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formerly cjelly


A couple of thoughts:

Johnny Curtis had been kind of doing Fandango on NXT for the past few months, just without the pants and a lot creepier. If you watched the reboot NXT, you'd know that he's pretty good, has a lot of physical charisma, and goes 100% in on his characters. Besides Bork and Punk, he was the best part of the Raw I went to, and just didn't even come to the ring. Just to the ramp, talked, and was hilarious. I don't think Fandango is a main event kind of gimmick, but hopefully it works out better than Brodus, who started out ridiculous and awesome and has yet to change anything a year later.

I thought it seemed pretty clear that ADR/Swagger was over. ADR won clean at WM, then won clean against Jack and Zeb the next night. And not only that, but Zeb didn't even try to help Swagger during the match. He just stood on the apron while Jack was in the armbar. And he didn't even look mad after the match. That seems like a pretty definitive end to me. It looked pretty clear that Jack is about to go back to either jobbing for 2 years or being off TV for 9 months. I really hope Dutch is given someone else to work with or something else to do, because he's been outstanding since day one of this angle. His hints about an EYEtalian and Jewish conspiracy at WM were great. At the very least I hope they have him teach some stuff in NXT.
Zeb should team with a foreigner and claim he's a more authentic American than all the failures in the audience.

Fuck it, give him Cesaro. Zeb can say how America has failed and Cesaro is the true definition of a real American, Cesaro can translate in to different languages. Money.


Johnny Curtis had been kind of doing Fandango on NXT for the past few months, just without the pants and a lot creepier. If you watched the reboot NXT, you'd know that he's pretty good, has a lot of physical charisma, and goes 100% in on his characters. Besides Bork and Punk, he was the best part of the Raw I went to, and just didn't even come to the ring. Just to the ramp, talked, and was hilarious. I don't think Fandango is a main event kind of gimmick, but hopefully it works out better than Brodus, who started out ridiculous and awesome and has yet to change anything a year later.
Curtis commits himself completely to his gimmick. Now this can be seen as both a good and a bad thing.

It's good in terms of showing dedication but if the gimmick gets super-over he could find himself "tied down by a joke character" and wind up like that last guy who wrestled capably and fully commits to a character to stupid levels... Santino Marella.

Cena probably won't drop the belt till Summerslam. Longest 5 months ever.
How cute... you only think his title reign is going to last 5 months. Multiply that number by 3 and you'll start getting close to the actual length of time he'll have the belt.


Curtis commits himself completely to his gimmick. Now this can be seen as both a good and a bad thing.

It's good in terms of showing dedication but if the gimmick gets super-over he could find himself "tied down by a joke character" and wind up like that last guy who wrestled capably and fully commits to a character to stupid levels... Santino Marella.

Depends on if the gimmick is too limited. Is it like Brodus Clay where there's a simple gimmick (dancing guy) and no character beyond that, or is it like Damien Sandow where there's a simple gimmick (smart snob) but a really hilarious, nuanced character behind it.

Infuse the gimmick with a lot of personality and it won't be limiting at all.


Curtis commits himself completely to his gimmick. Now this can be seen as both a good and a bad thing.

It's good in terms of showing dedication but if the gimmick gets super-over he could find himself "tied down by a joke character" and wind up like that last guy who wrestled capably and fully commits to a character to stupid levels... Santino Marella.

How cute... you only think his title reign is going to last 5 months. Multiply that number by 3 and you'll start getting close to the actual length of time he'll have the belt.

Santino is a different comparison though. Other than a joke character, he offers nothing to the organization.


Infuse the gimmick with a lot of personality and it won't be limiting at all.

Probably won't happen. Jericho is the only reason he is getting any sort of push, once that is done they are probably going to try and attach the crowd gimmick to him full time.
A couple of thoughts:

Johnny Curtis had been kind of doing Fandango on NXT for the past few months, just without the pants and a lot creepier. If you watched the reboot NXT, you'd know that he's pretty good, has a lot of physical charisma, and goes 100% in on his characters. Besides Bork and Punk, he was the best part of the Raw I went to, and just didn't even come to the ring. Just to the ramp, talked, and was hilarious. I don't think Fandango is a main event kind of gimmick, but hopefully it works out better than Brodus, who started out ridiculous and awesome and has yet to change anything a year later.

I thought it seemed pretty clear that ADR/Swagger was over. ADR won clean at WM, then won clean against Jack and Zeb the next night. And not only that, but Zeb didn't even try to help Swagger during the match. He just stood on the apron while Jack was in the armbar. And he didn't even look mad after the match. That seems like a pretty definitive end to me. It looked pretty clear that Jack is about to go back to either jobbing for 2 years or being off TV for 9 months. I really hope Dutch is given someone else to work with or something else to do, because he's been outstanding since day one of this angle. His hints about an EYEtalian and Jewish conspiracy at WM were great. At the very least I hope they have him teach some stuff in NXT.

Someone here said it best. Put Colter with "The USA Guy" Derrick Bateman and let those two go to town.


Probably won't happen. Jericho is the only reason he is getting any sort of push, once that is done they are probably going to try and attach the crowd gimmick to him full time.

Well he's the one that does that, gimmick or not. Daniel Bryan's had very silly gimmicks on paper, but he turned them into gold. Damien Sandow, as I said, had a fairly clichéd gimmick, but he's made it his own.


Main Event Spoilers. Sounds like a good show:

WWE Main Event:

* The Shield defeated Kofi Kingston, Tensai and Brodus Clay. Kofi had some moments, but the Shield ended up winning impressively. After the match, The Shield triple power bombed Tensai and Brodus.

* Big E Langston destroyed Zack Ryder.

* Jack Swagger and Zeb are out for a promo. Swagger is facing Yoshi Tatsu and Zeb is being completely racist to him. Zeb is speaking really slowly to him, like Chris Tucker did with Jackie Chan in Rush Hour. Swagger wins the match easily with two Swagger bombs and the Patriot Lock to finish.
Main Event Spoilers. Sounds like a good show:

WWE Main Event:

* The Shield defeated Kofi Kingston, Tensai and Brodus Clay. Kofi had some moments, but the Shield ended up winning impressively. After the match, The Shield triple power bombed Tensai and Brodus.

* Big E Langston destroyed Zack Ryder.

* Jack Swagger and Zeb are out for a promo. Swagger is facing Yoshi Tatsu and Zeb is being completely racist to him. Zeb is speaking really slowly to him, like Chris Tucker did with Jackie Chan in Rush Hour. Swagger wins the match easily with two Swagger bombs and the Patriot Lock to finish.

Will watch.
Main Event Spoilers. Sounds like a good show:

WWE Main Event:

* The Shield defeated Kofi Kingston, Tensai and Brodus Clay. Kofi had some moments, but the Shield ended up winning impressively. After the match, The Shield triple power bombed Tensai and Brodus.

* Big E Langston destroyed Zack Ryder.

* Jack Swagger and Zeb are out for a promo. Swagger is facing Yoshi Tatsu and Zeb is being completely racist to him. Zeb is speaking really slowly to him, like Chris Tucker did with Jackie Chan in Rush Hour. Swagger wins the match easily with two Swagger bombs and the Patriot Lock to finish.

I'm completely shocked that
Swagger isn't getting a post Wrestlemania suspension


Well he's the one that does that, gimmick or not. Daniel Bryan's had very silly gimmicks on paper, but he turned them into gold. Damien Sandow, as I said, had a fairly clichéd gimmick, but he's made it his own.

Not much to say about Sandow, but Bryan has never fully gone in that direction. The in-ring performance and the comedy have been largely two separate things.


It's good in terms of showing dedication but if the gimmick gets super-over he could find himself "tied down by a joke character" and wind up like that last guy who wrestled capably and fully commits to a character to stupid levels... Santino Marella.

speaking of Santino. didnt he used to be a pretty good heel?
Classic Match of the Day;

Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr. vs Bruiser Brody & Jimmy Snuka, w/ Stan Hansen - (AJPW 12/13/81)

Real historic match here that sees the All Japan debut of Stan Hansen, in the corner of Brody & Snuka as they take on the Funks for the 1981 Real World Tag League. This was just three days after Hansen had finished up a tour with New Japan. He already knew he'd be making the jump to NJPW's rivals, agreeing to join AJPW during a secret meeting with Giant Baba some weeks earlier in the States, which was arranged by the Funks. No one else other than Baba, Terry, Dory & Brody knew Stan would be leaving New Japan. Terry & Dory come out first to a huge reaction, but the crowd and announcers flip their collective lids when Stan Hansen heads to the ring with Brody & Snuka! Huge "HAN-SEN!" chants. The crowd are red hot as Terry & Snuka lock up. Snuka was so amazingly agile at this point and his wild mannerisms and crazy over-selling are awesome. The Funks take early control, but that all changes when Brody gets tagged in. The brothers take it in turns to try and best the big man and, although Terry has some success, he's overpowered by Brody's strength. Dory throws a few big European uppercuts and Brody has enough, tagging Snuka back in. Dory locks in the spinning toe hold, but Brody makes the save and Terry rushes across the ring to attack him. Things start to break down as all four men go at it, while Hansen watches on, but a story of Terry & Brody's pure hatred for each other starts to emerge. Eventually, Brody gets Terry on the floor and Irish whips him into a huge lariat from Hansen! Terry is totally out of it and really sells the move, while Dory puts on one of the best handicap match displays you'll ever see. Awesome tag match that has a bit of everything, in front of a ridiculously hyped crowd. I love this match. Make sure you watch after the ending as things get crazy. Amazing post-match stuff with Hansen yelling like a madman.

Snuka being awesome;

speaking of Santino. didnt he used to be a pretty good heel?
He was still a joke character when he was with Beth and Rosa. He claimed to be the greatest intercontinental champion of all time and had Honky Tonk references all of the time.

Just watched Raw. It was a lack luster show elevated to greatness by the audience. It did set up a few new stories post Mania Shield/Taker/Kane/Bryan, Ziggler championship reign and whatever is going on with Cena.

So is Extreme Rules a three way title match with Ryback/Cena/Ryback? And did Ryback turn? It was so hard to tell with the audience, despite him clothes lining Cena.
How cute... you only think his title reign is going to last 5 months. Multiply that number by 3 and you'll start getting close to the actual length of time he'll have the belt.

Going for Punk's record? Doubtful. All they're doing is padding his reign stats and doing the publicity bullshit. Confident there will be plenty of hot potato going on this year.

Wouldn't be surprised if they go with a "16 time world champion" angle within a year or 2.
I'm watching the Hall Of Fame. Stephanie has aged well

Shame this stuff is so short. The Foley induction looks like its worth getting the Blu Ray for.


Classic Match of the Day;

Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr. vs Bruiser Brody & Jimmy Snuka, w/ Stan Hansen - (AJPW 12/13/81)

Real historic match here that sees the All Japan debut of Stan Hansen, in the corner of Brody & Snuka as they take on the Funks for the 1981 Real World Tag League. This was just three days after Hansen had finished up a tour with New Japan. He already knew he'd be making the jump to NJPW's rivals, agreeing to join AJPW during a secret meeting with Giant Baba some weeks earlier in the States, which was arranged by the Funks. No one else other than Baba, Terry, Dory & Brody knew Stan would be leaving New Japan. Terry & Dory come out first to a huge reaction, but the crowd and announcers flip their collective lids when Stan Hansen heads to the ring with Brody & Snuka! Huge "HAN-SEN!" chants. The crowd are red hot as Terry & Snuka lock up. Snuka was so amazingly agile at this point and his wild mannerisms and crazy over-selling are awesome. The Funks take early control, but that all changes when Brody gets tagged in. The brothers take it in turns to try and best the big man and, although Terry has some success, he's overpowered by Brody's strength. Dory throws a few big European uppercuts and Brody has enough, tagging Snuka back in. Dory locks in the spinning toe hold, but Brody makes the save and Terry rushes across the ring to attack him. Things start to break down as all four men go at it, while Hansen watches on, but a story of Terry & Brody's pure hatred for each other starts to emerge. Eventually, Brody gets Terry on the floor and Irish whips him into a huge lariat from Hansen! Terry is totally out of it and really sells the move, while Dory puts on one of the best handicap match displays you'll ever see. Awesome tag match that has a bit of everything, in front of a ridiculously hyped crowd. I love this match. Make sure you watch after the ending as things get crazy. Amazing post-match stuff with Hansen yelling like a madman.

Snuka being awesome;


man, just watching old school Snuka gives me such high hopes for Tama Tonga in that he's just as intense and agile as Snuka is
I give him 2 months before Ziggler turns face and feuds with Langston.

Eww. That feud shouldn't happen for at least year. Set it up at the Rumble with Big E turning on Ziggler and eliminating him because he's hungry for a title shot and jealous of Ziggler's new found greatness. Have them fight at WMXXX.



Going for Punk's record? Doubtful. All they're doing is padding his reign stats and doing the publicity bullshit. Confident there will be plenty of hot potato going on this year.

Wouldn't be surprised if they go with a "16 time world champion" angle within a year or 2.

I don't think you understand how hard they want to push John Cena as the greatest ever.

If they could get Austin to come back and job to him, they would.
man, just watching old school Snuka gives me such high hopes for Tama Tonga in that he's just as intense and agile as Snuka is

Definitely, I think New Japan are taking their time with him because they know he could be something special - he gets good reactions from the crowd and I could see him being a real big talent for NJPW with a year or two's worth of further seasoning.

Also, in that 2nd Snuka gif I posted, I LOVE the way he snaps Terry down on the body-slam - such a little detail that makes the move look that much more impressive.
I don't think you understand how hard they want to push John Cena as the greatest ever.

If they could get Austin to come back and job to him, they would.

He wouldn't do it. He famously went home when they wanted him to job to Brock with no build up. He's sad he wouldn't mind coming back to work with Punk. He's also just had surgery and is busy with his B-level Hollywood projects.
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