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Even the bald version of Snitsky looked less scared.

the rest of this roster exists to eventually put over cena, that simple

Yea that could not have been any less like his character. But heels gotta heel.

I think Cena/Ryback could be like Hogan/Warrior, but I guess they just have to have Ryback as a HEEL. I don't see why it's necessary.

cena's merch sales are higher

But it's dumb. You don't completely undermine the threat like three weeks before the PPV. It's stupid.

Especially since literally all they had to do was have the Shield come out WHILE Ryback and Cena were having their staredown, then have them beat up Cena while Ryback stands in the ring and watches. You get the exact same ending without making your "bad guy" look like a sudden coward. It's FUCKING IDIOTIC.

Why would he be afraid to mix it up with Cena anyway? He just physically attacked him face to face last week. He's had matches both with and against Cena already. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.

I can't get over this for some reason. IT's just .... so goddamn... ARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHAS;DFKJASD;LKFJASDF;IOADJ



I really wish they'd book it straight up 80s style because whatever they're doing right now is some weird mismash of 80s and Attitude Era and it fucking sucks.


I've got 5th row floor seats facing the camera for RAW on the 29th. A week ago I was pretty excited about this... and then last night happened. I've had numerous signs snatched from me at the last event... so I'm not even sure if I should bother this time. I wish I was going to a NXT taping instead.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I didnt watch or hear any recaps from Raw. It sounds like they continued the grand tradition of a shitty Raw after a good one, but what all happened that was horrible?


I didnt watch or hear any recaps from Raw. It sounds like they continued the grand tradition of a shitty Raw after a good one, but what all happened that was horrible?

Well Cesaro lost his U.S. title to Kofi, Wade lost to Zoo keeper, Dolph lost to Swagger, and no one gave a fuck about Fandango. Oh, Sheamus and Orton are buddies again.

Ryback actually had a pretty decent promo if you can believe, and Bork murdered Heath Miller.

CM Punk just left everyone wanting more. He just sorta "lost his smile", and went on his way.


Hey, no one's arguing, Htown. Much of us mentioned the same thing when it was happening last night.

But really, nothing about the way they've booked Cena ever makes sense, everything and everyone involved with him falls into its own separate realm of logic. There is no one, from Brock to Rock to to Del Rio to Punk to now Ryback/Shield that hasn't had to eventually put up with the same exact shit.

At least last year, we were free to care about the rest of the show when the belt was off Cena and he was having his own little segments/adventures with his weekly thread/odds to defeat/overcome. (Maybe that's what they need? Just a weekly hourly Cena show where he does nothing but squash no-name jobbers each week, like a modern day Teenage Mutant Cena Ranger. Replace this with whatever they do on Saturday Morning Slam, and keep it off the rest of the product).

Not so lucky now, unfortunately.


Anyone have a link to CM Punk losing his smile?


"For 434 days as WWE champion I couldn't enjoy the ride because I was always looking around the corner at what was next. The WWE championship meant the world to me, it was everything. I dedicated my life to attain it. But I wanted that next challenge and I found that challenge in The Rock. And as I battled somebody who will arguably go down as one of the greatest superstars of all time, I still wanted more and I looked to tomorrow. I wanted to know what the next hurdle in my career was because I'm never satisfied with what I'm doing. I always want to do better, I always want to be bigger, I always want more.

"So after being champion for 434 days, where do you go? After battling the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, where do you go? And I looked to the one thing that could possibly be bigger than the championship I love so much, the one thing that would be bigger than wrestling The Rock, and that was taking on the streak at WrestleMania.

"And I pushed the Undertaker to the limit..."


Can you imagine if the Ryback backstage promo was done live in the ring instead? Would have gotten the loudest boring chants in quite a while, i loved the Shakespear esque words and sentences he said, did not fit his character.


If you really want to be entertained by Ryback's promo imagine the editing process. The whole time I had this vision in my head of him in the editing truck telling the editor where to slice in clips to provide more weight to his promo.


I lost interest in Ryback/Cena the moment Cena started his usual making jokes and acting like what Ryback said wasn't true when it was and there was even video evidence to prove it.


Meltzer, if you read this please bring back your original av. One of the best on the forum.

We've still got a week of this shit. I think that them having to turn Ryback face to avoid it with Cena should get #HEEL like a half win, but thats a real shitty consolation prize.


Seriously, after the match next week with Daniel Bryan and the Brothers of Destruction vs The Shield, is there any reason to watch WWE any more?

Ziggler's champ, but they're shitting on him. Cesaro is one of the best in-ring guys in the company and they're shitting on him, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes have basically disappeared, and we're going around in circles with Triple Fucking H and Brock Lesnar YET AGAIN.


Seriously, after the match next week with Daniel Bryan and the Brothers of Destruction vs The Shield, is there any reason to watch WWE any more?

Ziggler's champ, but they're shitting on him. Cesaro is one of the best in-ring guys in the company and they're shitting on him, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes have basically disappeared, and we're going around in circles with Triple Fucking H and Brock Lesnar YET AGAIN.



Seriously, after the match next week with Daniel Bryan and the Brothers of Destruction vs The Shield, is there any reason to watch WWE any more?

I couldn't believe it when they announced that! The only way it could be better is if instead of Kane, Undertaker, and Daniel Bryan the team would be Bryan Danielson, Daniel Bryan, and B Dazzle facing the Shield. Oh well, good enough I guess!
Seriously, after the match next week with Daniel Bryan and the Brothers of Destruction vs The Shield, is there any reason to watch WWE any more?

Ziggler's champ, but they're shitting on him. Cesaro is one of the best in-ring guys in the company and they're shitting on him, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes have basically disappeared, and we're going around in circles with Triple Fucking H and Brock Lesnar YET AGAIN.

Hey man, i've still got Wade Barrett....



Seriously, after the match next week with Daniel Bryan and the Brothers of Destruction vs The Shield, is there any reason to watch WWE any more?

Is there any way that we actually get an Undertaker match on free TV in 2013? Throwing him in to a six-man tag match now feels like it would diminish the memory of his match with Punk. Especially so with Punk walking out last night.


more money than God
Is there any way that we actually get an Undertaker match on free TV in 2013? Throwing him in to a six-man tag match now feels like it would diminish the memory of his match with Punk. Especially so with Punk walking out last night.
I don't expect the match to happen. It'll likely be pushed to ER, or just not happen at all.


I don't expect the match to happen. It'll likely be pushed to ER, or just not happen at all.

Yeah, I expect Shield to injure Taker in the next 2-3 weeks and the match will end up as a straight tag, handicap match, or some one will step in to replace him. I definitely can't see that match going forward on Raw.


Last night's RAW was all I could take. Cesaro dropping the title out of nowhere, HHH vs Brock III, Ziggler still losing, Cena not fucking changing and making Ryback look like a pussy when he's been decimating the rest of the roster since his debut, CM Punk leaving. I mean Jesus, I can't comprehend how last weeks show was so well booked.

I'm only watching NXT until they do something interesting with Bryan or Cesaro, there's nothing else left that interests me. The fact they think people want to see HHH vs Brock 3 after the wrestlemania debacle, the fact they're taking time away from other wrestlers so a retired wrestle who's going to be in control of the company can sate his ego is just flat out harrowing.


Did they announce last night who all is going to be in the 10-man battle royal? I'm wondering if any of the NXT call ups are going to be involved.


I mean Jesus, I can't comprehend how last weeks show was so well booked.

The Rock bailed at the last minute, so they had to come up with the show real quick without time for much Executive Meddling. Notice how the second half of last week's show was way worse than the first half?

Soul do you foresee another boring monster phase for Kane before he retires? I'd sort of prefer it if he just held over his current persona into his legends appearances rather than reverting.
Kane's in ring work is still nothing special. Not even Bryan has made any of his matches in the last year entertaining, with the exception of that TLC match.


more money than God
Soul do you foresee another boring monster phase for Kane before he retires? I'd sort of prefer it if he just held over his current persona into his legends appearances rather than reverting.
I don't know, Persp. Every single time I've said that we wouldn't be seeing another big monster run, he surprises me with one. I certainly never foresaw his monster title run in 2010, or his return in 2011. I'm sure they'll give him a decent sendoff when he does retire, but I doubt it'll be as his previous persona.


more money than God
Kane's in ring work is still nothing special. Not even Bryan has made any of his matches in the last year entertaining, with the exception of that TLC match.
The motherfucker is 46 years old, and wrestling a completely full schedule, without barely any breaks in his career. It's amazing he can even wrestle a full schedule at the pace that he has.
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