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Let's say WWE went back to old-school rasslin' booking. Normal, believable storylines that spanned many months, and for the most part, had obvious story hooks.
WWE wouldn't pay attention to smarks guessing their storylines and would just stick to the programme and let things play out.

Firstly, would that be an improvement over what we have now? Would you care that you could spot title changes from a mile away etc?

Secondly, if it were an improvement, do you think it would make a tangible difference to viewership or crowd interaction?

Thirdly, is WWE even capable of stringing together a basic, coherent, ENJOYABLE storyline?

1. Yes it would be better by default because they aren't currently telling stories. Like, at all. And yes the predictability would eventually get boring but that can be avoided by giving viewers something to think about and keep em on their toes even if, ultimately, the end of the angle can be seen from a mile away.

2. Yes I think crowds would react more if they had reasons to care about anything except Cena. Viewership, probably not. Wrestling is never going to be as popular as it was. The WWE is the peak of what's possible in terms of total viewers right now and probably for the rest of time.

3. No. The WWE can barely execute even the simplest of stories.
Taeler Hendrix;







good god... shes in TNA??


Let's say WWE went back to old-school rasslin' booking. Normal, believable storylines that spanned many months, and for the most part, had obvious story hooks.
WWE wouldn't pay attention to smarks guessing their storylines and would just stick to the programme and let things play out.

Firstly, would that be an improvement over what we have now? Would you care that you could spot title changes from a mile away etc?

Secondly, if it were an improvement, do you think it would make a tangible difference to viewership or crowd interaction?

Thirdly, is WWE even capable of stringing together a basic, coherent, ENJOYABLE storyline?

I wouldn't care if the storyline was predictable as long as it was told well. Smarks are the only ones who would notice. Novice wrestling fans would still give the huge pop. Plus, if two guys can put on a good match, people will get into it regardless of whether or not they think the end is a foregone conclusion. See: Punk and Taker. Can you name one person who didn't at least think for one second that Punk MAYBE could have beaten Taker? I doubt you'll find that person because they told a really good in-ring story...probably a lot better than some of us are even giving them credit for.

It's the same in Ring of Honor...I watched Tyler Black face Davey Richards after Black had become champion. Most of the crowd KNEW that Black would retain, but the two guys put on such a tremendous match that people stood up and showed respect to both men by the end.

If the wrestling is good and the story is believable, I think fans can get behind it.


I, for one, am glad that Ultimate friend Heel is here to remind us that we're all rubes for watching this fake kiddy thing when we could be watching real drama, real athletes, and real contests.


So, AJ recently cemented her greatness. She said in an interview with Sam Roberts that she was hyped up to kiss Kane because, as a kid, she had a Kane poster over her bed, and she would just lay there staring at it before she went to sleep. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fbF9mgrpZ8

Good girl.

Oh yeah, RAW was OK, whatever. I didn't get to see a lot of it, as I was stuck in the lab.

OMF! Welcome back! When did you get back?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I, for one, am glad that Ultimate friend Heel is here to remind us that we're all rubes for watching this fake kiddy thing when we could be watching real drama, real athletes, and real contests.

I watch both at the same time


Sakuraba is doing the MMA guy in wrestling WAY better than Brock. exceptforthepartwherehejobs
I, for one, am glad that Ultimate friend Heel is here to remind us that we're all rubes for watching this fake kiddy thing when we could be watching real drama, real athletes, and real contests.

What you talkin bout, I already watch NJPW.

Puroresu is real, people are fake.™


was Raw gud


-Ziggler lost to Swagger (triple threat at Extreme Rules /w Del Rio in the mix)
-Barrett lost to R-Truth
-Cesaro lost the US title to Kofi Kingston
-Ryback cut a really good pre-recorded heel promo
-Ryback watched The Shield beat the crap out of Cena to end the show
-Punk walked away from wrestling for a while
-Brock Lesnar showed up with Heyman (Lesnar/HHH in a steel cage at Extreme Rules)
-Bryan/Kane beat PTP (They're giving away Bryan/Kane/Taker vs. The Shield on free TV next week)
-Mark Henry messed somebody up
-Rhodes Scholars beat Santino and Great Kahli
-the crowd went mild all night


I, for one, am glad that Ultimate friend Heel is here to remind us that we're all rubes for watching this fake kiddy thing when we could be watching real drama, real athletes, and real contests.

Well, it's either watching John Cena figuratively nut punch you for 15 minutes, or watch two randoms literally nut punch each other for 15 minutes.

Not much difference...



Vince deep throat assaulted us with a flaccid attempted meme, every champion jobbed, most of them cleanly, and Cena did that thing that everyone who said "Fuck this company!"/"Quitting after Wrestlemania!" feared he would do after Wrestlemania, which is 'be Cena'. BrosOfDestruction+DBry vs Shield next week, though, so they do string us along with some faint hope.

-Ziggler lost to Swagger (triple threat at Extreme Rules /w Del Rio in the mix)
-Barrett lost to R-Truth
-Cesaro lost the US title to Kofi Kingston
-Ryback cut a really good pre-recorded heel promo
-Ryback watched The Shield beat the crap out of Cena to end the show
-Punk walked away from wrestling for a while
-Brock Lesnar showed up with Heyman (Lesnar/HHH in a steel cage at Extreme Rules)
-Bryan/Kane beat PTP (They're giving away Bryan/Kane/Taker vs. The Shield on free TV next week)
-Mark Henry messed somebody up
-Rhodes Scholars beat Santino and Great Kahli
-the crowd went mild all night

He lost the title?!?!?

Fuck this company. Yeah, I know it's a Marky Mark thing to say, but fuck this company forever!!!


Oh yeah! And Fandango's momentum was killed by a dead audience, and the WWE actually acknowledging the popularity of FANDANGOING and trying to force people to sing along and dance in the arena.

Btw, was there even one good wrestling match tonight?


Just caught up. Someone pm me when punk comes back. All i have are ziggler matches and dbrine segments. Ill youtube both.

Chickenshit heel for ryback?
No henry in whc title or wwe title?

Im out for a few months, hopefully punk does go ufc and i can give up wwe all together.


Oh yeah! And Fandango's momentum was killed by a dead audience, and the WWE actually acknowledging the popularity of FANDANGOING and trying to force people to sing along and dance in the arena.

ugh. i kind of feel like they need to put someone like AJ as a writer. the old guys back there just dont understand.
Eh, join the club.

There's a waiting list right now, it might take a while.

Sokantish is the best poster here because he's the happiest, unlike all you curmudgeons. Bootaaay's alright too.

I'm generally happy as long as I'm not watching WWE Monday Night Raw Supershow starring Brock Lesnar, or The Following.

So I stopped watching The Following but I can't quit the other one for the life of me.
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