I might change that URL and use it just for random, not connected to any project matches and shows.
Terry Funk vs Eddie Guerrero WCW 1989
Oh shit. Could you imagine how ridiculous 1994 Funk vs 2003 Eddie would have been? Eddie is so small. He had his true Mexican mullet and mustache. Huge giant swing from Funk. It was pretty boss.
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Sadly, it was too long to properly gif the whole thing. This was after Eddie did a back flip off the top and rolled right into it. Eddie comes back with some drop kicks and a head scissors, but Funk just chucks him over the top. Lariat on the ring post! Eddie hits a giant plancha, which must have been pretty mind blowing in 1989.
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He missed a pescado. Funk runs like 5 times just to do a baseball slide. Piledriver on the floor! This is a pretty awesome jobber match. Funk rolled him in the ring and pinned him, then ran into the crowd to fight someone.
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Two Ring King of the Hill Battle Royal GAB 1989
Some of the people in this: IRS, Scott Hall, The GOON, Brian Pillman, Faarooq, the Steiners, the Taskmaster, Eddie Gilbert, Steve Williams, SID, Waylon Mercy. Hall was in his Magnum PI phase. I think Terry Gordy was in here as well. The rules here are that when you get eliminated, you go to the second ring to start another battle royal. The winners of both rings would then face off in a singles match. The man in the second ring would have to go through two battle royals to get to the singles match. Sid and Pillman were the last ones in ring one. Spivey is just powerbombing the shit out of everyone in ring two.
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There were for real like 5 more of those. Sid wins ring one. Spivey won ring two. Since they were a tag team, they wouldn't fight, so they both were declared winners. I think this is on here for Scott Hall, but it also had a pre-Doom Ron Simmons and baby Scott Steiner.
Mean Mark Callus (Undertaker) and Dan Spivey vs Randy Harris and Agent Steel WCW 1990
Taker was a replacement partner for Sid. I enjoyed two black kids giving thumbs down to the beat of the Skyscrapers 2.0's music. JR immediately starts talking about Spivey's football history. Taker now has a pretty glorious mullet going. Holy shit, Taker did an unassisted rope walk flying elbow drop. That's pretty awesome. Way better than Old School.
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Spivey pins one of the dudes with a powerbomb. Taker looked impressive as fuck. Super fast, super crisp, super agile. There was a post match promo with them and good ol' Peanut Head himself where Taker said no one will know who Sid is in the 90s. Taker was yelling and it was weird. It didn't even sound like him.
Punisher Dice Morgan (Undertaker) and Scott Hall vs Shinya Hashimoto and Masa Saito NJPW 1990
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I'm excited for this. A solid 15 minute Taker (and Hall) in Japan match? Fucking sold. Especially after seeing how amazingly athletic Taker was. Hall was completely jacked. Much bigger than he looked at any point from Razor on. I'm hoping to see some stiff shots from Hash and Taker getting pissed. Hash and Taker start off. I feel like wigs are going to get split. Big lariat from Taker. He went for DA CLAW, but Hash hicked him out of the ring. Hall gets tagged in and he hits a giant leg drop and works over Hash's leg. Satio comes in and whoops Taker's ass. Hash comes back in and does a running elbow drop to Taker's leg in the ropes.
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Saito puts on that weird figure four, but Taker puts on DA CLAW. Razor's Edge to Hashimoto!
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It was awkward and probably tore his shoulder up, and Hall had trouble getting him up. But then Hall does a sharpshooter. Weird. They kind of do a Decapitation Elbow, but with a slide slam instead of back breaker.
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These white dudes don't even bother with tags and the ref doesn't seem to notice. Running body slam on Hall. Two giant white dudes do a double drop kick. Taker did a legitimate Old School. I guess it wasn't really Old School in 1990. Did it even have a name before the 2000s? Hashimoto pinned Hall after a jumping DDT and spin wheel kick. This was quite enjoyable.
Master Blasters vs Tim Horner/Brad Armstrong WCW 1990
Master Blasters are Kevin Nash and Al Greene. Horner/Armstrong came out to Mr. Brownstone! Nash looks ridiculous with his orangish mullet mohawk and being covered in soot. Nash is actually quite mobile. Al Greene totally whiffs on a falling headbutt and the crowd laughed at him.
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Then he tried it again, but Horner was getting up at the same time, so he mostly missed again. Al Greene was really bad. Nash was significantly better. Master Blasters won with a double shoulder block.
Cain The Undertaker vs Rick Sampson WWF Prime Time Wrestling 1990
One of the very, very few TV appearances as Cain the Undertaker. Interesting to see the difference a few months made. Taker won with a tombstone and some kid cried looking at him. Early, early Taker was awesome before he did nothing but chokes for 10 minutes.
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Kevin Nash/Rip Rogers/Pat Rose vs Brad Armstrong/Terry Taylor/Tim Horner WCW 1991
I always liked Terry Taylor. He was way better than what the Red Rooster did to his career. He was a decent promo guy and quite good in the ring. His NWA/WCW runs prove that. Even his brief JTTS run in like 1993 WWF shows that. It's a shame the Red Rooster totally killed his career. Pat Rose looks like a thinner Super Porky. He had cool boots, though. Nash has grown out his mullet a bit, still goes by Master Blaster, but also Kevin Nash and doesn't wear soot all over him anymore. It's so weird that WCW had this 7 foot tall dude with a good look and charisma and had him in 6 man tags like this. I think Armstrong vs a heel Taylor sounds way better than any combination in this match. Armstrong pinned Rip Rodgers with the Russian leg sweep.