i wonder how would Aksana do on commentary. it would be amazing i think.
i wonder how would Aksana do on commentary. it would be amazing i think.
I hope Fandango's music spreads to sporting events like YES did for a few weeks after WM last year.
Ziggles oughta break out the cheerleading gear sometime for old time's sake.I'd love to be able to go back in time and tell myself that a member of Spirit Squad is World Heavyweight Champion and that I'm fucking thrilled about it.
And also that it's not Kenny.
It's actually crazy to think that Dolph and Fandango have both been in the WWE system for 7-8 years. Damien Sandow has close to 10.
strobogo said:Some gross chair shots from Awesome. I'm STUNNED that Tanaka hasn't pulled a Benoit yet.
Jesus fuck it's Christian vs. Orton all over again, isn't it?
Relax. Jericho will put Ziggler over.
(FAN DAAAAAAN GO will interfere)
It's actually crazy to think that Dolph and Fandango have both been in the WWE system for 7-8 years. Damien Sandow has close to 10.
Sums up the state of the WWE pretty well really. They've been hanging around for the best part of a decade, while the same 'stars' continue to to get screen time - most of which people are seemingly bored with.
Didn't Bork botch taking the pedigree at Summerslam, too? Twice? Or was that some other match HHH had in the past 2 years?
Hope that's not a spoiler : Not so much the hero is revealed to be Booker T, but, well...
WWE has reportedly signed Irish women's wrestler Rebecca Knox to a developmental deal. She debuted back in 2002 but retired in 2008 after an injury. She returned to the ring in October 2012 and has competed for top women's promotions including SHIMMER. She also has experience in personal training, nutrition consulting, yoga, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, acting and stunt work.
Rebecca told The Herald newspaper in Ireland: "I want to make the most of this opportunity. Sheamus has shown that Irish pro-wrestlers can go all the way to the top."
Not sure if posted...
Just rewatched parts of Raw on the Australian airing and while the crowd noise is generally lower (as always) I don't think they censored any of the crowd reactions.
One thing I did notice though is that the start of mainevent (Cena's dance, followed by clothesline from Henry) was improvised by Cena on the spot. With the toned down crowd noise, you could clearly hear him say something along the lines of "I'm going to do a dance. You clotheline and I'll duck.". Well worked by Cena there.
I think that main event and the Orton/Sheamus match were written into the show right before it went on to compensate for the lost Rock angle. They seemed very improvised.
Yeah, I posted it a few pages back;
She should be a good addition to the roster if she can live up to half the promise she showed before her injury.
I watched the TV version of Raw last night and the crowd noise in the opening segment at the very least was definitely being fucked with. Cena was getting basically constant Vickie Guerrero level heat live and it sounds nothing like that in the broadcast version. Most of the rest of the night sounds very similar to how it did live, though, just turned down a bit more or less across the board from how it sounded live (which is only natural).Just rewatched parts of Raw on the Australian airing and while the crowd noise is generally lower (as always) I don't think they censored any of the crowd reactions.
I wonder if they're planning a full reboot of the women's division. I mean, when was the last time we've even SEEN the Divas Championship, particularly on Raw? I mean the actual belt itself, not just Kaitlyn.I hope they start building some of the girls besides AJ soon, because once they have these girls debut they're gonna need some proper feuds to get over.
I love that they're bringing in actual wrestling talent and what not, but if they're gonna end up being used as valets and managers instead of wrestlers as WWE does, what's the point? ‏@WRESTLEZONEcom 1h
Fandango theme song currently 33rd in the iTunes charts! About 3 hours ago it was 63rd. We can do this! #FandangoRevolution
They want to get it into the Top 40 in the UK, I believe, because once that happens it has to be played on the radios there.
Are AJ and Ziggler actually dating in real life? Last time I paid attention, she was with Daniel Bryan?
So, despite not really trying (at least not on the same level as Zack Ryder) Curtis on his way to be more over than Zack Ryder will have been!
So, despite not really trying (at least not on the same level as Zack Ryder) Curtis on his way to be more over than Zack Ryder will have been! everyone is waiting for fandango
This is where it's located on the iTunes U.S. store. Fandango theme music is so catchy. I love it.