My big homie Sandman knows whats up!
It's alright, just seemed kinda puny.
A strange complaint, given how small the Winged Eagle is.
Ziggler's voice keeps breaking on Smackdown.
Cena's voice would never break.
old school fave five
5. Stone Cold
4. Ric Flair
3. Foley
2. Macho Man
1. HBK
current favefivetwelve
12. Shingo
11. CM Punk
10. Johnny Gargano
9. Chuck Taylor
8. Tim Donst
7. Doc Colonel Nolan Angus
6. Daniel Bryan
5. Fandango
4. Archibald Peck
3. Akira Tozawa
2. Fire Ant
1. Ultra Mantis Black
In no particular order my fave five for WM week are: Ziggler/AJ/Big E, The Shield, Taker, Punk and Bryan.
No TNA this week, I was so annoyed with Chavo winning I was unable to enjoy anything on Impact this week.
Fixed for accuracy.
Don't you dare break the CHIKARA forth wall. Universes have crumbled for far less.
Thursday's TNA Impact Wrestling television show drew 1.17 million viewers, down from the 1.425 million viewers who tuned in last week
How are their ratings compared to Main Event?Basically. they built up this Hardy vs Bully Ray match and it bombed. Jeff killed himself for nothing. I agree that Impact has gotten better, but why are the viewers not showing up? How can they get the new viewers and one day actually get Smackdown ratings?
At this rate Impact will never be competition for the WWE.
My Fave Five (based on today and where I am on my re-watch (Sept 2001)).
#1 2001 Kurt Angle
That eagle belt looks awesome, if a little too impractical, with the way the talons would have to protrude it could be a bit cumbersome to wallop dudes in the head with.
Have you reached his title match against Austin on Raw yet? it's the nuts.
How are their ratings compared to Main Event?
Sad if they can't even beat third tier WWE.
Best part is I actually know the guy from the video, but haven't seen that until now. Fantastic.
...I'm no longer marking for Fandango.
Any sign of SoulPlaya? Haven't seen him post here in ages. Shark Johnson's avatar reminds me of him![]()
Basically. they built up this Hardy vs Bully Ray match and it bombed. Jeff killed himself for nothing. I agree that Impact has gotten better, but why are the viewers not showing up? How can they get the new viewers and one day actually get Smackdown ratings?
At this rate Impact will never be competition for the WWE.
Fave Five of all the times:
Not in order
Chris Benoit(Such a shame what he did)
Stone Cold
Mick Foley
Eddie Guerrero
Shawn Michaels
So fandagoing is a thing WWE is trying to get folks to do?
So fandagoing is a thing WWE is trying to get folks to do?