Meh, I'm not buying it. Ryback's "Feed me More" chant is over like crazy, but outside of last night, he gets little to no response. Ricardo announcing Del Rio's name is super over, but Del Rio isn't. At the end of the day, I have a hard time believing a guy with a dancing gimmick and deep breathy promos about his name will get over with the casual crowd in 2013. He's mid card talent, there's nothing wrong with that, but that's what he is with this gimmick. Give it a month or two, people on here will sour on it just like they did face Del Rio (I called that at the time as well).
Del Rio has nothing to him, he's a dull, pandering face as they always do. Fandango has a lot more charm already, in that he is a true gimmick.
At the same time, Johnny Curtis, to me, is infusing it with a lot of personality. He's not simply "dancing guy" like Brodus Clay (who has no character other than "dances"), he's arrogant, prissy, anal about his name being said right while not bothering to remember other people's names correctly, flamoyant, etc. There's plenty to enjoy in his performances, basically.
Given he's been Fandango for only a month, all he needs to do is keep it going, make it a character with some depth to it. That just means he feels like an actual person. A ridiculous person, yes, but a real guy.
Del Rio doesn't feel like a guy. He feels like a Mexican flag with a tape recorder with inspirational phrases.
There is no second name.