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Like I say I'm very tempted. Depends on the cost, when asked I said we should just do Daw, finding out it would be included was ace!
I've only recently got back into wrestling though, few weeks before the rumble infact, after years away other than watching Wrestlemania.

I've just done mania travelling from the UK and it's one of the best experiences I've ever had. You won't regret it.


All right, I think Dolph has finally gone too far with the selling.


Also, new Page.


So not worth it
Remember last year, when we had the YES-chants and they buried Daniel Bryan by having him fight over the WWE title for three months? Terrible! Fuck this company, amirite!


Reminded of Smackdown

JBL was amazing during Ziggler's entrance and him wearing the title on his arse
JBL isn't a shill for heels or faces, he has his favorites and he calls it like that. If he sees something he doesn't like (no matter their allegiance), he is quick to point it out

Something I use to love about Heenan and Jesse..
God the smackdown crowd edits make it nearly unwatchable.

Ziggler is good on the mic though. Dude is the total package. Its going to suck to see his career set back 3 years once Triple H decides he needs to feud with him and put him in his place.


God the smackdown crowd edits make it nearly unmatchable.

Ziggler is good on the mic though. Dude is the total package. Its going to suck to see his career set back 3 years once Triple H decides he needs to feud with him and put him in his place.

Unwatchable? Yeah. I can't stand Smackdown with that piped in crowd. It's a shame because it's not a bad show otherwise.
Watching Botchamania 299, that Rollins "botch" on the suicide dive is entirely Orton's fault. Watch any match with any remotely high-flying dude on any indie promotion and you'll see a better catch than Orton provided. He's meant to be slammed backwards into the barrier by the force, because his body is the crash mat that prevents Rollins head from hitting the barrier, instead he just rolls to one side and Rollins crashes & burns. I'm reminded of the time Orton completely fucked up his positioning when taking a 450 from Gabriel, which resulted in Gabriel being told to do a shitter/safer version of the move.


Unwatchable? Yeah. I can't stand Smackdown with that piped in crowd. It's a shame because it's not a bad show otherwise.

By trying to liven it up, it always makes the show feel more dead than if it was just people sitting on their hands for 2 hours. It just brings more attention to the dead crowd. That and that nothing of importance ever happens is why people don't watch Smackdown.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
It's been a few months since I've watched a smackdown, and I only had to watch it becuase I was there live, but I remember SmackDown having better wrestling but less story. Maybe I was just trying to justify watching SmackDown.
unmatchable indeed


Still I guess the pipped in crowd is probably justified by WWE because SD tapings can have pretty shitty turn outs these days. It might sound completely dead a lot of the time without it but it just sounds fake as hell compared to a actual crowd reaction.

Doesnt help they use the same reaction sound clips over and over.


On the Dolph Ziggler title change this week, according to a report from PWInsider, the crowd chants on Monday in New Jersey did not lead to a last second decision to put the world title on Ziggler. According to multiple sources, the plan for several weeks was for Ziggler to cash in and win the WWE world title the day after Raw. The belief was that Ziggler losing to so many as of late would create interest in the talents who will now chase him for the belt since "they can beat him." There were initial plans for a Jack Swagger title run, but they were shot down after his DUI arrest.

Still not a great way to book your champion as someone who can lose at anytime. Also, Swagger smoked his title chances away.
He's a heel, plus, he's not the biggest dude - Ziggler's title run was always going to be about him escaping situations by the skin of his teeth, much like Bryan's was, or via cheating to win with the help of Big E & AJ.

I really would like to see more heel champions booked to be a dangerous threat - even Punk seemed to waver back and forth between being shown as competent and deadly to being shown as a coward.
He's a heel, plus, he's not the biggest dude - Ziggler's title run was always going to be about him escaping situations by the skin of his teeth, much like Bryan's was, or via cheating to win with the help of Big E & AJ.

I really would like to see more heel champions booked to be a dangerous threat - even Punk seemed to waver back and forth between being shown as competent and deadly to being shown as a coward.
as far as I remember there was a time where jeff hardy who is a small dude was having clean wins left and right, even over fucking triple H.

It's a good way to make a guy look credible. Not everyone has to be a weasel or a super soldier. Why not make Ziggler look like the athletic super crafty champion who finds ways to win matches CLEAN, at least sometimes I mean. Obviously they'll continue to use the AJ/Langston thing for heel tactics.
He's a heel, plus, he's not the biggest dude - Ziggler's title run was always going to be about him escaping situations by the skin of his teeth, much like Bryan's was, or via cheating to win with the help of Big E & AJ.

I really would like to see more heel champions booked to be a dangerous threat - even Punk seemed to waver back and forth between being shown as competent and deadly to being shown as a coward.

seriously. we need to send some WCW-era Vader to show them how to book a heel champion.
Uh...so which one of you guys is this?


as far as I remember there was a time where jeff hardy who is a small dude was having clean wins left and right, even over fucking triple H.

It's a good way to make a guy look credible. Not everyone has to be a weasel or a super soldier.

Yeah, but Jeff, like Rey, was a face champion - completely different situation. WWE love their super human faces and that goes doubly so for a small guy overcoming the odds! But if it's a heel? They're either a coward who cheats or has amazing luck, or they're an unstoppable monster.

-Pyromaniac- said:
Why not make Ziggler look like the athletic super crafty champion who finds ways to win matches CLEAN, at least sometimes I mean. Obviously they'll continue to use the AJ/Langston thing for heel tactics.

I couldn't agree more. The dude's "The Show-Off", he should be made to look competent and dangerous in the ring. Why? Because he's the fucking champion, that's why! WWE's booking can be SO ASS BACKWARDS, it's infuriating.

Lambda Piscium said:
seriously. we need to send some WCW-era Vader to show them how to book a heel champion.

Hell, '96 Vader wasn't far off his prime and look what they did to him.


96 Vader was far enough from his prime that I'm okay with him not having had a dominant run like he did in WCW. He put on a TON of weight between 1994 and 1996 and it really hampered him. As good as HBK vs Vader was, imagine how good it could have been with 96 HBK and 1993 Vader.

1996, such an odd time. him, Sid and Austin were proto-attitude era guys stuck with dumb cartoonish gimmicks around them.

That's not true at all. Austin kind of did with The Ringmaster, which was really just "HEY THIS GUY IS A SUPER AWESOME WRESTLER, HE'S THE MASTER OF THE RING", not some circus gimmick and it only lasted about 2-3 months before going into Stone Cold. Vader's second appearance had him beating up Gorilla Monsoon and a bunch of refs. He never had a cartoon gimmick. And Sid had the same gimmick he always had, which was SID.

EDIT: Never mind, I totally read that wrong.
That's not true at all. Austin kind of did with The Ringmaster, which was really just "HEY THIS GUY IS A SUPER AWESOME WRESTLER, HE'S THE MASTER OF THE RING", not some circus gimmick and it only lasted about 2-3 months before going into Stone Cold. Vader's second appearance had him beating up Gorilla Monsoon and a bunch of refs. He never had a cartoon gimmick. And Sid had the same gimmick he always had, which was SID.

EDIT: Never mind, I totally read that wrong.

Goldust was also around, another proto-Attitude gimmick that would get refined. i really didn't watch the product at the time, gotta be more out of place guys during that year.


He's a heel, plus, he's not the biggest dude - Ziggler's title run was always going to be about him escaping situations by the skin of his teeth, much like Bryan's was, or via cheating to win with the help of Big E & AJ.

I really would like to see more heel champions booked to be a dangerous threat - even Punk seemed to waver back and forth between being shown as competent and deadly to being shown as a coward.
I think the last heel champion they booked as crafty and not cowardly in a compelling way was Edge. Although to be fair they got away with not booking him as a coward because they never kept the title on him all that long.

Everyone else, though (ignoring Mark Henry for obvious reasons)... namely CM Punk, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Del Rio... they've gone with the chickenshit heel approach. Which is just disgusting.

Although I might actually consider that approach a step-up for their heel mid-card champions whom they just book to lose non-title contests all the time and look weak.


There were actually a lot of guys that didn't really have gimmicky gimmicks at all around that time. Most of the roster, actually. It was kind of like today where most guys are happy face or angry/cock heel.


Our affection for the Fandango theme will officially end on Monday when Vince screams "hum along with the damned Fandango theme music" into Cole and Lawler's headsets and we're presented with them acting like goofballs and laughing at how clever they are for the next 5 minutes while ignoring any actual commentary duties for Fandango's match.

Most of the appeal on Monday stemmed from the fact that it was a big "fuck you" to Vince and the WWE's ordained rule of law.
If they're IN on the joke, nobody is going to want to do it and Fandango's brief glimpse of relevance will fade into nothing.
Nobody in the WWE seems to have clued into that.

No, they know. Vince is FAR more interested in giving a "Fuck you" right back to his enemies (the Internet) than he is in making stars or money. Half of wrestling since the death of WCW has been exactly that.


Still not a great way to book your champion as someone who can lose at anytime. Also, Swagger smoked his title chances away.

I think that's how all champions should be booked

Always the problem with Cena. You never feel he is in trouble because he can literally power through everyone on the roster as he has shown.

Compared to someone like Punk last year, face and heel, and on any night you thought Jericho or Bryan or Kane or Show could have bested him and won the title.

An element to that of course would be losing the title.. like Austin's 1st and 2nd reign


I think that's how all champions should be booked

Always the problem with Cena. You never feel he is in trouble because he can literally power through everyone on the roster as he has shown.

Compared to someone like Punk last year, face and heel, and on any night you thought Jericho or Bryan or Kane or Show could have bested him and won the title.

An element to that of course would be losing the title.. like Austin's 1st and 2nd reign

As I recall though it took the combined efforts or Taker and Kane to strip the title off Austin in both of those runs.

Till then he powered through everyone.
I think the last heel champion they booked as crafty and not cowardly in a compelling way was Edge. Although to be fair they got away with not booking him as a coward because they never kept the title on him all that long.

Everyone else, though (ignoring Mark Henry for obvious reasons)... namely CM Punk, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Del Rio... they've gone with the chickenshit heel approach. Which is just disgusting.

Although I might actually consider that approach a step-up for their heel mid-card champions whom they just book to lose non-title contests all the time and look weak.

While Bryan was booked as a pretty fluky heel that would win by the skin of his teeth until getting his "comeuppance" in 18 seconds i'd say they actually did this rather well, Bryan was less cowardly and more wily, he used his smarts to out match Show and Henry who are booked to intimidate anyway and even later on in the CM Punk feud he'd do things like set Kane off on Punk with some tactical chair use.
The rest I agree with, funny that while Bryan was booked the weakest out of this lot in an underrated sort of way but he at least came across without the super levels of chicken shit that say Christian and ADR reached, probably because he didn't have to deal with any of the Golden Boys (Cena, Orton) in his feuds.

Edge started out strong as a cunning heel, then he went to Smackdown and became the chickenshit supreme with monthly ULTIMATE OPPORTUNIST moments that lacked much punch like sitting outside the ring in a battle royale, let's not so quickly forget the la Familia angle where even with a faction and authority figure Edge spent most of his time fleeing from Taker and Batista, I hated that angle, I really did, this may be blinding me to his actual cowardice levels.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Smackdown was fun in the first segment...well only the part when Swagger came out. Swagger and ZIG ZAG were tag partners. Swagger's downfall into leaving was losing the services of Vickie to ZIG ZAG.

Then it was Swagger going to attack ZIG ZAG, stopped to see Big E standing there, paused, then walk away.

I'm a sucker for heel vs. heel dynamic.

Speaking of which...what happened to Vickie trying to screw over ZIG ZAG.

That whole storyline was dropped at the Rumble and with Vickie being in charge of Raw, she should've made him defend the title later that night.
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