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That segment looks to me that instead of getting Taker/Kane/Bryan vs Shield, we're going to get HHH/Kane/Bryan vs Shield. That sounds like bad news bears for Shield.

Also, lolz at Taker doing his pose with D-Bryne, but HHH refusing to hug Daniel.


The Shield
attacks 3mb and then retreats?
I am continually losing respect for that faction.

Yeah because they've only beaten Bryan, Kane, Ryback, Cena, Sheamus, John Cena, Big Show, and Randy Orton, CLEAN, in sanctioned matches...

What a weak stable...


Dolph Ziggler fans according to Jericho =

Jeichold needs to get some good, new jokes:



Dolph vs Jericho match:

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho is next. Great back and forth match with many near falls. Ziggler wins with a roll up after Fandango distracted the referee and Big E. hit Jericho with an elbow. After the match, Jericho tried to attack Ziggler and he hit a clothesline and an enziguri on Big E. Fandango distracted Jericho, allowing Ziggler to hit a Zig Zag, followed by Big E hitting his finisher. Ziggler and his stable left, and Fandango posed and then hit a leg drop from the top rope on Jericho. The crowd hummed Fandangos song the whole time.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm only just now watching the opening segment of Raw, and WOW did they fuck around with the crowd noise. It sounds kinda like they turned it back up once John started talking (though they still turned down the SAME OLD SHIT chant), but that beginning where he's just standing there with that shit eating grin had epic and constant booing without pause, whereas on TV it's kind of quiet with some indistinct background noise and a couple people clapping. Wild.



Why does every wrestler's fanbase need a name? Fucking stupid.

I dunno, it worked for Hogan so it had to be done for every wrestler ever since. Warriors, Stingers, Kliq, Cenation (a sovereign country within the WWE Universe), Chain Gang, Dolphins, Bees, Creatures of the Night (both for Taker and Jeff Hardy), The People/Team Bring it, Kanenites, Peeps, MFers, Jerichoholics, Testicles, Slapnuts, Freaks, Cole Miners, Edgeheads, the Bomb Squad, Assholes, MizFits, Jomosapians, Hurrifans, Little Rockers, Hot Rods/Hot Scots, DiBiase Posse, and I'm sure a hundred other ones that never caught on.


I can't wait for after WM30 when Austin tosses Cena a cold soda after tapping out to the STF, and they do an OH HECK YEAH and chug them while RAPIDOOOOOO plays them off.


Neo Member
Oh, right met one of Lex Luger's gfs from the 90s working at Walmart today. Nice lady

I bet he something something torture rack joke. I don't.


Guys, we all know Taker is facing Sting at WrestleMania XXX.

By the end of WM40, Cena will be like Mega Man heading into Dr. Wiley's castle. He'll have Rock's people's championship, Kane's mask, Taker's coat, Macho Man's glasses, Austin's vest, Triple H's sledgehammer, Bret Hart's ex-wife, and Shawn Michael's Playgirl shoot.
Question, does WWE still pipe in chants for every Smackdown? It's the only reason why I haven't watched a full episode in years. Since Zig is champ i want to give SD another shot.


By the end of WM40, Cena will by like Mega Man heading into Dr. Wiley's castle. He'll have Rock's people's championship, Kane's mask, Taker's coat, Macho Man's glasses, Austin's vest, Triple H's sledgehammer, Bret Hart's ex-wife, and Shawn Michael's Playgirl shoot.
You do realize you now have to make a picture of this, right?
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