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Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
holy shit

Zeb got a point

chop sticks are dumb

Zeb is an honest man and decent man
Jack gives no fucks


What? I'm sure you had a blast being there with 80,000 other people, but the match doesn't stand on it's own watching on TV with the "in person" element removed. That makes it a bad match IMO. I never discounted any fun you might've had.

Yes? What's wrong with admitting the crowd atmosphere made the experience better? It's like a movie that doesn't hold up to home viewing, or a game that sucks in single player despite being fun in co-op even thought it's basically the same game. Experiencing stuff with other people always makes it better.

Thats all well and good, but its unfathomable for some people to think you can enjoy it under any context.


360 one, especially disc version, has horrific stuttering. I thought it was alright. It gave a GREAT illusion of choice, but once you saw the cracks in it, the whole thing broke. A lot of people didn't see the cracks but I approached it from a developer's perspective of "oh this is how they're going to do THAT", which sucks, but what can you do.

Ultimately, a good game but not great. There's better stories out there.

I enjoyed BTTF more, but it was completely because of nostalgia. I still haven't read a single comic, and while I like the show, I watch it more in hopes that it gets better instead of really liking it.


I read a bunch of the walking dead comic but I can't even remember when I stopped. I have a soft spot for stuff that has zombies in it. Shaun of the Dead is like my favorite movie of all time. Well either that or Children of Men.


So not worth it
I enjoyed BTTF more, but it was completely because of nostalgia. I still haven't read a single comic, and while I like the show, I watch it more in hopes that it gets better instead of really liking it.

The show has nothing to do with the comic, mentioning them in the same sentence is a terrible thing to do.

The people behind the series have no clue what the story and characters are about, or they simply don't care.


Vince has finally forgiven Canada. Don't screw it up again Toronto:

For Canadian fans that have been asking the WWE will be returning to Toronto with a Raw television taping on Monday September 9th at the Air Canada Centre. It will be the first television tapings in Toronto since 2010
What? I'm sure you had a blast being there with 80,000 other people, but the match doesn't stand on it's own watching on TV with the "in person" element removed. That makes it a bad match IMO. I never discounted any fun you might've had.

Yes? What's wrong with admitting the crowd atmosphere made the experience better? It's like a movie that doesn't hold up to home viewing, or a game that sucks in single player despite being fun in co-op even thought it's basically the same game. Experiencing stuff with other people always makes it better.

I was there amongst the thousands and thousands of fans and felt the match was terrible. It was just rest hold after rest hold and the ending where they kept doing near finishes with their finishers. The work rate of the two was poor. It was probably the worst match on the card (though Henry/Ryback or Fandango/Jericho were close behind).

Seriously, the only exciting moment during the card; when the crowd got excited was the Punk/Taker match.

Diddy got a bigger pop then most of the Superstars. The crowd rapped the lyrics of Victory, Benjamins and Coming Home.

And seriously, WWE and their fascination with attendance records in arenas isn't helping the fan experience. The vastness of this huge structure made it hard for the audience to provide feedback. I haven't watched the PPV replay, but I'm sure someone watching was like this is a dead crowd.

The worst part of this is the event will be considered a "success" for Vince McMahon in spite of himself (Punk said it two years ago).


UberTag may finally stop his bitching legitimate complaints.
Damn... now I feel like I have to buy tickets because I've been ragging on the Toronto snub for over two years now.
Especially because I'm considering taking time off and hitting up TIFF this year and this RAW taping falls right in the middle of the film festival calendar.

I'm really hoping it's just the losing streak they give everybody before pushing them hard, because you know, that always makes perfect sense.
Just like it makes perfect sense to bury every mid-card champion by having them lose all the time.


This is so cute, guys.




Shoutout to Drop Toehold and Hoarr!


That alpaca is so huggable.
There's planty of mileage in Taker as a straight man to the zany Hell No antics. Shame they won't tap into it.
I'm really hoping it's just the losing streak they give everybody before pushing them hard, because you know, that always makes perfect sense.

Because this makes sense in reality. If this were the NBA, no one would ignore the story of the Knicks winning 13 in a row to frame a story and setup their first playoff series. And unfortunately, losing gets you no where in the NBA. Cleveland isn't making the playoffs nor can they use a terrible prop to gain entrance to the NBA Finals.

Besides Dana White's recent boxing booking, most would agree to gain legitimacy and a title shot in the UFC, one has to string together an impressive resume of fit wins (again besides Whites boxing booking).

As much as I probably pan it now, Goldberg or Ultimate Warrior builds are what helped them going into their first world title matches against Hogan.

I can't see how jobbing Ziggler is going to help get him over with the mainstream. Yeah, he's over with us, but they'll be like this guy lost 30 times. The same as they did with Miz, Swagger, Bryan, etc. Henry was the last time they booked right.


Cesaro will win the Smackdown Money in the Bank this year.

He's getting similar booking as Bryan and Ziggler did when they had it.
Much respect for Taker if he works with the Shield. That Shield tweet didn't get any notice from the crowd. So that really was a cool holy shit moment. Also noticed he had RIP PB on his WM tights. Awesome.

I'm personally liking the new tradition. Safe WM for the casual fans and then a full RAW for the marks. They desperately need to bring back MITB though. WM needs a 15 min spotfest to spice up the crowd. Non bloody No DQ matches aren't cutting it.


Because this makes sense in reality. If this were the NBA, no one would ignore the story of the Knicks winning 13 in a row to frame a story and setup their first playoff series. And unfortunately, losing gets you no where in the NBA. Cleveland isn't making the playoffs nor can they use a terrible prop to gain entrance to the NBA Finals.

Besides Dana White's recent boxing booking, most would agree to gain legitimacy and a title shot in the UFC, one has to string together an impressive resume of fit wins (again besides Whites boxing booking).

As much as I probably pan it now, Goldberg or Ultimate Warrior builds are what helped them going into their first world title matches against Hogan.

I can't see how jobbing Ziggler is going to help get him over with the mainstream. Yeah, he's over with us, but they'll be like this guy lost 30 times. The same as they did with Miz, Swagger, Bryan, etc. Henry was the last time they booked right.

I will give them credit for how they booked Bryan after he won the title. His promos and the whole Yes thing got him over with crowd. People wanted to see him versus Sheamus. The whole 18 second lose then propelled him to top 5 in overness with the crowd. Remember before the heel turn he was a vanilla not over babyface. Smackdown when he and Henry were champion were great.



ECW on TNN 12/31/99

New Years Extreme Eve! Last week, Masato Tanaka won the ECW Championship in a non scheduled match. This week, we have the rematch. Cyrus revealed that he actually works for TNN. There was yet another attempt to redo the Chair Shot Heard Around The World spot, this time with Justin Credible and his cane instead of Tommy Dreamer and a chair.

The show starts with a recap of what happened at the end of the show with the Impact Players and Raven/Dreamer. A promo with Raven after the show is shown. Something about the flesh of his flesh and the blood of his blood. He's like White Goodman.

Joel "I once knew this girl from here in White Plains, and after an hour in her bedroom, I left her bed sheets full of stains" Gertner and Joey are in the ring. Out comes Mikey Whipwreck! Before he can get a word out, the Impact Players come out. Lance offers Mikey a big wad of money, because if he's already sold out once, so one more time won't hurt. Mikey agrees. Lance says he will take out Raven tonight! Out comes Raven.

Raven vs Mikey Whipwreck.

Mikey puts the boots to Raven right away. Stomping a mud hole and walking it dry. Mikey stops to get on the mic and tell everyone he's not a baby for being 26 and living at home. Mikey does a Cactus elbow from the second rope through a table. I don't think I ever want to see Raisin again. I can't wait for him to bolt to the WWF. Too bad he doesn't leave for another 4 months or so. Raven wins with the snot rag and a DDT. For a guy who makes so much sense when he talks about how wrestling works, he never does any of it himself. Tommy Dreamer ran in, but they cut to commercial before we saw any of it.

TO THE BACK. Francine tells Tommy they need to check on Raven. Dreamer says he saved Raven and he's fine. Francine goes to help him on her own. Tanaka does some squats. Judge Judy gets Awesome hyped up.

Super Crazy vs Tajiri



Asai Moonsault from Crazy. It gets back in the ring and Tajiri kicks the shit out of Crazy. He might be the best dude ever at getting the slapping sound with out being super obvious. I'm looking at you, HBK. Crazy gets back into it until Tajiri hits a straight up ninja back kick.

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Plancha near the ring post. More kicks. Reverse air plane spin from Tajiri. Spinning snap power bomb from Crazy.

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Crazy has yet to hit the 3 moonsaults a single time on a TNN show. Basement dropkick from Tajiri. Tajiri wins with a kick to the back of the head and a brainbuster.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

TO THE BACK. Tanaka gives a promo. Awesome says he's going to get his title back.

Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka ECW Championship

Awesome jump starts the matching during introductions. It quickly goes to the floor where Awesome hits a tope. Mike tried the apron power bomb from last week, but Tanaka got out of it this time. It goes into the crowd briefly before heading back in the ring for some gross chair shots. Tornado DDT on chairs. Tanaka hits the chair assisted elbow drop. Diamond Dust. Not a single powerbomb yet? Weird. Super release German suplex into an Albert Bomb combo from Awesome.

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Awesome bomb! About time. Then another one, this time into a table in the corner.

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12HEGOTIMNOHEDIDN'T! Super DDT through a table from the champ. Roaring Elbow! TWO COUNT FALL! Alabama Slam and a frog splash, but Tanaka still kicks out! Sitout super Awesome Bomb.


NEW CHAMP! Mike's music cuts out and Highway to Hell plays. It's Spike! His girlfriend/rat/groupie/fan didthe Acid drop to Da Judge. Awesome then literally knocks her teeth out with a clothesline. It was a weird reaction from the ECW crowd. You'd expect them to be 100% behind that, but even they were kind of like, "fuck, man, Jesus". But then they started chanting Awesome's name as this woman's mouth started gushing blood.

via Imgflip GIF Generator


come in my shame circle
Hi all,

I haven't posted in Wrassle-GAF in years but the allure of Fandango has tempted me slightly to return.


I think maybe she went a bit overboard on those things.

WWE doesn't get enough credit with how good they are at chopping up and editing a real song for wrestler/show themes. Like Edge's theme and the Superstars theme in particular. Did Sheamus ever use the slow intro in his music?
Opening if Smackdown sounds fun

Big E opened the show with his best Ricardo impersonation to introduce Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler got a huge pop and heeled it up until Jack Swagger and Zeb showed up and demanded a title match.


Opening if Smackdown sounds fun

Big E opened the show with his best Ricardo impersonation to introduce Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler got a huge pop and heeled it up until Jack Swagger and Zeb showed up and demanded a title match.

How in the blue fuck does he deserve a title match? It's like Cena constantly getting them month after month last year and losing every time.


How in the blue fuck does he deserve a title match? It's like Cena constantly getting them month after month last year and losing every time.

It doesn't say that he got one, just that he demanded one. Very in character for him to be a sore loser and petulant.


EDIT: New page. Did I do i right?
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