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New Paige






The Killer Elite Squad are now NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions!


That means the IWGP Tag Title match at Wrestling Dontaku on May 3rd will probably be a double title match. Here's the full card;

NJPW, "WRESTLING DONTAKU 2013", 05/03/13
Fukuoka International Center

0. Yuji Nagata, Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Tiger Mask & Maximo vs CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, YOSHI-HASHI, Jado & Gedo)
1. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Titles: Time Splitters (KUSHIDA & Alex Shelley) (c) vs Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov)
2. Fale Triumphant Return Match: Ryusuke Taguchi & Captain New Japan vs Devitt Army (Prince Devitt & Bad Luck Fale)
3. IWGP & NWA? Tag Titles: K.E.S. (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr) (c) vs TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs CHAOS (Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka) vs Muscle Orchestra (Manabu Nakanishi & Strong Man)
4. NEVER Openweight Title: Masato Tanaka (c) vs Tomoaki Honma
5. Special Singles Match: Togi Makabe vs Yujiro Takahashi
6. Special Singles Match: Hirooki Goto vs Katsuyori Shibata
7. Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs 'Machine Gun' Karl Anderson
8. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs Shelton Benjamin
9. IWGP Heavyweight Title: 'Rainmaker' Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Minoru Suzuki

Should be another amazing PPV, the line-up is really good this month, imo. Very much looking forward to Goto/Sakuraba, Okada/Suzuki, Tanahashi/Anderson, Tanaka/Honma and the tag title 4-way.

Had some fun tonight with friends - watched some of the NJPW vs AJPW "Total War" - I'm sure Bootaaay knows, but does anyone know what was up with the end of Shinya Hashimoto vs. Riki Choshu? Those two were SLUGGING the shit out of each other, stiff as hell, and then the match was called and Choshu left. Hashimoto was awesome in that match though.

I remember this one - Hashimoto's strikes were absolutely brutal. Apparently Tatsumi Fujinami sent word from the back for it to end because Choshu & Hash weren't wrestling the match they were supposed to, they were just beating the crap out of each other, lol.

Sunflower said:
Also watched The Backyard. Anyone know what happened to the Lizard and Chaos?

Don't know about Chaos, but The Lizard is still wrestling in the backyard;


'backyard wrestling hall of famer', lol.

*edit, this probably interests no one but myself, but a while back I was raving about this match;

Tatsumi Fujinami (c) vs Tony Rocco - WWF Light Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 09/11/80)

I'd never heard of Tony Rocco before, but this match pretty much blew me away. Anyways, I was looking for more matches from the guy and found he's sort of a local celebrity at Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, where he still works out every day to this day at the age of 70; http://fabianlewkowicz.photoshelter.com/image/I0000fz25FZ4tLzo - here's a cool interview with Tony where he talks some about his wrestling career and time in Japan;


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is the event where Muscle Orchestra wins gold, right? Right?
This is the event where Muscle Orchestra wins gold, right? Right?

Nope :p

This is the event where K.E.S. continue to steam-roll everyone in the heavyweight tag division. Personally, I could see either the CHAOS team or Muscle Orchestra coming close, which they could use to set up a normal 2 team tag for the next PPV. Probably CHAOS, to continue the Suzuki-gun/CHAOS feud.

Speaking of which, the main event is an interesting one - everything points to Okada retaining the title in his first defence. He's already lost once to Suzuki, so you'd think that he'd be getting his win back - however, if Okada beats Suzuki, doesn't that kinda put pay to the CHAOS/Suzuki-gun feud? Suzuki-gun's leader losing to the 2nd in command of CHAOS? I'm pretty certain that Okada is retaining, but I won't leave the chance of a SWERVE off the table.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nope :p

This is the event where K.E.S. continue to steam-roll everyone in the heavyweight tag division. Personally, I could see either the CHAOS team or Muscle Orchestra coming close, which they could use to set up a normal 2 team tag for the next PPV. Probably CHAOS, to continue the Suzuki-gun/CHAOS feud.

Speaking of which, the main event is an interesting one - everything points to Okada retaining the title in his first defence. He's already lost once to Suzuki, so you'd think that he'd be getting his win back - however, if Okada beats Suzuki, doesn't that kinda put pay to the CHAOS/Suzuki-gun feud? Suzuki-gun's leader losing to the 2nd in command of CHAOS? I'm pretty certain that Okada is retaining, but I won't leave the chance of a SWERVE off the table.

Okada will retain - if Suzuki wins, you're not going to see Okada with the gold again for a LONG time and really, is Suzuki enough to be a champion? It'll be Okada, and they'll figure out something to get some mileage out of CHAOS/Suzuki-gun. I think.

Let's be honest though. Muscle Orchestra can't wrestle well.
Watching the SHINE iPPV - first time seeing Solo Darling. Bueno;

Okada will retain - if Suzuki wins, you're not going to see Okada with the gold again for a LONG time and really, is Suzuki enough to be a champion? It'll be Okada, and they'll figure out something to get some mileage out of CHAOS/Suzuki-gun. I think.

I think Suzuki deserves a championship run at some point, but perhaps the Intercontinental title would be a better fit - plus, Suzuki vs Nakamura? Yes please.

Sunflower said:
Let's be honest though. Muscle Orchestra can't wrestle well.

Yeah, they're both pretty limited - Nakanishi hasn't been quite the same since all the injures he's sustained over the years, and Strongman is just that; a freakishly strong man...who looks like a prune. Lol, I enjoy them well enough though. I hope Strongman does something ridiculous, like picking up both Yano & Iizuka at the same time/deadlifting Tenzan, etc.


CM Punk News:

CM Punk actually has 4 different injuries to his knee at one time. Punk has a lot of pain in his lower leg but not the knee itself, despite the number of injuries. He has a strained ACL and other torn ligaments.

Before the leg injury, Punk was already planning on taking time off after WrestleMania 29 because he was mentally burnt out. Doctors advised him to stay out of the ring at least 6 weeks. He will not be at this Monday's RAW from England and how soon WWE asks him to return will likely depend on how the ratings are over the next few weeks.

If the ratings tank they probably bring him back after extreme rules pay per view.

On a related note, MMA veteran Mark Coleman was upset with Punk at last weekend's UFC event. Because UFC producers decided to show Punk on TV instead of Coleman, Coleman became furious to the point he wanted to attack Punk and start a fight with him. Nothing came of it but the situation on Coleman's side was serious enough that several people at the event were talking about it.



Bret Hart vs Issac Yankem DDS WWF 1995

From jobbing to Sting to jobbing to Bret. What a weird time for Bret. Because of Diesel's year long title run, he got shafted down to feuding with pirates and evil dentists. It'd be like if Cena feuded with non-wrestlers and an evil dentists during Punk's year long title run. Wait. Much like WCW's bungling of Hall and Nash, I can't believe Vince got a guy the size of Kane and the best he could come up with for years was an evil dentist and a fake Kevin Nash. Bret did a big dive and almost broke his neck.

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This isn't interesting at all. At all. I'd rather see Bret vs Kane today than this match. Kane did the Sabu leg drop on the ropes move, which is pretty impressive for a guy that size to be doing.

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Bret comes back with a suicide dive into mounted punches, then hit the 5 moves of doom back in the ring. King helps Kane get to the ropes while in the sharpshooter. Bret gets dirty when he pulls Kane balls first into the ring post, then ties his legs together with camera cables. This was so he could go after King. Kane got out of it and did a double ax handle from the top to the floor. Bret wins via DQ. I wasn't into this at all.

Issac Yankem vs Scott Taylor WWF 1995

Chokeslam! Kane wins with the DDS.

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Jeff Hardy vs Owen Hart WWF 1995

Mr. Harvey actually got some offense in. Diesel was watching in the back. Diana Hart was watching at ringside. Jeff sells a clothesline with a backflip.

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Missile dropkick and a roll up for the win. Owen was going to do the sharpshooter, but he laughed and rolled forward instead. Yoko comes in and hits a banzai drop.

Damon Striker (Edge) vs Kevin Sullivan WCW 1996

I don't know why Edge has always been considered this really attractive guy. He looked like a goof as a kid and has looked more and more like a cave man every year. Giant hits a chokeslam on the floor. Sullivan wins with a double stomp.

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Damon Striker (Edge) vs Meng WCW 1996

Edge tries to out quick Meng, then tries a crucifix, but Meng drops into a Samoan drop. Edge tries some clotheslines, which don't work. He should have tried a spear. Meng wins with the Asiatic spike.

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Flex Kavana (The Rock) vs Jerry Lawler USWA 1996

Rock tries to get this non-title match turned into a title match. King agrees, but only if Rock agrees to leave the USWA if he loses. It's amazing that Rock is like 40% bigger today than he was at probably his actual athletic prime. King has some manager who looks like a call center manager. Rock got someone to come watch his back a few minutes in. His pineapple hair is great. He had King pinned with a sunset flip, but the ref was too busy with the manager and other wrestler. Rock gets distracted and King hits the piledriver. King retains and Rock must leave the USWA!

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Kurt Angle's only OG ECW appearance

Bret Hart vs Terry Funk ECW Wrestlefest 1997/Funk's retirement

Dennis Stamp is the ref! This event was a focal point of Beyond The Mat. Bret is in total stooge heel mode for this, which is great. It starts out with some stalling and then gets right into some technical wrestling. Spinning toe hold! Bret immediately gets to the rope and bails to get his composure. Bret hits some punches and chokes and other heel stuff. He's basically wrestling like Jerry Lawler, which is pretty funny. It's weird that Joey Styles is calling a Bret Hart match. It's also weird for this puro looking environment where the audience is dark and the ring is surrounded by photographers. Bruce Hart is there, looking like a dick head. Bret is full heel in this. He's been working over Terry's leg and now has the figure four on and is holding the ropes for leverage. Oh shit, MORE HARTS getting involved. I think it's Keith. And Stu is sitting at ringside. Terry comes back with the Texas punch combo, neck breaker, and a DDT.


Piledriver! Bruce Hart put Bret's foot on the ropes. It goes into the crowd. Ring post figure four! Bret brings a chair into the ring and works all over Terry's leg. Dennis Stamp is the worst ref. Funk just starts punching Bret in the knee until he falls down. Someone throws him a chair and he returns the favor. Funk attempted a Vader bomb to the floor on a table, but Bret moved and I think he busted his jaw on the table. It busted him open.

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It gets back in the ring. Spinning toe hold! Bret is going to tap out! Small package...TWO COUNT! It ends with Funk hitting a back suplex and Bret getting his shoulder up before three. Terry Funk is retired! (lol). This was pretty good.

Edge and Christian do an impression of the Rockers break up. GWF 1997. Hilariously, Christian is Marty and Edge is HBK.

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H vs Hayabusa II Special guest referee: HBK FMW 1999

The video package included Haybusa II lighting a bottle rocket or firecracker in H's ass.

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Why was HBK the ref in this? Of course, he brought his short shorts to Japan. Asai moonsault!

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Tiger driver on the floor. H has been dominating. Kryptonite Krunch from the apron to the floor. Kind of. I'm glad they kind of pussed out on it.

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Hayabusa II locks in a full nelson camel clutch. H reverses a powerbomb with a rana. Hayabusa II tries again and hits it this time. Trouble in paradise! Another tiger driver. Falcon Arrow! HBK was slow to get to the count. Pele kick! Great 450 from H.

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One of the best for sure. Release tiger suplex from Haybusa II. Fire thunder driver. Gross. Looked far better than Bam Bam Big Yellow's. Phoenix splash for the win. H's face just slid down the mat after it. It was not unlike that midget WoS gif.

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Prototype (John Cena) vs CW Anderson UPW 2000

It's really weird to see Cena showing emotion in a wrestling ring. It's been so long since he really looked like he was actually in a wrestling match. Lot of arm work from CW until Cena does an atomic drop on an open chair.

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He had some shitty punches. He does a one armed side slam. Cena kicks out of the spinebuster. Over coming the odds, even back then. Protobomb for the win.

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Some upcoming matches: A Brock/Shelton dark match tag, Eddie vs Rey vs Punk, Mr. Anderson vs Colt Cabana, MVP vs Homicide, CM Punk doing matches on Heat in 2005, KENTA vs Ted DiBiase Jr, Kawada vs Umaga, AJ Styles/Tanahashi vs Kurt Angle/Nakamura, AJ/Ohtani vs Angle/Chono, Christian in ROH, and Kawada vs Foley. Then we're on to WCW guys.

tj hazuki

- CM Punk actually has 4 different injuries to his knee at one time. Punk has a lot of pain in his lower leg but not the knee itself, despite the number of injuries. He has a strained ACL and other torn ligaments.

Before the leg injury, Punk was already planning on taking time off after WrestleMania 29 because he was mentally burnt out. Doctors advised him to stay out of the ring at least 6 weeks. He will not be at this Monday's RAW from England and how soon WWE asks him to return will likely depend on how the ratings are over the next few weeks.

Source: F4Wonline.com

Happy for Punk to take some time off - although it sucks for the UK fans.

Kinds looks like they are set to give Punk the same storyline Cena had last year - his loss to Taker will be the same as Cena's loss to the Rock.

Punk would make that storyline interesting though.


Neo Member
You seem to be missing something under Kurt Angle's OG ECW Appearance there, strobogo. Looking forward to seeing what video you have from his stint there.



Man, if you guys think WWE booking is frustrating, CMLL is worse. They have mascara Dorada and can't think of anything to do with him!


So good!


I meant to delete it. All it was was him doing a ring interview with Joey, Taz coming out to shit talk, and then Kurt doing commentary for Taz vs Guido.






Few gifs from SHINE 9;

Fucking nasty-ass cut throat saito suplex from AK47 Allysin Kay;


'Sweet' Saraya heeling it up, as per usual;


The Botox Injection from Angelina Love;


Santana scores with the Shining Star Press;


Pop n lock, lol;


tm24 said:
Man, if you guys think WWE booking is frustrating, CMLL is worse. They have mascara Dorada and can't think of anything to do with him!

But, how? Send him on an extended tour somewhere. Like New Japan. Or PWG.


But, how? Send him on an extended tour somewhere. Like New Japan. Or PWG.

I blame Misticlone really. CMLL wants to get Mistico over as THE high flier, the problem is that Dorada is so clearly one of their best so they can't have both at the top. They can send him on tours, but it will mean nothing when he gets back to CMLL.

Speaking of Misticlone, this happens this friday

6) Mistico vs Averno [MEX WELTER]

LOL, is Davey Richards trolling?

"At Friday night’s St. Louis Anarchy wrestling event, former ROH World Champion Davey Richards told the crowd that he was “headed to Connecticut” to prove he is the “real Best in the World.”

He stated that he had done all there was to do in the indies after his match with ACH, whom he defeated by submission.

Davey Richards vs Dean Ambrose for the WWE Title, WM32 main event!

Speaking of Misticlone, this happens this friday

6) Mistico vs Averno [MEX WELTER]


Oh, this should be fun - how is Misticlone coming along? Still botching as regularly as Sin Cara?


So not worth it
Well rumor is their development recuitment is into overdrive with the new training center.

Triple H does seem to like raiding the indies top talent too. So, could be trollig, but could certainly be true as well.


Oh, this should be fun - how is Misticlone coming along? Still botching as regularly as Sin Cara?

He's gotten better, but he's nowhere near Mistico levels. They haven't even booked him as strongly as Mistico. He's been pinned a few times in trios in the last few months. If he can't have a good match with Averno, then all hope is lost

Also, crazy idea, but i think for May we should all have luchadors/masked wrestlers avs. FOr Cinco de Mayo!
Davey's right in that there's very little left for him to accomplish on the indies - he's had his shot at Japan, all that's left is TNA or WWE.

WWE need to get The Briscoes on board at some point.

If that is true, NXT is the best indie in the nation right now.

Serious. To think that, give it a few years or so, we could be watching a WWE roster made up of CM Punk, Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, El Generico, Sami Callihan, Brodie Lee, PAC, Davey Richards, Jon Moxley, Tyler Black, etc, is pretty crazy.


Serious. To think that, give it a few years or so, we could be watching a WWE roster made up of CM Punk, Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, El Generico, Sami Callihan, Brodie Lee, PAC, Davey Richards, Jon Moxley, Tyler Black, etc, losing to John Cena is par the course.

In before Davey Richards hate, oh wait...too late.

The negativity surrounding this guy and his matches is so hilariously overblown.

Dudes got to retire/get injured/be replaced SOMETIME, surely?

Oh, is it CZW time already?


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
In before Davey Richards hate, oh wait...too late.

The negativity surrounding this guy and his matches is so hilariously overblown.
You used to shit on him all the time. What are you talking about? Did you suddenly like him because he might go to the E now as Hornswoggle's midget partner?


You used to shit on him all the time. What are you talking about? Did you suddenly like him because he might go to the E now as Hornswoggle's midget partner?

If we know anything about Bootaaay its that he just sticks up for WWE no matter what and he just loves everything they put out!
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