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I always see this but what is the origin of this GIF? Was it some backstage video talking about a superstar or what?



whether Raw was poor tonight or not, at least this exchange between Swagger, Del rio, and Ziggler is interesting. Ziggler losing to Swagger makes it even more-so.


i wonder if taking the belt away from Cesaro was because wwe did not want the US Title to begin to look more legitimate than the WWE Title.

  • Fandangoing already dead and milked after one RAW.
  • Ziggler losing clean to Swagger.

  • Ryback and Cena feud is all attention on Cena, not Cena and Ryback.

  • No Miz.

  • Wade Barret losing to R-Truth.

  • Cesaro losing his title to Kofi freaking Kingston.

Tonight's RAW sounds completely horrible. Glad I didn't watch it. Why is WWE booking so bad.



  • Fandangoing already dead and milked after one RAW.
  • Ziggler losing clean to Swagger.

  • Ryback and Cena feud is all attention on Cena, not Cena and Ryback.

  • No Miz.

  • Wade Barret losing to R-Truth.

  • Cesaro losing his title to Kofi freaking Kingston.

Tonight's RAW sounds completely horrible. Glad I didn't watch it. Why is WWE booking so bad.

One of these things is not like the others.



ECW on TNN 1/28/00

. Francine finds Raven sitting in the dark in his locker room. They have a match, but Raven is being whiny bitch as usual. Dreamer tries to get him up for the match. Raven is just going to sulk instead.

Joey says Cyrus isn't there because he's a wussy. While Cyrus is up North eating Canadian bacon, Joel is in New Orleans eating hot...

Cyrus stops this from being played, says there are 5 guys threatening to walk out of if they don't get rid of Joel, and makes the production guy play the Awesome/RVD brawl from last week.

. Mike awesome and Da Judge cut a promo on RVD and Spike Dudley.

Tajiri vs Little Guido

I'm sure this won't compare to last week's Mexican death match, which was about as wild and crazy as classic ECW got minus some barbed wire. This also cut to a break super early on, actually mid power bomb. It comes back to an Asai moonsault and Tajiri sliding around the ring like his legs were dead.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Tarantula. Tajiri is so weird and awesome. I wish the rumors had been true that he was coming back to work a feud with Punk last year. Tajiri tries kicks, but Guido has arm bars. Lots of them. All kinds. Kimuras, cross arm breakers, Fujiwara, Americanas. The man knows his arm bars. Sicilian Slice! Baseball slide drop kick from Tajiri. Big Sal was just standing on the apron with a chair watching. Tajiri eventually knocked him off the apron and then SHOOT slapped Guido in the face, kicked him, and hit the brainbustaaahhh for the win. Tajiri was great. He had such a unique presence. It's really amazing to see him

RVD cuts a promo on Sabu and Mike Awesome.

Rhino/Steve Corino vs Tommy Dreamer/Josh Wilcox (New Orleans Saints)

This started months ago when Rhino decided he was going to fight a few of the Saints in the crowd. This was actually supposed to be Dusty and a partner of his choice vs Corino/Rhino. Corino and Wilcox start this off in formation, but Jack throws a flag for off sides. Mr. Big Football player pussies out and ducks a GORE and runs to make a tag. He's like 8 inches taller than Rhino. Dreamer and Rhino go to the floor for a bit. It gets back in the ring and GORE. Testicular claw on Corino. Corino only comes in when Dreamer is down and tags out as soon as he gets hit. Dreamer hits a GORE! Hot tag! Victory slides a chair in, but Wilcox gets it. He hits Dreamer! WTFSWERVE!?!?! Piledriver from Rhino and Corino pins Dreamer. What a SWERVE. Francine jump Wilcox after the match, but Rhino takes her to the back. He's probably going to rape her. For real. Corino and Wilcox hug. Wilcox heels all over that crowd. He's pissed because the fans booed the Saints all year. He's proud of his job, unlike all the unemployed idiots who drink beer all day. This was in New Orleans, mind you. Corino shit talks Dusty, which brings him up. Bionic elbows for all.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Mike Awesome vs Spike Dudley ECW Championship

A rematch from Guilty as Charged. Spike was hiding or something and attacks Awesome. Spike is pissed. No silly waving. Too bad he's half the size of Mike Awesome. This means that he's going to get his ass kicked. He gets tossed all around the guardrails. In the ring, he's hit with an Albert Bomb and German suplex. Awesome attempts to Awesome Bomb Spike from the apron through a table, but it was turned into a bulldog.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Spike then hits a chair shot from the top rope to the floor. It gets in the ring where Spike hits more chair shots and almost wins. Awesome comes back with a lariat and powerbomb. AKI style powerbomb.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Frog splash, but Spike kicked out. Awesome Bomb in the corner. Awesome retains.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Then he powerbombs the ref. Mike calls out RVD. Sabu attacked before he could get to the ring. SWERVE. Awesome dives on both of them, but RVD got out o the way. He then dove on both men to end the show.

  • Fandangoing already dead and milked after one RAW.
  • Ziggler losing clean to Swagger.

  • Ryback and Cena feud is all attention on Cena, not Cena and Ryback.

  • No Miz.

  • Wade Barret losing to R-Truth.

  • Cesaro losing his title to Kofi freaking Kingston.

Tonight's RAW sounds completely horrible. Glad I didn't watch it. Why is WWE booking so bad.

Couldn't be,that bad. Got a good Kaitlyn gif out of tonight
The Spike Dudley vs. Mike Awesome matches were incredible trainwrecks of violence. Spike Dudley in ECW was seriously like the mini-Mick Foley. The punishment he took was off the charts.


The Spike Dudley vs. Mike Awesome matches were incredible trainwrecks of violence. Spike Dudley in ECW was seriously like the mini-Mick Foley. The punishment he took was off the charts.

Their PPV was literally 15 minutes of Spike going through table after table after table. I don't think he even got any offense in.
Their PPV was literally 15 minutes of Spike going through table after table after table. I don't think he even got any offense in.

Yeah, and if I recall, he completely shredded his ACL in that match. I remember reading at the time that the doctors who examined him said they only saw that extent of knee damage in car accident victims.


If it turns out the Boston Bombing was done by a crazy right winger, do you think Vince will have the balls to have Zeb use it to get heat?
I was prepared for a crap episode of Raw but the levels of sheer awfulness have overwhelmed even the low bar I set for it, never have I been so grateful for the fast forward function.

I think there was but one single thing I liked about it, the Ryback promo was sort of decent, oh and I guess Cesaro/Kofi was actually pretty fun.


Sounds terrible. Dolph just needs to pucker up more for H's and Vince - I doubt his reign is anything sufficient. Maybe land a pinfall or two over Swagger and Del Rio. Once he faces Triple H's gym buddy this summer he'll lose it.

Cesaro is just another line of guys they randomly push early on then basically squash their push hard and fast. While wins over Khali and Brodus Clay weren't anything impressive, it's his moveset that wow'd the audience in them. But here we are, jobbing to the likes of Miz and Kofi. Hilarious, lol.


Sounds terrible. Dolph just needs to pucker up more for H's and Vince - I doubt his reign is anything sufficient. Maybe land a pinfall or two over Swagger and Del Rio. Once he faces Triple H's gym buddy this summer he'll lose it.

Cesaro is just another line of guys they randomly push early on then basically squash their push hard and fast. While wins over Khali and Brodus Clay weren't anything impressive, it's his moveset that wow'd the audience in them. But here we are, jobbing to the likes of Miz and Kofi. Hilarious, lol.

Last week is looking like one huge crowd pleaser. Now they've gone, WWE are back to dream crushing, soul sucking and misuse of great talent.


Okay guys, I'm done with Raw for a while again. Need some time off. After last night, I feel like we're back to the same old crap. Kind of curious about the UK crowd next week, but don't have much confidence in the writing team.

When is NXT on? I'll just make that my go-to WWE show every week. Is it only an hour as well?

Just gonna lean back on my ROH, PWG, and Dragon Gate DVDs from 2010-2011 for a bit again.


I was doubting for a while to go to a houseshow this thursday in Rotterdam.
Right now I'm so glad I didn't spend any money on this asshat of a company
NeoGAF Wrassling Observer said:
WWE Stunned, promises changes

After last night's RAW top WWE officials were stunned at the reactions from the crowd and the NeoGAF Wrasslin Thread. Several members of WWE Creative were said to be "legit shook" and Vince McMahon was furious backstage. While Vince and the WWE Creative have burned the NWT several times in the past, rumors are that they will look into appeasing them in the coming weeks. Suggestions have been bandied about ranging from a Katilyn-AJ feud on RAW, turning Randy Orton heel, and showing more S.H.I.E.L.D matches, but Vince has overheard saying "Change? They want change they can vote for Obama, I ain't changing until that meatball headed mofo Matthew Gallant stops spamming shitty pics."

Last week Matthew Gallant received criticism backstage not not working hard and is still trying to improve his standing in the NWT.


Watching last night's Raw for the first time. You lot weren't wrong about the crowd being dead for Fandango.

London, it's up to you.


so can somebody tell me why they thought it was a good idea to have the monster Ryback look scared of a straight up fight with John Cena?


It truly is like a concert. A bad crowd will just kill a show.

I know people are like, "Well the crowd would be good if they liked what they saw."

Well at least as far as concert goes, it's the same performance almost every night.

Sometimes the crowd is just lame.
Watched Ryuji Yamakawa vs Tomoaki Honma from BJW in '99 - I really enjoy Honma's quest for the gold in BJW, it made me a fan of the guy for life and he's definitely one of the more underrated Japanese wrestlers of the last 15 years. His deathmatches in BJW are awesome for a number of reasons, mainly that Honma must have been insane to take half the abuse he did at the hands of Yamakawa, Shadow WX and, later, Zandig, but also because he was easily the best young talent BJW had at the time and his athleticism helped things feel like a wrestling match first, a deathmatch second. The fans had been behind him solidly since mid '98 and he got a bunch of opportunities at the belt, but despite showing a ton of fight and visibly improving with each and every match, he'd still fall short and end up bloodied and broken by the veterans. In the end, he finally captured the BJW Deathmatch Championship in early 2000, only to lose it 5 months later to the invading John Zandig. Although he managed to reclaim his title that November, by early March 2001 he'd had enough of the CZW wrestlers running roughshod over himself and BJW, so he quit the company. He went on to become the perennial mid-carder guy, first in All Japan and later in New Japan, but throughout his years in both promotions there are a handful of truly awesome matches where Honma was allowed to shine and make people think "why isn't this guy pushed more often?". Hopefully his return to New Japan will lead to greater things for him. I'm really looking forward to his NEVER title match against Masato Tanaka at the upcoming New Japan iPPV next month!

Honma gets whipped hard into a barbedwire board;


Yamakawa with a nasty powerbomb on some chairs;


And here come the light-tubes;



Huricanrana into a barbedwire board from Honma;


Sick leaping Tombstone;



so can somebody tell me why they thought it was a good idea to have the monster Ryback look scared of a straight up fight with John Cena?

I think Cena/Ryback could be like Hogan/Warrior, but I guess they just have to have Ryback as a HEEL. I don't see why it's necessary.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hmmm, that's a tough one, finding matches that hit all three points could be a difficulty, but here's a few from the past year I'd go with;

Hirooki Goto (c) vs Tomohiro Ishii - IWGP Intercontinental Title - (NJPW 05/20/12) - this one isn't the easiest of transitions from the WWE style, as it's clearly going to be two strongstyle powerhouses beating the crap out of each other, but it's a great match nonetheless and, other than a few 'fighting spirit' spots and strike exchanges, it shouldn't be too inaccessible.

Prince Devitt vs PAC - Best of the Super Jr's - (NJPW 06/06/12) - this one's a good choice because it's a pretty compact 15 minute match with a lot of fun stuff from both guys, who are simply two of the best Jr's in the world today. Plus, you can mention that PAC's going to (hopefully) be a future WWE star.

Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs Davey Boy Smith Jr. - IWGP Intercontinental Title - (NJPW 04/07/13) - fantastic match and probably a good transitioning point from the WWE style, especially if your friend is familiar with Harry Smith.

Kazuchika Okada vs Toru Yano - New Japan Cup - (NJPW 03/23/13) - this match is a lot of fun and doesn't ever drag, plus it illustrates the best of both Okada & Yano.

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Prince Devitt - (NJPW 03/03/13) - really good mix in this one, with Tanahashi's flashy heavyweight offence matching well to Devitt's speed and athleticism. Also, this one's good for getting over how good Tanahashi is and also shows the roots of Devitt's recent heel turn.

If I had to name one more match, I'd suggest either the recent Tanahashi (c) vs Okada match, or the Tanahashi (c) vs Suzuki match from last year - both are awesome matches, but I'd go with the Okada one if your friend isn't fond of prolonged mat work. You'll probably need to put over Suzuki and his shoot style of wrestling too, and the whole deal with Tanahashi needing to prove that he can wrestle at the level of one of the best wrestlers in Japan, etc.

Used these last night. The winners were Okada/Yano and Devitt/PAC - great matches, but it won over my more casual friend! Very much appreciated Bootaaay, I think we have another fan. It's a slow and long road but it could be the beginning...
Is the next RAW in London? Britain crowds are usually good. Hope they spark some interest into FANDANGO since this last crowd killed it.

I don't understand why you'd go to a RAW live and not Mark Out Hard and enjoy yourself in the audience? Also, anyone else think Ryback has a chance to take the belt away from Cena? The way he was talking in interviews during Wrestlemania week, about how no one can take Cena's top spot, except for him, and the way he was saying stuff like this before their feud officially began, makes me think he has a chance. Lol just kidding, Cena will win even if he has to do backstage politics and force a rewrite.


Is the next RAW in London? Britain crowds are usually good. Hope they spark some interest into FANDANGO since this last crowd killed it.

I don't understand why you'd go to a RAW live and not Mark Out Hard and enjoy yourself in the audience? Also, anyone else think Ryback has a chance to take the belt away from Cena? The way he was talking in interviews during Wrestlemania week, about how no one can take Cena's top spot, except for him, and the way he was saying stuff like this before their feud officially began, makes me think he has a chance. Lol just kidding, Cena will win even if he has to do backstage politics and force a rewrite.

The only real reaction they had was to Punk. Weird crowd...

London show will suck though. Piped in/edited crowd will be lame. :(


It's because they don't give you anything to mark out for. Raws are 4 hour shows when you include Superstars/SMS stuff and post show, and we see all the same video packages over and over and replays over and over and random dead spots where they do close ups with the announcers while security yell at people who look excited behind him. All the surprises and run ins are obvious when you're live because you see the camera crews running to get in place or removing speakers or pyro things getting set up. Also seeing things like Shield lay out Big Show during the break and standing posed in the same spot for the entire commercial break waiting for their cue is pretty deflating.

You pay anywhere from $20-200 and get an hour and a half of live commercials and ads. It's hard to stay entertained and excited for the 4th GI Joe promo and 3rd Make a Wish promo. And 5 minute matches with talented guys that go nowhere. And jobber entrances KILL all excitement.


WWE seems too concerned about making sure the younger portions of the crowd are happy on a weekly basis when all of the good guys win, thus champion heels losing non-title matches every week. It's House Show shit but booked on TV.
I think this is just about one of my favourite wrestling stories ever, Paul E. talking about his start in Memphis;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBlurI_4UGA - 1/2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2weN6iT3IKk - 2/2

God damn, that Jerry Jarrett impression gets me every time, lol.

Used these last night. The winners were Okada/Yano and Devitt/PAC - great matches, but it won over my more casual friend! Very much appreciated Bootaaay, I think we have another fan. It's a slow and long road but it could be the beginning...

Nice to hear man, I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to love that Yano match.
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