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Can you imagine if the crowd sang along to other theme songs?

How many would sing the actual lyrics to Sheamus's theme and how many would sing the smark lyrics?


Oh man, if you can watch RAW again, check out when Ziggler wins and they cut to the crowd. In the upper deck there is a guy losing his mind and running up the aisle. It's quality GIF material.


The "smarks" last night weren't the bad kind, which helped. But always be careful what you wish for there.

Sexual chocolate was the only terribad smark moment. For fuck's sake, people, we get it. He had that moniker once upon a time. Given it's coming from people who pop for his arrival, chant HALL OF PAIN or something remotely relevant that builds him as a monster.

I'm disappointed "Hen-ry's gonna kill you" is not viable :(

The bad kind are the ones who spend 4 hours trying to get themselves and their stupid, irrelevant wrestling references over by shouting incessantly.


I used to watch every show WWE put out after I found out I could download shows in like 2006. (It doesn't air on Dutch television). Last couple of years I got a bit tired of it and started skipping through matches and the millions (AND MILLIONS) of replays/ads/spam they put out.

This year I got pretty hyped for WM again but again I was disappointed like with the last few WM's. But this Raw redeemed everything and now I'm actually kinda excited about it again. Hopefully this will keep up and it won't be boring again next week (or even this friday).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You guys playing the wrestling GOTY?


I used to watch every show WWE put out after I found out I could download shows in like 2006. (It doesn't air on Dutch television). Last couple of years I got a bit tired of it and started skipping through matches and the millions (AND MILLIONS) of replays/ads/spam they put out.

This year I got pretty hyped for WM again but again I was disappointed like with the last few WM's. But this Raw redeemed everything and now I'm actually kinda excited about it again. Hopefully this will keep up and it won't be boring again next week (or even this friday).

A lot of people were saying the same thing after last year's Raw after WM.


You know why the crowd was absolutely right in shitting all over the Sheamus/Orton match? It's not because they suck or the characters suck, which you could make a case for. If they had to sit through two segments of these guys and then watch as it ends in a no contest, they would have been pissed off. Instead, they made their own fun in what would have otherwise been a pretty boring 15-20 minutes.


Well it was pretty good in the months after WM. It starting dropping in quality over the summer, really.

I'm pretty hyped. Ziggler having the WHC, Fandango is a great gimmick. There's seeds planted for some great storylines.


So not worth it
With WWE not airing here, I'd say us Dutchies make up a fair percentage of wrestling fans here on GAF. We're taking over people, best recognise.


Zigglers cash in was the first time I was legit shocked in a long time.

Probably since Punk won the belt and left with it.

Jamie OD

Long post about my WrestleMania trip coming up.

Pics here: http://s119.photobucket.com/user/JamieOD/library/WrestleMania 29

Right off the bat let me say I had one of the times of my life on this wrestling trip. Attending WrestleMania is the one thing every wrestling fan should do at least once in their lives. Even if the actual matches aren't up to par the crowd, the atmosphere and the sensation of watching the show right there is unlike anything else. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back to my arrival.

New Jersey (Newark to be precise) is a kip, pure and simple. I now understand why it is the butt of so many jokes in America. So I wasn't in a great mood after walking through the surrounding area on my first day. I did find out that the New Jersey Devils arena was around the corner from my hotel but their only home game took place during the WWE Hall of Fame. The Dino BBQ restaurant next door to the arena is very good though, so at least I found something worthwhile there.

First up was ROH in the Hammerstein Ballroom. What a show! The crowd were on fire the entire night but were also in heavy asshole mode too. You know the ones, the fans that go "Fuck WrestleMania!" despite buying their tickets for that show on day one. ACH looked fantastic in the opener. Michael Elgin Vs Jay Lethal was amazing and blew away my expectation. I didn't think Lethal had it in him but he was great along with Elgin. The 3 Way TV Title match felt like a fever dream. First time seeing Matt Tavin and his entrance is a sort of disturbing sight and sound to behold. Jay Briscoe winning the ROH Title is unforgettable. We could see his family in the crowd throughout the show. We sort of figured out what was going to happen but kept having doubts because we still thought Kevin Steen had some time left as champion.

The next day was Axxess and WrestleCon. I arrived at the Izod Center in time for a few NXT matches. Apologies for going the "A friend of a friend told me" route but I heard something good was planned for one of the matches and he was right. Turns out I got there just in time to see Adrian Neville & Sami Zayn against Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. In other words I got to see a match featuring PAC, El Generico and Brodie Lee. Axxess was fine but I saw everything I wanted to see pretty quickly and I wasn't interested in meeting wrestlers or getting autographs.

I saw SHIMMER and Chikara at WrestleCon. Unfortunately due to the timing of shows I never saw a complete event during my time there. Also there was an odd atmosphere for some of the shows. WrestleCon took place in one gigantic hall with one half being the arena and the other half being the convention itself with only a 9 foot high curtain seperating the two. I heard the Evolve show had a very flat crowd. I noticed some sort of weird sound vacuum in the hall for Shimmer. People knew who the wrestlers were but there weren't really that strong reactions for a lot of the entrances.

SHIMMER was all right. Athena Vs Ayako Hamada was the only match I thought was outstanding but it was great to see women like Kana, Ayumi Kurihara, the Canadian Ninjas, Awesome Kong and Mia Yim live. The show also had the most well behaved crowd I have ever been in. With such a huge number of wrestling fans seeing these shows I was expecting some group of first timers yelling sexist things but there was none of that to be found. Everyone there knew what Shimmer was and wanted to see it. Kana delivered one of the loudest kicks I have ever heard. He tag partner LuFisto also badly hurt herself with a Moonsault out of the ring that overshot her target. The main event was a cage match but it took a real long time for the cage to be set up and I wanted to check out the convention so I left. I did get to meet Kana and pretty much fell in love with her. Again.

I only got to see the first half of Chikara before travelling over to the Hall of Fame but I had so much fun with what I saw. The 4 Way Elimination Tag and F.I.S.T. Vs 3.0, Gran Akuma & Marty Jannetty were so entertaining. Shame I had to miss Jushin Liger in the main event but I still feel like I got my money's worth with the first half of the show.

The convention itself worked out pretty well for me since I got to meet so many people I know online. One of them works for Filsinger Games and I was the one who introduced him to Chikara years ago which is funny since he now makes the Chikara card game. Another one is a comic artist who was selling his series of books called "Headlocked". It was also weird to have wrestlers just chilling out everywhere. Kevin Nash walked past our group and I joked he went around us because he didn't want to push us. One of the vendors had a huge table of bootleg DVDs featuring everything you could think of. You wanted the entire ECW on TNN run? He got it. You wanted every TNA weekly PPV? He had it. He even had complete DVD sets for the World Bodybuilding Federation and the XFL! Jeremy Borash apparently flipped out at them when he found out about it. I didn't buy anything from him and couldn't help but laugh when I heard WWE legal sent a group to the convention the next day to shut him and a bunch of the other vendors down.

The Hall of Fame was grand yet uncomfortable. I was way up in the cheap seats, so high I was even above the centre of MSG's ceiling! But it was great to hear Foley's speech. A lot of hecklers in my section though and that got on my nerves. Hearing someone near me chanting "Spinarooni" while Booker T spoke about the time his mother died was pretty bad. Trump was hated but all credit to him and WWE, they knew all to well what was going to happen, played along with it and kept it brief. That was probably their intention from the start. I could have listened to Bruno for an hour but he decided not to go that far. The crowd didn't like Maria Menounos. She proved her friendship with Backlund was genuine but a lot of people still didn't buy it due to her media friendly style of speaking. Also her adoration of Bob Backlund lasted way too long. Backlund himself is insane. So much so I was expecting him to talk about how he used to wear and onion on his belt because it was the style at the time. Finally, everybody hates Trish Stratus' husband. He got booed out of the building everytime Trish tried to talk about him. But then she announced her pregnancy and we all cheered for Ron. Well done Ron, you lucky son of a bitch.

Went to DGUSA on Sunday but nobody really cared for the show with Mania a few hours away. I left before the main event of Akira Tozawa Vs Shingo but my bus was so late it arrived after the show ended. I did get the funny sight of wrestling fans stampeding out of the building so it wasn't an entire waste.

Mania itself? Oh boy I had a blast. Excellent seat, excellent view and an excellent time spent there. Some of the matches were oddly paced and I did notice a lack of segments inbetween the wrestling but I felt that was a good thing. The crew setting up stages during matches was a little distracting. You could hear guitars being tuned up during the tag title match for example. Daniel Bryan was super over. Taker Vs Punk was incredible. HHH Vs Brock and Rock Vs Cena were passable. I loved the call backs for many of the matches like Bryan almost winning in 18 seconds, Brock becoming victim to the Kimura on the steps and Cena contemplating whether or not he should mock the People's Elbow again. I left right after Cena beat Rock just so I had time to find my group in the parking lot.

My flight was the next day so I had to miss Raw but now I am home taking in everything I had done this weekend. Don't know if I will ever go to Mania again but I am so happy I went to this one.


Long post about my WrestleMania trip coming up.

Pics here: http://s119.photobucket.com/user/JamieOD/library/WrestleMania 29

Right off the bat let me say I had one of the times of my life on this wrestling trip. Attending WrestleMania is the one thing every wrestling fan should do at least once in their lives. Even if the actual matches aren't up to par the crowd, the atmosphere and the sensation of watching the show right there is unlike anything else. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back to my arrival.

New Jersey (Newark to be precise) is a kip, pure and simple. I now understand why it is the butt of so many jokes in America. So I wasn't in a great mood after walking through the surrounding area on my first day. I did find out that the New Jersey Devils arena was around the corner from my hotel but their only home game took place during the WWE Hall of Fame. The Dino BBQ restaurant next door to the arena is very good though, so at least I found something worthwhile there.

First up was ROH in the Hammerstein Ballroom. What a show! The crowd were on fire the entire night but were also in heavy asshole mode too. You know the ones, the fans that go "Fuck WrestleMania!" despite buying their tickets for that show on day one. ACH looked fantastic in the opener. Michael Elgin Vs Jay Lethal was amazing and blew away my expectation. I didn't think Lethal had it in him but he was great along with Elgin. The 3 Way TV Title match felt like a fever dream. First time seeing Matt Tavin and his entrance is a sort of disturbing sight and sound to behold. Jay Briscoe winning the ROH Title is unforgettable. We could see his family in the crowd throughout the show. We sort of figured out what was going to happen but kept having doubts because we still thought Kevin Steen had some time left as champion.

The next day was Axxess and WrestleCon. I arrived at the Izod Center in time for a few NXT matches. Apologies for going the "A friend of a friend told me" route but I heard something good was planned for one of the matches and he was right. Turns out I got there just in time to see Adrian Neville & Sami Zayn against Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. In other words I got to see a match featuring PAC, El Generico and Brodie Lee. Axxess was fine but I saw everything I wanted to see pretty quickly and I wasn't interested in meeting wrestlers or getting autographs.

I saw SHIMMER and Chikara at WrestleCon. Unfortunately due to the timing of shows I never saw a complete event during my time there. Also there was an odd atmosphere for some of the shows. WrestleCon took place in one gigantic hall with one half being the arena and the other half being the convention itself with only a 9 foot high curtain seperating the two. I heard the Evolve show had a very flat crowd. I noticed some sort of weird sound vacuum in the hall for Shimmer. People knew who the wrestlers were but there weren't really that strong reactions for a lot of the entrances.

SHIMMER was all right. Athena Vs Ayako Hamada was the only match I thought was outstanding but it was great to see women like Kana, Ayumi Kurihara, the Canadian Ninjas, Awesome Kong and Mia Yim live. The show also had the most well behaved crowd I have ever been in. With such a huge number of wrestling fans seeing these shows I was expecting some group of first timers yelling sexist things but there was none of that to be found. Everyone there knew what Shimmer was and wanted to see it. Kana delivered one of the loudest kicks I have ever heard. He tag partner LuFisto also badly hurt herself with a Moonsault out of the ring that overshot her target. The main event was a cage match but it took a real long time for the cage to be set up and I wanted to check out the convention so I left. I did get to meet Kana and pretty much fell in love with her. Again.

I only got to see the first half of Chikara before travelling over to the Hall of Fame but I had so much fun with what I saw. The 4 Way Elimination Tag and F.I.S.T. Vs 3.0, Gran Akuma & Marty Jannetty were so entertaining. Shame I had to miss Jushin Liger in the main event but I still feel like I got my money's worth with the first half of the show.

The convention itself worked out pretty well for me since I got to meet so many people I know online. One of them works for Filsinger Games and I was the one who introduced him to Chikara years ago which is funny since he now makes the Chikara card game. Another one is a comic artist who was selling his series of books called "Headlocked". It was also weird to have wrestlers just chilling out everywhere. Kevin Nash walked past our group and I joked he went around us because he didn't want to push us. One of the vendors had a huge table of bootleg DVDs featuring everything you could think of. You wanted the entire ECW on TNN run? He got it. You wanted every TNA weekly PPV? He had it. He even had complete DVD sets for the World Bodybuilding Federation and the XFL! Jeremy Borash apparently flipped out at them when he found out about it. I didn't buy anything from him and couldn't help but laugh when I heard WWE legal sent a group to the convention the next day to shut him and a bunch of the other vendors down.

The Hall of Fame was grand yet uncomfortable. I was way up in the cheap seats, so high I was even above the centre of MSG's ceiling! But it was great to hear Foley's speech. A lot of hecklers in my section though and that got on my nerves. Hearing someone near me chanting "Spinarooni" while Booker T spoke about the time his mother died was pretty bad. Trump was hated but all credit to him and WWE, they knew all to well what was going to happen, played along with it and kept it brief. That was probably their intention from the start. I could have listened to Bruno for an hour but he decided not to go that far. The crowd didn't like Maria Menounos. She proved her friendship with Backlund was genuine but a lot of people still didn't buy it due to her media friendly style of speaking. Also her adoration of Bob Backlund lasted way too long. Backlund himself is insane. So much so I was expecting him to talk about how he used to wear and onion on his belt because it was the style at the time. Finally, everybody hates Trish Stratus' husband. He got booed out of the building everytime Trish tried to talk about him. But then she announced her pregnancy and we all cheered for Ron. Well done Ron, you lucky son of a bitch.

Went to DGUSA on Sunday but nobody really cared for the show with Mania a few hours away. I left before the main event of Akira Tozawa Vs Shingo but my bus was so late it arrived after the show ended. I did get the funny sight of wrestling fans stampeding out of the building so it wasn't an entire waste.

Mania itself? Oh boy I had a blast. Excellent seat, excellent view and an excellent time spent there. Some of the matches were oddly paced and I did notice a lack of segments inbetween the wrestling but I felt that was a good thing. The crew setting up stages during matches was a little distracting. You could hear guitars being tuned up during the tag title match for example. Daniel Bryan was super over. Taker Vs Punk was incredible. HHH Vs Brock and Rock Vs Cena were passable. I loved the call backs for many of the matches like Bryan almost winning in 18 seconds, Brock becoming victim to the Kimura on the steps and Cena contemplating whether or not he should mock the People's Elbow again. I left right after Cena beat Rock just so I had time to find my group in the parking lot.

My flight was the next day so I had to miss Raw but now I am home taking in everything I had done this weekend. Don't know if I will ever go to Mania again but I am so happy I went to this one.

I'm glad you had a good time. There really is nothing like experiencing everything Mania weekend has to offer in person.

FYI, you'll be back.


who is going to feud with Ziggler now? Del Rio and Swagger are probably going to (and should) continue to fued. So, who wants the World Title?
who is going to feud with Ziggler now? Del Rio and Swagger are probably going to (and should) continue to fued. So, who wants the World Title?

Big Show
Randy Orton

Basically the same people as all the other times :(


Can someone be amazing and make an avatar please?



who is going to feud with Ziggler now? Del Rio and Swagger are probably going to (and should) continue to fued. So, who wants the World Title?

Apparently Swagger/Del Rio is over and it'll be a Ziggler/Del Rio program for ER

According to F4WOnline.com, following their match on Raw last night, the Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger feud is expected to be over. No word on what WWE has planned for either wrestler going forward, but Del Rio is likely to be given a title rematch.


To Our Fans,

Ring of Honor has always strived to deliver first-class professional wrestling and only the finest in-ring action for our fans. This includes providing impeccable broadcasts of our product in every format we offer – and live iPPV streams are absolutely no exception.

This past weekend at Supercard of Honor, we failed to provide our fans with the best iPPV, and feel it is important that we convey how truly sorry we are for the outage that occurred during the main event, world title match. It is our regret that what should have been a highly celebrated ending with Jay Briscoe capturing the ROH World Title from Kevin Steen, was tainted by many viewers having issues with the feed and completely missing the historic ROH moment as it happened live.

With that said, we have successfully overcome issues in the past to improve the quality of our stream, and appreciate all the fans who feel our shows are worth the risks that come with this unique broadcasting format. During the live event, we kept up with your positive comments not just about the matches on the card, but the quality of stream itself. It is very unfortunate that by the time the issues were detected, the show was already over. However, our providers have worked diligently to identify the source of the problem, to assure us – and our fans – that this does not happen again in the future.

The video has been corrected with the complete replay available at www.ROHWrestling.com. While we can never make up for the lost moment of the live show, we would like to offer a $5 discount code for any store purchase to those who bought the iPPV and went through the frustrations of the glitch. We also invite anyone who would like to share any further comments or issues to email help@rohwrestling.com, and we will do our best to provide immediate answers.

We never want our fans to feel like their voices are not heard, and we certainly never want our fans to miss out on big moments like Jay Briscoe becoming the ROH World Champion. We promise to continue to improve and continue to bring our fans the best pro wrestling experience today. See you at Border Wars.

-Ring of Honor Wrestling

** $5 discount codes will be individually e-mailed to those who purchased the live event.

TLDR: Ring of Honor apologizes for the iPPV error, and instead of a refund, you're getting a $5 off coupon on a future purchase at the ROH Store.

Kind of shitty to not do refunds if people wanted them.


he skips the lower titles?

He needs no lesser titles.

Jericho beat Austin and Rock in the same night.
Fandango beat Jericho at the grandaddy of them all.

Besides, do the lesser titles even mean anything? Miz went from WWE Champ to battling for the IC title.
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