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this is the most ECW like crowd I seen in YEARS.

I don't think south Carolina would pull of the same thing though.

This fandango dude however... he will be fine, and I say that knowing that they pushed him on the big stage and they got back 10 fold in there investment last night.


The labels for the RAW highlights clips on WWE.com are giving me a chuckle, "Strange crowd chants during Orton vs Sheamus", "Fandango's theme music creates a stir", they're actually acknowledging the crowd responses across the board. They even have a two page article talking solely about how hilarious the crowd were.


I felt like someone was telling JBL, Cole, and King to talk over the crowd during the first half of the Sheamus/Orton match. Then when they started cheering all three of their names, they allowed the crowd to be heard. At least that's what it seemed like to me.
Few things:

1. Happy to see WrassleGAF in agreement about the WWE's terrible babyfaces. I know that's been a common thought around here, but it can't be stated enough, they're terrible. Not only how they act in the ring, but most of them can't captivate a crowd on the mic AT ALL, and are terrible at getting people to be sympathetic about their struggle. They're all so bad. There's a reason "smart" fans gravitate towards heels besides it being the cool thing to do; they're generally better characters.

2. Ziggler absolutely needs to be a face. And by turning face, I don't mean he should totally change who he is and become a fake pandering douchebag like the rest of WWE's babyfaces. He should stay the same as he is now, but be put in situations against actual heels, and have heelish things done to HIM. And he NEEDS to start doing the superkick. Hitting ADR with some sweet chin music would've blown up the crowd even more last night.

3. You guys are dead on about ADR, both in that his heel gimmick wasn't pushed far enough, and that his face turn was terrible. He's been mishandled going on 2 years now, and it's coming back to bite them as crowds don't react. Del Rio should've been a rich, spoiled, tough piece of crap with Rodriguez being his comedic manservant punching bag in a comedic duo kind of fashion. I guarantee his face turn would've came naturally if they played that card right.

4. Sheamus/Orton getting pooped on by the crowd was perfect. Seeing Lance Storm saying he feels sorry for them as the crowd "went into business for themselves" is BS. The crowd wasn't having NONE of that, for good reason. Both characters are terrible, boring, and offer nothing to cling to for any fan with a brain. The only way they could've gotten in front of that reaction is if Orton turned back into a complete maniac and killed Sheamus for no reason. I'm sure both guys were pissed off after the match, but I hope they aren't blaming the crowd and instead start lobbying for some gimmick changes because they suck right now.

5. I'm not a "Fandango guy," but this is absolutely his shot. He better start showing something special in the ring. He doesn't have to be Daniel Bryan, but he needs to be interesting past his dancing gimmick if he expects to succeed in more than an ironic "humming your theme but cheering when Jericho kicks your ass" fashion.


It was a good start for Fandango when he was beaten on the ground but still worried about people pronouncing his name right. I think he could be something very entertaining... but we'll see.

They really need to make Orton heel. He's so much better that way.


I love how the dance for signing Fandango's song is just shifting and pointing your fingers in the air. It's exactly what I do when I'm drunk and dancing.

^^^ hahahah King


Unconfirmed Member
I love how the dance for signing Fandango's song is just shifting and pointing your fingers in the air. It's exactly what I do when I'm drunk and dancing.

^^^ hahahah King

It's about as much dancing as Fandango does too, so it's perfect!



EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — The night after WrestleMania 29 may go down in history as one of the most exciting ones in WWE history. It may also be remembered as the most fun, thanks to the sold-out crowd, who gave every last drop of energy they had, chanting in and outside the arena for everyone from the commentators to Fandango. For three straight hours, they chanted loudly and proudly, leaving those not in attendance wishing they could take part.

More than 1 million members of the WWE Universe have passed through the turnstiles at the IZOD Center since 1984, all extremely passionate about the Superstars and the action that plays out in the squared circle. There may not have been a more passionate audience than the capacity crowd of 16,173 people that squeezed into the arena 24 hours removed from WrestleMania 29, though.

From the second Raw went on the air, it was clear that the WWE Universe was up for one thing: pure, unadulterated fun. Three hours later, many were asking if episode No. 1,037 of Raw was the best in the show’s 20-year history.

VOTE: What was Monday night’s best crowd chant? | Watch the crowd at its rowdiest

Wade Barrett was a surprising fan favorite during the post-WrestleMania Raw. The crowd roared in approval as the Brit cold-cocked The Miz with the Bull Hammer elbow to regain the Intercontinental Title. WWE.com caught up with the new champion to get his reactions to the great crowd. Barrett gave credit to the international flair of a post-WrestleMania crowd, with fans from all over the world taking part in Raw.

“It’s the best crowd America’s ever seen. It’s like a football crowd,” he said. “I looked out in the crowd and saw a lot of U.K. flags. I think they did all the cheerleading.”

During World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio’s Handicap Match against Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter, Zack Ryder noticed the WWE Universe was clamoring for one thing — a Money in the Bank cash-in from Dolph Ziggler.

“You heard ‘We Want Ziggler!’ that whole match,” Zack Ryder said. “They got him.”

The roof nearly blew off the IZOD Center when The Showoff stalked to the ring purposefully and shoved his Money in the Bank briefcase into referee Scott Armstrong’s chest, signaling that he was taking his opportunity at Del Rio’s World Heavyweight Championship. When Armstrong’s arm hit the mat for the third time and the bell rang, proclaiming Ziggler the new World Heavyweight Champion, the roar was deafening. It was a true star-making moment for WWE’s newest champion.

By the end of the night, though, one chant reverberated throughout the IZOD Center into the evening, eventually spilling out to the arena parking lot, car horns honking along to the beat on Route 3 in New Jersey. It spread to public transit, with people saying they could hear it echoing out of Penn Station and trailing onto New York City’s subways, spreading into the five boroughs. What was this unusual chant?

“DO DO, DO-DO DO DO DO, DO-DO-DO, DO DO DO-DO DO DO DO!,” our fans sang, doing their best to recreate the ballroom dancer’s infectious entrance music.

Watch the crowd hum Fandango's theme after Raw goes off the air

Barrett, Ziggler and Fandango weren’t the only ones shown love by the passionate crowd in New Jersey. Announcers Michael Cole, Jerry “The King” Lawler and JBL all got their own individual chants during the three-hour telecast, as did Shawn Michaels, ECW and the late “Macho Man” Randy Savage.

The atmosphere had many Superstars wanting to leave the locker room and join the WWE Universe.

Hornswoggle didn’t have to think twice about it. “I will be watching the rest of #Raw live from the crowd!,” he sent out over social media. “Most amazing crowd I have EVER heard!”

“That NY/NJ crowd has always been pretty darn special!,” WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels tweeted while watching the show from home.

If there was any doubt about the crowd’s passion Monday night, all you had to do was ask them. They even had a chant for themselves, which was pretty hard to dispute.


Yes, WWE Universe, you are.


Don't worry bout Smackdown, Vince will show all of us! By of course changing Fandangos entrance music. I can see Vince sitting at a desk laughing saying take that universe!


Unconfirmed Member
By the end of the night, though, one chant reverberated throughout the IZOD Center into the evening, eventually spilling out to the arena parking lot, car horns honking along to the beat on Route 3 in New Jersey. It spread to public transit, with people saying they could hear it echoing out of Penn Station and trailing onto New York City’s subways, spreading into the five boroughs. What was this unusual chant?
I said this. WWE reads WrassleGAF confirmed. Identify yourself!
You know who needs a better theme? The Shield. That little "CHARLIE ECHO DELTA LIMA BRAVO GOOOOOO PLANET" thing is fine, but the rest is generic butt rock that sounds like something a created wrestler used in WWF Warzone.


Oh god, WWE is going to try and turn this in to a pop culture thing now like Tebowing. If Fandango starts getting mainstream press they'll retcon Cena and have Rock come back and salute Fandango.


You know who needs a better theme? The Shield. That little "CHARLIE ECHO DELTA LIMA BRAVO GOOOOOO PLANET" thing is fine, but the rest is generic butt rock that sounds like something a created wrestler used in WWF Warzone.

Yep. Their Titantron graphic is police state oriented, which I wasn't expecting. Needs to be less generic metal and something more ominous. Hell, does it even need to be music? Police sirens blaring and the distressed radio transmission of a riot taking place. BOOM. Pay me WWE.

Also, Mark Henry singalongs need to become commonplace. Joint was bumpin when he came out for the main event.


I feel like its crazy how much attention they're giving last night I would have thought they'd bury it deep. It's crazy right?

Maybe they're trying to bury it by giving it all the attention they can. It's like trying to make something cool and niche uncool by making it mainstream.
I feel like its crazy how much attention they're giving last night I would have thought they'd bury it deep. It's crazy right?

I think it is because they know that this won't ever happen again until next year so they are having some fun with it.

Plus, it got Fandango over so Vince has got to be happy with that.
We keep saying smarks but really it was just drunk Europeans. What's our official smark definition. I felt it was less if a " I know it all czw crowd" than tons of internationals waving flags and partying.


as much as some of them probably hate the smarks, they'd sell their souls to get ruckus crowds like they had in the 90s back.

It's just better for business. The more people watch a great crowd and they think "I have to go there live, that looks like fun!". Works on everyone: the most casual observer, the littlest of Jimmy's, the nerdiest smark, you name it. Get more people attending TV tapings, house shows, etc.
Maybe they're trying to bury it by giving it all the attention they can. It's like trying to make something cool and niche uncool by making it mainstream.

When Cena acknowledged it it did kill it for a second then it came back with a vengeance. I thought Cena saying it was fun would be what killed it.
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