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April Wrasslin' |OT| 2017 Season Premiere


Roman's iconic entrance was coming through the crowd

I didn't think when I took this picture he would one day be the biggest heel ever.



I hope Aleister Black does well in WWE.

I assumed when he took the name Aleister he was referencing Crowley but it was still funny to hear commentary talking about how he follows the law of Thelema.

I've been involved with Thelema as a religion or philosophy for over a decade so it will be fun to see how WWE represents it.

It's a minor miracle that he's retained the minor touches of his personality that gives him a special kind of presence. A shame he doesn't appear to be using the silat stances. If they treat him right, he could be the baddest motherfucker in NXT. That's a big if.

Part of me wishes he was a satanic babyface. That'd be fun.


Fuck the haters.
Balor is great.
Come at me...


You know, I had a thought about Nakamura this weekend.

He's wrestling's answer to Anderson Silva. Silva would toy with and taught his opponents till it was time to get serious and kick some ass.


We'll see. Corbin can talk.
Only on Talking Smack when he's unscripted. He sounds great in that setting.

Baron is usually awful with the scripts they give him for TV. Mix of some bad writing, and someone that has trouble with acting in general.

Dude made a big jump with his ring work progress late last year but he's stalled now. He really needs to improve again.


I'll say HHH knows what buttons to press with the crowd to get heat. Just wish he didn't take so long to do his promos. They almost always drag.


HHH is a good heel, but he also suffers from that thing where he is desperate to be perceived as a super badass.
That's why I said good and reliable... He doesn't have bad matches like basically ever against anyone not named Kevin Nash or Scott Steiner

But literally his biggest run at the top was horrible... The Reign of Terror on Raw basically killed that show for several years and it is amazing Orton recovered

I think we're agreeing on two different things haha. Yeah his booking has been pretty much crap, especially since it was him getting himself over (Poor Booker).

But I was just referring to his in ring ability more than how he was overall in the show.
The only time I've disliked Balor is in the NXT cage match with Joe. Where his offense was entirely composed of Sling Blades for some reason. "and another sling blade!!!"

I totally get where people are coming from, but the "vanilla" issues don't really bother me? Dude is "cool" and at a certain point that can carry you a long way. Until they start giving him Cena lines or WWE Babyface #1 comedy lines I won't have an issue with him

Dude brings big fight feel even if he isn't exactly blowing minds in the ring, which is more than I can say for majority of the people on the roster
I think we're agreeing on two different things haha. Yeah his booking has been pretty much crap, especially since it was him getting himself over (Poor Booker).

But I was just referring to his in ring ability more than how he was overall in the show.

I think I just added... I would not go as far as to say HHH is great,, just reliably good, which is better than most


Still can't get over a Mania run time of seven + hours. The longest running televised wrestling show in the US (put that in your "Did You Knows". I was happy to see every match getting treated as a main event but come on guys. Couldn't you cancel Pitbull and put the Smackdown women's match on Smackdown, or even back on the pre-show?


If (and a big if because fans would probably just get mad at WWE instead) he just wrestled shittier matches he might get heel heat but AJ Styles wrestling like a lazy Randy Orton just to get boos would be a waste of AJ Styles is my point...

Do you not understand that AJ Styles is a guy that people don't want to hate....

Do you think if Roman Reigns right now just did better face work people would start loving him?

It's not just a matter of changing a few moves and he'd get boos, the dude does everything good. He's the best wrestler this company has had possibly ever.

I'm just going to be blunt.

Let's just get to the point...just say you're such a fan of Styles you refuse to say he can't be a better at something even after he himself said it.

You can't be going against the man's own words. He knows how good he is but the fact remains that guys like Neville can get boos and Neville is doing something Styles isn't doing, Owens is doing something guys isn't doing, you mean to tell me that when the fans are chanting his name and he's just looking around at them as they chant his name (like he always does) rather than saying "shut up I hate you guys you're the whole reason that (insert feud he's in)" won't get him booed like Owens and Neville do? You mean you don't notice that these other heels insult fans more than Styles does, you mean to tell me you don't see these other heels willingly change their movesets slightly so they get less cheers unlike Styles? Why do you think Neville switched over to the Superplex and rarely pulls out the Red Arrow now? Why did he start doing his submission as a finisher these days? It's because his flashier moves gives more cheers and as a heel your job is to get boos and make the babyface look good and not make yourself seem so amazing and get cheers like Styles does.

Changing how you act to the crowd does work. Changing what moves you do does work. Changing how the opponent reacts to you does work. It's worked for multiple guys. Just because it's AJ don't say it doesn't work simply because he doesn't do it. He just needs to do it better. What this is you refusing to admit Styles can't get better at something because you love the man so much to go against his own words. That's the exact kind of superfan that's out there booing Reigns each and every night for shit the guy doesn't do who also trashes other wrestlers simply because they're not Styles.

At the end of the day, there's guys like you who refuse to admit this man can't do any wrong...even after that man says it. God bless you but the moment Styles says "ok I need to be better at this" I'm going to say "well shit he knows himself more than I do" rather than saying "no no he's doing the best he can nothing can be done" because that's some stan shit. Dudes be giving this guy a pass for any and everything simply because they love him even going against his own words. You need to relax.


Stephanie is the better heel
She is a pretty amazing heel. One of the very best talkers in the business. Her ability to ad lib and read crowds is second to none.

Of course she does have the big issue with constantly inserting herself into stories/angles for no reason other than to steal some of the heat. And of course the dressing down of talent that very rarely get to defend themselves.
She is a terrible heel , she never get people over.
I'm kinda shock Steph isn't a great heal from being around the business all her life. She could of pick up pointers from wrestlers that were great heels, But didn't. As much as she wants to be part of the spotlight, she should done better on learning the system of being a heel


Still can't get over a Mania run time of seven + hours. The longest running televised wrestling show in the US (put that in your "Did You Knows". I was happy to see every match getting treated as a main event but come on guys. Couldn't you cancel Pitbull and put the Smackdown women's match on Smackdown, or even back on the pre-show?

So, you know.. Wrestlemania HAD to be bigger than Wrestlekingdom....
Still can't get over a Mania run time of seven + hours. The longest running televised wrestling show in the US (put that in your "Did You Knows". I was happy to see every match getting treated as a main event but come on guys. Couldn't you cancel Pitbull and put the Smackdown women's match on Smackdown, or even back on the pre-show?
Just be happy, you got more than you paid for. And the sd women's match ruled.


Old Man COO Triple H is a fantastic heel. The character works super well and he (usually) puts people over.

Attitude Era Vince McMahon was also a fantastic heel. He was totally willing to embarrass himself on national television and he was always plotting the next way to stop Stone Cold.

Stephanie McMahon is an awful heel. She doesn't put anyone over and always has to be the center of attention
I'm just going to be blunt.

Let's just get to the point...just say you're such a fan of Styles you refuse to say he can't be a better at something even after he himself said it.

You can't be going against the man's own words. He knows how good he is but the fact remains that guys like Neville can get boos and Neville is doing something Styles isn't doing, Owens is doing something guys isn't doing, you mean to tell me that when the fans are chanting his name and he's just looking around at them as they chant his name (like he always does) rather than saying "shut up I hate you guys you're the whole reason that (insert feud he's in)" won't get him booed like Owens and Neville do? You mean you don't notice that these other heels insult fans more than Styles does, you mean to tell me you don't see these other heels willingly change their movesets slightly so they get less cheers unlike Styles?

Changing how you act to the crowd does work. Changing what moves you do does work. Changing how the opponent reacts to you does work. It's worked for multiple guys. Just because it's AJ don't say it doesn't work simply because he doesn't do it. What this is you refusing to admit Styles can't get better at something because you love the man so much to go against his own words. That's the exact kind of superfan that's out there booing Reigns each and every night for shit the guy doesn't do who also trashes other wrestlers simply because they're not Styles.

At the end of the day, there's guys like you who refuse to admit this man can't do any wrong...even after that man says it. God bless you but the moment Styles says "ok I need to be better at this" I'm going to say "well shit he knows himself more than I do" rather than saying "no no he's doing the best he can nothing can be done" because that's some stan shit. Dudes be giving this guy a pass for any and everything simply because they love him.

Do you think Roman Reigns could get over as face just by changing is movies and behaviour?

And AJ Styles has tried to insult the fans, it hasn't worked....

Could he try more? Sure I guess. Would it work... doubt it.

You seem unwilling to believe that sometimes there comes a guy who people just don't want to hate in exactly the same way there's guys people don't want to like.

Tons of guys have been awful heels that no one wanted to boo: Goldberg, Sting both turned heel in WCW know how well it worked? Yeah it didn't.

AJ Styles at this stage of his career is just not suited to be a heel.

I mean he wrestled against Shane like a heel, he let Shane out mat wrestle him, he was the one who tried to cheat, tried to steal Shane's move to rub it in... did he get boo'd? Fuck no.

Maybe it's better to say he's a bad heel because he can't really be one. Much like Sting and Goldberg.


New Japan/WWE Debut Styles' hair always looked weird to me, like it was too small

Later to current WWE Styles is glorious

It looked terrible when he first grew it out in TNA, it just looked like he needed a haircut. Now that he's full embraced his shampoo commercial hair it's great.


I don't know if you can really say Steph is a bad heel. She almost always delivers when handed the mic.

She's an effective heel as far as getting reactions, but a detriment to the wrestling talent who are made to look like a bunch of dumb nerds when in her presence. She is the one who gains from the confrontations, the people up against her are almost always knocked down a peg. It's a long time WWE issue where they feel they need to constantly prove to the talent they are not worth as much as they think are. It's like they're feuding with themselves. It's really dumb.


You know, I had a thought about Nakamura this weekend.

He's wrestling's answer to Anderson Silva. Silva would toy with and taught his opponents till it was time to get serious and kick some ass.

I can't fault that, though I hope Nak is not on the juice.
She is a pretty amazing heel. One of the very best talkers in the business. Her ability to ad lib and read crowds is second to none.

Of course she does have the big issue with constantly inserting herself into stories/angles for no reason other than to steal some of the heat. And of course the dressing down of talent that very rarely get to defend themselves.


She's the only one who can properly deal with the CM Punk chants


I don't know if you can really say Steph is a bad heel. She almost always delivers when handed the mic.

She's an effective heel as far as getting reactions, but a detriment to the wrestling talent who are made to look like a bunch of dumb nerds when in her presence. She is the one who gains from the confrontations, the people up against her are almost always knocked down a peg. It's a long time WWE issue where they feel they need to constantly prove to the talent they are not worth as much as they think are. It's like they're feuding with themselves. It's really dumb.
Then she a bad heel, no cares about the reaction it all about getting the babyfaces over which she has never done. The best heel in history were expert at getting people over and Stephanie can't do that.


I didn't think when I took this picture he would one day be the biggest heel ever.


I liked Roman's look before he started wearing the goofy knockoff Spiderman emblem

I don't know if you can really say Steph is a bad heel. She almost always delivers when handed the mic.

She's an effective heel as far as getting reactions, but a detriment to the wrestling talent who are made to look like a bunch of dumb nerds when in her presence. She is the one who gains from the confrontations, the people up against her are almost always knocked down a peg. It's a long time WWE issue where they feel they need to constantly prove to the talent they are not worth as much as they think are. It's like they're feuding with themselves. It's really dumb.

She never puts people over, never goes away, and is pretty much never allowed to look bad. That's a bad heel.
I don't know if you can really say Steph is a bad heel. She almost always delivers when handed the mic.

She's an effective heel as far as getting reactions, but a detriment to the wrestling talent who are made to look like a bunch of dumb nerds when in her presence. She is the one who gains from the confrontations, the people up against her are almost always knocked down a peg. It's a long time WWE issue where they feel they need to constantly prove to the talent they are not worth as much as they think are. It's like they're feuding with themselves. It's really dumb.

Heels that push faces down are pretty much by definition bad. Unless people are willing to pay to see it, like with Ultimo Guerrero I guess.


Old Man COO Triple H is a fantastic heel. The character works super well and he (usually) puts people over.

Attitude Era Vince McMahon was also a fantastic heel. He was totally willing to embarrass himself on national television and he was always plotting the next way to stop Stone Cold.

Stephanie McMahon is an awful heel. She doesn't put anyone over and always has to be the center of attention

But she has good slaps and looks great in tight black pants!


I don't know if you can really say Steph is a bad heel. She almost always delivers when handed the mic.

She's an effective heel as far as getting reactions, but a detriment to the wrestling talent who are made to look like a bunch of dumb nerds when in her presence. She is the one who gains from the confrontations, the people up against her are almost always knocked down a peg. It's a long time WWE issue where they feel they need to constantly prove to the talent they are not worth as much as they think are. It's like they're feuding with themselves. It's really dumb.

I might be crazy but I feel like a Stephanie/Bayley or Sasha feud could do wonders. Just let any of the female wrestlers get revenge on Stephanie in some way.

She kind of has go away heat when she's around any of the male wrestlers.
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