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OMG the Aries/ Roode/Daniels/Kaz promo from Impact was amazing. Sounded like 4 equally immature douchebags trying to out ad-lib each other.

It was great but TNA just partened with GLAAD after the Bully Ray incident so hopefully they weren't watching because Aries might of crossed the line a couple of times.


How is Austin not being paid a billion dollars to return?

Because (as of now), he's not promoting movies, and trying to get wrestling fans to add 100 mil to the box office.

He also saved his WWF money, and has a reality show. He doesn't need the WWE, the E needs him.


Because (as of now), he's not promoting movies, and trying to get wrestling fans to add 100 mil to the box office.

He also saved his WWF money, and has a reality show. He doesn't need the WWE, the E needs him.

That's what I'm asking! Vince is throwing money at Brock and Rock but not Austin? I know he had knee surgery but still... :(
It was great but TNA just partened with GLAAD after the Bully Ray incident so hopefully they weren't watching because Aries might of crossed the line a couple of times.

It wasn't as bad as Bully Ray, but I guess it's a sensitive subject right now so yeah. IDK though, part of why it was funny is because they were being so immature. It's a fine line.


It wasn't as bad as Bully Ray, but I guess it's a sensitive subject right now so yeah. IDK though, part of why it was funny is because they were being so immature. It's a fine line.

I found it funny as well its just GLAAD gets over sensitive over stuff like this but it seems to be fine because no outrage stories have popped up.
something...something... "Nobody watches TNA", etc.

That is a possibility though.



What a violent and barbaric sport. Personally I'd compare it to human cockfighting.

I'd much rather see guys chain wrestle and bend each other's fingers for 15 minutes like the great William Regal did on the NXT.


formerly cjelly
Its sad that TNA hasn't hit a 1.5 since they got there television deal with spike. Its been 7-8 years and no real growth.

I think TNA is just at a point where people have been put through so much shit over the last few years that they're sick of the whole thing.

They need a reboot.



Prototype (John Cena), Samoa Joe, Frankie Kazarian, and Chris Daniels doing training at UPW with Instructor Tom Howard.

This is weird. It's like a wrestling training video. Cena is much more athletic than Joe, but Joe is a better bumper. Howard isn't a very good instructor. He speaks very stiltedly and isn't very clear on his instructions. Guys going through basic wrestling stuff at slow speeds is very homo erotic. I think I have a boner. LOL Cena was supposed to do an arm bar and did a hammer lock and had to repeat the drill. It then goes into an interview with John Cena on training and conditioning. And then one with Joe.

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TJ Pain/Shooter ? vs Brock Lesnar/Shelton Benjaman WWF 2001

I believer this is the match where the gif of Brock doing the SSP in front of a real crowd comes from. Guess what? It's going to get gifed again. These two mooks look terrible compared to the Minnesota Stretching Crew. Shelton wrestles basically in what he would wrestle in, but also in a doo rag. Brock hits a pretty awesome fall away slam.

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Brock is huge. And so young looking. Total baby face. Shelton lands on his feet on a back drop. I don't know who this Shooter guy is, but he has a good look. Big spinebuster from Shelton. Dragon kick! Shelton actually looks like the bigger star. And he does a 450.

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Brock wins with a SSP. The guy was actually at least as far if not farther away than Kurt was at WM19 and Bork has zero issues hitting him.

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr vs CM Punk IWA MS Heavyweight Championship IWA 2002

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How could Ian Rotten afford both Rey and Eddie? I believe this had a bigger crowd than the last 3 months of WCW. Rey is maskless, Eddie was out on his drug tour. Dude has so much bacne. Punk looks so young and skinny. What a big deal this had to be for him. I'd like to have seen this in like 2009ish. I miss Eddie. Eddie starts out trying to get out of any fighting until Punk and Rey both go after him. Indie pin stand off! Rey does a 619 feint and then dives on Punk. Rey and Eddie go at in in this disgusting and low rent ring. About a year prior, Eddie was wrestling in front of 70,000 fans at WM17. Rey was wrestling in front of 5,000 at the last WCW PPV. Now they're both in front of 75 people in an armory. Eddie turnbuckle bombs Rey. Punk hits a double cross body. Awkward springboard dropkick to Rey as a follow up. Eddie locks in an STF and Punk puts him in a camel clutch. It goes to the ropes and we have another multi-submission hold. Punk hit a pretty nifty blockbuster on Eddie. 619! Bronco buster on Punk. Rey tries it on Eddie and gets his balls crushed. 3 Amigos attempted, but Rey gets out of it. Sunset flip/German suplex only gets 2. Punk hits Welcome to Chicago on Eddie. Eddie pins Punk with the frog splash. New champion! This was okay. The frame rate was really bad, so gifs didn't really work out. There was an Eddie/Punk match the next night, but it was unwatchable due to the frame rate.

Eddie Guerrero/Red vs SAT ROH 2002

Eddie was actually the IC Champion at the time and wore it to the ring. He had returned to WWE and they let him fulfill his indie bookings. Good thing I'm not listening to the commentary. Fuck. Gabe and Corino? A lot of fast action for the first few minutes. Eddie puts fat SAT in a sharpshooter. I'm waiting for SAT to start doing stupid SAT moves. Big German suplex on Eddie. Big superplex from Eddie. Red gets tagged in and does silly Red stuff. This match is almost over and there haven't really been any crazy stupid shit. SAT does this wacky leg drop combo.

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The ROH locker room is out to watch the back. Brainbustaaah. Eddie tosses Red into a rana. Eddie wins with a BT Bomb.

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Ken Anderson vs Colt Cabana IWA 2002


Weird to see Anderson all jacked up after the past 4 or so years being a pudgy skinny fat ass. He most definitely had dat squat ass. This was in the pole barn IWA arena. That ring was fucking disgusting. Jeeeeezzzzuuuusss Christ. Looks like staph and hep city. Lol, Anderson slips of the apron.

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He went for a dive, but Colt walked away. Does Anderson still do his rebound spinny kick thing? Colt does some flying knees to the face. Anderson is really defined. I think he's dehydrated. Cabana working a bear hug that he turns into a snap suplex. Cabana fakes out a dive to fuck with the fans. Anderson hits one. It goes back in the ring where Colt hits a flatliner. Anderson is so blown up. Cabana misses a moonsault and Anderson does a weird punch combo.

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Kenton Bomb is countered with knees. Colt 45. Cabana wins.

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Ken Anderson/Daivari vs Glenn Gilberti/Mike Sanders TNA Xplosion 2003

Disco! Mike Sanders! This is why WCW died. I don't think I've ever seen any Xpolosion matches except for a few matches when they started doing it in the blue lights. I believe Anderson has that goofy facial hair he'd have later. This isn't very good. Disco looks like he is putting in zero effort, Mike Sanders was never that good, Daivari isn't that good, and Anderson is Anderson. KANYON CUTTER! BANG! Sanders pins Daivari with a super kick.

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Mick Foley vs Toshiaka Kawada HUSTLE 2004

What a random match up. Kawada was actually the Triple Crown Champion at this time. I thought Foley was actually contracted to WWE at this point, but I guess not. Starts off with some kicks to the face. Strike battle. They're not on the same page at all. Because they cut to some random woman, we missed Kawada kicking Foley off the ramp. Be we did see Foley get kicked over the railing.

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Oh shit, Mick has a barbed wire bat! And now he's throwing chairs into the ring. A young boy eats some bats shot. Piledriver! Neckbreaker on the floor. Cactus elbow.

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Double arm DDT. Foley is on the verge of winning this. Mick is trying to use the bat and gets back suplexed. Then kicked in the face a few times. Kawada has the bat! He throws it out. Damn. Mr. Socko! A young boy trips Kawada up. Mandible claw! Kawada fights out and knees/elbows the shit out of Mick. Kawada wins with a soccer kick to his downed opponent. This was weird.

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Antonio Banks (MVP) vs Homicide FIP Championship ROH 2005

MVP is pretty jacked. Looks quite a bit bigger than his WWE run. A shoulder block sends Homicide to the floor. It happens again and Homicide eats a flapjack (Norton) and a big boot. Head scissors from Homicide. Tope from Homicide.

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MVP catches a cross body and does a fall away slam. Corner Yakuza kick. Face wash. MVP isn't fucking around. Stalling suplex. Homicide is about to lose his belt. And his lunch. Diving tornado DDT from Homicide. KANYON CUTTER! BANG!

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Shitty looking back drop driver.

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After a low blow, Homicide hits two piledrivers. A lariato didn't take MVP down. The second one didn't, either. Or the third. Another low blow and 4th gets the win. Title retained.
NXT was great this week. The Emmalution is catching steam. Emma had a great match and what a great finisher incorporating the dance into it. Also if you can check out this weeks Superstars for the Brodus Clay Sweet T vs Primo and Epico

Tensai goes nuts


still need to watch Main Event and Saturday Morning Slam.
What a violent and barbaric sport. Personally I'd compare it to human cockfighting.

I'd compare it to Jackass. Deathmatch wrestling, at least.

Heel said:
I'd much rather see guys chain wrestle and bend each other's fingers for 15 minutes like the great William Regal did on the NXT.

On a whole, I'd generally prefer to watch a good technical wrestling match over some indy deathmatch sleaze, but good technical wrestling is in short supply these days. Still, youtube's full of the classic stuff;

Sammy Lee vs Jim Breaks - (World of Sport 18/07/81)



Indie and Japan deathmatch wrasslin is fun for the trainwreck that it will inevitably become. When it works it can be completely awesome though.


I just don't like death matches. Like...at all. Buddy tried lending me a death matches DVD, and I stopped after the first two bouts. Just doesn't click with me whatsoever. Prefer grappling, high flying, and reversals.


I just don't understand why guys do the deathmatch stuff for such tiny crowds and for as much or less money they'd get for just normal wrestling. I can't imagine guys get paid a ton of money at a TOD. Certainly not enough to have someone smash your head with an ungimmicked cinder block, get thrown off a building, or slammed in piles of glass. There is no way those guys get paid enough to make up for the extra damage that style does to your body and the possible hospital bills you'll have when a light tube slices your cornea.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I just don't understand why guys do the deathmatch stuff for such tiny crowds and for as much or less money they'd get for just normal wrestling. I can't imagine guys get paid a ton of money at a TOD. Certainly not enough to have someone smash your head with an ungimmicked cinder block, get thrown off a building, or slammed in piles of glass. There is no way those guys get paid enough to make up for the extra damage that style does to your body and the possible hospital bills you'll have when a light tube slices your cornea.

Can't speak for guys like Moxley or Cole but Nick Mondo said it was the only work he could get.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WWE doesn't need to throw money at Stone Cold...

because Stone Cold is still under contract with WWE

It's a basic WWE talent contract and Austin makes the downside guarantee.
Vince is loyal to Austin for his run in the 90s-00s so Vince keeps Austin paid. I'm sure it's guilt from Vince because Austin should've been paid a whole lot more than he did during the attitude era.


WWE doesn't need to throw money at Stone Cold...

because Stone Cold is still under contract with WWE

It's a basic WWE talent contract and Austin makes the downside guarantee.
Vince is loyal to Austin for his run in the 90s-00s so Vince keeps Austin paid. I'm sure it's guilt from Vince because Austin should've been paid a whole lot more than he did during the attitude era.

If he did a WM match, they would have to throw him money. He's not coming back on his basic contract, I don't even know how you know he has this. I'm sure he still makes money off of licensing etc


formerly cjelly
Austin would only come back for the match he wanted. He's said time and time again that's against Punk.

But why?

It's going to be WM 2014... three or four years ago it would've made sense. Does Punk need to beat Austin at this point?

Why not Barrett? Cesaro? Someone like that.
He's said if he came back for multiple matches, Cena would be second, sure. But if it's for one match, CM Punk, as a heel, is the only one he'd come back for.

Nah he mentioned during WWE 13 stuff that he would come back and face Cena. It didn't seem like only if it was two matches either. Obviously Cena needs as many torches passed to him as possible
Are there any wrestlers on UK TV tomorrow? I saw Foley was on Sunday Brunch today talking about Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Kendo Nagasaki - which was great.

I want more!!


But why?

It's going to be WM 2014... three or four years ago it would've made sense. Does Punk need to beat Austin at this point?

Why not Barrett? Cesaro? Someone like that.

I think it's less about just giving Punk the rub in a measurable way, and more about the feud they could have, and the huge match.

Nah he mentioned during WWE 13 stuff that he would come back and face Cena. It didn't seem like only if it was two matches either. Obviously Cena needs as many torches passed to him as possible

He had an entire interview around the WWE 13 promotion with Punk and JR dedicated to teasing a match between the two and making it very clear if he ever returns, it'll be against Punk. If he stays after he's done with Punk, he'll face Cena, maybe, but not before.

Austin vs Punk is a legit dream match and feud right there.


formerly cjelly
Are there any wrestlers on UK TV tomorrow? I saw Foley was on Sunday Brunch today talking about Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Kendo Nagasaki - which was great.

I want more!!

They will probably have someone on Sky Sports News tomorrow.

It's crazy to me that they're having a house show in Sheffield Cardiff tomorrow while Raw is in London. Raw is going to be so shitty.
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