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If anyone's interested, here's the pics I took at the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Saturday: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151604487838384.1073741825.672088383&type=1&l=20398400f2

This is my favorite.

Still working on my ones from Mania. I'll share those when they're up.


Don't know how much is this is true but:

: Dot Net reader Shawn Valentino was in the WWE hotel bar after the show and noted that Sheamus got upset when a fan said, "Tough crowd today." He seems to have lightened up this morning as he retweeted a fan who wrote, "I will be telling my grandkids I was there." In general, Shawn described the mood as tense in the hours after the show and said it seemed like some WWE personnel were embarrassed by the fan reactions. I wouldn't want to see that every week, but I viewed it as one of those "only on Raw" moments.

Poor Sheamus his character was forever ruined to the smart fans by winning in 18 seconds. He needs Daniel Bryan to help put him over to these fans or he will never be liked by them. Also, doesn't helped to be booked like a dick as well.


So not worth it
Don't know how much is this is true but:

Poor Sheamus his character was forever ruined to the smart fans by winning in 18 seconds. He needs Daniel Bryan to help put him over to these fans or he will never be liked by them. Also, doesn't helped to be booked like a dick as well.

I call BS on that report.
I still can't believe last night happened.

Just when you think it'll never get better, you get that glimmer of how WWE can be awesome.



Don't know how much is this is true but:

Poor Sheamus his character was forever ruined to the smart fans by winning in 18 seconds. He needs Daniel Bryan to help put him over to these fans or he will never be liked by them. Also, doesn't helped to be booked like a dick as well.

Doubt it's true, but even still. Why should the WWE care what the fans cheer? The fans paid for their tickets to go, and the WWE didn't give them anything they cared about so they had fun. Vince needs to stop being upset when people don't want to eat the crap he's serving every week. PEOPLE HAD FUN AT A WRESTLING EVENT IN 2013! THAT SHOULD BE THE VICTORY IN ALL OF THIS!


God damn I'm still smiling from last night's Raw. It was so damn good. Fuuuck. Why can't they go to more vocal cities? It doesn't matter if they like you or hate you as long as they loud.

Also that guy in the front with the "VANCOUVER FOR WRESTLEMANIA 31" sign, respect.

Oh yeah, and I totally marked for Ryback last night. First at the clothesline, then the marching and finisher, but that FU gesture was icing on the cake that really put him over with me. Awesome.
I could see Sheamus could still be somewhat rattled a bit by that crowd, that match lost everybody - crowd, commentators, directors, no one cared about it.

Orton could probably give a shit (in someone's bag amirite) about it.


Orton kinda looked pissed. It's why JBL said something about Randy RKOing 16000 fans.
Oh my God, Ziggler winning the title.

Perfect to do in front of a smark crowd. That was a bunch of fans that didn't care that (oh, the heel won), that was a guy who has worked his absolute ass off to get to where he is, is great on the mic, and deserves to be the top guy, finally getting there.

EDIT: Oh, and this.

Antonio Cesaro Antonio Cesaro ‏@AntonioCesaro 10h

A #VeryEuropean influenced crowd @wwe #RAW tonight. Oh and 232 days and counting #USChampion

I see what he did there.


Well whoever is making the big decisions (Vince) probably did hate it despite him denying it. Because the stuff they booked was all rejected by the fans and turned on its head.

They booed Cena (big surprise!), booed even the mention of The Rock, cheered on a heel Ziggler and popped for his win over the babyface ADR. They cheered Ryback on his heel turn which is the exact opposite effect a heel turn is suppose to accomplish

It was a classic case of Opposite Land, they tried to engineer stuff but most of it blew up in their faces. Only the Taker vs Shield business went as they wanted it

Hunter tweeted he loved the crowd, yet goes along with it all. Cena outright mocks the fans with his "heel turn" joke on RAW.

It was only funny in a morbid sort of way "We know what you really want, but we just do not want to give it to you". The fans picked up on this a long time ago and just gave a middle finger to the whole thing, they cheered for who they wanted to cheer for, screw the TV and their lousy angles
I prefer a balance between dead crowds (WWE) and crowds trying to get themselves over constantly (TNA/ECW)

You're right, and I wouldn't want either end of the spectrum normally. But if the match and/or storyline is worthless/shit (like Orton vs Sheamus) then I'd gladly take the crowd just chanting whatever to entertain themselves.


Unconfirmed Member
Don't know how much is this is true but:

Poor Sheamus his character was forever ruined to the smart fans by winning in 18 seconds. He needs Daniel Bryan to help put him over to these fans or he will never be liked by them. Also, doesn't helped to be booked like a dick as well.

Calling BS on this. I mean, maybe Sheamus and particularly Orton might be a little upset because we basically shit on their match, but EVERYBODY else was having fun. The commentators, the announcers, the refs, the wrestlers, the stage hands, the camera guys, everyone. They were DANCING during the commercial breaks with the fans.

Maybe a couple of suits close to Vince were "tense," but everybody else had a blast. Justin Roberts even stuck around and talked to us a bit at ringside after the show ended and he had a big goofy smile on his face pretty much the whole time.


I still cannot believe that Raw actually happened last night. I still can't believe Ziggler's pop (well deserved).

I really hope the vocal crowd trend continues.


I still cannot believe that Raw actually happened last night. I still can't believe Ziggler's pop (well deserved).

I really hope the vocal crowd trend continues.

And I hope CM Punk doesn't come to TV for 2 months after losing to Taker for effect, but that's not happening.
Ziggler cashing in was not only a perfect moment because of the crowd, but fuck me silly if his theme music doesn't exactly fit a situation like that.
And I hope CM Punk doesn't come to TV for 2 months after losing to Taker for effect, but that's not happening.

Well he might have re-fucked his knee landing on that table so wouldn't be shocked he is going for a bit because of that. Rumour was he was taking time off anyway.


I call BS on that report.

Yeah I call bullshit, too. After rewatching it, Orton does seem annoyed and not enjoying the crowd at all, but Sheamus is more confused at the start, but he's smiling and laughing at various points later, he seemed to find it funny. I'm sure them ignoring his match was disheartening, but the chants were too silly to not enjoy them I'm sure.

The commentary team were having a blast, though, you can tell they couldn't get enough of the crowd.

WWE really did take notice, as well. They had that editor's note thanking the crowd in the RAW recap, Fandango's entrance them on the front page of WWE.com, and look at this poll:


My guess is CM Punk takes time off from the ring, but is still appearing on TV.

Guy doesn't know when to stop and rest.


Legit dirt from Big Dave:

Brock Lesnar was knocked out cold after a knee from Triple H about five minutes into their WrestleMania 29 match. There is speculation that Lesnar suffered a concussion and kept going.

When did TRIPZ knee Bork? Don't remember a spot where this could've happened.


"legit dirt" based on listening to what Paul Heyman said last night and rewatching the match from Sunday?


The raw itself was mediocre as always but the fans didn't put up with shit. If these fans were at raw weekly the product would have to be better.


"legit dirt" based on listening to what Paul Heyman said last night and rewatching the match from Sunday?

Meltzer has some connections, he probably did hear it from someone in WWE. He reported the Rock's injury first because he's a friend of Rock's and heard stuff from the horse's mouth (he mentioned after WM that Rock had said he's taking a break to film a movie right after WM, so Meltzer didn't know why he was advertised for ER).


The raw itself was mediocre as always but the fans didn't put up with shit. If these fans were at raw weekly the product would have to be better.

Which is the most important takeaway from last night, at least for proper cities moving forward (unfortunately this shit show goes to South Carolina next week?)

From the get-go, it was a negative, direct rejection of product; which is why the boring chants are infinitely better than playing along with the "Cena sucks" call-and-response the company wants. It took some effort and a sore voice from many to get people to chant through his promo rather than waiting for the scripted pause for reaction, but we succeeded.

Once the Orton/Sheamus lolfest began, it was the crowd rejecting the product by finding any means possible to entertain themselves. After Fandango appeared, the crowd found what it was looking for. No joke, I didn't even notice the main event ended. Too busy dancing.

Lance Storm ‏@LanceStorm 15h

Felt really bad Randy and Sheamus . The crowd went into business for themselves. #RAW


Which is the most important takeaway from last night, at least for proper cities moving forward (unfortunately this shit show goes to South Carolina next week?)

From the get-go, it was a negative, direct rejection of product; which is why the boring chants are infinitely better than playing along with the "Cena sucks" call-and-response the company wants. It took some effort and a sore voice from many to get people to chant through his promo rather than waiting for the scripted pause for reaction, but we succeeded.

Once the Orton/Sheamus lolfest began, it was the crowd rejecting the product by finding any means possible to entertain themselves. After Fandango appeared, the crowd found what it was looking for. No joke, I didn't even notice the main event ended. Too busy dancing.

Boo hoo, Lance.


Not sure if Ricardo's tweet from last night has been posted but his pet names for Big E and AJ made me laugh...

Ricardo Rodriguez @RRWWE
Congrats Ziggler, just like you, we've used the MitB too. Just remember the target is on YOUR back now, I'd be weary of Big Urkel and Psycho.
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