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Ok, he's got him in the German Suplex position.

- Opponent wraps his feet behind Cesaro's like a Russian Leg Sweep.

- Cesaro quickly slides his arms up under the opponents arms and locks in a Full Nelson

- At this point, if the opponent still has his feet wrapped behind Cesaro's then Cesaro just has to fall forward

- If the opponent moves his feet forward to counter the SKF then Cesaro has a number of different options: Atomic Drop, Bulldog, Scorpion Death Drop, or back to German Suplex

Of course this all depends on their position in the ring. The opponent would need to be near the ropes or he's screwed.

you never played Virtua Fighter have you? he successfully countered with the leg wrap. that means Cesaro is left open. he cant just transition without the threat of a counter.

the opponent wraps the legs, Cesaro fails at the first dead lift, and as a rsult, the opponent reaches for a toe hold and sweep.
I'm pretty sure Tazz left for the same reasons. He said he finally reached his breaking points with Vince's headset meltdowns. It must have been really bad considering he quit right before a huge WrestleMania payday.

Yeah, now he has to deal with abuse on Twitter. I don't know which one is worse.



Safety? I know you're trolling bean (and badly, at that), but it's still ridiculous to call it indy shite when you can see guys helping to facilitate their opponents moves on any episode of WWE TV each week. Also, Cesaro's only using the Neutraliser becasue WWE wouldn't allow him to use the Ricola Bomb. Perhaps if they weren't so against powerbomb & driver type moves, so many guys wouldn't have awful, awful finishers.
I've seen Japanese wrestlers take some crazy neck bumps. Guys are getting suplexed on their neck and shoulders in that one Misawa vs Kawada match that was posted a long time ago. How often do guys get injured from stuff like that?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Safety? I know you're trolling bean (and badly, at that), but it's still ridiculous to call it indy shite when you can see guys helping to facilitate their opponents moves on any episode of WWE TV each week. Also, Cesaro's only using the Neutraliser becasue WWE wouldn't allow him to use the Ricola Bomb. Perhaps if they weren't so against powerbomb & driver type moves, so many guys wouldn't have awful, awful finishers.

How many variations of the Playmaker have we seen in WWE in the past 5 years?
I can't imagine The Neutralizer being a very dangerous move if done incorrectly.

I know you're trolling bean (and badly, at that), but it's still ridiculous to call it indy shite when you can see guys helping to facilitate their opponents moves on any episode of WWE TV each week.
Not to that degree.
Also, Cesaro's only using the Neutraliser becasue WWE wouldn't allow him to use the Ricola Bomb. Perhaps if they weren't so against powerbomb & driver type moves, so many guys wouldn't have awful, awful finishers.
Do you hear/read yourself? You're wondering why they don't let him use a move named after a cough drop? It's just more of that cute Indy-Chikara BS that you and the rest of these jaded people gobble up. Now I've never seen a Ricola Bomb but I'm not going to let that stop me from criticizing it. If he used that move in WWE then it'd just be called the Cesaro Bomb, just like the Batista Bomb, and the Sable Bomb before that. I don't like [insert name] Bombs very much, in case you haven't noticed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bombs are some of the finest and most devastating moves! I love bombs!
I've seen Japanese wrestlers take some crazy neck bumps. Guys are getting suplexed on their neck and shoulders in that one Misawa vs Kawada match that was posted a long time ago. How often do guys get injured from stuff like that?

Injuries aren't as common as you'd expect, even after Misawa's death in the ring back in '09 the style hasn't really toned down all that much. If you know how to take the move safely, there's little immediate risk (although accidents do happen) - the bigger problem is with the cumalative damage that comes from taking such bumps over and over. That was the real reason Misawa died, because he was still wrestling like he was 25 at age 46.

bean breath said:
I can't imagine The Neutralizer being a very dangerous move if done incorrectly.

It's pretty much a Styles Clash. Have you not seen what happens when a Styles Clash goes bad?

bean breath said:
Do you hear/read yourself? You're wondering why they don't let him use a move named after a cough drop? It's just more of that cute Indy-Chikara BS that you and the rest of these jaded people gobble up

It was called that because he's Swiss. And if that's "cute Indy-Chikara BS", then what the hell's having him yodel his way to the ring?

bean breath said:
Now I've never seen a Ricola Bomb but I'm not going to let that stop me from criticizing it. If he used that move in WWE then it'd just be called the Cesaro Bomb, just like the Batista Bomb, and the Sable Bomb before that. I don't like [insert name] Bombs very much, in case you haven't noticed

I hadn't noticed, actually. Powerbombs are awesome and, considering they require so little facilitation from the guy taking the move, one would assume that you would love those sorts of moves.

Mr. Sandman said:
WWE crowds need to bring back the Hey chant for Cesaro, or is that too indie hipster?

Definitely too cute and Indy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Working on cataloging and burning my WCW shows to DVD - jesus CHRIST the 3 hour Nitros are a pain. I can barely fit an entire month of WCW Nitro onto one dvd!
Layla cosplaying Aksana;



Sunflower said:
Working on cataloging and burning my WCW shows to DVD - jesus CHRIST the 3 hour Nitros are a pain. I can barely fit an entire month of WCW Nitro onto one dvd!

Digital's the way to go - I got so sick of DVRs, now all I fear is one of my 1TB HDD's dying and taking half my wrestling collection with it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
haha yeah, I understand that pain. You wouldn't believe the amount of tapes and DVDs I've thrown out over the last 18 months from this rewatch.

I bought a really nice case, going to work on cataloging and sorting all of my wrestling footage I have chronologically and by promotion. I like focusing on things like this even though realistically I won't even open up the case to watch wrestling again, just because I'm a lazy shit.

Digital's the way to go - I got so sick of DVRs, now all I fear is one of my 1TB HDD's dying and taking half my wrestling collection with it.

I have the opposite issue, the reason why I'm backing it up is because I'm living in fear of my 2tb hd dying, heh.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Get a blu-ray burner.

No thanks. I uh...I do my archival work at work with office DVRs, I can't convince them to switch to blu. Plus it needs to be easy to view - DVDs are pretty widely accepted at the moment.
Pro Wrestling is disposable entertainment. Stop living in the past and just enjoy each show as it comes, wrestling will always be here.

So many shows and moments from the past that I've missed though! And some of those old matches really can be called Timeless Classics, as they still hold up today.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm always hoping to meet someone IRL who can appreciate the collection, then I can bequeath it to them.


Try not to get mugged. They're shutting down a shitload of schools out there. Chicago's fucked.

I should be ok in that department. I'm going to an indoor music festival and will be there the whole day.

I'm not really seeing much of the city this time, though the venue I'm going to (Reggie's) is one of the things to see in Chicago apparently.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Goddammit guys now you make me want to just delete all this shit I would archive.

Why do I have the first season of Tough Enough on there?

Why do I have all the WCW Thunder?

Why do I have NXT Season 1?

I should just delete it, smaller footprint.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You could always just cut the individual matches that are worth keeping and bin the rest.

That's a crazy amount of work, I have a hard time sitting down for a 2-hour movie once a week!


Goddammit guys now you make me want to just delete all this shit I would archive.

Why do I have the first season of Tough Enough on there?

Why do I have all the WCW Thunder?

Why do I have NXT Season 1?

I should just delete it, smaller footprint.

Think of the satisfaction you will achieve when you can sit back and say "Ahh, its all finally organized."

Besides you just know you're going to delete something you'll want to watch in the year 2025.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Think of the satisfaction you will achieve when you can sit back and say "Ahh, its all finally organized."

Besides you just know you're going to delete something you'll want to watch in the year 2025.

That's my fear. Urgh urgh! I don't knowwww.
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