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I remember really enjoying Batista's Smackdown face run during 2003 or was it 2004? Either way, it was a long fucking time ago lol.

He turned face in 2005, stayed on Raw to finish the HHH feud, and then he and Cena switched shows. Batista was fine until the Edge feud. That was awful. Just dreadful, dreadful never ending, dull television.


NeoGAF's smiling token!

This could be the start of something big.


So not worth it
Bro, your 3DS menu is so disorganized. I've got like 5x as much stuff on my 3DS and my menu is so much cleaner.

What's this now? It's amazingly organised. Everything nicely one one screen and accessible with one click and sorted by type of game. Can't beat that.



What's this now? It's amazingly organised. Everything nicely one one screen and accessible with one click and sorted by type of game. Can't beat that.


Yeah, yours is very well organized. Mine on the other hand, is a complete mess
I'm not sure if I like Hitman: Absolution or not. Outside of a few minutes of an unplayable PC port, I've never played any of the Hitman games. I'm into Part II of the story and it has yet to grab me in anyway. It kind of reminds me of Max Payne 3, which I hated.
I'm borrowing it off a friend myself and I am not feeling it, the actual hitman style mission in Chinatown was pretty neat but since then it's been oddly linear with shoddy stealth and holding ones head down, plus the plot seems like complete rubbish for something they put special effort on.

i felt like Chinatown was the highlight of absolution. such a fun level
Aw shit, the best has been and gone then.

The 2011(I think?) "brand draft"
When Cena got drafted to Smackdown and then back to Raw right at the end, somehow this led to him beating up his would be SD chums.


I just saw the documentary about ECW, Barbed Wire City

Maybe more depressing than the Von Erich documentary that WWE did, seeing some of these guys again was heartbreaking. Only Rhino seemed like he made something for himself.

I do not even care much about ECW but i love rasslin' documentaries, New Jack was by far the funniest, dude hates Heyman and is the most critical
*Chris Dickinson vs MASADA (chosen by BJ Whitmer)
Another stiff match. Light tubes, tables, chairs, and I think glass plus all sorts of other goodies. I was not a Masada fan until recently, in fact I hated the guy. After the past two times I've seen him live though he's kind of bad ass.

Yeah, MASADA's hardly a great wrestler, but he does kinda project an aura of bad-ass which means that, while I don't want to see him wrestle a straight match, watching him in a deathmatch or a brawl, or even a tough strong-style sort of match is pretty fun.

Sounds like it was a good show, I definitely need to see Whitmer vs Elgin!
What's this now? It's amazingly organised. Everything nicely one one screen and accessible with one click and sorted by type of game. Can't beat that.


But, like, Folders bro.

Look at that. It's so clean. All my most used games on the main screen and then folders. R for 3DS Retail, 3 for 3DSWare, A for Apps, G for GameBoy, N for Nintendo, and my icons aren't all minuscule.

Not sure if it's a work or a shoot because I haven't seen it anywhere else but......

WWE Champion John Cena injured during WWE European tour

This has to be a work so he doesn't look like a chump fighting Ryback and Ryback can stand a chance against SuperCena. It's just like his "Injury" when he had to fight Ziggler.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Real talk about Hitman: Absolution - Chinatown is good but not the best part of the whole game, keep going. Shaving Lenny is DOPE.
Yeah, MASADA's hardly a great wrestler, but he does kinda project an aura of bad-ass which means that, while I don't want to see him wrestle a straight match, watching him in a deathmatch or a brawl, or even a tough strong-style sort of match is pretty fun.

Sounds like it was a good show, I definitely need to see Whitmer vs Elgin!

This maybe giving him too much credit but he kind of reminds me of Mick Foley. He isn't the greatest wrestler but he knows ring psychology and can brawl himself to a good match. Maybe a new Necro Butcher would be a better description.

DVD is worth the buy little bit of everything on this one.

I'm really looking forward to the JLIT this year. Couple of matches have already been announced that should really bring it.
Watching SHIMMER Volume 51 - Courtney Rush vs Mercedes Martinez has been the best match so far. Mercedes is great at what she does, crazy she hasn't been SHIMMER champion yet (although, I always got the impression she was considered more of a WSU talent than a SHIMMER talent), while Courtney shows great improvement in every match. She's not the best wrestler on the card, but give it a few years and she could easily get there - her strikes in particular look kinda weak, but she has a great array of suplexes in her war crate and some wonderful selling and facial expressions that always draw good sympathy from the audience. Also, Veda Scott had a good showing against Tomoka Nakagawa - they did this spot where Tomoka popped up from the mat with an enziguri that connected with Veda's jaw and she sold it like death. LuFisto vs Ryo Mizunami was good fun too, very hard hitting match. The Burning Hammer is such a great move, looks devastating from every angle;


Rush hits a nice T-Bone suplex on Martinez;


Penguin said:
Trying to stack up on some wrestling podcasts.. so aside from the amazing Steve Austin one, which do you folks listen to?

Colt's podcast; http://tsmradio.com/coltcabana/

Some recent good interviews have been the Million Dollar Man, Dan Severn, Chuck Taylor, etc, but there's a TON of awesome ones from the past well worth checking out.

BillRiccio said:
I'm really looking forward to the JLIT this year. Couple of matches have already been announced that should really bring it.

Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to Elgin vs Biff, that one should be an all out war - not so fond of either Gargano or Cross, but it should be a nice match. Both guys are J.T. Lightning trainees, iirc.
Trying to stack up on some wrestling podcasts.. so aside from the amazing Steve Austin one, which do you folks listen to?

I subscribe to The Observer mainly for the podcasts. As for free ones Live Audio Wrestling has like four podcasts a week and is probably the best. Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana is always has a good interview. MLW with Konnan and Court Bauer is great because Konnan says whatever he wants. I've also been enjoying a The Mandible Claw lately although it's pretty focused on CHIKARA.

Bootaaay said:
not so fond of either Gargano or Cross, but it should be a nice match. Both guys are J.T. Lightning trainees, iirc.

I've been watching Cross since I was 14, the man holds a special place in my heart. I do enjoy Gargano, I think he's the cat's pajama's.
I'd say MLW is my favorite right now. Did you hear the last episode with Sean Waltman? If you ever wanted an insider look into the locker room and the business that was it. Man, I was grossed out and sympathetic for the first 10-15 minutes.

Favorite free shows I listen to are:

1) MLW
2) Art of Wrestling (simply because of the interviews)
3) Live Audio Wrestling and family (Wai and John are awesome. I think Jason Agnew is too cynical.)
4) Stone Cold
5) Solomonster (just wish it were more than a one man show)
6) Between the Ropes
7) Kings of Sports

I wish I had a subscription to Observer.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Trying to stack up on some wrestling podcasts.. so aside from the amazing Steve Austin one, which do you folks listen to?

Spend time with Review-A-Raw and Review-A-Wai. Both of those are on the LAW. If you watch Impact, I'm sure Review-A-Impact is good. Going through archives of Review-A-Wai for shows you've seen before is dope.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes I really miss the WWE Draft. And my god Carnby's avatar, I had forgotten :D ahahahaha


Sometimes I really miss the WWE Draft. And my god Carnby's avatar, I had forgotten :D ahahahaha

I lost the WrassleGAF WrestleMania Heel Turn vs. Face Turn contest. Now I have to wear this avatar as a punishment. The rules stated that I have to keep this avatar until next WrestleMania. That's a long time from now, so please don't make fun. :/

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I still don't get Carnby's avatar.

"Alone in the…" what exactly?

Also, I'm pretty sure the bet was only for 2 weeks after mania lol

Carnby = Edward Carnby, one of the protagonists from the Alone in the Dark series


I just saw the documentary about ECW, Barbed Wire City

Maybe more depressing than the Von Erich documentary that WWE did, seeing some of these guys again was heartbreaking. Only Rhino seemed like he made something for himself.

A documentary showcasing broken down, drug-addicted conmen at the lowest points of their lives? Sounds like the must-see, feel-good documentary of the year, imo.


Friend of a friend owns a ring and was giving lessons today so I went and wore my Ziggler shirt because my friend was wearing his GTS shirt and I got called a mark by like 8 other people. The fuck.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Friend of a friend owns a ring and was giving lessons today so I went and wore my Ziggler shirt because my friend was wearing his GTS shirt and I got called a mark by like 8 other people. The fuck.

That's how "the business" is run. How dare you show interest in what you're doing! Insular carny sport bullshit.
Tatebayashi Citizen Gymnasium
350 Fans


01. Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo vs Hiroshi Yamato & Yasufumi Nakanoue
02. Champion Carnival - Block A: Ryota Hama [0] vs Takao Omori [0]
03. Champion Carnival - Block B: Akebono [0] vs KAI [0]
04. All Asia Tag Skirmish: KENSO, Koji Kanemoto & Minoru Tanaka vs BURNING (Go Shiozaki, Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki)
05. World Jr. Tag Skirmish: Seiya Sanada & SUSHI vs BURNING (Jun Akiyama & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
06. Champion Carnival - Block B: Masakatu Funaki [2] vs Joe Doering [0]
07. Champion Carnival - Block A: Suwama [1] vs Masayuki Kono [0]

Second day of the Champion Carnival (day 1's available here) and some good matches here, not a great crowd, unfortunately. The opening match is worth a watch, as is the All Japan vs BURNING 6-man tag, while the main event is excellent. Great showing from Masayuki Kono, shame it had to be in front of such a rinky-dink crowd.

A documentary showcasing broken down, drug-addicted conmen at the lowest points of their lives? Sounds like the must-see, feel-good documentary of the year, imo.

I knew this documentary would be right up your ally, dream, given your fondness for broken down, drug-addicted conmen. Balls Mahoney is a particularly depressing sight. Sandman looks like he's on meth. New Jack is the most coherent interviewee. Bizarre.

Shark Johnson said:
Friend of a friend owns a ring and was giving lessons today so I went and wore my Ziggler shirt because my friend was wearing his GTS shirt and I got called a mark by like 8 other people. The fuck.

Lol, that's pretty funny. Anyone that's ever spent anything on wrestling is a mark, so I don't know why the term gets thrown around so much between wrestling fans.
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