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Yeah, Steen often uses it too, but it never looks anywhere near as nasty as Mastiff's.

Steen hit one as well if I recall but you're right there wasn't as much oomph to it

Oh and I think I have seen enough super kicks tonight to last me a lifetime :)

Travis and Dar both really impressed with their selling in particular although not too keen on Dar's Liam Gallagher pose
Oh and I think I have seen enough super kicks tonight to last me a lifetime :)

Travis and Dar both really impressed with their selling in particular although not too keen on Dar's Liam Gallagher pose

Indy guys really need to cut it out with the super kicks, lol. It's getting kinda ridiculous. I'm not at all familiar with Kris Travis, I'll have to keep an eye out for him.
Indy guys really need to cut it out with the super kicks, lol. It's getting kinda ridiculous. I'm not at all familiar with Kris Travis, I'll have to keep an eye out for him.

To be fair there was a point in the rumble where they made a joke of it about 6 people hit super kicks on each other within 10nseconds

Gargano hit one or two in his match as well
On the last PWG show released there was literally not a single match that didn't have at least one super kick...and the Bucks wrestled three times! The super kick count was off the damn charts!

I'm kinda hoping it's like double stomps were around 2004, where they're stupidly in fashion for a while and then eventually go back to just a few guys using them.


At least most indies (I've seen) have toned down a bit on ring apron bumps. I've only seen those used for high impact spots lately.
I'd rather people bring back the Shining Wizard. 30 SW variations are better than 30 superkicks.

As long as Punk never brings his back. It looked really shitty.

It's not really a shining wizard, but I always loved Meiko Satomura's finisher Scorpian Rising;


Mr. Sandman said:
At least most indies (I've seen) have toned down a bit on ring apron bumps. I've only seen those used for high impact spots lately.

BOTB had quite a fair few, iirc...AR Fox really needs to consider cutting back the shit he does. I hate this spot;

Big E vs Mad Ox is next. Fantastic!

I'm really happy about getting Hulu plus. I'm totally visiting Full Sail when I Ho down for Evolve. Anyone watching FIP tonight?


Most indie guys need to tone it down. Crazy bumps aren't really what gets you attention from WWE. Being able to tell a good story, talk well, have physical charisma, that's what gets WWE's attention. So many indie guys do the craziest, body destroying shit for little money in front of tiny crowds and it does nothing for their careers.

So many guys think doing the craziest shit is a short cut to being a star and getting paid. It isn't. It is a short cut to ruining your body before you even get a chance to make money.
So many indie guys do the craziest, body destroying shit for little money in front of tiny crowds and it does nothing for their careers.

If their goal is WWE, I agree, but guys like AR Fox, Matt Sydal, Ricochet & PAC did crazy shit and got noticed by Dragon Gate - it's not the same level, but being booked on multiple Dragon Gate tours each year is definitely a step-up from the indies and, in Sydal & PAC's cases, I'm sure it helped them get noticed by WWE. The flip side of that is you've then got a bunch of unknown high-flyers in tiny indies doing crazy shit to try and impress Gabe, so they can get booked by EVOLVE/DGUSA, to get noticed by Dragon Gate. Like that guy who broke his skull doing a double moonsault in front of 30 people.


Have a Vudu code to redeem for one of the first 15 Wrestlemanias. I already own XII, XIII, XIV, and I'm thinking I'll redeem the last code for III or X. What would Wrasslegaf do?


They ruined Fandango :(

Why can't we ever have anything nice?!

Have a Vudu code to redeem for one of the first 15 Wrestlemanias. I already own XII, XIII, XIV, and I'm thinking I'll redeem the last code for III or X. What would Wrasslegaf do?

Definitely X


I wish AR Fox could just replace Kofi Kingston overnight. No explanation, just him backstage and Evan goes "Hey Kofi! Congrats on your title win, let's be a tag team again!" and he replies "Nah man, the name is TJ Foxx now."and people just carry on like Kofi just wanted a name change.

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Have a Vudu code to redeem for one of the first 15 Wrestlemanias. I already own XII, XIII, XIV, and I'm thinking I'll redeem the last code for III or X. What would Wrasslegaf do?

X not III. III has Macho/Steamboat and Andre/Hogan but there's REALLY not THAT much more you need there.
I wish AR Fox could just replace Kofi Kingston overnight. No explanation, just him backstage and Evan goes "Hey Kofi! Congrats on your title win, let's be a tag team again!" and he replies "Nah man, the name is TJ Foxx now."and people just carry on like Kofi just wanted a name change.

Where do I sign up for this? It's a unique mind synergy link like this that makes us the GWF Heritage Tag Champions!


Love the storyline of WWE can't get ahold of CM Punk. If they need to find him he will be in the front row of UFC 159 to watch his friend.

Also, lol Ambrose facials.
I'm watching Impact from last night, and I gotta say, this whole Aries/Roode/Daniels/Kaz/AJ angle? I'm kinda really enjoying it. AJ going renegade, Bad Influence trying to reform Fortune to take on Aces & Eights, Roode being conflicted about what to do, Aries being "the new guy" left out even though he's been more successful than all of em over the last year+. It's fun stuff. The only weak link is Chavo + Hernandez being the tag champs instead of a good 4th side to the angle like the Motor City Machine Guns or a heel Team 3D with current Bully Ray could've been.


my guess would be that Rollins will get a singles match against Daniel Bryan and Reigns will get a match against Kane.


my guess would be that Rollins will get a singles match against Daniel Bryan and Reigns will get a match against Kane.

Its going to be a tag match at extreme rules. The question is do they make it TLC or would just be like a repeat of there match at TLC. If not I would do a ladder match instead.


Its going to be a tag match at extreme rules. The question is do they make it TLC or would just be like a repeat of there match at TLC. If not I would do a ladder match instead.

The Shield said in their promo earlier in SD that Undertaker won't be walking for long, and Hell No won't be Tag Champs for long. They've delivered on the first promise, I think the second is coming soon.

Either a handicap ladder match, or a tag team ladder match with one of the first at ringside for the Tag Titles at ER. Either way it's probably going to be 3 on 2, though maybe Hell No bring someone along for ringside.
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