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He wouldn't do it. He famously went home when they wanted him to job to Brock with no build up. He's sad he wouldn't mind coming back to work with Punk. He's also just had surgery and is busy with his B-level Hollywood projects.

oh I'm sure Austin wouldn't do it

that's why I said if they could

luckily we'll be spared that nonsense

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kota Ibushi vs Naruki Doi

When's Yamato going to be a big star already? He's got a unique look and has awesome psychology for a guy from Dragon Gate(where it's more just athleticism, athleticism, athleticism)

Kind of reminds me of Brother Yasshi and Zigs

Course, I remember in 2006ish when I thought Doi was going to be a mega star. Unfortunately, Dragon Gate just stalled post-Blood Generation, making too many stables and hot shotting titles.
It's too bad there isn't a WCW around right now, so they could lure Cena away from the WWE, so we can have another mid 90s rise of the "Workin" champion like Hart/Michaels.

oh I'm sure Austin wouldn't do it.
that's why I said if they could

luckily we'll be spared that nonsense

Also, since we're talking about booking. Punk's character lends itself to a program with Stone Cold. I'm not sure what kind of program/story they could come up with Stone Cold. Honestly, suspension of disbelief aside, Rock isn't a full-time wrestler. It's like taking #45 MJ or Wizards MJ.
When's Yamato going to be a big star already? He's got a unique look and has awesome psychology for a guy from Dragon Gate(where it's more just athleticism, athleticism, athleticism)

Dragon Gate seems to exist within a weird sort of bubble - there's a whole bunch of guys there who could do a fantastic job in other promotions, but no one of note ever seems to leave.
So I watched last night's RAW.

I got home at 2 AM, didn't start watching until three. I fed off their excitemet. I didn't force myself to go to bed until six and even then I was so hype I couldn't sleep. White hot crowd, loved the show.

Second, whoever this Emma girl is, she needs to be on my TV as soon as possible. I love the song, I love that dance, she's completely ridiculous. And unlike Brodus, fun to watch!

Also, we want Paige.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?


--Cena went into the WrestleMania match with Rock with a broken thumb and food poisoning.

--Vince and Kevin Dunn both thought the crowd was awesome last night.

--Sheamus sent out two awesome tweets last night: "Just wrassled Randy on RAW. Anyone notice??" Then, "I will be telling me grand kids: "I was there!""
Ryback is so weird, he actually does something legit impressive at WM (gets Henry up for his move and doesn't f**k it up) but he still just jobs to him and they hardly mention it/show the impressiveness again.

Should have been a 'WM moment' but instead he gets Super Mario squashed and loses but then the next night he's like ok I'm in the title picture now again.

All over the place.

Seems LuFisto fractured her knee cap on the messed up moonsault at SHIMMER last Saturday and she'll be out for at least 2 months.


Crazy that she was up less than a minute later and managed to finish her part in the match (hitting a burning hammer with just one good leg!).


Seems LuFisto fractured her knee cap on the messed up moonsault at SHIMMER last Saturday and she'll be out for at least 2 months.


Crazy that she was up less than a minute later and managed to finish her part in the match (hitting a burning hammer with just one good leg!).

"Hey, wait we're over here!"
Ryback is so weird, he actually does something legit impressive at WM (gets Henry up for his move and doesn't f**k it up) but he still just jobs to him and they never mention it/show the impressiveness again.

Should have been a 'WM moment' but instead he gets Super Mario squashed and loses but then the next night he's like ok I'm in the title picture now again.

All over the place.

Seriously, why couldn't they let Ziggler/Big E win the belts and have Bryan and Kane branch off into the feud with the Shield.

Then they have Henry win at Mania then lose to Cena via count out. Ryback loses then pops up the next night to cut the rug with a heel turn and hold the belt up.

Though, I can see them going back to Rumble with Cena throwing out Ryback at the end.


One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Clearly Cena doesn't belong.

He's had 13 world title reigns in the WWE by himself and those other two losers have combined for only 14 between them.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Clearly Cena doesn't belong.

He's had 13 world title reigns in the WWE by himself and those other two losers have combined for only 14 between them.

Don't forget that Cena is the only one of the three that served our country. He killed Osama Bin Laden with his sheer charisma.


Triple H then comes out and talks about his war at WrestleMania with Brock Lesnar. 3MB interrupts and tries to steal Triple's thunder. They start to go after Triple H when the Shield's music hits. The Shield takes out 3MB and they circle around Triple H. Kane's music hits and Team hell no comes out and the Shield retreats. Triple H then hit a pedigree on Heath Slater and they cleared the ring of 3MB. Team Hell No tries to hug Triple H. Triple H doesn't want to hug Bryan but he's okay with Kane. He tells Bryan to eat a piece of meat instead of vegetables because he is edgy. He says he has no problem hugging kane and that he gets along with kane. He brings up their weird history and Katie Vick, saying that they were young and needed money. Then Vince comes out and HHH says if anyone needs a hug, it's Vince. Vince then leaves after teasing going through with it.

This sounds amazing. Love that reference by Triple H.

edit: Read this if you want to know why Triple H pedigrees Slater.



ECW on TNN 12/24/99

This (E)X(treme)-Mas Eve edition came from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium, which was were WCW ran Starrcade for 3 years in a row before moving to the MCI Center in DC.

Joel and Joey start the show in the ring when Cyrus comes out and says the Office wants a redo of the opening segment because they don't like Joel's gimmick. Joel says there is no ECW Office. "The kid's smart, the rib's over." As it turns out, Cyrus works for TNN! SWERVE! He also announces Takana vs Awesome next week for the title. Judge Jeff Jones Dudley Judy Mathis says all title shots have to go through him. He name dropped Spike Dudley, which brought Spike out. Acid Drop to Judge Joe Brown. Awesome came out. He laid out Spike while pointing at Tanaka. Then he press slammed Spike from the ring into the front row. Tanaka jumps in the ring, but the fight is broken up by security. Cyrus wants the match to happen and convinces Paul to go with it by telling him to have some balls. It's on!

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Masato Tanaka vs Mike Awesome ECW Championship

It goes to the floor right away. Running chair shot from Tanaka. Dive over the guard rail from Awesome. It gets back in the ring where Awesome hits a diving lariatooo. Sitout Awesome Bomb. Running Awesome Bomb off the apron through a table!

via Imgflip GIF Generator

After a break we come back to see a frog splash. Tanaka kicked out. German suplex into a table from Tanaka. It looked like Mike's head bounced off the top and his lower back is the only thing that went through the table.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Tornado DDT on some chairs. 2 count. Diving elbow with a chair onto another chair on Mike's face.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Some gross chair shots from Awesome. I'm STUNNED that Tanaka hasn't pulled a Benoit yet. Another Awesome Bomb. Tanaka still kicked out. Standing Tornado DDT from the top rope through a table! 12HEGOTIMNOHEDIDN'T!

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Roaring Elbow! NEW CHAMPION! A handshake after the match. Clothesline. It was a SWERVE! Awesome Bomb to the floor! Most of Tanaka's torso missed the table.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

TO THE BACK. Cyrus congratulates Awesome on the great match. Awesome throws him up against the wall. "I'M OFFICE, KAYFABE, I'M OFFICE!" He then blames Paul E. for making the match because Paul only cares about ratings. Mike says he's going to fuck things up between ECW and FMW and he's going to kill Tanaka next week.

Super Crazy vs Ikuto Hidaka

A rematch from a few shows ago. POKEMON!

. Rhino/Corino/Victory come out of a locker room with bloody hands and a bloody chair. They beat the shit out of Balls.

Lucha indie RESPECK stand off. Of course. Springboard rana from Pokeball. Whisper in the wind into the crowd! It gets back in the ring where Crazy hits a springboard drop kick and moonsault for a 2 count. Rolling Romero Special. Lol, Joel makes fun of TNN and Rollerjam. Pokemon does a German suplex into a knee bar. Then they run through some
Crazy/Tajiri sequences and Crazy wins with a spinning Liger bomb.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

. Mike Awesome attempts to attack Paul, but only found Lou E. Dangerously. Jeff said he's responsible for Mike's success, which made Mike stop mid piss to choke Jeff.

Da Baldies vs Tommy Dreamer/Raven ECW Tag Team Championships

Joel says that Francine looks very CUNT..try this week. Funny, I was going to say Raven looked pretty cunty every week.

TO THE BACK. The Impact Players pound their stick and say time is up for the champs. "Put that in your Y2J and smoke it!" What does that mean, Lance? That you want to smoke weed using Jericho as a bong?

We don't even see the match because as soon as they came back to the ring, the Impact Players were attacking. Raven is chained up on the entrance and Justin canes him in the head. Justin also licked Raven's face, which was creepy as fuck.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

I feel like almost every Mike Awesome gif is a perfect GET OUT gif.
Triple H then comes out and talks about his war at WrestleMania with Brock Lesnar. 3MB interrupts and tries to steal Triple's thunder. They start to go after Triple H when the Shield's music hits. The Shield takes out 3MB and they circle around Triple H. Kane's music hits and Team hell no comes out and the Shield retreats. Triple H then hit a pedigree on Heath Slater and they cleared the ring of 3MB. Team Hell No tries to hug Triple H. Triple H doesn't want to hug Bryan but he's okay with Kane. He tells Bryan to eat a piece of meat instead of vegetables because he is edgy. He says he has no problem hugging kane and that he gets along with kane. He brings up their weird history and Katie Vick, saying that they were young and needed money. Then Vince comes out and HHH says if anyone needs a hug, it's Vince. Vince then leaves after teasing going through with it.

This sounds amazing. Love that reference by Triple H.

edit: Read this if you want to know why Triple H pedigrees Slater.

Maybe it's just me, but that sounds horrid. I've had enough of HHH for my lifetime, I think it would be close to impossible for me to like a segment with him in it. I think WWE will be better when he takes full control, hopefully he will be wise enough to keep himself off TV.


formerly cjelly
Triple H then comes out and talks about his war at WrestleMania with Brock Lesnar. 3MB interrupts and tries to steal Triple's thunder. They start to go after Triple H when the Shield's music hits. The Shield takes out 3MB and they circle around Triple H. Kane's music hits and Team hell no comes out and the Shield retreats. Triple H then hit a pedigree on Heath Slater and they cleared the ring of 3MB. Team Hell No tries to hug Triple H. Triple H doesn't want to hug Bryan but he's okay with Kane. He tells Bryan to eat a piece of meat instead of vegetables because he is edgy. He says he has no problem hugging kane and that he gets along with kane. He brings up their weird history and Katie Vick, saying that they were young and needed money. Then Vince comes out and HHH says if anyone needs a hug, it's Vince. Vince then leaves after teasing going through with it.

This sounds amazing. Love that reference by Triple H.

edit: Read this if you want to know why Triple H pedigrees Slater.
I have no idea how much of that will make TV but it's hilarious. Some guy uploaded videos to Twitter.


Here some more detail about it:

Then Vince comes out and HHH says if anyone needs a hug, it's Vince. Vince then leaves after teasing going through with it. Bryan quickly apologizes and tells him to hug Kane. Triple h then jokes that he wished the Shield come back out and finish him off. Triple H then hugged Kane and Bryan joined in. Triple H said that he felt violated. Crowd loved this segment, lots of laughs during it.

Don't know how much of this will air though. Also where are those twitter videos?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So Undertaker is probably packing it in now, right?

I mean,
He made Punk look great in their feud(Even though it was rushed. And I doubt Taker could lose at Mania even if he wanted to)
He gave Bryan a huge rub last night
If he's feuding with Shield? That's a bunch of other relatively new guys he can give the rub to.
So Undertaker is probably packing it in now, right?

I mean,
He made Punk look great in their feud(Even though it was rushed. And I doubt Taker could lose at Mania even if he wanted to)
He gave Bryan a huge rub last night
If he's feuding with Shield? That's a bunch of other relatively new guys he can give the rub to.

I think Mania XXX will be the end for him. Hopefully it's Taker/Kane and they kill off (retire) both guys
Taker was added to a UK Smackdown taping because it was selling like shit, so that could just be what this little angle is all about. Just an excuse to put him in a meaningless TV match where he doesn't have to work. I'd still imagine him to not wrestle properly until WM30.
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