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I pick....

Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen.


You are already dead.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dibs on Hiroshi Tanahashi

(what is this for exactly?)

You get to do 2 things, pick the OT and plan FallingEdge's meal cheat day. I got some wicked shit up his alley if I win it! And I should, Disco Inferno 4 Prez
FallingEdge - Kazuchika Okada
Sunflower - Disco Inferno
jred2k - Bret Hart
Sephzilla - Undertaker
Aiii - Goldberg
Mr. Luchador - Owen Hart
El Pescado - Daniel Bryan
gurudyne - Kurt Angle
CrunchinJelly - Davey Boy Smith
strobogo - Kanyon
Shark Johnson - Val Venis
The Incarnation - Benoit
A Pretty Panda - Hiroshi Tanahashi
Ithil - Antonio Cesaro
Bootaaay - Stan Hansen
mechashiva - Cima
Mr. Sandman - Mitsuharu Misawa '09
Professor Beef - Ryback
slightconfuse - Kenny Omega
Lambda Piscium - Lesnar
McNei1y - Punk
Perspicacity - Inoki
BillRiccio - Macho Man
Jitters - Morishima
beanman25 - D-Lo
Nocturnowl - Wade Barrett
tm24 - La Sombra
Snaku - DDP
UberTag - Edge '12
sf2fanatic - Ultimo Dragon

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Get it stuck in your head like I do.

Disco fever
Disco fever
Disco fever
Yeah yeah yeah yeah


So not worth it
FallingEdge - Kazuchika Okada
Sunflower - Disco Inferno
jred2k - Bret Hart
Sephzilla - Undertaker
Aiii - Goldberg
Mr. Luchador - Owen Hart
El Pescado - Daniel Bryan
gurudyne - Kurt Angle
CrunchinJelly - Davey Boy Smith
strobogo - Kanyon
Shark Johnson - Val Venis
The Incarnation - Benoit
A Pretty Panda - Hiroshi Tanahashi
Ithil - Antonio Cesaro
Bootaaay - Stan Hansen

So winning this thing. There's a guy in there my guy literally ended (his career), can't touch that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have XSplit. I am only familiar with the streaming portion of it. Didn't know it could capture video. Makes sense that you could.

Hit Local Recording. Make sure to fuck with your settings though, probably do Screen Region for it. If you need help PM me or whatnot and I can help as much as I can.
why is everyone picking wrestlers?

You get to do 2 things, pick the OT and plan FallingEdge's meal cheat day. I got some wicked shit up his alley if I win it! And I should, Disco Inferno 4 Prez


Hit Local Recording. Make sure to fuck with your settings though, probably do Screen Region for it. If you need help PM me or whatnot and I can help as much as I can.

Word, I will do a dry run tonight. Thanks!


Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Taka Michinoku WWF 1997

Tajiri showed up on a few shows in 1996 as well. It was weird. He's kind of pink. Indie stand off! Clean cut, not crazy Tajiri is bizarre. Tajiri gets caught up in the ropes trying to go to the floor and Taka hits his no hands plancha. Taka back flips out of a German suplex and hits a belly to belly. Ligerbomb from Tajiri, which he then turned into a rolling pin. Asai moonsault from Tajiri. Taka tries a missile dropkick and gets caught with a dropkick to the dick. Buzzsaw kick! Strike battle. Dragon suplex. Michinoku Driver for the win.

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via Imgflip GIF Generator

David Jericho (Kid Kash) vs Taka Michinoku WWF 1998

They have wrestling school 101 stand off. Big monkey flip from Taka. Asai moonsault from the turnbuckle for some reason. Kash hits a dangerous looking tope where his shins hit the ropes so it kind of spiked him down. Kash does the Chris Hammerick bump. Super rana. Kash sells a missile dropkick like a shotgun. Money Maker! We're going to have an upset! No. Cole lied. Kash misses a splash and eats a Michinoku Driver. Taka wins.

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The New Midnight Express vs Julio Sanchez/Steve Corino WWF 1998

The New Midnight Express was a terrible idea. They don't even have Cornette with them. Julio would go on to be a star in dying ECW and was a member of Raven's Flock with CM Punk in TNA. The jobbers both hits ranas. Corino has an undercut mullet. The New ME have an interesting way of cutting off the ring.

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Look at this sweet botch:

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The Headbangers ran in. ME win by DQ.

Steve Corino/Lance Diamond (Simon Diamond)/Jimmy Cicero vs The Oddities WWF 1998

Earthquake vs Simon Diamond. My dream match. I don't know what the point of bringing Earthquake back under a mask with no reference to him being Earthquake. Kurgan hits a nice slam. Tremor on Corino for the win.

Jerry Lynn vs Crash Holly WWF 2001

Jerry's WWF run was so short. I don't remember him doing anything but this match and one with RVD on Heat that he alleged had all of his offense cut out. Jerry attacks as Crash is getting in the ring. Jerry wins with a roll up and handfull of tights in about 3 minutes. New champion! Was this a Divas match?

The next set of matches will be TNA guys. That means a lot of Low Ki on Metal/Jakked, Alex Shelley on Heat, Joe vs Misawa, Joe on Metal, AJ vs Hurricane.
Watched the latest Wrestling is Respect show and it was pretty good - nice match between Jigsaw & Delirious, plus The Shard vs Green Ant. The main event though was Drew Gulak vs Francis O'Rourke and this one had a completely different tone to anything else on the show. They started out with some nice chain wrestling and then just started throwing BOMBS. O'Rourke looked to be taking the victory after hitting a nice powerbomb and a Doctor Bomb for a near, near fall, but Gulak came back after a nasty-ass suplex onto the floor. Great finishing stretch in this one.

Suplex on the floor, the sound of the impact was proper nasty;


Doctor Bomb!


Weird rope-assisted brainbuster from Gulak;

Then Wink fucking around with the teams at King of Trios, the extended ant family, etc. I can't see where it's going and while, sometimes, that's a good thing, in this case I don't feel it's been as strongly thought-out as previous CHIKARA storylines.

Wink knows nothing about wrestling, he's totally incompetent, but while trying to please his father he's "improving" CHIKARA. Chikarametrics and the Xtreme Colony Force are his way's of making CHIKARA "better" and "more profitable". This goes back at least three years with the Worldwide Media Development Corporation, The Titor Group, and to a lesser extent Condor Security. I think alot of answers are coming at the California shows.

This is a must listen to podcast that might explain exactly where things are headed. http://themandibleclaw.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/the-mandible-claw-chikara-special-1-21-jigsaws/#more-223

I don't want to say a bad word against Quack, but he does seem to protect himself an awful lot when he books CHIKARA. Like the Chris Hero feud, I really liked that, but even then looking back Quack was Superman still.

I feel like he's the savior of CHIKARA. Whenever the company is in trouble you know Quack will be there to save the day.

Yeah, but Quack was the one losing his cool - he was trying to seriously injure the GEKIDO members at every opportunity (and succeeded in putting out 17 & combatANT), but wouldn't tell anyone why he was so insistent about taking GEKIDO out. He was meant to be Jigsaw's mentor, but abused his trust by going on a vendetta against GEKIDO and costing Jigsaw success in the King of Trios and in the tag title scene. And then, when Jigsaw dared to tell Quack he was acting like an asshole, Quack brushed off his concerns and carried on doing whatever the hell he liked. I thought Jigsaw turning on Quack was justified, for both the reasons above and the reasons you mentioned.

*edit, also, there was meant to be this big mystery about GEKIDO's identities and we kept hearing about how they're former students out for revenge, but we never got any answers and now there's more ants than ever! Fuck knows what's going on.

Quack was saving CHIKARA. He saw The Kings of Wrestling, Dr.Cube, and the BDK all try and take over CHIKARA. When GEKIDO showed up he tried dealing with them like the others but they started taking guy's out. This wouldn't stand with Quack and he fought fire with fire. Jigsaw had the big head. Wins and glory were more important then saving the promotion. The fact that most people thought Jigsaw was in the right until the turn was fantastic. I don't think GEKIDO was supposed to be the big angle. They were more a setup to the Jigsaw turn.

Also I'm loving the whole Colony/Xtreme Colony Force storyline, The Donst Flock, Eddie Kingston slowly slipping into darkness because of the weight of being Grand Champion, anything Archibald Peck, F.I.S.T. breakup/Icarus turn, and the Spectral Envoy/Batiri fued.

Does anyone have Macho Man yet for the KoC2 thing? If not I got dibs.
The fact that most people thought Jigsaw was in the right until the turn was fantastic. I don't think GEKIDO was supposed to be the big angle. They were more a setup to the Jigsaw turn.

The fact that most people thought Jigsaw was in the right shows how muddled the storyline was/is - it made far more sense to me that Quack would turn on Jigsaw. I never saw Quack turning full heel, but I certainly saw him having enough of Jigsaw's condemnation towards his actions and turning on him. It just seemed weird to me, especially the way Jigsaw did literally one heelish thing (superkicking Quack) and then BANG, he's a full-on heel, being a complete dick, cheating to win, etc.

BillRiccio said:
This is a must listen to podcast that might explain exactly where things are headed. http://themandibleclaw.wordpress.com...saws/#more-223

That's about all the time travel stuff, right? I saw some people talking about it and the potential of Peck being champion, but haven't listened to it yet. Sometimes I love that CHIKARA's so in-depth, but other times I wish I didn't have to read a bunch of blogs and listen to podcasts to get the full story. If there's one thing that would improve CHIKARA ten-fold, imo, it'd be some slick video packages on the DVDs.

BillRiccio said:
Also I'm loving the whole Colony/Xtreme Colony Force storyline, The Donst Flock, Eddie Kingston slowly slipping into darkness because of the weight of being Grand Champion, anything Archibald Peck, F.I.S.T. breakup/Icarus turn, and the Spectral Envoy/Batiri fued.

I'm with you there, I'm liking the Colony stuff (especially how awesome assailANT has become) but have no idea where it's leading and everything else is pretty great (although I'm disappointed that Delirious' promise to make UMB's life a living hell hasn't really come to fruition, as of yet). But, I always saw the GEKIDO thing as the main feud, probably because there have been so many invading factions over the past few years, and feel it was particularly underwhelming, especially so if the only real purpose was to turn Jigsaw heel.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Half-serious question - is GWF booking on par with indies, TNA, or WWE?
Well I haven't watched the Season Finale yet, but Laserfrog always overcoming the odds continues to be the best thing about GWF because I feel he is put in genuine peril and really could lose, but continues to win through mastery of grappling.


Junior Member
My Fave Five this week:

  1. William Regal
  2. Daniel Bryan
  3. Big E Langston
  4. AJ for "Zigglypuff"
  5. The Shield for a solid match against the Brother of Yestruction.

And if I can get in on the tourney, I'd call dibs on Regal.
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