'll buy it, keep the coin then send it back.
Streaming at 1080 is good quality, if you don't think it is, you're being a fucking hipster whadayawant
Physical media shaming? Millenials.
Watching the Star Trek TNG blurays made me realize Netflix's version looks kind of shitty in comparison. The video compression is really apparent
collecting physical stuff is the ONLY valid reason for physical media these days, period
that thing ran in the early 90s are you for real, are you working me for our match you chump?
collecting physical stuff is the ONLY valid reason for physical media these days, period
people like actually owning what they pay for though
How's no longer being able to watch X Files or 4 of the 5 seasons of Bob's Burgers until Netflix decides they feel you want to see it ever again?
I get to watch it all whenever I want, feels good
collecting physical stuff is the ONLY valid reason for physical media these days, period
How's no longer being able to watch X Files or 4 of the 5 seasons of Bob's Burgers until Netflix decides they feel you want to see it ever again?
I get to watch it all whenever I want, feels good
Better pray Canada doesn't jump on the anti-net neutrality bandwagon. Unless you enjoy the prospect of a rapidly approaching future where your isp charges an even higher premium to stream from your favorite sites. I hear the Mia Khalifa premium package will offer a fair value.
Can I buy imBask digitally and watch him whenever I want?
WWE had the perfect PPV name with Badd Blood.
There better be an inferno match.
buying a 1 1/2 hour movie you're only going to watch once in 2017
ok real talk friday : who here owns WWE DVDs, please step forward
ok real talk friday : who here owns WWE DVDs, please step forward
ok real talk friday : who here owns WWE DVDs, please step forward
Bob's Burgers :/Netflix getting rid of The X-Files, Bob's Burgers, Buffy, Angel, and House this month is a real son of a bitch.
Also, I can buy the entire X-Files collection for less money than it'd take to buy the streamed episodes, and the streaming service wouldn't even include the special features. THE END
Becky, stop, what little of a push you have left is gonna get killed.
I have this around here somewhere.ok real talk friday : who here owns WWE DVDs, please step forward
ok real talk friday : who here owns WWE DVDs, please step forward
The digital media market is going to be absolutely fucked if* net neutrality gets gutted in the US.
Silicon valley is a great show
ok real talk friday : who here owns WWE DVDs, please step forward
Well I just got worked by Holy Foley.
Was bored during lunch so I started watching a couple of episodes. Greatly enjoyed Frank the Clown getting shit on constantly (especially by Enzo). Then got all caught up in Noelle's NXT tryout. Then when she got a no at the end I was on my couch all "no, what? come on!"
I really wanted to hate on this show but it was watchable at least...Foley's young sons are the fucking worst though.
I own WM17 just because I can vaguely make myself out in the crowd behind Motorhead when they're playing HHH's entrance.
It's kind of funny those and the hiac are the only box sets I own.DVDs? Yeah I have a few. Mostly Docs.
No point anymore though.
I guess this is actually a symptom of how we grew up differently? I was right in the DVD era but we rented everything, I barely own any DVDs
Netflix getting rid of The X-Files, Bob's Burgers, Buffy, Angel, and House this month is a real son of a bitch.
Also, I can buy the entire X-Files collection for less money than it'd take to buy the streamed episodes, and the streaming service wouldn't even include the special features. THE END