Who was asking about sick lariats the other day? Because I was just watching some wXw and Sasa Keel damn near took this kids head off;
Who was asking about sick lariats the other day? Because I was just watching some wXw and Sasa Keel damn near took this kids head off;
Everyone should play games instead of watching wrestling. Like Soul Hackers.
Everyone should play games instead of watching wrestling. Like Soul Hackers.
One more week until Dark Arisen hnnnnngggggg
Everyone should play games instead of watching wrestling. Like Soul Hackers.
I'm waiting for Fire Emblem and have little patience for Dark Souls at the moment, so wrestling it is!.SMT sucks
Yeah I heard you were no good at it. What kind of person doesn't have the salt to finish it? A sad day. And I was going to invade you. Now you're making me want to give you some jolly cooperation.
Johnny Moss hits a sit-out Tombstone on Jimmy Havoc after a pretty brutal no DQ match;
I got stuck![]()
Think I need to roll a new character, one with magic this time. The demon-thing on the bridge in Undead Burg keeps kicking my ass.
I got stuck![]()
Think I need to roll a new character, one with magic this time. The demon-thing on the bridge in Undead Burg keeps kicking my ass.
*edit, thanks for the DOTA2 invite, btw - not sure when I'll get around to playing it, but I'll give it a go at some point. Heard a lot about it, both good and bad.
I got stuck![]()
Think I need to roll a new character, one with magic this time. The demon-thing on the bridge in Undead Burg keeps kicking my ass.
*edit, thanks for the DOTA2 invite, btw - not sure when I'll get around to playing it, but I'll give it a go at some point. Heard a lot about it, both good and bad.
Yeah you could do all this and it'd really help you... or you could play a game that's fun!No need to re-roll, you can do anything with anyone. You're at the first 'lil boss. When you go onto the bridge, turn around and go up the tower and deal with those two dudes. After that, go trigger the boss to jump up and haul ass back to the tower and climb up.
From there you have 2 options - go for the diving attack and fight him down on the bridge (you probably won't get a chance to go back up) or stay up top which is fairly safe (ie where you wont fall off) and fight fair with him. If you're having issues farm some souls and level up your stamina so you can take the hits - grab a shield with as close to 100% phys dmg reduction as possible. I think 95% is gettable around there.
Yeah you could do all this and it'd really help you... or you could play a game that's fun!
Heyman just posted this on Facebook
Raw is Generico guy must be happy now.
Sunflower said:No need to re-roll, you can do anything with anyone. You're at the first 'lil boss. When you go onto the bridge, turn around and go up the tower and deal with those two dudes. After that, go trigger the boss to jump up and haul ass back to the tower and climb up.
Anyone feel like playing some AOEIIHD tonight in about an hour or two? I've played one game against (I think) 7 PC opponents on an all island map and died when I was swarmed by half of them at the same time. So I probably suck at MP.
Yeah, I'd tried dropping down from the tower onto him once, but he jumped up there before I could get a chance and even though I've levelled quite a bit, his attacks are still ruining me - I mainly feel like I need to re-roll because I played a lot of Demon's Souls as a thief and my knight just feels so unwieldy by comparison.
Funny thing was, I breezed through the opening section of the game and was just thinking the game wasn't anywhere near as difficult as Demon's Souls, then this guy comes along and kicks my ass![]()
What kind of mark doesn't like 90s japan cyberpunk?.SMT sucks
I don't own it, sorry!
The biggest story to follow going forward is the WrestleMania buyrate. We don't have an official number and it will be months before we do. However, three different sources this week stated that very early estimates do not, in fact, look good, and one number I was given was downright shocking. Keep in mind that a number this far out can fluctuate wildly, sometimes by hundreds of thousands of buys worldwide. One source noted that WWE's own internal projections were lowered substantially in the final week before the show based on the Elimination Chamber PPV number coming in lower than expected.
From my boy Bryan Alvarez.
Sunflower, nothing wrong with DC man!
What kind of mark doesn't like 90s japan cyberpunk?
Man the only comic I actually read a lot of was the old sonic comics in the early 90s. I did own the Death of Superman though...The worst publisher. Sadly Valiant Comics had some horrible XO shit on the Genesis or Saturn I think. I love Valiant Comics dearly and the old Gold Key ones too <3
DO YOU LOVE VALIANT, SOKANTISH? Because we could come to an agreeeeement.
Superman sucks as a superhero, Batman is LAME, and Lobo was always a little toilet.
Didn't WWE ensure it won't be a thing anymore?
Man the only comic I actually read a lot of was the old sonic comics in the early 90s. I did own the Death of Superman though...
EITHER WAY comicbookgirl19 is convincing me that DC is okay with some of those batman comic reviews so I can't really go against her opinion, can I?
I can't believe this is a real thing. I think the E is trying to kill Fandango.
WWE Employees Contend with an Aggressive Fandangoer
Probably X-Om Manowar only because I totally had the Iron Man and X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal game on my Saturn
WEll I guess we know what their employees were doing instead of creating an entertaining show last night. Thanks a lot assholes.
And fuck those wraith thing in the Londo Ruin in Dark Souls. They should not be able to go through brick walks and fuck my shit up like that.
You probably can.
Here is the line up for the AIW JT Lighting Invitational Tournament on May 24th and 25th in Cleveland. I'm excited about the lineup so far and I really hope that Cole and Gargano have a match with each other.
1. Adam Cole
2. Michael Elgin
3. Tim Donst
4. Davey Vega
5. Matt Cross
6. Gary Jay
7. Rickey Shane Page
8. Ethan Page
9. Louis Lyndon
10. Josh Prohibition
11. Veda Scott
12. Josh Alexander
13. Chris Dickinson
14. Addy Starr
15. Bobby Beverly
16. BJ Whitmer
17. ACH
18. Colin Delaney
19. Nasty Russ Myers
20. Marion Fontaine
21. Johnny Gargano
Nu Valient is pretty good.
also PErsona is aweosme
so much shade being thrown around
Probably X-O Manowar only because I totally had the Iron Man and X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal game on my Saturn
I need to get past episode 3 of Batman Beyond.
Who was asking about sick lariats the other day? Because I was just watching some wXw and Sasa Keel damn near took this kids head off;
Here is the line up for the AIW JT Lighting Invitational Tournament on May 24th and 25th in Cleveland. I'm excited about the lineup so far and I really hope that Cole and Gargano have a match with each other.
1. Adam Cole
2. Michael Elgin
3. Tim Donst
4. Davey Vega
5. Matt Cross
6. Gary Jay
7. Rickey Shane Page
8. Ethan Page
9. Louis Lyndon
10. Josh Prohibition
11. Veda Scott
12. Josh Alexander
13. Chris Dickinson
14. Addy Starr
15. Bobby Beverly
16. BJ Whitmer
17. ACH
18. Colin Delaney
19. Nasty Russ Myers
20. Marion Fontaine
21. Johnny Gargano
Mr. Sandman said:iPPV?
That's a pretty sweet line-up - Veda's in there too? Well...hope she doesn't have to face Elgin, lol.