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Del Rio getting that cheap Face pop last night in Newcastle.


Wearing a Black & White scarf, which are the colours of the local football (soccer) team.

Zeb got cheap heel heat by bigging up Sunderland (Newcastle's Rivals).

You kind of have to do that, because the Zeb/Swagger vs Del Rio feud doesn't have any relevance outside of the US

I mean, you can sort of understand it elsewhere, but it lacks the cultural impact


Man, the parting of the Red Sea still looks pretty fucking amazing. That movie is almost 60 years old. It's just like Kane!

I'm about to take a detour of ECW stuff to do mini reviews of a pack of short term, jobber, rare appearance matches. Stuff like Edge as a WCW jobber, Austin vs Taker in USWA, KANYON as a pre-WCW WWF job guy, AJ and Low Ki on Jakked/Metal. Stuff like that.
Bose earbuds are delicious. Really good sound quality, durability, and form factor. Might be on the expensive side, but I'm pretty sure it's still cheaper than the Dr Dre shit, and it's well worth it.

Man, the parting of the Red Sea still looks pretty fucking amazing. That movie is almost 60 years old. It's just like Kane!

I'm about to take a detour of ECW stuff to do mini reviews of a pack of short term, jobber, rare appearance matches. Stuff like Edge as a WCW jobber, Austin vs Taker in USWA, KANYON as a pre-WCW WWF job guy, AJ and Low Ki on Jakked/Metal. Stuff like that.

You're doing the lord's work Stro! Good shit, looking forward to it.
Tentative mockup, what do you guys think?



I was just thinking about this while lounging in the bath reading 'A Dance with Dragons'. I'd be up for contributing to a website, but I was wondering who else would contribute, and what kind of content would people want?

I thought we'd possible have

Strobogo's Recaps & Random Reviews
Bootaaay's Match of the Day & Reviews
Sunflower's GWF and other projects
Mr. Luchador's Rewatch Reviews

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just know some of you might not think your writing is that amazing, but content is king - and what you all DO write up is too good to be lost in the aether in GAF.
I just know some of you might not think your writing is that amazing, but content is king - and what you all DO write up is too good to be lost in the aether in GAF.

No, I agree.

A quick search on the internet would suggest that there isn't much out there in regards to reviews/recaps/pictures/gifs of older wrestling. We seem to have a lot of people within Wrassle-GAF who enjoy watching whatever wrestling there is, so there's a good variety being covered too.

You never know, you might be able to get smartmarkvideo, or whoever, to give us discounts if we link to their webstore! HA!


Sun, if you set it up, I'll get to work on putting all of my WCW/ECW reviews on it and post the random ROH/jobber match thing on there as well.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I had that old wordpress site but I don't think it's very slick or even is capable of it. The new one I'm fuckin with it via squarespace and I can do a lot, the only hangup is contributors - if I spend $10 monthly I get 2 contributors and that ain't cuttin it.
I had that old wordpress site but I don't think it's very slick or even is capable of it. The new one I'm fuckin with it via squarespace and I can do a lot, the only hangup is contributors - if I spend $10 monthly I get 2 contributors and that ain't cuttin it.

Understandable, that was my concern when thinking about setting up a website for us too.


Texas Red (Undertaker) w/Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer) vs Bruiser Brody WCCW 1984

Baby Taker with Paul Bearer 6 years before they were paired in the WWF. Taker is about the same size as Brody. He's also wearing a mask. He actually looks like a super sized El Generico. Naturally, this was a three minute squash match. You actually wouldn't have any idea that it was Taker. Besides the mask, he was just a jobber and didn't do anything that would tip you off.

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Jim Justice (Ultimate Warrior) w/Flash Borden (Sting) vs Phil Hickerson Mid South 1985

It started with Warrior cutting a totally straight promo with Lance Wright about out of shape dudes like Lawler and Dundee. Warrior looks fucking massive. I think bigger than he ever was in the WWF. He's also pretty bad. But him cutting a totally straight promo was pretty bizarre. Sting interfered and they double teamed this fat redneck. Steve Keirn (SKINNER!) made the save.

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Dingo Warrior (Ultimate Warrior) and Matt Borne (Doink) vs The Batten Twins WCCW 1986

I don't know who the Batten Twins are, but Doink and Warrior teaming up sounds awesome. I'd rather see that in 1993 than 1986. Matt Borne will never get the credit he deserves for being a pretty great wrestler. He had a boss body slam.

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And was Nick Dinsmore's dad, apparently. Like a fucking clone. Warrior with the face paint, short hair, and a pedo stache is odd. And going by Dingo. Doink wins with an elbow drop after a gorilla press from Warrior. All he did was chop, clothesline, and the press slam, but he actually looked way worse than the year before.

Dingo Warrior(Ultimate.Warrior)vs Perry Jackson & Chico Cabello WCCW 1986

Warrior now has a rat tail to go with his pedo stache. He easily pins Chico with an awkward power slam.

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Interesting that this is a single elimination handicap match. He beats Perry with an awkwardly applied camel clutch.

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Steve Williams (Steve Austin) vs The Punisher (Undertaker) USWA 1989

Taker is still on a mask, but now has long hair. Austin is at his mulleted best. Austin was in amazing shape. There are some clearly Taker movements this time, including his flying clothesline and big leg drop, which he actually won with.

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Master of Pain (Undertaker) vs Jerry Lawler CWA 1989

This is the first real match so far. Everything else has been total squash matches. Dirty Dutch Zeb was around not getting along with King. Taker now has very short hair and no mask. The first few minutes of this were King getting Dutch arrested. What a dick. He's a vet and a REAL AMERICAN. WE THE PEOPLE. King is wearing blue, purple, and white tights. Taker is in jeans. He also had his signature punch down pat by this point.

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Ref bump! Of course. It is Memphis after all. LOL King does a whole ring hip toss. To The Undertaker. Short, pudgy Jerry Lawler throwing a 7 feet tall dude all the way across the ring with ease.

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Dutch came back and a bunch of dudes ran in, only for King to punch all of them down. Like 8 dudes. He fought them all off. He turns around and Taker hits him with something. Undertaker just pinned Jerry Lawler! In Memphis! New champion! It took, I think literally, every heel in the company to run interference and they all celebrated after the win. All the managers, all the wrestlers. I think Hashimoto was there. Some obese manager beat up King after the match.

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A series of job matches with famous dudes before they were famous has been more interesting than the ECW stuff.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shit guys, Marvel Heroes. :O

EDIT: I love those matches, Stro - I think I got a pack of them. Probably the best quality you'll see WCCW footage from, too.
I wanted it to be Yuji Hino :(

But who knows, Shelton being a huge dick as the newest member of Suzuki-gun could be pretty interesting. Hopefully the match with Nakamura will be better than the match he had with Tanaka a few PPVs ago.


Shit guys, Marvel Heroes. :O

EDIT: I love those matches, Stro - I think I got a pack of them. Probably the best quality you'll see WCCW footage from, too.

I have some pretty sweet gifs coming up with this next set of matches I'm watching. Terry Funk vs Eddie Guerrero is one of the best jobber matches I've ever seen.

EDIT: Current match is Taker/Hall vs Hashimoto/Satio in NJPW in 1990!
Classic Match of the Day:

Mitsuharu Misawa vs Jun Akiyama - (AJPW 02/27/00)

Like many great matches from this turbulant time in All Japan Pro-Wrestling history (just three months before Misawa would split, form NOAH and take half the AJPW roster with him), Mitsuharu Misawa vs Jun Akiyama from the 'AJPW Excite Series 2000' is pretty overlooked. Which is a shame, as this was the match that MADE Akiyama in All Japan and, had he stuck with the company instead of following Misawa to NOAH, you have to believe that a Triple Crown Championship reign wasn't far beyond the horizon. Akiyama was finally starting to rise above the pack sometime around 1998. The fans were getting behind him and could sense that big things were in store, but he just needed that one big match to break out and here, against his former tag partner, he got his match. They start off tentatively, Akiyama not wanting to make a mistake, but finding himself on the end of a familiar beating from Misawa that sums up much of his singles career to this point. Eventually, he picks his spot and makes a comeback. He's pretty merciless as he piles on the punishment, knowing that it's going to take a ton of offence to put away Misawa, but as he tries to slow things down, working over the neck and shoulders to set up the Exploder, Misawa innevitably finds an opening and exploits it. Misawa's right in the midst of fucking Akiyama's shit up, when a well placed dropkick sends him crashing from the top rope to the floor! Akiyama gets Misawa back in the ring and hits a nasty-ass wrist clutch tombstone for 2! The fans start to sense that, just perhaps, this isn't going to go down like all of Akiyama's other big singles match that, just perhaps, he can pull out the win. As they go into the quite frankly insane finishing stretch, the crowd come figuratively unglued at every power move, every near fall and, most of all, Akiyama's fighting spirit. Great match, totally awesome, overkill finish in a match that ACTUALLY warrented it. Awesome stuff.

Misawa tries to cave in Akiyama's face;




When can I switch to my new CM Punk avatar I've been wanting to use?


Monday, I believe. 2 weeks after the RAW after Mania.


Just got back from the Smackdown house show in Birmingham. Decent event, very confused by the first match though.

Santino, Ted Di Biase, Jindal Mahal and Drew McIntyre Vs Prime Time Players and Primo and Epico


Divas match was equally strange, Natalya Vs Alicia Fox, just like a televised divas match but with rest holds and general stalling. Colter was comedy gold, saying that he was told this was the greatest city in England with brilliant people, then said "Good evening Manchester" :D. He also said about how England has the same issues as America with people from Ireland and Scotland and Wales coming over the border to settle here (in an Australian accent which was quite funny)
strobogo said:
Holy shit, Misawa wasn't fucking around with that elbow.

Yeah, I suspect Misawa was legit pissed off - at one point earlier in the match, Akiyama hits a knee-drop to the back of Misawa's head as he's laying over the ring apron and it looks really rough. Then, at the first opportunity Misawa gets, he hits that nasty-ass elbow - plus, about five minutes later, he drops a knee down HARD onto Akiyama's face and just breaks his fucking nose;


Misawa was such a mean old bastard.

Covfan said:
Colter was comedy gold, saying that he was told this was the greatest city in England with brilliant people, then said "Good evening Manchester" :D. He also said about how England has the same issues as America with people from Ireland and Scotland and Wales coming over the border to settle here (in an Australian accent which was quite funny)

Lol, Zeb is an amazing troll. Really love his character.


Junior Member
I was at the Raw house show in Paris tonight. Some dudes tried to sing the Fandango theme but it never got big (my cousin and I helped them at first, but after a while they got a bit annoying). Lots of kids in the crowd (Parisian crowds are usually pretty smarky).

The main event was Cena vs Ryback in a Tables Match for the WWE Title. I started a Goldberg chant that stopped both Ryback and Cena. After a while, Ryback turned to us and started to chant "RYYYYYBACK RYYYYBACK". I thought it was pretty funny. Later in the match, Ryback hit Cena with a Spear so we started to chant Goldberg again. At that point, Ryback turned to us again and said "YOU WANT GOLDBERG?" while looking pretty frustrated.

When it was time to set up the finishing spot, Ryback broke the table. He turned to the referee looking terrified and said "it's broken". The ref' warned Cena and then told Ryback where he would find another table (under the ring, where the other three tables used in the match were).

Overall, it was a fun show, even though the current roster is really weak (we got a Regal vs Joe Hennig match during which they had to do a double turn right from the start as fans were chanting for Regal). I hope my English isn't too messed up, it's pretty late here.



I might change that URL and use it just for random, not connected to any project matches and shows.

Terry Funk vs Eddie Guerrero WCW 1989

Oh shit. Could you imagine how ridiculous 1994 Funk vs 2003 Eddie would have been? Eddie is so small. He had his true Mexican mullet and mustache. Huge giant swing from Funk. It was pretty boss.

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Sadly, it was too long to properly gif the whole thing. This was after Eddie did a back flip off the top and rolled right into it. Eddie comes back with some drop kicks and a head scissors, but Funk just chucks him over the top. Lariat on the ring post! Eddie hits a giant plancha, which must have been pretty mind blowing in 1989.

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He missed a pescado. Funk runs like 5 times just to do a baseball slide. Piledriver on the floor! This is a pretty awesome jobber match. Funk rolled him in the ring and pinned him, then ran into the crowd to fight someone.

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Two Ring King of the Hill Battle Royal GAB 1989

Some of the people in this: IRS, Scott Hall, The GOON, Brian Pillman, Faarooq, the Steiners, the Taskmaster, Eddie Gilbert, Steve Williams, SID, Waylon Mercy. Hall was in his Magnum PI phase. I think Terry Gordy was in here as well. The rules here are that when you get eliminated, you go to the second ring to start another battle royal. The winners of both rings would then face off in a singles match. The man in the second ring would have to go through two battle royals to get to the singles match. Sid and Pillman were the last ones in ring one. Spivey is just powerbombing the shit out of everyone in ring two.

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There were for real like 5 more of those. Sid wins ring one. Spivey won ring two. Since they were a tag team, they wouldn't fight, so they both were declared winners. I think this is on here for Scott Hall, but it also had a pre-Doom Ron Simmons and baby Scott Steiner.

Mean Mark Callus (Undertaker) and Dan Spivey vs Randy Harris and Agent Steel WCW 1990

Taker was a replacement partner for Sid. I enjoyed two black kids giving thumbs down to the beat of the Skyscrapers 2.0's music. JR immediately starts talking about Spivey's football history. Taker now has a pretty glorious mullet going. Holy shit, Taker did an unassisted rope walk flying elbow drop. That's pretty awesome. Way better than Old School.

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Spivey pins one of the dudes with a powerbomb. Taker looked impressive as fuck. Super fast, super crisp, super agile. There was a post match promo with them and good ol' Peanut Head himself where Taker said no one will know who Sid is in the 90s. Taker was yelling and it was weird. It didn't even sound like him.

Punisher Dice Morgan (Undertaker) and Scott Hall vs Shinya Hashimoto and Masa Saito NJPW 1990

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I'm excited for this. A solid 15 minute Taker (and Hall) in Japan match? Fucking sold. Especially after seeing how amazingly athletic Taker was. Hall was completely jacked. Much bigger than he looked at any point from Razor on. I'm hoping to see some stiff shots from Hash and Taker getting pissed. Hash and Taker start off. I feel like wigs are going to get split. Big lariat from Taker. He went for DA CLAW, but Hash hicked him out of the ring. Hall gets tagged in and he hits a giant leg drop and works over Hash's leg. Satio comes in and whoops Taker's ass. Hash comes back in and does a running elbow drop to Taker's leg in the ropes.

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Saito puts on that weird figure four, but Taker puts on DA CLAW. Razor's Edge to Hashimoto!

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It was awkward and probably tore his shoulder up, and Hall had trouble getting him up. But then Hall does a sharpshooter. Weird. They kind of do a Decapitation Elbow, but with a slide slam instead of back breaker.

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These white dudes don't even bother with tags and the ref doesn't seem to notice. Running body slam on Hall. Two giant white dudes do a double drop kick. Taker did a legitimate Old School. I guess it wasn't really Old School in 1990. Did it even have a name before the 2000s? Hashimoto pinned Hall after a jumping DDT and spin wheel kick. This was quite enjoyable.

Master Blasters vs Tim Horner/Brad Armstrong WCW 1990

Master Blasters are Kevin Nash and Al Greene. Horner/Armstrong came out to Mr. Brownstone! Nash looks ridiculous with his orangish mullet mohawk and being covered in soot. Nash is actually quite mobile. Al Greene totally whiffs on a falling headbutt and the crowd laughed at him.

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Then he tried it again, but Horner was getting up at the same time, so he mostly missed again. Al Greene was really bad. Nash was significantly better. Master Blasters won with a double shoulder block.

Cain The Undertaker vs Rick Sampson WWF Prime Time Wrestling 1990

One of the very, very few TV appearances as Cain the Undertaker. Interesting to see the difference a few months made. Taker won with a tombstone and some kid cried looking at him. Early, early Taker was awesome before he did nothing but chokes for 10 minutes.

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Kevin Nash/Rip Rogers/Pat Rose vs Brad Armstrong/Terry Taylor/Tim Horner WCW 1991

I always liked Terry Taylor. He was way better than what the Red Rooster did to his career. He was a decent promo guy and quite good in the ring. His NWA/WCW runs prove that. Even his brief JTTS run in like 1993 WWF shows that. It's a shame the Red Rooster totally killed his career. Pat Rose looks like a thinner Super Porky. He had cool boots, though. Nash has grown out his mullet a bit, still goes by Master Blaster, but also Kevin Nash and doesn't wear soot all over him anymore. It's so weird that WCW had this 7 foot tall dude with a good look and charisma and had him in 6 man tags like this. I think Armstrong vs a heel Taylor sounds way better than any combination in this match. Armstrong pinned Rip Rodgers with the Russian leg sweep.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
USA chants and both are foreigners XD

You guys do know that this chant is sometimes used just to piss off the heel who's usually 'foreign heel.? I see this complaint a lot, not trying to single you out, but the fans don't think Christiain is from USA. They just know that the other guy 'hates' America, so they chant America at him.
You guys do know that this chant is sometimes used just to piss off the heel who's usually 'foreign heel.? I see this complaint a lot, not trying to single you out, but the fans don't think Christiain is from USA. They just know that the other guy 'hates' America, so they chant America at him.

Yeah, I know, is a patriotic thing, still I find it to be a pretty stupid chant.

But then again I am anti-patriotism.


A ladder match?

They advertised a Stairway to Hell Match.

Edit: I guess with it being for the gold, it would be a regular ladder match.



The Diamond Studd (Scott Hall) w/DDP vs Tommy Rich WCW 1991

Hall is basically Razor by this point. He has the slicked back black mullet with curly q and threw a toothpick at the camera. DDP looks like WHITE TRAAAAASSHHH. He did that sweet chokeslam that I always loved. Tommy Rich is a former NWA Champion. Now he's a JTTS. Vader bomb! Blocked! Hall's tights say "Stud", but his name is actually Studd. DDD: Diamond Death Drop (Razor's Edge) for the win.

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Oz (Kevin Nash) vs Johnny Rich WCW 1991

Same COTC as the last match, actually. Wow. This is amazingly stupid. A big matte painting back drop of a castle in green lights, with green pyro. Nash wears a crazy robe and a wizard mask to come out. He also has a manager, The Wizard, in the same mask, who I believe was Kevin Sullivan.

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But then Nash takes the mask off and has a silver mullet. He was Kevin Nash on major shows like 3 months prior. He's Master Blaster Nash with green tights and silver painted hair. Nash wins with the Whirly Bird. Probably The Tornado, or something.

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Vinnie Vegas (Kevin Nash) vs Thomas Rich WCW 1992

This is the 4th gimmick for Nash in not even 2 years. Master Blaster Steele (or Iron, I don't remember), Master Blaster Kevin Nash, OZ, and now Vinnie Vegas. This seems a lot more like the real Kevin Nash, though. How hard is it to find something to do for a 7 feet tall dude with a ton of charisma? His wrestling gear looked like Mr. Hughes. Pretty rough Snake Eyes for a quick win. Instead of just tossing the guy, Nash actually dropped to his knees with the guy.

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Bruiser Mastino (Kane) vs Sting WCW 1993

It's KANE! And he isn't wearing giant lifts, but he still looks pretty massive. And pale as fuck. Sting does a sweet flipping ass to the face move. Stinger splash to the back and a Scorpion Death Lock. Kane taps like a bitch. Poor Kane. Jobber for life.

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Terra Ryzing (HHH) vs Leroy Howard WCW 1994

HHH has the sweet slick the top of your head back, leave the sides wild and dry look. Leroy Howard might be Big E's older brother. HHH does a creepy pec dance.

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"My destiny begins now!" Perfect Jr's promo makes so much more sense now that I know he was referencing a HHH promo from WCW. Hunner wins with the Indian Deathlock.

Matt Hardy vs Nikolai Volkoff WWF 1994

Kind of weird to think that HHH and Matt Hardy were both doing undercard work at the same time. And that Matt was probably working for bigger crowds than Hunter. That bow legged mother fucker. Matt lost to a Boston crab.

Razor Ramon vs Jeff Hardy WWF 1996

I'm pretty sure I've actually seen this match and Jeff dies on the Razor's Edge. Back superplex. Goldust's usher dude came out and gave Razor a nudie picture of Goldust. He got counted out. Jeff Hardy wins! Razor gets back in the ring and hits three Razor's Edges.

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Jean Paul Levesque (HHH) vs Brian Armstrong (Road Dogg) WCW 1994

This is more or less Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but with a French accent instead of British. DX explodes! Road Dogg certainly didn't have the body to wear just trunks. He had his Predator braids even then, though. High knee! Spinning heel kick. From HHH? Wat. HHH wins with a weird looking early pedigree. Pretty interesting that HHH completely took his gimmick with him to the WWF. Same moves, same mannerisms and taunts, same gear, same everything. This coming after WWF sued WCW for the same thing about a year prior.

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Matt Hardy vs Hakushi WWF 1995

This was about a minute long. Hakushi won with a slingshot body splash.

Matt Hardy vs Triple H WWF 1995

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Hunter, doing his same gimmick he was doing a year prior in WCW. Matt Hardy is still a jobber. He did something to piss Hunter off, which made HHH just start chopping the shit out of him. Matt misses a moonsault and eats a pedigree 100% better than Road Dogg did a year ago. Also, Danny Daniels was the ref and wore a long sleeved ref shirt.

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Jeff Hardy vs Triple H WWF 1995

Lol, HHH burying the Hardy Boyz before anyone even knew who they were. Weird, the last match had random dudes golf clapping for Hunter, but this week had a few middle aged women doing it. What if that had caught on and an entire WM crowd would be golf clapping for HHH during his entrance. Jeff missed whisper in the wind. HHH is much more aggressive with Jeff than Matt. It's pretty crazy to think that Matt ended up being more of a mess than Jeff. Pedigree for the win. Matt actually took it better.
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