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The Shield said in their promo earlier in SD that Undertaker won't be walking for long, and Hell No won't be Tag Champs for long. They've delivered on the first promise, I think the second is coming soon.

Either a handicap ladder match, or a tag team ladder match with one of the first at ringside for the Tag Titles at ER. Either way it's probably going to be 3 on 2, though maybe Hell No bring someone along for ringside.

It's Bo's time to shine!



It's Bo's time to shine!



The SATs vs The Bashams WWE 2004

Oh, the Bashams. This is pre-JBL's cabinet, but with Shaniqua. Remember all that? The Bashams for a while came out with gimp masks and she'd whip them with a riding crop. And Shaniqua was Linda Miles, from Tough Enough 2. She won. And then they gave her about as stereotypical of a black woman's name as possible, but also made her a dominatrix with a set of brothers as her subs. It was weird. These poor OVW guys. Both Bashams and Nick Dinsmore spent so much time down there only to be brought up as a retard and gimps, respectively. And of course Rob Conway. It's a shame the Maximos don't get to do stupid SAT stuff in a jobber match. The smaller one was dominated until making a hot tag to the fat one. That all ended when they tried a poetry in motion type move, but were caught and Ron Simmons-style spinebusted on to each other. Doug wins with the Ruff Ryder! Remember when Doug Basham did that and how everyone was amazed at the leg lariat?

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Victoria vs Cheerleader Melissa WWE 2006

Why are hats on women so hot? Melissa kind of looks like a Bella. Pretty nothing match, but both looked hot. Can you imagine Divas getting enhancement matches with outside talent today? Widow's Peak for the win.

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Gunner Scott vs Colt Cabana WWE 2006

Who is the jobber in this match? Gunner Scott aka Mini Benoit aka Brent Albright would go on to be boring as fuck in ROH. Colt is working heel, which is strange. Gunner won with an overhead belly to belly. Lol what? By 2006, that move was around the same level as a body slam.

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Victoria vs Mercedes Martinez WWE 2006

Why did TNA get Traci Brooks in Playboy (online) and not Victoria? I mean, for real. What the fuck were they thinking? Even with her horse hair weaves. Dat body. Dat booty. Dem hips. Dem boobies. But nope, we'll get the one that looks like a tranny with disgusting boobs. Makes total sense. TNA gonna TNA. Victoria wins with the Widow's Peak.

Matt Hardy vs Colt Cabana WWE 2006

Matt wins with the ToF in quick work. Road Warrior Animal attacked him after the match. What? Why do I not remember Animal's heel turn and return to his original gimmick dressed as a Village People member without the face paint? Why were Animal and Tatanka significant parts of the Smackdown midcard in 2005-2006?

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Great Muta/NOSAWA vs 2 Cold Scorpio/Justin Credible JCW 2007

Before the match, the crowd was throwing all kind of shit at Justin Credible, who not only looks pregnant, but walks like a pregnant woman as well. The ring is full of junk before the match even starts. I wonder if these people will throw stuff at Muta. The answer is yes. I get throwing things at Justin, but Muta? Fucking Juggalos. I was just thinking how great it would be if Muta misted some of the debris coming at him. Instead, he tries to swat a mosquito. When he can't, he MISTS A MOSQUITO. Lol. This is awful. Scorp pinned NOSAWA with a moonsault.

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my guess would be that Rollins will get a singles match against Daniel Bryan and Reigns will get a match against Kane.

I would love this. So much. Especially Bryan/Rollins. They could show you WWE-only guys how shit's done in the indies. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Just watched Ambrose vs. Undertaker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZazHjPiods

Pretty good stuff. Gave Taker the victory, but totally put over The Shield. I think Taker must have a lot of respect for these guys to put them over like this. He took that table spot like a champ.

It was a really good match. Ambrose took control of most of the match in a believable way but Take was able to steal the victory through a submission that was so painful he had to tap out immediately. Nobody looked bad in the match and the post-match beatdown with Ambrose screaming "We are the new guard!" put the shield over as a threat able to overcome the Undertaker.

I just wish the whole show was booked this smartly.


It was a really good match. Ambrose took control of most of the match in a believable way but Take was able to steal the victory through a submission that was so painful he had to tap out immediately. Nobody looked bad in the match and the post-match beatdown with Ambrose screaming "We are the new guard!" put the shield over as a threat able to overcome the Undertaker.

I just wish the whole show was booked this smartly.

Agreed. I feel like I just need to watch matches with The Shield, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, and Cesaro to really be entertained. Can skip mostly everything else.


Man, Randy Orton really needs something to do. Its pretty visible that he cares less and less every time he enters for a match. He seemed pretty annoyed by the non-response he was getting in his match on SmackDown.


Man, Randy Orton really needs something to do. Its pretty visible that he cares less and less every time he enters for a match. He seemed pretty annoyed by the non-response he was getting in his match on SmackDown.

He really needs something to do. When's the last time he had a meaningful feud? I don't really count this shit with the Shield anything since he was placed with Sheamus and Show.


Just watched Ambrose vs. Undertaker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZazHjPiods

Pretty good stuff. Gave Taker the victory, but totally put over The Shield. I think Taker must have a lot of respect for these guys to put them over like this. He took that table spot like a champ.
That entire segment was extremely well-booked. I particularly like the spot where Taker grabbed Rollins by the neck off the barricade to tease a chokeslam outside of the ring only for Reigns to come in from off camera and spear him through it.

See... I can say nice things about the WWE when they deserve it. ;)

He really needs something to do. When's the last time he had a meaningful feud? I don't really count this shit with the Shield anything since he was placed with Sheamus and Show.
Orton vs. Christian - 2011



ECW on TNN 3/3/00

Sigh, back to ECW. I regret taking this project on, but I feel like I need to finish it. I'm about half way through it.

Mike Awesome says he's going to kill Spike, because this shit is now personal.

Mike Awesome vs Spike Dudley ECW Championship

Starts right away with Spike hitting a series of chair shots on the champ. Spike turns around and gets crushed with a chair. Short arm clothesline. Da Judge sets up a table on the floor. Attempted press slam through it is countered with an eye rake. The hip toss through the table worked out better. This one has commercials left in. David Arquette everywhere. Beyond the Mat ads were nice. After the break, we see Spike hitting a bulldog off the stage through a table. Acid Drop! New Champ...nope, the Judge broke up the pin. Awesome then hit a huge German suplex. Powerbomb. Another one. Another one. Spike kicks out! Awesome Bomb through a table in the corner. Title retained.

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TO THE BACK. Masato Tanaka is cutting a promo when Dawn Marie walks in and talks shit. He was either going to kiss her or hit her when the Impact Players beat him up. The quality of this show isn't very good.

Steve Corino is in the ring with Jack Victory and Lou E. Dangerously. And Erik Watts. Corino was allowed to pick his opponent, so he picked Erik Watts because they have so much in common. Bill Watts gets brought up. Corino then challenges Erik to Texas bullrope match. This goes on forever. Steve is rambling, talking about closet homosexuals. The ref, HC Loc, tells him to shut up and get on with this shit. Corino hits him with a cow bell. Erik Watts joins in on the beating. It was like ten minutes at least.

Super Crazy vs Tajiri vs Little Guido

Let's start the match and go right to a commercial. Tajiri had apparently been in control most of the break. He breaks up a Guido arm bar by calmly walking over and biting him in the face. Crazy hits an Asai moonsault on both men. Sal tries to get involved with a Stinger splash against a guardrail, but misses and falls into the crowd. Tarantula. Guido hits Cray with a drop kick while he's trapped. Tajiri kicks Guido in the dick and Crazy hits a tornado DDT. Brainbuster eliminates Guido. Crazy lands on his feet from an attempted Asai moonsault, but gets kicked a few times. Crazy no sells a drop kick to the face to hit a clothesline. Crazy wins with a lionsault.

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Dreamer is in the ring. Francine has a mic. Her voice kills me. That Jersey/New York (same place, right?) accent is the worst. She says that Tommy DDT'd her on purpose, unlike Raven. She goes on to say that Tommy can't survive in ECW without her and that she got him over. Tommy tries to piledrive her, but Raven runs in and hits a DDT. The Impact Players walk out. Raven lets them go by. They beat up Tommy until Masato Tanaka comes in for the save.

Impact Players vs Tommy Dreamer/Masato Tanaka ECW Tag Team Championships

This is a match. Who sanctioned this? It goes in to the crowd for a bit. Tommy and Lance get back in the ring where Tommy hits a dropkick in the corner. Lance hits a superkick. A table is now in the corner. Tommy hits a DVD through it. He turns around into a cane shot from Justin. Justin attempts That's Incredible on Tanaka, but he reverses it and hits a blue thunder bomb. Diamond Dust. New champions!

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ECW on TNN 3/10/00

ECW Arena show. Go home show for Living Dangerously. Joel says he's going to bang Cyrus' mom silly, which brings Cyrus out. Joey stops him and reads him the riot act. JOEY JOEY JOEY chants. "I am unwilling to interview an asshole like you." MIC DROP AND I'M OUT.

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Cyrus was still in the ring after the intro saying there would be a tournament for the ECW TV Championship to be concluded at the PPV. But I thought the title was already vacated and Rhino was the new champ? Fonzie comes out. RVD comes out on the shoulders of Scotty Riggs. Another commercial. After much talking, RVD relinquishes his championship. Cyrus and Fonzie are about to fight when Rhino comes in and GORES Fonzie. RVD tried to fight, but Riggs held him back.

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Rhino vs Spike Dudley

Spike hits a neckbreaker. Inside cradle. Another roll up. It's hard to take Rhino seriously after YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I'M GONNA BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY WWF jobber Rhino. After a break, Rhino throws Spike off the Eagle's Nest. He bounced off the table and ended up hitting the bottom of the bleachers. Spike hits a top rope chair shot. TKO! Acid Drop! Corino barely breaks it up. GORE through a table. Piledriver for the win.

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Holy shit, Mormanism commercials during ECW. What the fuck.

Impact Players vs Gedo/Jado

This was around the time when Gedo and Jado still dressed like Juggalos. Justin starts out with Gedo for a while. Jado finally comes in and hits a super back suplex on Lance. Jado gets hit with a cane and rolled up, but he kicks out. Justin gets hip tossed through a table in the corner. Tiger driver. Gedo hits a frog splash, but Lance kicks out. Superbomb to Lance! Lance kicks out. Spike piledriver give the Impact Players the win in a pretty competitive match.

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Tommy Dreamer/Masato Tanaka vs Raven/Mike Awesome ECW Tag Team Championships

Awesome and Dreamer start out. Francine now dresses like Raven. Raven won't face Dreamer. Tanaka and Awesome run through some of their only spots without chairs or tables. Raven gets tagged in and wedges a chair in the corner. It got knocked out right away. Dreamer has to set it back up so they can do the spot. Dreamer gets powerbombed. Awesome hits the Albert Bomb, but the ref is slow to make the count. Raven gets the mic and shit talks in between hitting Dreamer with it. I just don't want to see anything with Dreamer and Raven again. Mike misses a frog splash and demolishes the table in the process. Dreamer gets drop toe held into the corner of a table. Powerbomb through a table. Tanaka breaks up the pin. Awesome Bomb in the corner. Raven pins Dreamer. New champs!

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TO THE BACK. The Sinister Minster talks and is creepy. He's got really fat fingers.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ambrose vs. Undertaker is the WM 30 match and Undertaker is losing to put the guy over.

you wanted someone young to beat the streak

there you go.
Teams announced so far for the CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix;











10 announced so far, the 11th will apparently be an AAW team - how many are teams are CHIKARA going to have this year? With no sign of The Colony, FIST or The Throwbacks, they've certainly got to have more than the 12 teams they had for the 2008 tournament, but surely they won't have 32 teams again? That was just crazy.
Ambrose vs. Undertaker is the WM 30 match and Undertaker is losing to put the guy over.

you wanted someone young to beat the streak

there you go.

Then the following night on Raw Cena comes out and shows fat pictures of a Pre-WWE Ambrose on the Titantron, calls Rollins Kaitlyn, and tells Reigns he has a "Leakee" butthole before no selling their triple Powerbomb and AA-ing and pinning all three of them claiming "You may have beaten The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, but no one will take you seriously because you haven't beaten me!"
Teams announced so far for the CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix;

10 announced so far, the 11th will apparently be an AAW team - how many are teams are CHIKARA going to have this year? With no sign of The Colony, FIST or The Throwbacks, they've certainly got to have more than the 12 teams they had for the 2008 tournament, but surely they won't have 32 teams again? That was just crazy.

Underwhelming :\
I don't know whether I like the idea of those Los Ice Creams guys or if i'm completely terrified of them, a bit of both I guess.

They are vaguely sinister...

Underwhelming :\

Exactly, which is why I was asking how many teams there are this year - certainly won't be 12 and I doubt it'll be 32 again, so somewhere in between.

I'd guess;

01. Heart Throbs
02. Devastation Corporation
03. AC/DC
04. Los Ice Creams
05. The Baltic Seige
06. The Bravado Brothers
07. The Kentucky Buffet
08. The Spectral Envoy
09. Heidi Lovelace & Saturyne
10. Da Soul Touchaz

11. Team AAW?
12. F.I.S.T. #1 (Icarus & Sugar)
13. F.I.S.T. #2 (Taylor & Gargano)
14. Jigsaw & The Shard
15. The Throwbacks
16. The Colony (Green Ant & Fire Ant)
17. The Colony X-Treme Force (Missile Assault Ant & Arctic Rescue Ant)
18. The Batiri
19. Delirious & Ohpidian
20. Donst & Jakob

And that's just CHIKARA regulars, so maybe 20-24 teams this year?
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