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Randy and Seamus were doing their job but creative isn't. They aren't rejecting the performers they are rejecting the product.


i wish WWE would take notice

the Boreton/Sheamus match sums up WWE perfectly. they have no idea what fans want. and this has nothing to do with it just being hardcore fans at post Mania RAW, the crowd is rarely ever into the show aside from the same old Cena chants

i think part of that is people don't even know who is face or heel. all the faces are assholes, almost every heel is the nice guy. perfect example was the Miz/Cesaro feud. Miz was attacking him during matches and doing all sorts of heel tactics but Cesaro is the bad guy because he speaks 5 languages..


I think every "face" last night did quite a few heel tactics in the ring like wait until 4 counts on turnbuckles/ropes, pulled hair, etc.


I think every "face" last night did quite a few heel tactics in the ring like wait until 4 counts on turnbuckles/ropes, pulled hair, etc.

Except for Miz. He just did his face routine and looked like a fool doing it. He didn't change up his style one bit. Barrett did, he reacted to the crowd loving him, Miz acted like the crowd wasn't booing him, or not caring about him, which just comes off as silly.

But Miz has always been terrible at crowd involvement, he's one of those guys trained to ignore crowds and always concentrate on the hard camera.
I completely failed to see how I was not supposed to feel bad for Fandango getting his ass totally wrecked by Jericho when he was trying to have a normal match with Kofi Kingston.


I completely failed to see how I was not supposed to feel bad for Fandango getting his ass totally wrecked by Jericho when he was trying to have a normal match with Kofi Kingston.

Faces are heels and heels are faces. WWE is bizarro world, not the fans who happen to be in the arena.


Calling BS on this. I mean, maybe Sheamus and particularly Orton might be a little upset because we basically shit on their match, but EVERYBODY else was having fun. The commentators, the announcers, the refs, the wrestlers, the stage hands, the camera guys, everyone. They were DANCING during the commercial breaks with the fans.

Maybe a couple of suits close to Vince were "tense," but everybody else had a blast. Justin Roberts even stuck around and talked to us a bit at ringside after the show ended and he had a big goofy smile on his face pretty much the whole time.
I have no doubt in my mind that you're absolutely 100% on the money here. You think most of the talent likes the current storyline direction of today's product? I doubt it at all. They know the product would be better off without Vince and last night provided them with a release from all of that self-inflicted Vince-driven tension. Was probably the most fun they'll have at a wrestling event all year... why wouldn't they revel in it just as much as the fans did?

They've also got to address their fundamental flaws with having all of their faces act like sore losers and pricks (with the notable exception of Daniel Bryan). It's like they've let all of their frustration in their inability to get Cena over as a superface bleed over into their booking for every other face on the roster.


Something's gotta give.

Hope you guys are down for the worst Smackdown in history.
I completely failed to see how I was not supposed to feel bad for Fandango getting his ass totally wrecked by Jericho when he was trying to have a normal match with Kofi Kingston.

To be fair, Fandango cost Jericho his match with Swagger on Smackdown. At least in this case, it was justified retribution, even if you discount the previous night's Mania loss.
Something's gotta give.

Hope you guys are down for the worst Smackdown in history.

I gave up on SD long ago, so I am happy if they want to keep the shit there. I did not even knew it had a new theme til a week ago.

NXT and RAW is fine. NXT keeps me sane, and Raw sometimes delivers big. I can deal with that.
I gave up on SD long ago, so I am happy if they want to keep the shit there. I did not even knew it had a new theme til a week ago.

NXT and RAW is fine. NXT keeps me sane, and Raw sometimes delivers big. I can deal with that.

Just watched on YT. Much better than Green Day.


April 9, 2013 |
Smackdown audience preparing to disappoint

Fans are expected to be disappointingly meek at tonight’s Smackdown taping.
More than 12,000 wrestling fans who will attend a live taping of WWE Smackdown tonight are looking forward to being quiet, well-mannered and hugely disappointing compared to last night’s boisterous Raw audience in New Jersey.

“I hope it’s not too noisy, because I’m getting over an ear infection,” said one fan who lined up early outside Boston’s TD Garden.

“And I’m pretty short, so I hope the people in front of me don’t stand up.”

Whereas the audience at Raw was noteworthy for its collective enthusiasm and incessant chanting, the Smackdown audience in Boston is expected to be made up mostly of young children who will cheer John Cena and boo Dolph Ziggler, but otherwise remain mostly silent.

A small contingent of hardcore fans is traveling from New Jersey to Boston today, and they mistakenly believe they’ll be able to get the entire Smackdown crowd to sing along to Fandango’s theme song.

Smackdown will air on Friday night, at which point fans worldwide will dejectedly sigh in unison.


This is a joke article, but it is truth. Smackdown crowd after Mania is back to business as usual.


How great would it be if they pulled the chants out of Raw and piped them in to Smackdown. Fandago humming on a constant loop through the entire two hour show. Actually, Smackdown is probably gonna be broken up in to so many recap chunks the crowd won't be able to get in to it any way.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
How great would it be if they pulled the chants out of Raw and piped them in to Smackdown. Fandago humming on a constant loop through the entire two hour show. Actually, Smackdown is probably gonna be broken up in to so many recap chunks the crowd won't be able to get in to it any way.

Expect Smackdown pops
Embrace Smackdown pops
Mr. H's is going to be so over it will hurt.


If you have a match immediately after a HHH promo, watch out, hes probably going to kick you in the dick.

I've watched it at least 6 times already just for the crowd alone. They loved his entrance, "fameasser", zig zag, pin, and when he holds up the belt. So good.

The whole segment was done really well. Considering the past four months or so I was legit worried when he got put in the armbar.


I just listened to the LAW Review-A-Raw podcast.

Had to list the noted crowd chants during Orton/Sheamus:

"Mike Chioda"
"We want Big Show"
"Jerry Lawler"
"Michael Cole"
"Justin Roberts"
"CM Punk"
"We Want XPac" (seen in a luxury box - later played up by doing crutch chops)
(Mexican wave)
"End this match"
"Randy Savage"
"Ice Cream Man" (played up by Ice Cream Man)
"Well done Big Show"
"Cotton Candy" (guy selling Cotton Candy)
"One more time" (when Big Show is trying to throw in a chair)
"We are awesome"
Random Raw musings

- So is Ryback heel? it's really hard to tell considering how things went down on Raw and that's not even taking the mass cheering for him destroying Cena into account, It'd be interesting if a bit soon to throw the WWE title on Ryback but if he keeps losing at every ppv then that's no good either, but lol Cena wins anyway, Wonder if Henry will still be involved therefore helping keep Ryback in a face/tweener position since Henry can run as the heel.

- Unsurprisingly I marked out to hell and back again for the bros of destruction, Bryan being along for the ride only makes it better and now i'm hoping that Hell No will try and drag Taker into their overall silliness while he remains completely stoic.

-Remember that one note on the Raw preview talking about how if Miz was poised to take 2013 by storm? aha, yeah...
I'd like to think they have a direction for Barrett but you know this company.

- Of all of the crowds shenanigans i'm thinking the Fandango music singing is an all time great, I was cracking up when I realised what they were doing.

- I don't dislike ADR but I just don't think that as a main eventer it's ever going to work, he may have had some botched booking over the years yet at the same time he's been given so much more accolades and title matches than most of WWE's potential break out stars yet the fans still don't care enough whether heel or face, he's flirted with the main event numerous times to a tepid reaction, maybe give some others a chance in that spot once his inevitable rematch is dealt with.

- I'm glad that Rock/Brock isn't a thing, well not yet at least, I can't see it doing anything for me.

- I may not be a huge Ziggler supporter (though I certainly like the guy) but damn that cash in got me smiling, the pop was fantastic to hear and I liked how the cash in itself had a small match to it instead of the one move and pin angle as it really helps reel the crowd in, loved how he smartly escaped the armbar as well.
Some gifs from SHIMMER Volume 53...

Mercedes Martinez hits a fisherman buster;


Madison Eagles tries to roll through a waist lock;


Jessie McKay hits a nice octopus stretch into a headscissors;


Big powerbomb from Eagles;




Nice combo from Kana;


LuFisto crashes and burns on a moonsault to the outside (thankfully she seems to be OK);

Random Raw musings

- So is Ryback heel? it's really hard to tell considering how things went down on Raw and that's not even taking the mass cheering for him destroying Cena into account, It'd be interesting if a bit soon to throw the WWE title on Ryback but if he keeps losing at every ppv then that's no good either, but lol Cena wins anyway, Wonder if Henry will still be involved therefore helping keep Ryback in a face/tweener position since Henry can run as the heel.

- Unsurprisingly I marked out to hell and back again for the bros of destruction, Bryan being along for the ride only makes it better and now i'm hoping that Hell No will try and drag Taker into their overall silliness while he remains completely stoic.
I never liked seeing Ryback lose so often, but he at least got to look good while doing it. Cena is just gonna bury Ryback, and then take his catchphrase like some sort of evil universe Mega Man.

And that BoD.Brine scenario sounds hilarious. They'd never do it though. :(


- Unsurprisingly I marked out to hell and back again for the bros of destruction, Bryan being along for the ride only makes it better and now i'm hoping that Hell No will try and drag Taker into their overall silliness while he remains completely stoic.

That or this sort of becomes a crowning moment of awesome for Bryan. They should book this so that the Shield targets Bryan as the weak link, because in the team of Undertaker, Kane and Daniel Bryan one person is CLEARLY less intimidating, the announcers and interviewers wonder if he's the weak link, etc. Even Bryan starts to wonder and then Kane pulls him aside and his like hey dude I've been teamed with you for like a year, you belong here, you're good, and then mah boy DBrine ends up kicking the Shield's ass

brb typing up fanfic


Random Raw musings

- So is Ryback heel? it's really hard to tell considering how things went down on Raw and that's not even taking the mass cheering for him destroying Cena into account, It'd be interesting if a bit soon to throw the WWE title on Ryback but if he keeps losing at every ppv then that's no good either, but lol Cena wins anyway, Wonder if Henry will still be involved therefore helping keep Ryback in a face/tweener position since Henry can run as the heel.

- Unsurprisingly I marked out to hell and back again for the bros of destruction, Bryan being along for the ride only makes it better and now i'm hoping that Hell No will try and drag Taker into their overall silliness while he remains completely stoic.

-Remember that one note on the Raw preview talking about how if Miz was poised to take 2013 by storm? aha, yeah...
I'd like to think they have a direction for Barrett but you know this company.

- Of all of the crowds shenanigans i'm thinking the Fandango music singing is an all time great, I was cracking up when I realised what they were doing.

- I don't dislike ADR but I just don't think that as a main eventer it's ever going to work, he may have had some botched booking over the years yet at the same time he's been given so much more accolades and title matches than most of WWE's potential break out stars yet the fans still don't care enough whether heel or face, he's flirted with the main event numerous times to a tepid reaction, maybe give some others a chance in that spot once his inevitable rematch is dealt with.

- I'm glad that Rock/Brock isn't a thing, well not yet at least, I can't see it doing anything for me.

- I may not be a huge Ziggler supporter (though I certainly like the guy) but damn that cash in got me smiling, the pop was fantastic to hear and I liked how the cash in itself had a small match to it instead of the one move and pin angle as it really helps reel the crowd in, loved how he smartly escaped the armbar as well.

I always did want the Hell No Christmas Special, featuring Daniel Bryan having to host Christmas Day Dinner for his girlfriend Brie, her sister Nikki, and her boyfriend John Cena. All while his tag team partner Kane is coming along and bringing his undead brother unexpectedly. Meanwhile, Daniel's grumpy neighbor, CM Punk, is hosting his fellow curmudgeons Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar next door. What wacky hi-jinks will occur on this Christmas day?

The BoD and their pet goat will have to do.


If you have a match immediately after a HHH promo, watch out, hes probably going to kick you in the dick.

The whole segment was done really well. Considering the past four months or so I was legit worried when he got put in the armbar.

I was worried too. He got two of his signatures off on ziggler. Luckily they made the right choice.
Is Fandango's Manager/Girl an actual dancer or someone who knows THE BUSINESS? She seems a bit stiff a times (if she is not dancing she seems to be not sure what to do).


If you have a match immediately after a HHH promo, watch out, hes probably going to kick you in the dick.

The whole segment was done really well. Considering the past four months or so I was legit worried when he got put in the armbar.

It was. Giving that bit of worry before he finally won was better than just getting the pin was great. It made both of them look strong.
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