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He still bailed on WWE without giving them any notice. Then when he got back in Hollywood he said "I'm not having surgery" and started working out 2 days later.

I'm gonna bet you Vince is gonna pissed about that for a very long time.

I've read some dirt sheets saying Vince and company actually knew about it before he left though. So there is a little bit of conflicting information there. Plus if WWE was still pissed at Rocky for bailing I think we would have heard a bit more about it by now.


He still bailed on WWE without giving them any notice. Then when he got back in Hollywood he said "I'm not having surgery" and started working out 2 days later.

I'm gonna bet you Vince is gonna pissed about that for a very long time.

Hmm. That's not what he said in this interview. So Rock is lying?

The Rock Talks Leaving WWE Raw and Whether WrestleMania Was His Last Match

Rumors rumbled on the Internet one day after WrestleMania 29 that The Rock had walked out on WWE. Various outlets including Examiner.com reported that The Rock was upset with the company and was nowhere to be found. The scene that many writers painted was one of WWE Raw's writers scrambling to recover from The Great One's shocking, unexpected exit.

Rock said to Rosenburg about those rumors, "That's so false."

He said that he "talked to Vince that night" and sounded disgusted and hurt by the accusations. "It's just now how I do business," he told Rosenburg.


So not worth it
The dirtsheets told me nobody knew Rock was leaving and they had to rewrite Raw in a hurry and Vince was pissed.

We all know the dirtsheets are never wrong.


He still bailed on WWE without giving them any notice. Then when he got back in Hollywood he said "I'm not having surgery" and started working out 2 days later.

I'm gonna bet you Vince is gonna pissed about that for a very long time.
Austin walked out without notice and Vince welcomed him back in open arms. Vince only sees the dollars.


The sad fact is that Vince needs Rock far more than Rock needs Vince. They are still giving people on the roster jobber entrances while they read his tweets. He can come back to the WWE whenever he wants.


The dirtsheets told me nobody knew Rock was leaving and they had to rewrite Raw in a hurry and Vince was pissed.

We all know the dirtsheets are never wrong.

Exactly, which is why I'm just taking this for what it's worth.

I don't think Rock walked out w/out telling anybody. If there was lingering anger towards Rock I think we would still be hearing about that, and if they were pissed at Rock for walking out I doubt WWE would have gone out of their way to explain why Rock wasnt on Raw after Mania or talk about him being injured.


Exactly, which is why I'm just taking this for what it's worth.

I don't think Rock walked out w/out telling anybody. If there was lingering anger towards Rock I think we would still be hearing about that, and if they were pissed at Rock for walking out I doubt WWE would have gone out of their way to explain why Rock wasnt on Raw after Mania or talk about him being injured.

Or promising him a rematch for the WWE title.
So! Been playing KoC2 and FPR on PSCX2 and they work fantastically (unfortunately, ASPW3 will start but can't get into the menus). I've would like to throw a KoC2 tourney. You just pick your wrestler and I will sim the matches. If I do this, would anyone be interested in participating? Maybe the winner can pick the name of the next thread or something like that.

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Unconfirmed Member
Classic Match of the Day:

Genichiro Tenryu (c) vs Satoshi Kojima - Triple Crown Championship - (AJPW 07/17/02)

Real slug-fest here, as grumpy old Tenryu defends the Triple Crown against Kojima. Tenryu defeated Mutoh in the Champion Carnival to win the vacant title and isn't going to give it up easily, especially to a young upstart like Kojima. The crowd are damn electric and firmly behind Kojima as they start things off. Tenryu just kind of lets Kojima beat on him a while, to see what he's got. It's remarkable how well the crowd reacted to the slightest bit of selling from Tenryu here, they totally bought into his character. Realising brute strength probably isn't going to work, Kojima goes after Tenryu's right knee and, bizarrely, Tenryu lets him, which is his only real mistake in the match and will play into his title loss to The Great Muta a few months later. Kojima locks in a nice single leg crab, but Tenru counters into an ankle lock. Kojima makes it to the ropes, but Tenryu's ready to kick some ass now and just tries to fucking decimate him with punches and chops. Kojima fights back here and there, much to the crowd's approval, but now Tenryu's firmly in control. He takes things to the floor and scores with a suicide dive, but as he's getting back in the ring, Kojima hits a dragon screw through the ropes! Now it's Kojima's turn to work over Tenryu. The crowd are going nuts as he hits Bakayaro Elbow and goes for the lariat, but Tenryu avoids it and hits an enziguri. He looks almost bemused at how hot the crowd are as they chant "KO-JI-MA!". Tenryu goes for the brainbuster, but Kojima counters into the Koji Cutter! The crowd sense something special is about to happen, but that quickly changes when Tenryu kicks out of a nasty-ass falcon arrow at one, signalling that he's far from done. The finishing stretch is frankly ridiculous, but the crowd are so amped it's hard to care. Tenryu hits a nice spider suplex that dumps Kojima onto his shoulder, the injury playing into his inability to put Tenryu away with the lariat later on. Watch out for the camera cutting to Stan Hansen as Tenryu kicks out of a THIRD lariat. He doesn't look amused, lol. Tenryu ensures Kojima dies a thousand deaths as the match draws to a close, the crowd just eating up every near-fall, and though he didn't claim the gold here (he'd have to wait another 2 and a half years for that), Kojima looked crazy strong in defeat. Fun match, Meltzer gave this one **** 3/4, probably just shy of 5 stars because of the insane finishing stretch.
Grumpy Tenryu is the best Tenryu. I love it. So good.

Looking through the WWE champ photos. Heh. I can't think of Kurt like this anymore.



Sunflower said:
$500 says the Bobby Eaton I see looks nothing like that now.

Well it is called The Good, The Bad, The Broken. Doesn't paint a very rosy picture.

And I hope that poster is meant to be put with many side-by-side. Even then it would read STARTURDAY.


The dirtsheets told me nobody knew Rock was leaving and they had to rewrite Raw in a hurry and Vince was pissed.

We all know the dirtsheets are never wrong.

Melzter is a buddy of the Rock's, so the Observer's Rock news tends to be on point. According to that all that changed was the Rock was meant to stick around an extra day for RAW, but left right after Wm to see his own doctor. I think the "panic and scrambling" over the scrapped Rock/Brock angle is probably exaggerated, seems like they only lost about 20-25 minutes of the show maximum, which is easily filled (the Sheamus/Orton match really came off like it and all its segments were made up or extended at the last minute).


So here's a funny thing I read over on LordsOfPain.

Michael Bay said Rock needs to grow up and stop wrestling 300 pound men.

There's a bit of irony in the guy who directs movies based of children's toys telling someone they need to grow up.


So here's a funny thing I read over on LordsOfPain.

Michael Bay said Rock needs to grow up and stop wrestling 300 pound men.

There's a bit of irony in the guy who directs movies based of children's toys telling someone they need to grow up.

Why did he specify three hundred pound men? Is he saying the Rock should start wrestling smaller guys? Put some of them over? Is Bay a smark? Is he saying Rock should jump up to sumo? Does he want the Rock to go for the Intergender Championship and wrestle 300 pound women? What does he mean???


Why did he specify three hundred pound men? Is he saying the Rock should start wrestling smaller guys? Put some of them over? Is Bay a smark? Is he saying Rock should jump up to sumo? Does he want the Rock to go for the Intergender Championship and wrestle 300 pound women? What does he mean???

Because, you know, uhhh, lol wrestling. And all that.


Robbie V (RVD) vs Scotty Flamingo (Raven) WCW 1993

RVD looks so young. He's also not jacked up. And he is hairless, airbrushless, and kickpad less. Raven still looks sketchy. He came out wearing a personalized jean jacket with flamingos and tassles on it. RVD hits a pretty great springboard cross body.

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I thought top rope moves were banned during this time? The ring mats are gone, so it seems like that'd be around the same time. Raven does a dropkick?! RVD wins in a quick match with a split leg moonsault.

Robbie V (RVD)/Erik Watts vs Tex Slazinger/Shanghai Pierce (The Godwinns) 1993

The Godwinns were one of the weirdest WCW mid card pick ups JR was responsible for in the mid 90s. They sucked. What did JR see in them that he was able to convince Vince to hire them? HOG starts out with Erik Watts. How did JR get him hired? Man is a miracle worker. I can't believe I'm watching this. PIG pins RVD after HOG hit Rob with a cow bell. Actually, the replay clearly shows it was just the rope itself that RVD ran into. I'm not sure why that would knock him out, but it did.

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Terry Richards (Rhino) vs Jim Duggan WCW 1995

Baby Rhino looks hilarious. He looks like baby Abyss. Duggan wins with the 3 point stance lariat in a squash match. Poor Rhino. He looks weird clean shaven and with shorter hair.

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Sabu vs Alex Wright WCW 1995

Oh shit. Sabu AND Alex Wright? Sold. Alex comes out to fight. He doesn't even dance. He runs to the ring and shit is on. Sabu does a rana over the ropes. He hit hard on the ground and Alex hit hard on the apron. Tope. Air Sabu against a railing. He missed.
Huge missile drop kick from Alex. He got crazy height on it. He does a dive of his own. Sabu wins with a top rope victory roll. Sabu puts Alex through a table after the match.

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via Imgflip GIF Generator

Hawk vs Terry Richards (Rhino) WCW 1995

Why was Hawk doing singles matches without Animal even at ringside? Was Animal injured? I tried to shave my head like Hawk's the other day. I couldn't do it. It didn't look right. Hawk wins in about a minute with a top rope lariatoooo.

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Sabu vs Disco Inferno WCW 1995

Oh shit, again. Disco getting killed by Sabu? Sold again. Disco does a hair toss.

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And another. And a lariat. Disco is dominating Sabu. Lol. Sabu wins with an Arabian facebuster. After the match, he tries a sling shot rana to the floor and basically gets powerbombed.

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He recovers and tires to put Disco through a table, but Disco moved and Sabu just bounced off the apparently Japanese table.

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Terry Richards (Rhino) vs Henry Godwinn WWF 1995

Total squash. HOG wins with the slop drop and was about to slop Rhino after the match, but HHH ambushed him and hit a pedigree on the floor. He puts on some gloves and HOG gets slopped!

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Steve Corino/Freddie Joe Floyd (Tracy Smothers)/Aldo Montoya vs Nation of Domination WWF 1997

Corino looks like the 123 Kid. Tracy and Justin get some double teaming on D'Lo. I wonder why Justin Credible isn't in A8. No doubt Crush would be if he didn't die. I have to laugh at Paul E. building his company around two of the guys on the jobber team. Lo' Down on Corino. Corino is pinned after all 3 Nation members stomp him for a bit. After the match, Simmons and PG 13 whipped and kicked him.

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RVD/Jerry Lawler vs The Headbangers WWF 1997

This starts with highlights of Cyberslam 1997 and Paul E./Dreamer attacking King on Raw. This was the height of King's feud with ECW and RVD as Mr. Monday Night. He showed up on Nitro one week, too. RVD and Thrasher start it out. RVD now has body hair, stubble, kick pads, air brushed singlet, kickpads, and has filled out quite a bit since his WCW days. I can't believe ROH were using The Headbangers in 2012. 2012! Pillman and JR are the announce team for Shotgun Saturday Night. We come back from a break to see rolling thunder. Headbangers get a lot of offense on RVD. Frog splash! Not quite 5 Star. Split legged moonsault is countered. Tommy Dreamer hits the ring! He goes right after King. Paul E. is also out now. Pull apart brawl and then they go to commercial.

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Sabu vs Flash Funk WWF 1997

Scorpio vs Sabu on Raw. Flash Funk has to be one of the biggest wastes of talent WWF has ever done. Scorpio was one of the most talented guys in the world when they picked him up, but they used him as a jobber. Paul E. is on commentary with Vince and JR for this. Scorp counters Sabu's leg drives with a kick to the face. We're about a minute in and we get out first dive. A table is out. Twisting Stinger splash from Scorp. Twisting splash.

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Fonzie and that fucking whistle. Super rana. Nigel rope lariat! Scorpio does a handspring Pele kick and follows it with a pescado.

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Big moonsault. Table is about to come into play. Asai moonsault. Table doesn't break. Sabu jumps on it again. Doesn't break. Diving leg drop. The table didn't break, but the legs did, so close enough. Sabu then jumped into the crowd and started throwing chairs around.

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So smackdown spoilers i guess for the ME

The reason Ambrose was picked to face Taker was to test him as a singles wrestler in a WWE ring. He passed with flying colors. People were impressed
ECW - Hardcore TV, Episode #003 - April 19th, 1993

Jay Sulli & Stevie Wonderful open the show and, for the 3rd week running, Wonderful brings out Eddie Gilbert as the guest commentator, only for Terry Funk to take exception. However, Gilbert apologises to Funk for the disrespect he has shown and says he doesn't blame him if he won't shake his hand. "No I won't shake your hand, Gilbert, nor will I turn my back on you" says Funk, as Gilbert calmly walks away.

The Super Destroyers (c) vs Super Ninja & Canadian Wolfman - ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles

Complete nothing of a match as the Super Destroyers make easy work of Super Ninja & Canadian Wolfman.

Post-match, Terry tries to interview the Super Destroyer's manager, Hunter Q. Robins III, but is attacked from behind with a chair by 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert, who continues his attack as we go to the commercials!

'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka vs 'Iron Man' Tommy Cairo - ECW TV Title Tournament Semi-Final

Gilbert's out with Snuka, the first member of 'Hot Stuff International'. He's wearing Terry's cowboy hat and hobbling around, mocking Funk's knees.


Jay Sulli puts over Cairo's unbeaten streak, but Eddie Gilbert gets on commentary and does an awesome Terry Funk impression! In the ring, Cairo takes control early on with a side headlock, but Snuka hits a backdrop and throws Cairo to the outside, where Gilbert throws coffee over him and hits a big right hand before rolling him back in the ring. Snuka hits a big piledriver, but Cairo kicks out at 2! He gets right back up and bowls Snuka over with a strong flying elbow for a near-fall of his own.

Eddie Gilbert gets up on the apron and grabs hold of Cairo, but Cairo ducks when Snuka charges and Gilbert gets hit! Cairo hits a noggin knocker on Hot Stuff International, but Snuka falls backwards which somehow causes the referee to bump. Cairo rolls Snuka up, but the ref's still out of it. Johnny Hotbody hits the ring and Cairo fights him off, but Snuka scores with a big elbow and hits the Superfly splash off the top rope for 3.


Eddie Gilbert cuts a promo post match, continuing to mock Funk who he says he's "put out to pasture, where legends belong" before putting over Snuka to win the TV Title Tournament (of which Gilbert is still a part of).

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kNEgm0QzTQ - Gilbert attacks and mocks Terry Funk

Glen Osbourne vs 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert - ECW TV Title Tournament Semi-Final

Gilbert gets on the microphone and demands the director gets a shot of 'Tigra', "the most beatiful woman in all of wrestling", before offering Osbourne a chance to leave without getting his ass whooped.


Osbourne declines and they get things started. Gilbert eats a shoulder charge and scrambles for the ropes, stalling for time. He eventually gets back in and blocks a clothesline, hitting a few rights before snapmaring Osbourne to the mat and applying a chin lock. Osbourne fights his way up, but Gilbert slides into a side-headlock. Osbourne shoots him into the ropes and Gilbert, surprisingly, knocks him to the mat with a shoulder block, only to fall over himself moments later. Some wacky selling from Gilbert here.


Osbourne hits a back bodydrop and then some punches in the corner, but Gilbert pulls out the brass knuckles and hits him square on the jaw, rolls him up and gets the 3-count! However, the ref sees Gilbert putting the knuckles back into his tights and reverses the decision! Gilbert grabs Jay Sulli and says he cost him the match, but Terry Funk attacks Gilbert with a chair. They brawl for a bit, until Gilbert high-tails it to the back.

- Brock plant, circa 1993, lol.

Funk turns his attention to Stevie Wonderful and says he heard Stevie "popping off" abount Funk on commentary and that if he has something to say, say it to his face. "I'm Terry Funk and I am the meanest son of a bitch in this town!"

Back from commercial and Jay Sulli's interviewing Peaches on why she thinks The Sandman is so sexy. Yeah.

Rockin' Rebel vs Jobber McGee

Rebel gets on the mic, wanting to know exactly what Peaches sees in Sandman. He tries to kiss her, but she slaps him! Rebel gets in the ring and destroys Jobber McGee (his name wasn't given) in 10 seconds flat while Peaches looks disgusted. Rebel grabs her by the hair and drags her to the ring, but here comes The Sandman! I love that he's got his surfboard with him. "Hey, Rebel's beating up my girl, I'm TOTALLY gonna need my 'board!". Tigra comes to Rebel's aid and tries to claw Sandman's eyes out and, while he's distracted, Rebel breaks the Sandman's surfboard over his skull! The locker room rushes out and drives Rebel off, while Peaches tries to revive Sandman.


Glen Osbourne vs 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka - ECW TV Title Tournament Finals

Osbourne grabs a headlock to get things started, but Snuka shoots him into the ropes and they do a criss cross, before Osbourne hits an armdrag and then locks in an armbar. Snuka works his way to his feet and runs Osbourne into the ropes, but Osbourne ducks the clothesline and sends Snuka over the top rope with a clothesline of his own! Gilbert gets up on the mat and distracts Osbourne, allowing Snuka to get the drop on him. Snuka tries for a bodyslam, but Osbourne easily counters it into a slam of his own for 2. Gilbert distracts Osbourne again and, as the ref argues with Gilbert, whips Osbourne into the refs back. He tries to roll up Snuka, but Gilbert drops an elbow and then Snuka hits the Superfly splash to get the 3-count and become the 1st ECW TV Champion.


We cut to Stevie Wonderful in the back checking on The Sandman's condition, a tearful Peaches says he might have a concussion and the doctors are looking at him. And that wraps up the third episode of Hardcore TV. Pretty lacklustre, overall.

RoH have the Headbangers?! What happened to RoH, I thought they were suppose to be 'legit' pro-wrestling.

That was all Cornette's idea, who is gone now, along with The Headbangers. Thank god.

I respect the hell out of Cornette's opinion, but he really was turning ROH into Smoky Mountain of Honor.
That was all Cornette's idea, who is gone now, along with The Headbangers. Thank god.

I respect the hell out of Cornette's opinion, but he really was turning ROH into Smoky Mountain of Honor.

Bootaaay, have you any idea of who is the best Bischoff/Russo/Heyman currently?

Is there anyone in the indies putting some solid storylines/wrestlers together to produce magic?

...or is there at least one organisation standing at the moment?
That was all Cornette's idea, who is gone now, along with The Headbangers. Thank god.

I respect the hell out of Cornette's opinion, but he really was turning ROH into Smoky Mountain of Honor.

His OVW and HWA booking is strange as every match and show seemingly ends with a multi-man run-in, which I always associate with Vince Russo. I guess the difference being that Cornette's somewhat make sense at the moment, and usually lead to something.
Bootaaay, have you any idea of who is the best Bischoff/Russo/Heyman currently?

Is there anyone in the indies putting some solid storylines/wrestlers together to produce magic?

...or is there at least one organisation standing at the moment?

Quack or whoever is booking chikara is doing a good job with storylines. Thy have multi year storylines that have call backs to their history.

Chikara continuity is insane.
TNA has been going since 1992?

Sure, it was known back then as WCW.


Quack or whoever is booking chikara is doing a good job with storylines. Thy have multi year storylines that have call backs to their history.

Chikara continuity is insane.

CHIKARA is amazing, but I think it's style puts people off. Also Quack is to annoy me, which I thought would never happen. He's too involved (and somewhat been the same Indy Superhero Guy for 15 years).


You know, I hate to say it , but I think Eric Bishoff and TNA's booking committee are the only ones *trying* to put out good storylines these days. I'm not saying they're succeeding but compared to everyone else, they have the most going on and planned out.

Quack or whoever is booking chikara is doing a good job with storylines. Thy have multi year storylines that have call backs to their history.

Chikara continuity is insane.

Chikara's storylines haven't been the greatest as of late though.
If I wanted to go back and watch ECW TV, when did it actually become the ECW we all know and love?

It started becoming more like proper ECW in September 1993 when Eddie Gilbert got fired and Paul E. took up the book - I'm honestly really struggling through this Gilbert booked stuff, so I can't wait to get to the September episodes.

Keyser Soze said:
Bootaaay, have you any idea of who is the best Bischoff/Russo/Heyman currently?

Is there anyone in the indies putting some solid storylines/wrestlers together to produce magic?

...or is there at least one organisation standing at the moment?

There's a lot of great wrestling throughout the indies, but booking is another matter - if you're looking for intricate, well booked storylines, they're in short supply at the moment. It's not like 2003-2006 when Gabe was kicking ass as booker for ROH. A lot of his recent stuff for DGUSA & EVOLVE has fallen flat, imo. CHIKARA do long-term stuff really well, but the problem is that, sometimes, the storyline doesn't always seem that great while it's occurring. ROH have a nice storyline going at the moment which seems to be leading to the redemption of Kevin Steen, but it'll take time to see if Delirious can sustain the current good booking for any length of time. PWG are much more storyline-light, but make up for it with a kick-ass in-ring product.
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