I feel like MMA really jumped the shark.
Fantasy booking, predictions, gifs, divas and what not. MMA doesn't have that.
I remember long ago when I was a part of Wrassle-GAF. Thank fuck I moved on.
Yo this dude's cool
Yo this dude's cool
I usually dislike Taz, but I have to give him props...he's done a lot tonight to get stories and wrestlers over on the mic. I've never said this, but the past hour or so has slightly felt like mid-90s WCW with a different flavour.
He now talks about what haircuts boy bands are sporting these days, y'know, sophisticated stuff. Not the carny crap we talk about here.
"Next week on NXT, Antonio Cesaro defends the United States title against Adrian Neville!"
Uh, whoops. They better not cut this match.
That's another thing that drives me from UFC, so much on fight day. Free pre-shows, online pre-pre shows, you're watching fights from 7 in the evening till 1am.
At least with a PPV, it's half that.
How many other Mix Martial Artists are into Super Sentai besides Rodrigo Gracie?
And while there are always some bad WWE/TNA PPVs each year, the chances are always higher you'll get a show full of lay and pray decisions, entire cards destroyed due to injuries, or a GSP fight in MMA.
Really? I ignore him because he is still bad playing the heel announcer. I'm not finding this show as great as you though.
I definitely liked it more than Raw this week. Second hour was better than the first hour, though.
This episode did a good job of actually establishing Aces and Eights as a legit threat, and not as a weak faction like they'd been booked for months before this.
Who else watched Impact tonight? Thoughts?
Hiroshi Tanahashi was IN super sentai
As something other than a suit actor?
One problem is that you can't change the fact they were weak for 9 monthes. Another problem is they are booking the babyfaces now like how Aces and Eights were before. The problem with groups like these is you need strong babyfaces to oppose them and just like WCW they don't have that after Hardy.
edit: This was better than Raw but thats not saying much.
Gotta say, the Aces and Eights storyline is finally entertaining. Doesn't excuse 9 months of garbage, but just try to imagine that it only started at Lockdown. I've really liked TNA's backstage promos this week. Joe, Matt Morgan, Roode, etc.
It took 9 months, but it's finally done and much better than The Shield who beat people up becauusseeeee injustice and stuff. At least this angle has a purpose finally.
I've never seen a dude sell a whiffed clothesline so hard.
If Matt fucking Morgan ends up as the super face to save TNA...I don't even know how to respond to that. Besides the hilarious emo/hobo look AJ has (and that fucker drove off in a fucking BATPOD when TNA cameras were at his home), he's actually more like DDP in the story. Initially at least, James Storm was definitely in the Sting role, with everyone questioning him and A8 trying to make people think he was a member.
I'll be legit shook if the person to bring down A8 isn't Sting, Hogan, or AJ. I'm actually leaning towards Sting. The whole thing started with him, it's all been his fault, and every angle Sting has been involved with in TNA has been about redemption in the end.
If that's the case, A8 will splinter off after Sting wins the blow off match, which I assume will be at NEXT year's Lockdown. Sting will eventually join it. A8 and Jokers Wild. Then it will just kind of die out and TNA will do the next 1-2 year long angle featuring a large heel group trying to "take over" the company. I don't even know what taking over means in pro wrestling. Controlling the booking? The pay window? The show budget? Working in Gorilla? Picking the ring crew? A pro wrestling company is a business and if a heel group takes over, that means they have to do a bunch of extra business work instead of just beating people up. It seems like a bum deal, to be honest.
It took 9 months, but it's finally done and much better than The Shield who beat people up becauusseeeee injustice and stuff. At least this angle has a purpose finally.
Didn't they do the same for WrassleMania? It gets a little long, but it's not a requirement to watch everything to be a fan of the sport by any means.
Don't want to be perceived as "trolling the thread" or whatever the fuck, but you should join us in MMA-GAF for the free card on FOX this weekend. It's excellent on paper.
Just a little something I shopped up quickly, based on an actual internet misunderstanding.
Get it? Huh, huh?
Guy is named Booker
Woman's is Elizabeth