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They seem to be good candidates to miss TWGP in favour of Chikara's favourite team... Teams From A Hat.

One day, they're going to pull Dave Batista's name out of the hat and he's actually going to be there. And it will be awesome.

Someone needs to convince Big Dave that indy wrestling's worth a damn. The idea of him throwing dudes about in CHIKARA is too awesome to ignore.
saw the rest of smackdown. Looks like they cut out Dean Ambrose's mental breakdown before the hells gate, but the match overall looked good. Those closeup shots of everyone's faces was very appreciated for sure.
I wonder if CHIKARA have finally reached their peak in terms of size and recognition. I get the impression they're at the point where other promotions consider them 'regional rivals' in regards to their size and popularity now.

In the past you'd get CZW/ROH people helping out and appearing, but that doesn't seem to be happening much anymore.

The bears on the knees was a nice touch.
Couldn't watch smackdown yesterday (Went to the movies and saw Iron Man 3 instead), so thank you very much for posting the match. It was very good


My Member!
Fake Razor Ramon on how he got releases by WWE:

I didn’t find out. They just kind of sent us home after a tour in Memphis and I sorta saw the writing on the wall. I actually phoned Vince. I’d saved his home number. So I called him and I said “Hey it’s Rick Titan here from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and it looks like my contract's up and I just wanted to see if you wanted to do anything else with the character?" All he said to me was, "Rick, please don’t call me at this number again." That was it. I saw my dream was destroyed and he didn’t give a damn.

LOL. What a dick.


One more week!



Jay Briscoe defends against Adam Cole

Current GHC Jr. Heavyweight Champion Taiji Ishimori vs "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards


"Intrepid Traveler" Paul London vs "American Wolf" Davey Richards

ROH World TV Championship
Matt Taven w/ Truth Martini defends against Mark Briscoe

I Quit Match
BJ Whitmer vs Rhett Titus

ROH vs S.C.U.M Match
"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin & Jay Lethal vs 2 SCUM Members of Steve Corino's choosing

Special Tag Team Challenge Match
Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander vs ACH & Tadarius Thomas

Signed to Appear:

- S.C.U.M

Saturday, May 4, 2013 07:30pm EDT
Ted Reeve Arena
175 Main St
M4E 2W2


Can't wait! The card looks really good, and I'm MEGA excited to see ACH in person! The guy can move and fly like nobody else!


So who is the best of the black suited bad guys? Scumm, Aces or Shield?

Definitely The Shield. I actually like SCUM more than Aces and Eights just because Corino is doing such incredible promo work. Heyman-esque, but with a different flavour. LOVE the way he introduces Matt Hardy before his matches.

"A wrestling ICON! A HERO! A man who deserves your respect!...MAAATT HARDYYY!"


So not worth it
I want Nintendo to do well, but they don't make it easy.

Don't worry man, the Wii U will take off in typical Nintendo fashion once we hit the end of the year. Nintendo Exclusives still rule all.

That said, I got like three 3DS games today (so I can get DKC as a free game from Nintendo), Luigi's Mansion 2, Fire Emblem and Castlevania. Can't beat that.
That said, I got like three 3DS games today (so I can get DKC as a free game from Nintendo), Luigi's Mansion 2, Fire Emblem and Castlevania. Can't beat that.

Heh, same here, but I got Luigi's, Fire Emblem & Monster Hunter. Can't wait to play DKC and these three should tide me over until it releases.


Heh, same here, but I got Luigi's, Fire Emblem & Monster Hunter. Can't wait to play DKC and these three should tide me over until it releases.

Dark Moon is so good, I got it Wednesday and haven't been able to put it down. After that I'm gonna move on to Sticker Star so hopefully it isn't as disappointing as people were saying around launch.

DKC almost got me to buy a Wii so I'm glad to see it coming to 3DS.
My 3DS menu is nowhere near as organized...
Been getting tons of playtime out of it though, MH3U, LM2 and FE:A are all damn good stuff.
Castlevania was decent, not a patch on the likes of Order of Ecclesia but I thought it was acceptable considering its Lords of Shadow lineage.
I have no shame in double dipping for DKCR when the time comes, I'll use the free game deal on Animal Crossing as it benefits more from being on the console itself.

Oh yeah, so about wrestling, Taker's face was pretty amusing when he got lobbed through the table on Smackdown, he looked drunk, not quite on Entropia's level though.


So not worth it
Got MH3:U on my Wii U. Cba to get on the 3DS as well, I almost exclusively play at home, so playing that game on the gamepad instead of the 3DSXL is much more enjoyable imo.
Anyone familiar with Maxwell Chicago? He's my favorite comedy wrestler behind Colt.

Lat night on the FIP show he was interviewed about being 3-0 in FIP and his response was to sing the theme to Saved By the Bell the College Years.


My 3DS menu is nowhere near as organized...
Been getting tons of playtime out of it though, MH3U, LM2 and FE:A are all damn good stuff.
Castlevania was decent, not a patch on the likes of Order of Ecclesia but I thought it was acceptable considering its Lords of Shadow lineage.
I have no shame in double dipping for DKCR when the time comes, I'll use the free game deal on Animal Crossing as it benefits more from being on the console itself.

Oh yeah, so about wrestling, Taker's face was pretty amusing when he got lobbed through the table on Smackdown, he looked drunk, not quite on Entropia's level though.
how is the music in theLords of Shadow 3ds game? i really liked the 360 lords of shadow music and the dialogue. curious if the same is true for 3ds game. is it good in short bursts like between work and classes?
how is the music in theLords of Shadow 3ds game? i really liked the 360 lords of shadow music and the dialogue. curious if the same is true for 3ds game. is it good in short bursts like between work and classes?

The music continues the LoS trend of being more movie like in the grand scheme of things as opposed to the rest of the CV series, it works and fits the atmosphere the game is going for, that said there's little I remember off the top of my head musically speaking but it's good enough though it's not as strong as the LoS soundtrack.
The dialogue and plot is a bit bare bones though, it's kind of funny how both LoS games have gone out of their way to get recognisable voice talent only for them to have little to say.

The game uses an autosave feature, it saves pretty frequently so it should work well for short bursts of play.

Mirror of Fate is basically like the mashing up of LoS style with slight elements of the other handheld Metroidvania games, it doesn't have the full strengths of either but aside from a slowish start I did enjoy the game all the way through even if it's nothing too special.
I've never not lived in a world where Starter wasn't a brand you'd buy at a Kmart of Walmart. People still rock it, though.

No way man, Starter parka sports team jackets were the shit in the mid 90's. I was poor so imagine my luck when I found one at Ross. Sure, the team was the new for the time NBA expansion Toronto Rapters, with their liberal use of purple, normally I'd steer clear but I didn't give a fuck.

Can't find a pic of the one I had :/

Edit: Oh shit! Nostalgia!



So not worth it
Had a Bulls wintercoat when I was younger. And a LA Raiderrs cap, but that's pretty much all the Starter clothes I've ever owned.
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