Holy shit balls PCW was amazing first of all we had just about the best seats in the house front and centre which made the whole thing an experience as we were close to being landed on a few times
When we entered there was Dibiase, Steen, Golddust, Gargano and Steen selling merch and photos and it almost made me a little sad, Virgil is mocked online but in reality the million dollar man didnt seem much better he seemed almost desperate really
The first match up was Noam Dar Vs Gargano, brilliant back and forth match, Gargano took out my seat with a suicide dive after a few minutes but luckily C2morg from here dragged me out of the way at the last second, Dar won with a submission
Then Dave Rayne came out and called out Golddust, he told him he has never been as over as his brothers moustache (cue codys moustache chants) nice promo from both of them which ended with Golddust hitting his finisher
Next up was Tommy Dreamer Vs T-bone, it started off mainly in ring and pretty basic but soon devolved into dreamer territory, beer shots, chair shots and fighting in the crowd, Tommy hit his usual spots but ended up being put through a table in the corner for the win for T-Bone
Then was a 'million dollar dream' match between Dave Mastiff with his manager Gillian something or other and Mad Man Manson with Ted Dibiase. Manson was hilarious throughout and the match had some great comedy spots, the end came when he locked on the million dollar dream and Mastiffs manager interfered, obviously then Ted locked on a MDD of his own. Great fun but again Ted was kind of a sad sight, he was wearing a WWE12 tracksuit and didn't look too comfy getting about
The first main event was Steen vs Kris Travis. This is by far the best match I have ever seen live, it was insane and the crowd was lapping it up, at one point Steen caught Travis flying to the outside then hit an absolutely brutal powerbomb onto the apron, Travis hit a perfect reverse hurricanrana at one point which the crowd popped huge for, the end came when steen clotheslined Travis off the apron who sold it like a champ turning inside out then steen rolled him into the ring and hit a package piledriver (my favourite move of all time)
After the match Steen got on the mic and put Travis over big and said he's going to make sure his name gets out there and then got emotional as he said its the first time he's travelled abroad since his kid was born and dedicated the match to his mate who helped him out a lot when getting started and who died last week.
After the interval was the 30 man rumble, it was good but didnt quite live up the the first half, Dave Rayne looked legitimately Shook after a nasty landing on a German early on, there was a comedy spot that started out awkward when some professor came and put helmets on people and then controlled them, queue Harlem shake music to groans from the crowd but it then cut out and Fandangos theme played, corny as hell but the crowd and all the wrestlers joined in. We got a ref fight in the middle of it and a returning Lionheart won after fending off a late return from Dave Rayne
Really really fun night overall with the crowd into it throughout, quite a few instances of Fandangoing as you would expect
Worn out now sorry if that's all a little incoherent