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Has Tanahashi defeated The Rock? Nope.
Has Tanahashi ever stolen the show in front of tens of thousands at Wrestlemania? Nope.
Has Tanahashi become the hero to millions across the world? Nope.
Has Tanahashi ever held the WWE Title AND the World Heavyweight Championship even once? Nope.

Lou Thesz/Ric Flair Award (Wrestler of the Year): Hiroshi Tanahashi (2011, 2012)
Most Outstanding Wrestler: Hiroshi Tanahashi (2012)
Feud of the Year: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazuchika Okada (2012)
Match of the Year: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Minoru Suzuki (2012)

What's Cena done that's worth a damn in the past 12 months, other than stunk up the joint?


Bruno Sammartino/Hulk Hogan Never Go Away Winner: John Cena
Best Odds Overcomer: John Cena
Longest Build to a Main Event Winner: John Cena
Winner of the Main Event with the longest build: John Cena

I think Beef has converted me.
John Cena and the WWE, is a lot like Sonic and Sega.

A shitty outdated mascot character who all the good things he's done are all but forgotten for all the shit he's been involved in. Yet, even with all that said, his parent company still pushes him, and thinks he's still relevant in this day and age, and thinks that the fans actually want anymore of him.

So I can see why Beef likes him.



Lou Thesz/Ric Flair Award (Wrestler of the Year): Hiroshi Tanahashi (2011, 2012)
Most Outstanding Wrestler: Hiroshi Tanahashi (2012)
Feud of the Year: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazuchika Okada (2012)
Match of the Year: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Minoru Suzuki (2012)

What's Cena done that's worth a damn in the past 12 months, other than stunk up the joint?

I don't read those dirtsheet/mark awards. Not worth the toilet tissue they're written on.

As for what Cena has done? He managed to defeat The Rock, one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the game. He holds the most important title in the game. He's also helped put over indy darling Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, and Kane. He won Money in the Bank, although lost it when he cashed it in.

Cena has earned my respect, Bootaaay. It's high time that you accept John's respect too. It's why he wrestles in the first place.
So many shows and moments from the past that I've missed though! And some of those old matches really can be called Timeless Classics, as they still hold up today.

And when wrestling's going through an awful patch, there'll always be decades worth of classics to enjoy.
This is like recording a daytime soap opera. Why would you want to record hours of extraneous filler when you can just buy an official WWE dvd/bd of any given topic your feeling nostalgic about. These releases are carefully curated and presented in stunning HD and offer you a chance to see WWE that way that Vince McMahon truly intended.

bean breath and bangai-o....Great chat you guys had there. Nice to see some people are still taking this sport seriously.
Thanks for the positive feedback. It's nice to know that there's still a few of us left here that appreciate quality wrestling discussion.
The music is a mesh of genres including classic outlaw country, bluegrass, folk, punk rock and blues.
If only you got to see Steve Blackman come out after a performance in nothing but sweat pants and sneakers and execute a devastating kick combination on the band's frontman like he did to Jeff Jarrett in that video.

Watching that video of Double J and I think I'm developing a new found appreciation for him. I've spent too much time here with Indy devotees who spout trash like,

"Jeff Jarrett broke a thousand guitars and never drew a single dime."

You know what, just take a moment and listen to this amazing entrance music:


At the time I didn't understand and just thought it sounded like music from a Foghorn Leghorn cartoon. But listening to it now evokes within me pleasant images of a serene farm with simple white folk wrestling in a patch of hay behind a barn. It just puts you in the right frame of mind to enjoy a Double J match.

Of course at the time I didn't notice Jeff Jarrett because of Debra and her cleavage, lacy bras, long shiny legs and short skirts.
It's easy for us to be annoyed with Aiii's creepy, protective, almost obsessive posts about AJ but just imagine if we were on WrassleGaf back when we were his age.

I got Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 3, and Sonic and Knuckles.

And then I put Sonic 2 and 3 on top of Sonic and Knuckles.
I don't understand this reference because I owned Nintendo consoles and my parents didn't spoil me with subpar garbage.


Impact viewers for 4/25/13:

1.23 down 40,000 from last week with a .99 rating. So Impact continues its sub 1 ratings streak. I guess trying to relive the 80's and 1997 doesn't work.


I'd make sure to watch Impact every week if they started going minimalist, 1987 style NWA. Small crowd, on set interviews, no stage, no pyro, no bullshit.


I'd make sure to watch Impact every week if they started going minimalist, 1987 style NWA. Small crowd, on set interviews, no stage, no pyro, no bullshit.

I've been saying Impact needs to run an attitude era show in night clubs. It would boost ratings 100%.
This is like recording a daytime soap opera. Why would you want to record hours of extraneous filler when you can just buy an official WWE dvd/bd of any given topic your feeling nostalgic about. These releases are carefully curated and presented in stunning HD and offer you a chance to see WWE that way that Vince McMahon truly intended.

There is no extraneous filler when you're talking in time scales of decades - hell, the collection of the best matches from Japan in the 80's covers 36 DVDs, almost 150 hours worth of quality wrestling.

strobogo said:
I'd make sure to watch Impact every week if they started going minimalist, 1987 style NWA. Small crowd, on set interviews, no stage, no pyro, no bullshit.

I'd be perfectly happy watching the TNA roster in a carbon copy of Mid-South each week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The reason why I am archiving all this original air TV content for wrestling is because I don't want McMahon fingerprints on it with altered crowd noise, themes, and cut content. So I need somethin pristine.

I see the words "VHS-RIP" and I get excited.


The reason why I am archiving all this original air TV content for wrestling is because I don't want McMahon fingerprints on it with altered crowd noise, themes, and cut content. So I need somethin pristine.

I see the words "VHS-RIP" and I get excited.

You know what the holy grail is from after the Attitude era?

The original PPV run of the first One Night Stand PPV. It's not the Holy Grail because it's rare, but because of all the changes they had to make on DVD.
One of my favorite signs back in the day was:

De Bra Debra!

I'm getting ready to spam this thread with Debra pics and none you can tell me shit because she's wearing more clothes (bra and panties) then, for example, Dave Batista in Sunflower's avatar.

So I don't want to hear shit. Yes, I'm looking at your white knight ass, Aiii.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You know what the holy grail is from after the Attitude era?

The original PPV run of the first One Night Stand PPV. It's not the Holy Grail because it's rare, but because of all the changes they had to make on DVD.

Yknow I never did see the original, and I remember being surprised at what I saw on the DVD - I'll seek it out, because now I'm curious. I had thought it hadn't been cut - or maybe I got the original release? I dunno. I need to look into it more. Not a good show by any means, but that crowd made it.


The original had Sandman actually come out to Enter Sandman - at the cost of a million bucks. And the entire crowd sang along. It's one of the two things I regret not backing up from my old DVR before it croaked (the other is Raw is Eddie).
Going to leave for AIW in about an hour and actually have a couple buddies coming with my brother and me. Super excited for tonight with the fans bring weapons gimmick and all the matches being no rules. I'm bringing a huge bag of gummy bears and a bunch of lego's. The rest of the group has thumbtacks, cheese graters, baking sheets, street signs, and barb wire. Alexander vs Page, the four way, the Whitmer and Dickinson pick your opponent thing, and main event should all be great.

Yknow I never did see the original, and I remember being surprised at what I saw on the DVD - I'll seek it out, because now I'm curious. I had thought it hadn't been cut - or maybe I got the original release? I dunno. I need to look into it more. Not a good show by any means, but that crowd made it.

Did Sandman come out to Enter Sandman or some generic theme?
BillRiccio said:
Going to leave for AIW in about an hour and actually have a couple buddies coming with my brother and me. Super excited for tonight with the fans bring weapons gimmick and all the matches being no rules. I'm bringing a huge bag of gummy bears and a bunch of lego's. The rest of the group has thumbtacks, cheese graters, baking sheets, street signs, and barb wire. Alexander vs Page, the four way, the Whitmer and Dickinson pick your opponent thing, and main event should all be great.

Enjoy man, looks like a great show - looking forward to hearing how it went, especially Page vs Alexander. Also, after watching him wrestle Drew Gulak in an awesome match for Wrestling Is, I realised that Biff Busick is really quite good - definitely need to pay more attention to NIXON matches in AIW.
Enjoy man, looks like a great show - looking forward to hearing how it went, especially Page vs Alexander. Also, after watching him wrestle Drew Gulak in an awesome match for Wrestling Is, I realised that Biff Busick is really quite good - definitely need to pay more attention to NIXON matches in AIW.

I was impressed the first time I saw Biff live, he's improved since then to become a pretty decent pro wrassler. I'll for sure let you know how it goes.
Wwe.com made this:


So is this going to be a ladder match at Extreme Rules? Because it should totally be a ladder match at Extreme Rules as they can play off of the three former MITB winners angle.
Classic Match of the Day:

Ric Flair (c) vs Genichiro Tenryu - NWA World Heavyweight Title, 2/3 Falls - (AJPW 09/12/84)

Excellent 2/3 falls match here, Flair was in his prime, while this was probably Tenryu's biggest match to date. Tenryu's not much of a babyface at this point, to be honest. He doesn't engage the crowd well and is without his aura of asskicking that he would develop in later years. However, that doesn't detract much from the match once things get going and the crowd get behind Tenryu. The first fall is excellent stuff and pretty atypical of the usual 'travelling champion' formula Flair's matches in Japan usually followed. He allows Tenryu to show him what he's got, before picking him apart and exposing his innexperience. The second fall sees some amazing work from Flair as he struggles to weather the storm of Tenryu's big offence, but he turns things in his favour and works over the leg expertly, doing serious damage to Tenryu. The third fall is great for a number of reasons. After the fans buying into him winning the second fall, we see him falter as his innexperience once again shows. He lacks what's neccessary to put Flair away but, by that same token, Flair is getting increasingly frustrated that he can't finish Tenryu off. Just a really solid match that starts slow, but steadily gains in intensity throughout, leading to a hot finish that did a lot to help Tenryu look strong and improve his standing. Also, a real textbook example of how a 2/3 falls match should be handled.

Big backdrop from Tenryu, as Flair misses a wild right;


Crazy Flair selling;




I clean my gutters then do a senton in to the leaves.

Two or three years ago, we had like 2 1/2 to 3 feet of snow. I had to get on the roof because the patio roof was leaking and had too much weight on it. I definitely did a swanton off my roof into a 3 feet high snow mound. It was great.
Holy shit balls PCW was amazing first of all we had just about the best seats in the house front and centre which made the whole thing an experience as we were close to being landed on a few times

When we entered there was Dibiase, Steen, Golddust, Gargano and Steen selling merch and photos and it almost made me a little sad, Virgil is mocked online but in reality the million dollar man didnt seem much better he seemed almost desperate really

The first match up was Noam Dar Vs Gargano, brilliant back and forth match, Gargano took out my seat with a suicide dive after a few minutes but luckily C2morg from here dragged me out of the way at the last second, Dar won with a submission

Then Dave Rayne came out and called out Golddust, he told him he has never been as over as his brothers moustache (cue codys moustache chants) nice promo from both of them which ended with Golddust hitting his finisher

Next up was Tommy Dreamer Vs T-bone, it started off mainly in ring and pretty basic but soon devolved into dreamer territory, beer shots, chair shots and fighting in the crowd, Tommy hit his usual spots but ended up being put through a table in the corner for the win for T-Bone

Then was a 'million dollar dream' match between Dave Mastiff with his manager Gillian something or other and Mad Man Manson with Ted Dibiase. Manson was hilarious throughout and the match had some great comedy spots, the end came when he locked on the million dollar dream and Mastiffs manager interfered, obviously then Ted locked on a MDD of his own. Great fun but again Ted was kind of a sad sight, he was wearing a WWE12 tracksuit and didn't look too comfy getting about

The first main event was Steen vs Kris Travis. This is by far the best match I have ever seen live, it was insane and the crowd was lapping it up, at one point Steen caught Travis flying to the outside then hit an absolutely brutal powerbomb onto the apron, Travis hit a perfect reverse hurricanrana at one point which the crowd popped huge for, the end came when steen clotheslined Travis off the apron who sold it like a champ turning inside out then steen rolled him into the ring and hit a package piledriver (my favourite move of all time)

After the match Steen got on the mic and put Travis over big and said he's going to make sure his name gets out there and then got emotional as he said its the first time he's travelled abroad since his kid was born and dedicated the match to his mate who helped him out a lot when getting started and who died last week.

After the interval was the 30 man rumble, it was good but didnt quite live up the the first half, Dave Rayne looked legitimately Shook after a nasty landing on a German early on, there was a comedy spot that started out awkward when some professor came and put helmets on people and then controlled them, queue Harlem shake music to groans from the crowd but it then cut out and Fandangos theme played, corny as hell but the crowd and all the wrestlers joined in. We got a ref fight in the middle of it and a returning Lionheart won after fending off a late return from Dave Rayne

Really really fun night overall with the crowd into it throughout, quite a few instances of Fandangoing as you would expect

Worn out now sorry if that's all a little incoherent




The first match up was Noam Dar Vs Gargano, brilliant back and forth match, Gargano took out my seat with a suicide dive after a few minutes but luckily C2morg from here dragged me out of the way at the last second, Dar won with a submission

Nice, big win for Dar there - I've been really impressed with him over the past year or so, he's a very tidy wrestler and gets great heat, from what I've seen of him.

Jeff Albertson said:
Then was a 'million dollar dream' match between Dave Mastiff with his manager Gillian something or other and Mad Man Manson with Ted Dibiase. Manson was hilarious throughout and the match had some great comedy spots, the end came when he locked on the million dollar dream and Mastiffs manager interfered, obviously then Ted locked on a MDD of his own. Great fun but again Ted was kind of a sad sight, he was wearing a WWE12 tracksuit and didn't look too comfy getting about

Manson's a funny act, I saw him wrestle Colt Cabana at the first PROGRESS show and it was a great comedy match. Dave Mastiff is such a beast. Did he hit that huuuuuuuge running senton in the corner? That move looks absolutely brutal when he does it.

Glad you had a good time man, sounds like it was a real fun show.
Smackdown for today isn't on Hulu plus yet.

WWE En Espanol is and it's a recap show that has the end of Ambrose v Taker already up. Viva la Ambrose!
Nice, big win for Dar there - I've been really impressed with him over the past year or so, he's a very tidy wrestler and gets great heat, from what I've seen of him.

Manson's a funny act, I saw him wrestle Colt Cabana at the first PROGRESS show and it was a great comedy match. Dave Mastiff is such a beast. Did he hit that huuuuuuuge running senton in the corner? That move looks absolutely brutal when he does it.

Glad you had a good time man, sounds like it was a real fun show.

Forgot to mention that senton he hit one in the rumble on two men at once and their heads collided, can't recall who it was but he led on the apron in front of me for a good couple of minutes his eyes watering like mad and clearly in another zone

Its just ridiculous how much he puts into that senton
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