Too fast
I only hope it outsells all Cena shirts
I guess I missed these
That was fast.
That was fast.
That would be an awesome shirt if it was real
BarbershopWindow will probably have it as a real shirt within the week. has a "best promos" top 25, seems like quite a respectable list. Notably, there's not a single Cena or HHH promo on there.
Best thing Zack ever did was get thrown of the RAW stage in a wheelchair. I laughed my fucking ass off.
He also acted very well when he was gettin dragged to hell and when he was trying to change that tire for 20 minuteshe landed it perfectly. that could have been a disaster,
he landed it perfectly. that could have been a disaster,
Punk doesn't want that jobber titleThey should just feud Punk with Ziggler. Don't worry about heel vs face, just have Punk interrupt Ziggler with a "you have something that I want" type storyline and let Punk make Ziggles look like a million bucks as champ.
Punk doesn't want that jobber title
I think that's part of what had me laughing. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.
Kane opening a random door backstage and Ryder in a hospital bed being there. why wasnt he at an actual hospital?
Kane opening a random door backstage and Ryder in a hospital bed being there. why wasnt he at an actual hospital?
They needed an excuse to showcase Eve's buttcrack later that episode.
Has Soul turned up yet?
Hey Perspiclikity, where's your boy, SoulPlaya?
I ain't his keeper
They should just feud Punk with Ziggler. Don't worry about heel vs face, just have Punk interrupt Ziggler with a "you have something that I want" type storyline and let Punk make Ziggles look like a million bucks as champ.
I don't think we will ever have a feud like that ever. Remember the awesome best in the world vs. best in the world promos Punk and Jericho did? Remember when that was completely overshadowed by some weird alcoholic dad stuff?I hope they are not turning Ryback full heel just because they think they need a heel to feud with Cena.
They dont need to touch his character and the feud would still makes sense. Ryback wants the belt. Cena has the belt. FIGHT.
I don't think we will ever have a feud like that ever. Remember the awesome best in the works vs. best in the world promos Punk and Jericho did? Remember when that was completely overshadowed by some weird alcoholic dad stuff?
It needs to rewind back to the start for a dancing loop!
Those of you who are aware of the issue I had on WM night with the Sports Bar we went to basically using an internet stream... General Manager phoned me, discussed the issue, apologised, and has offered the group a £300 bar tab for whenever we went. Almost fell of my seat.
Aiii, can you post your contact info so we can all put you down as our IRL emergency contact?
Dude's terrified of gettin hunted down. Take it, use it, and keep pressin.
Watching New Japan 'Wrestling Dontaku 1993' - I was really looking forward to seeing Sting vs Scott Norton, but what an unmitigated disaster of a match this one turned out to be. Norton takes a low-dropkick that sends him through the ropes a minute into the match, but he traps his leg beneath him as he rolls out onto the stage and legit fucks his knee up. He tries to carry on, but it quickly becomes obvious that he's not going to be hitting any of his power moves with a busted wheel. The ref palms him a blade and then Norton & Sting brawl to the floor, where Norton does a ridiculous blade job that sees him pissing blood within seconds. He gets back in and Sting tries to salvage the match, but there's blood everywhere, all over Sting's arms, all over Norton's gear and Norton appears to be getting seriously woozy from the amount of blood he's losing. Norton tries this really inadvisable spot where Sting's on the floor and Norton leans over the ropes, grabs him by the throat and lifts him onto the mat, before hitting a back suplex - this was obviously one of their planned spots and Sting hulks out of the suplex and screams, showing his fighting spirit to the crowd, but Norton's just fucking laying there, clutching his leg. He finally gets back up and tries to lock up, but he's stumbling all over the place. The ref backs him into a corner and we get a close up with an official telling Norton they're going to stop the match, Norton saying OK and then acting crazy mad when the bell rings. He half heartedly beats up the ref and the New Japan young lions hit the ring, so he starts throwing potatoes while Sting walks to the back, looking vaguely disgusted.
Nice powerslam from Norton, especially given that he's on one knee;
Disappointed Sting;