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Zack Ryder beat Antonio Cesaro. You did not read that wrong.



Man, who the fuck did Cesaro piss off?

I'm starting to believe the dirtsheets that Vince never liked him. Or I don't know, maybe because Cesaro is an awesome worker they want him to put over b-tier wrestlers until he can start going after the WHC?

I'm still waiting to see if Psycho Ryder is actually going to be a thing. Would be nice. Have him tag with Hawkins again, maybe have Hawkins come in as a face and give them a rivalry.


So not worth it
Cesaro is in the stage of his WWE career where you get jobbed constantly. If you start whining and complaining in this stage you end up as Zack Ryder at best. If you take it like a man and do your job, you get a WHC run.

It's also likely he could be one of the MitB winners this year, which means he's entered the "we will job you until you the win the title" stage of his career.


They're the wrestlers who function in the realm of jobbing, leaving, agreeing to stay content where they are on the card because they get paid and are able to be on TV, despite a strong liklihood of never being a consistent main eventer. Cesaro is another guy they'll tear down, get a sudden big win over somebody like Orton or Sheamus, then have a fast push. A shtick way too overused at this point.

Once the summer hits, it marks the third year since the Nexus angle debuted. Where has Wade Barrett been at or been doing since? Going nowhere. It took Dolph Ziggler four years to get an opportunity (albeit a cash-in), though I still have low hope for them to make him a viable threat. They've had him lose all this time prior to it (since beating the top star in the company in a TLC match no less) for what? To make him seen vulnerable and push the idea the faces can beat him? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why is it the WWE heels are the ones who are supposed to be the underdogs by these losses, and not the faces?
In what universe but the WWE's does "Guy jobs for a year then wins a title" make any...any....ANY sense. It's like they never look back to that funk before the Attitude Era to see how stars were built. They seem to have some weird idea that just because they decide to make someone upper-card or main event by thrusting them into that spot after months (or years) of being a loser, they'll automatically be looked at as a star. It's mind boggling. This isn't even about storytelling anymore, it's a basic rule of any competition, real or fake scripted. There has to be a run. You don't go from being the worst team in the league, to skipping the season and automatically playing in the Superbowl. You don't go from bumfights to HBO Boxing on PPV after getting knocked out on some street corner.

Their booking DEFIES LOGIC. This "break them down to build em up" crap has destroyed the roster.

Jamie OD

In what universe but the WWE's does "Guy jobs for a year then wins a title" make any...any....ANY sense. It's like they never look back to that funk before the Attitude Era to see how stars were built. They seem to have some weird idea that just because they decide to make someone upper-card or main event by thrusting them into that spot after months (or years) of being a loser, they'll automatically be looked at as a star. It's mind boggling. This isn't even about storytelling anymore, it's a basic rule of any competition, real or fake scripted. There has to be a run. You don't go from being the worst team in the league, to skipping the season and automatically playing in the Superbowl. You don't go from bumfights to HBO Boxing on PPV after getting knocked out on some street corner.

Their booking DEFIES LOGIC. This "break them down to build em up" crap has destroyed the roster.

They lost faith in bringing up fresh talent ever since Bobby Lashley bailed on them. Then you have stuff like Carlito and Chris Masters both flopping, Ken Kennedy being injury prone to himself and others, Jeff Hardy falling apart and more tales of high prospects either failing to live up to their expectations or never being given a chance because they don't fit Vince's idea of what a superstar is.


May bill with Hardy as somebody like Lashley or Batista. They can still work, but they just got tired of the schedule and/or product. In 2009 for Smackdown before leaving, he was arguably the top star in the company.


So not worth it
For all the bad things happening, lets talk about good things WWE does.

Like this.


Cesaro is in the stage of his WWE career where you get jobbed constantly. If you start whining and complaining in this stage you end up as Zack Ryder at best. If you take it like a man and do your job, you get a WHC run.

It's also likely he could be one of the MitB winners this year, which means he's entered the "we will job you until you the win the title" stage of his career.

So I guess Drew never stopped whining. Or are we still in the Jobber stage?

At least Swagger somehow came out of it.


So not worth it
Make the new guy lose to some old dude that never wrestles?

Wait, what?

1. The Shield has been booked stronger than literally anyone on the roster not named Cena for half a year now.
2. Losing to Undertaker is NOT A BAD THING. EVER. This is the guy that is in pretend-world the legit most unbeatable guy on the roster for years now. Getting a match with him, even if you lose, is a huge rub for anyone in that ring, unless the match ends in a minute and you get absolutely no believable offense in.

So I guess Drew never stopped whining. Or are we still in the Jobber stage?

Drew is an anomaly we shan't speak of. Like ever.


Make the new guy lose to some old dude that never wrestles?

Making a new guy whose stable is undefeated have his first singles match on WWE TV be against the fucking Undertaker?

Compare this first singles opponent to say, the debuting Cesaro, Sandow, Ryback, Big E, even as far back as Sin Cara?


Wow, don't make a joke about the Undertaker around here! You guys don't seriously think I thought Dean Ambrose would/should actually win against Undertaker, right? Especially on a random SmackDown!


Wow, don't make a joke about the Undertaker around here! You guys don't seriously think I thought Dean Ambrose would actually win against Undertaker, right? Especially on a random SmackDown!

Unfortunately there does seem to be people that actually do think that way. A big part of the problem is what a shit job the commentary does of putting guys over. Its almost impossible for a lot of guys to look good in a lose because of Cole/King just no selling their entire offense.


Unfortunately there does seem to be people that actually do think that way. A big part of the problem is what a shit job the commentary does of putting guys over. Its almost impossible for a lot of guys to look good in a lose because of Cole/King just no selling their entire offense.

Luckily SD has JBL who tries to put over most of the roster (bar 3MB, whom he hates for some reason), and no Lawler.
Unfortunately there does seem to be people that actually do think that way. A big part of the problem is what a shit job the commentary does of putting guys over. Its almost impossible for a lot of guys to look good in a lose because of Cole/King just no selling their entire offense.

Yup, no selling.

The opposite of the film Rocky. The movie made Rocky into a legit star despite being some bum boxer off the street. Apollo gave him the rub.

J.R. was the only commentator to sell the product.

Luckily SD has JBL who tries to put over most of the roster (bar 3MB, whom he hates for some reason), and no Lawler.

I like JBL but he does tend to tell tall tales or lie in his attempt to sell. Sometimes he gets called out on it and it harms his legitimacy as a commentator and subject matter expert.


I'm thinking Cesaro did something to majorly piss somebody off and that this isn't him just going through the stupid "see how you take losing" portion of his career. Since he became US Champ and looked super strong he's; gotten saddled with a stupid yodeling gimmick, lost his belt, wasn't even on WrestleMania, jobbing to jobbers and not even looking strong during those matches.

Cesaro's going to have to join the Kiss My Ass club to get into the WHC picture.


So not worth it
Wow, don't make a joke about the Undertaker around here! You guys don't seriously think I thought Dean Ambrose would/should actually win against Undertaker, right? Especially on a random SmackDown!

The way you phrased that is classic IWC smark complaining.

So no, I didn't read that as a joke.


I'm thinking Cesaro did something to majorly piss somebody off and that this isn't him just going through the stupid "see how you take losing" portion of his career. Since he became US Champ and looked super strong he's; gotten saddled with a stupid yodeling gimmick, lost his belt, wasn't even on WrestleMania, jobbing to jobbers and not even looking strong during those matches.

Cesaro's going to have to join the Kiss My Ass club to get into the WHC picture.

Maybe it's a rib on Punk.

"Oh, your a Casero fan huh?"


Triple HHH interview..
HHH Speaks on a Physical Hall of Fame Location

If you're going to build a Hall of Fame, it has to be in a destination location. If you are going to go down that road you have to go where the people are and if you are looking to do things you have to go to destinations. You have to look at a place like Orlando. You'd have to look at a place like Las Vegas. It's creating the opportunity for people to come there and have lots of things to do besides just what you do. It has to be an immersive experience. It can't just be come in and look at a guys trunks from 1945.

Interesting part of the interview is when they are asking him about his career, and he straight up says that Vince decides if he's in Wrestlemania or not. Trips wants to be behind the scenes.




Triple HHH interview..
HHH Speaks on a Physical Hall of Fame Location

Interesting part of the interview is when they are asking him about his career, and he straight up says that Vince decides if he's in Wrestlemania or not. Trips wants to be behind the scenes.



Putting a physical WWE Hall of Fame in a tourist spot like Orlando is a good idea in theory since lots of people are there, but at the same time you run into the issue of who the fuck would pass up Disney World or Universal Studios to go see the WWE Hall of Fame? A physical WWE Hall of Fame would need to go in a big city that doesn't have as many tourist locations that would pull people away from it. Atlanta would be an ideal WWE Hall of Fame location, if you ask me.

That being said, I'm glad that they're entertaining the idea of a physical Hall of Fame. It's something long overdue I think.


So not worth it
Putting a physical WWE Hall of Fame in a tourist spot like Orlando is a good idea in theory since lots of people are there, but at the same time you run into the issue of who the fuck would pass up Disney World or Universal Studios to go see the WWE Hall of Fame? A physical WWE Hall of Fame would need to go in a big city that doesn't have as many tourist locations that would pull people away from it. Atlanta would be an ideal WWE Hall of Fame location, if you ask me.

That being said, I'm glad that they're entertaining the idea of a physical Hall of Fame. It's something long overdue I think.

I've always wanted to visit Disney World. If they put a WWE hall of fame somewhere around there, I'd take the time to go there for sure. If they put it in Tampa instead, I wouldn't.

His logic is sound.


So not worth it
And this is why TNA will always come up short.

WWE's rogue faction's transport method:

...Look like badasses.

TNA's rougue faction's transport method:

...Look like extras in Thunder in Paradise.
Classic Match of the Day:

Genichiro Tenryu (c) vs Satoshi Kojima - Triple Crown Championship - (AJPW 07/17/02)

Real slug-fest here, as grumpy old Tenryu defends the Triple Crown against Kojima. Tenryu defeated Mutoh in the Champion Carnival to win the vacant title and isn't going to give it up easily, especially to a young upstart like Kojima. The crowd are damn electric and firmly behind Kojima as they start things off. Tenryu just kind of lets Kojima beat on him a while, to see what he's got. It's remarkable how well the crowd reacted to the slightest bit of selling from Tenryu here, they totally bought into his character. Realising brute strength probably isn't going to work, Kojima goes after Tenryu's right knee and, bizarrely, Tenryu lets him, which is his only real mistake in the match and will play into his title loss to The Great Muta a few months later. Kojima locks in a nice single leg crab, but Tenru counters into an ankle lock. Kojima makes it to the ropes, but Tenryu's ready to kick some ass now and just tries to fucking decimate him with punches and chops. Kojima fights back here and there, much to the crowd's approval, but now Tenryu's firmly in control. He takes things to the floor and scores with a suicide dive, but as he's getting back in the ring, Kojima hits a dragon screw through the ropes! Now it's Kojima's turn to work over Tenryu. The crowd are going nuts as he hits Bakayaro Elbow and goes for the lariat, but Tenryu avoids it and hits an enziguri. He looks almost bemused at how hot the crowd are as they chant "KO-JI-MA!". Tenryu goes for the brainbuster, but Kojima counters into the Koji Cutter! The crowd sense something special is about to happen, but that quickly changes when Tenryu kicks out of a nasty-ass falcon arrow at one, signalling that he's far from done. The finishing stretch is frankly ridiculous, but the crowd are so amped it's hard to care. Tenryu hits a nice spider suplex that dumps Kojima onto his shoulder, the injury playing into his inability to put Tenryu away with the lariat later on. Watch out for the camera cutting to Stan Hansen as Tenryu kicks out of a THIRD lariat. He doesn't look amused, lol. Tenryu ensures Kojima dies a thousand deaths as the match draws to a close, the crowd just eating up every near-fall, and though he didn't claim the gold here (he'd have to wait another 2 and a half years for that), Kojima looked crazy strong in defeat. Fun match, Meltzer gave this one **** 3/4, probably just shy of 5 stars because of the insane finishing stretch.

Here's some gifs of Tenryu being a mean, old bastard;



I've always wanted to visit Disney World. If they put a WWE hall of fame somewhere around there, I'd take the time to go there for sure. If they put it in Tampa instead, I wouldn't.

His logic is sound.

I just got back from Disney World a week ago, actually.

Trust me, if you actually plan on getting your money's worth out of Disney World you won't have time for the WWE Hall of Fame.


And this is why TNA will always come up short.

WWE's rogue faction's transport method:

...Look like badasses.

TNA's rougue faction's transport method:

...Look like extras in Thunder in Paradise.

Luckily, AJ Styles has the perfect vehicle to chase them down in, provided there is a canal to the arena.



So not worth it
So the IWC is hopefully done shitting on The Rock for "making up" some sort of phony injury to bail on RAW, I would hope...


Of course, maybe it's all a work, brother. #smark

He still bailed on WWE without giving them any notice. Then when he got back in Hollywood he said "I'm not having surgery" and started working out 2 days later.

I'm gonna bet you Vince is gonna pissed about that for a very long time.
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