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Holy shit what a PPV.

Matches of the night: Finals, Cole vs Callihan, Semi-Finals #2, Uhaa Nation vs AR Fox after Andrew Everett was eliminated

Winner :
Alex Colon (totally unexpected, but awesome finals)

Also, the show ended with fans throwing things at the ring after the results of the finals....and chanting bullshit. As they were going off the air one of the refs were looking in the crowd and saying "Who did that?" while you could hear
Chrissy Rivera
screaming "I will fucking kill you" as the camera went to black. Who knows what happened.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man


CZW twitter says there was a fight either at ringside or deeper in the crowd, and fans were throwing things at the winner of the tournament.

This thread is great. I always pictured in my head that the GTS would probably be the most painful Finisher to have pulled on you in real life. Get lifted up, and dropped onto a knee that's being propelled up to your freaking skull, you'd probably get knocked out hard. Although, that'd probably hurt the knee really badly as well, considering the knee isn't very tough.

Sweet Chin Music is the only one I'd probably try to pull off in real life, because it's simple and fast, and it'll probably knock a guy out if you kick hard enough.

Also I'd go for the Skull Crushing Finale for the lols because I always thought the Skull Crushing Finale is a great finisher. Why don't they make Miz's SCF into his RKO or his Sweet Chin Music? Pull from out of nowhere instead of been worked into. Skull Crushing Finale could have so many awesome spots, imagine Miz quickly pulling one off into a steal chair, or steal steps, or the announcement table, or the barricades, or off the top ropes, etc. Would be better than the slow Skull Crushing Finale Miz does now.

This is why I love Punk. He's the only wrestler who knows how to save up money.

Wonder how WWE stars list from richest to broke.

1. John Cena
2. CM Punk
3. Randy Orton
4. Sheamus?
5. Miz?
6. Big Show?
7. Ziggler?

Actually, how much does a WWE Wrestler get paid?
King in his prime during that video. "What's larger than a grapefruit? A cantaloupe or something?" :lol
Is youtube fucking up or is the video stopping just when the chair is going to hit someone over the head for a second?

Maybe that's WWE's way of censoring headshots with chairs.


Is youtube fucking up or is the video stopping just when the chair is going to hit someone over the head for a second?

Yeah any footage of someone taking headshots has been edited. The end of the Rock vs Mankind I Quit match from RR must look like a slideshow at the end.


This is why I love Punk. He's the only wrestler who knows how to save up money.

I'm sure a lot of indie guys save their money. Does Bryan strike you as a big spender?

Besides, I think Punk spends more than you think he bought whats his faces house when it was going into foreclosure.


Imagine the shitstorm if that happened today and it was Cena in place of The Rock.

Hard to imagine a situation where SCSA would have a damned thing to say to Cena. SC's no-nonsense, ass-whooper persona doesn't work when he needs to take smug, passive-aggressive Cena's "I will make fun of you behind your back and suck up to this audience like a two-faced puppet, but I respect you" schtick at face value without beating Cena's face into the back of his head.

If something like this happened, the kids would buy into it because it's obviously special, but after the novelty wore off, the fans would reject it for being New Coke. It would be such a transparent cash grab, the product'd lose even more fans and bleed the nostalgia cash well dry in no time.

I noticed it too.
They're going back and censoring the f[framerate drop]ing attitude era. g[framerate drop]n it.

Attitude isn't PG.


That's one of my favorite gifs. The nerdiest, whitest kid you can imagine knows what its like to be held down by the man. I didn't even notice the two black people behind that kid. That girl's face is great.


He'll just make some more rain. By being awesome. He got a big, fat gimmicked cheque for winning the New Japan Cup, I'm sure that helped :p

G1 Climax coming up in a few months - it's been a real long while since anyone's won it while IWGP Heavyweight Champion (13 years, since Kensuke Sasaki, iirc), and that's only ever happened twice. Believe in the Rainmaker!

*edit, crazy old bastard Onita fought Takayama! I don't think it went so well for him...




He'll just make some more rain. By being awesome. He got a big, fat gimmicked cheque for winning the New Japan Cup, I'm sure that helped :p

You know who else made it rain fake rain? The Pope D'Angelo Deniro. And he split, just like I'm splittin', but the biggest difference between me and-

wait wut

*Ahem* What I'm trying to say is: fake money won't get you anywhere. You gotta live the gimmick. Until I hear different, Okada is to be known as The Drought.
You know who else made it rain fake rain? The Pope D'Angelo Deniro. And he split, just like I'm splittin', but the biggest difference between me and-

wait wut

*Ahem* What I'm trying to say is: fake money won't get you anywhere. You gotta live the gimmick. Until I hear different, Okada is to be known as The Drought.

Does that mean the place he wrestles is gonna be called "The Dust Bowl?"


I'd love an Austin/Fandango feud in the vein of the Stantino/Austin feud.










Fandango is actually entertaining in the ring as well.

So, no.

Hasn't he only had two matches. A lackluster Mania match with Jericho and a match that resulted in a Face run in by Jericho (which is crazy, what kind of world do we live in where a good guy runs in and interrupts someone else's match)?

I have seen 0 of his FCW/NXT work.

Not to say Ryder is good in the ring. But Fandango's popularity is based on one night where the fans revolted against the event holder and were belligerent, thus humming his theme song. Again, I'm just asking out of curiosity not malice against Johnny Curtis.


Here's a clip with a few nice spots from the Masada vs Jun Kasai Ultraviolent Death Match from last weekend's CZW show.

Warning: If this was a gif, Bootaaay would link it.


Selling.....how does it work?

As a bonus....there was a full match in the youtube recommendations from that video from FREEDOMS in Japan, and here is a spot with a real powerbomb to hell:

Bootaaay would not link this:

GIFs from CZW's Best of the Best XII last night...

AR Fox hits Lo Mein Rain! I like it when Fox faces Uhaa, as there's a bigger target for him to hit and less chance of him landing on his skull, lol;


Uhaa damn near kicks off Fox's jaw;


Andrew Everett hits a real unique springboard 'rana;


But crashes and burns on his signature double moonsault;


Uhaa Nation doing what he does best;


Rory Mondo got pretty fucked up from this, had to be stretchered out. Hopefully it was a work and he's OK;


Andrew Everett was amazing, again. This kid's got a good future. Uhaa was super fun to watch. Tommy End is just awesome and I really liked Shane Hollister too, he's one of the more underrated dudes on the indies. Caleb Konley looked good here as well.

Here's a clip with a few nice spots from the Masada vs Jun Kasai Ultraviolent Death Match from last weekend's CZW show.

Warning: If this was a gif, Bootaaay would link it.


Selling.....how does it work?

Ah, come on, it's the Crazy Monkey, he's allowed to no-sell a little bit...or a lot, in this case :p

I honestly thought the worst bits of that match were Kasai carving the shit out of Masada's forehead with some glass and Masada trying to jam the bamboo skewers into Kasai's skull. Fucking nasty.
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