i want to see that match.
I have to admit... I'm a Flash Norton mark. He was one of the few wrestlers I even bothered to follow on twitter at one point. All he talked about was watching the Vikings, going to the gym and eating a ton of food. I was pretty jealous.
i want to see that match.
Watching New Japan 'Wrestling Dontaku 1993' - I was really looking forward to seeing Sting vs Scott Norton, but what an unmitigated disaster of a match this one turned out to be. Norton takes a low-dropkick that sends him through the ropes a minute into the match, but he traps his leg beneath him as he rolls out onto the stage and legit fucks his knee up. He tries to carry on, but it quickly becomes obvious that he's not going to be hitting any of his power moves with a busted wheel. The ref palms him a blade and then Norton & Sting brawl to the floor, where Norton does a ridiculous blade job that sees him pissing blood within seconds. He gets back in and Sting tries to salvage the match, but there's blood everywhere, all over Sting's arms, all over Norton's gear and Norton appears to be getting seriously woozy from the amount of blood he's losing. Norton tries this really inadvisable spot where Sting's on the floor and Norton leans over the ropes, grabs him by the throat and lifts him onto the mat, before hitting a back suplex - this was obviously one of their planned spots and Sting hulks out of the suplex and screams, showing his fighting spirit to the crowd, but Norton's just fucking laying there, clutching his leg. He finally gets back up and tries to lock up, but he's stumbling all over the place. The ref backs him into a corner and we get a close up with an official telling Norton they're going to stop the match, Norton saying OK and then acting crazy mad when the bell rings. He half heartedly beats up the ref and the New Japan young lions hit the ring, so he starts throwing potatoes while Sting walks to the back, looking vaguely disgusted.
Oh ssssshit. It would of been even more awesome if different cars had different horn sounds, lol.
If I recall correctly, this was supposed to be a run-through of sorts for their match at WCW Slamboree 1993, but since Norton fucked his leg up, he couldn't work the show. So naturally WCW freaked out and dug up Nailz to throw in there with Sting for one night. Then Vince almost sued WCW because they owned the "Nailz" gimmick and it was exactly the same except for the fact they simply called him "The Prisoner".
WrassleGaf needs a Joseph McCarthy to weed out all these commie snitches. I will be there savior this community needs.I feel bad now for being a snitch. Spider from Mars was right!
Watching Hall Of Fame, Foley get's like 2 minutes? Booker get's a recap.. why can't they just get 2 hours and skip the movies or make them shorter. They already aired during the regular shows anyway..
This years class was too big with too many people that needed a lot more time.
I guess I missed these
Oh yeah, I remember reading about WWF flipping out over that - never saw the match, I imagine it was pretty horrid, though.
I see botchedspot continues to be very unfunny.
Those of you who are aware of the issue I had on WM night with the Sports Bar we went to basically using an internet stream... General Manager phoned me, discussed the issue, apologised, and has offered the group a £300 bar tab for whenever we went. Almost fell of my seat.
What? :|
I wouldn't take it, you just don't mess with the people that handle your drinks/food.
Nothing about that shit is funny. It's just 'hey this is what happens!' that's the joke for them. There is no punchline.
It's the Robot Chicken of wrestling.
To be fair I thought Rock did a lot better in his rematch than the first time around. I felt like he actually tried to have a good match.
Are you talking about his rematch with Punk? It was pretty good, much better than the Rumble match. You can't be talking about Twice in a Lifetime, because that might have been the worst match of Rock's career. He and Cena had zero energy or enthusiasm, Rock looked bored even before whatever injuries came up, Cena had a BROKEN FREAKIN THUMB! and was trying not to shit himself. It was a terrible match. It's right up there with worst WM main event of all time. There have been 29 of them, and that's for sure in the top 3.
Can't say I agree with any of that, and I was there live. Maybe it came across different on TV.
Rock vs Cena came across really awesome live (especially the end) and absolutely horrible on TV. I watched it when I got home Monday and it was not the match I remembered at all. And the crowd reaction was huge during the end, but watching it you would never know.
Yeah, it came across completely dead on screen, I guess because the crowd was muted a bit maybe. And both guys looked like they were putting zero effort in, and then the 15 minutes of finisher/finisher/reversal/reversal/finisher/reversal/reversal/reversal/finsher/finisher/finisher/reversal/LOLCENAWINS was so bad.
ROH puts on better spotfest than Rock/Cena 2.
Yeah, it came across completely dead on screen, I guess because the crowd was muted a bit maybe. And both guys looked like they were putting zero effort in, and then the 15 minutes of finisher/finisher/reversal/reversal/finisher/reversal/reversal/reversal/finsher/finisher/finisher/reversal/LOLCENAWINS was so bad.
It was great live. One of the best, most exciting moments, of the night.Yeah, it came across completely dead on screen, I guess because the crowd was muted a bit maybe. And both guys looked like they were putting zero effort in, and then the 15 minutes of finisher/finisher/reversal/reversal/finisher/reversal/reversal/reversal/finsher/finisher/finisher/reversal/LOLCENAWINS was so bad.
With the stadium being so big, excitement was sectional. My section was so hyped.To be honest, it came across like that live, to me anyway. Other than some booing and "PLEASE TURN HEEL" chants, there was little excitement.
Not even a close up of Rocky saying "get the fuck up motherfucker" got the crowd going.
To be honest, it came across like that live, to me anyway. Other than some booing and "PLEASE TURN HEEL" chants, there was little excitement.
Not even a close up of Rocky saying "get the fuck up motherfucker" got the crowd going.
Rock vs Cena came across really awesome live (especially the end) and absolutely horrible on TV. I watched it when I got home Monday and it was not the match I remembered at all. And the crowd reaction was huge during the end, but watching it you would never know.
Pro wrestling confession: I have never been intoxicated while watching a Rock + Cena match. I have not enjoyed them!
It was great live. One of the best, most exciting moments, of the night.
With the stadium being so big, excitement was sectional. My section was so hyped.
It's not like they were sitting on their hands either with criquets. It just wasn't taker/Punk.
I was there live and the match was HORRENDOUS live. Pretty sure I even posted "holy shit how bad was that main event?" in the Wrestlemania thread from the line for the train. I don't remember any "huge" crowd reaction at the end either. I remember a pop for the finish followed instantly by a very large percentage of the audience filing out.
He's gonna get Gangnam Styled if they are not careful. But heck, I guess you have to ride it.
I think on the 1-10 scale, 1 being HHH/Lesnar and 10 being Punk/Taker, Rock/Cena was a solid 3.
Pro wrestling confession: I have never been intoxicated while watching a Rock + Cena match. I have not enjoyed them!
Dear Carnby:
I was hoping there would be a control variable. Anyone on any drugs with different results?