bean breath
imagine aliens from another galaxy receiving signals of Raw. they will think Cena is the God Champion.
John Cena should star in the WWE Films produced sequel to John Carter of Mars.
imagine aliens from another galaxy receiving signals of Raw. they will think Cena is the God Champion.
I'm intrigued.. what did they do?
Also, I hope this wasn't posted.. but there's a movie coming out called Pro Wrestlers Vs Zombies.. and.. well...
Wait... What did they do? I watched it yesterday, but I didn't even think about that until after I had deleted it from my DVR.
Harvey Wippleman still works for WWE?!
Get his ass back on TV!
Harvey Wippleman still works for WWE?!
Get his ass back on TV!
As of 2011, Lauer continues to work with the WWE in backstage roles at television and pay-per-view events. In an interview with Jim Korderas, Lauer described his role as "concierge", taking care of details such as food, rental cars and the like.
I am still in constant disbelief over how strongly they've been booked.
Gotta build them up so Cena can knock em' down.I am still in constant disbelief over how strongly they've been booked.
Sami Callihan vs Adam Cole was a lot of fun, loved the HBK/Flair spot with Adam saying "I'm sorry...I fucking hate you!" before the superkick. Also, this spot really surprised me, although not as much as the dudes in the front row, lol;
Yeah, hopefully his ban won't be for too long.
I thought Htown was banned just one page ago?
I thought Htown was banned just one page ago?
They haven't had a 3 vs 1 match with Cena yet.I am still in constant disbelief over how strongly they've been booked.
They haven't had a 3 vs 1 match with Cena yet.
If he can take out all of the Nexus at once, he won't have a problem with just three NXT guys.
so you're saying the superfriends were holding him back?
Cena alone would be unpinnable.
That long?
I was expecting him too get it on the Euro Tour...
The second is to specifically brush with Colgate, I hear it's to set your soul straight.This is the first thing you learn in Basic Thuganomics.
Was Sweet T the last person to pin Cena clean?
Your lame vision of an underground physical image
I'm underneath to undermine your whole typical image
With the precision of percentages, and the collision of sentences
Poetry, beats and mics, we untouchable like Rightous
Sluts with no prevaceses,
Cena > Drake
Who's Drake?
Pebble Chilly Mike Mizanin would shake that dude to his core...probablyA dude so soft, The Miz could believably beat him up.
Your lame vision of an underground physical image
I'm underneath to undermine your whole typical image
With the precision of percentages, and the collision of sentences
Poetry, beats and mics, we untouchable like Rightous
Sluts with no prevaceses,
Cena > Drake
Was Sweet T the last person to pin Cena clean?
Sweet T didn't beat him clean. He lost clean against The Rock, and against HBK in their Iron Man match, but otherwise I don't think he's lost clean in a one on one match in like 6 years.
Jimmy Brooks vs. John Cena
Started from the bottom match
Once in a lifetime
Sweet T didn't beat him clean. He lost clean against The Rock, and against HBK in their Iron Man match, but otherwise I don't think he's lost clean in a one on one match in like 6 years.
Shouldn't the Rock be holding Cena's arm up? What a loser!
Shouldn't the Rock be holding Cena's arm up? What a loser!
how come the K-on community has so many more posts than April Wrestling?
The worst was the Punk/Cena match at Summerslam 2011. Why was Cena's foot on the ropes? Did they think it somehow protected Cena? It was never mentioned in a promo afterward, so the Lil' Jimmies didn't notice. It had no relevance to any storyline moving forward; it wasn't even used as "YOU NEVER BEAT ME FAIRLY PUNK" justification. I hope he was instructed to do that, instead of it being some Hulk Hogan 80s "I kicked out at 3.25! I'm awesome still!" shit.
How do ROHs iPPVs work? If I order, do I get a file or something.
I do not trust my connection if I have to stream something that is likely 2GB+
Also, I would rather watch the PPV on my TV - not on my laptop
Haha, you just made the moment even worse.Shouldn't the Rock be holding Cena's arm up? What a loser!