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Friend of a friend owns a ring and was giving lessons today so I went and wore my Ziggler shirt because my friend was wearing his GTS shirt and I got called a mark by like 8 other people. The fuck.

Don't sweat it. If they can't enjoy a certain guy because he's to "popular" they are marks.


I knew this documentary would be right up your ally, dream, given your fondness for broken down, drug-addicted conmen. Balls Mahoney is a particularly depressing sight. Sandman looks like he's on meth. New Jack is the most coherent interviewee. Bizarre.

I want to see this so badly, but I worry that it may not live up to the narrative I've created in the past half hour. In my mind, the documentary shows Kimona giving blowies for $10 a pop while Sabu dies of an overdose in the background.


So not worth it
Friend of a friend owns a ring and was giving lessons today so I went and wore my Ziggler shirt because my friend was wearing his GTS shirt and I got called a mark by like 8 other people. The fuck.

As you well know, you are not allowed to looke people once they become world or WWE champ. Should have realized this before you went.

I think we're due a Nicky chant for Dolph in a week or two.

Smarks man, fucking smarks.
I wore a 'MUSE' t-shirt when I went for a few lessons back in the day. So they just called me Muse all the time :(

It was this design:


They didn't call my friend a mark with his CM Punk shirt. Just me.

That's how "the business" is run. How dare you show interest in what you're doing! Insular carny sport bullshit.

Yeah, it made me not want to go back but if I train now, when I move to Texas I can hopefully wrestle for money. Like with ACW or some promotion down there.

You should show them the shitty fanart you post here. They wouldn't dare call you a mark then.



You should stretch them, break their legs, and smarten them up, the way Matsuda-san did when Hulk was a young boy.
Wrestling for money?! How shameful. You should wrestle for the joy, for the battle, for the honor, for the pride - and most of all for the money... wait.


Have I ever told you guys about a really cool friend of mine who has some Mark tendencies?

For example: He hates The Miz, and rightfully so. But his hate is beyond your average hater. I asked him a hypothetical question. Would you lose to The Miz at WrestleMania for 20 Billion (yes BILLION) dollars? He says absolutely not! Why? Because of respect. He would lose the respect of his friends and everyone in the world would know that he lost to him. You can't take something like that back.

But, would he lose to CM Punk at WrestleMania? Sure. For how much money? He'd do it for 500,000 dollars. I then asked, what if he did the Pepsi plunge on you? He is fine with that too. He trusts Punk to not screw it up.

He is 100 percent serious when he says this kind of stuff. He's a great guy, but when he says stuff like this I get a hard laugh out of it.
I want to see this so badly, but I worry that it may not live up to the narrative I've created in the past half hour. In my mind, the documentary shows Kimona giving blowies for $10 a pop while Sabu dies of an overdose in the background.

Like everything ECW, it's never as good as you imagined it to be. Here's some 'exciting' news though;


Justin Credible's 6 months sober and he's coming back! To wrestling! In 2013! Justin Credible!


Cenaby's friend has honor. In a previous life he was probably a Klingon.

He also hates Brock Fan. You should hear his reaction to the question, "What if Brock Fan came into your work place for a tour and you were tasked with it?"

His response: I wouldn't! I'd refuse. He's probably a jerk. He probably says 'bro' all the time.

Me: Well I got bad news for you. Brock Fan is bringing a few of his friends in for the tour.

Him: Oh great! Bro, Bro, Bro, BRO!!!!

Again, he took the question 100 percent serious. As if it's really going to happen. lol
I hope WWE immediately files a cease and desist, forcing him to hit the indie circuit as "P.J. Polaco" again.

I know it's his real name, but I refuse to believe he couldn't think of a better name than P.J. fucking Polaco. Actually, looking at his list of previous ring-names, maybe I can believe it;

Aldo Montoya
Justin Credible
Justin Incredible
Justin Time
P.G. Walker
P.J. Polaco
P.J. Walker

He totally should've stuck with Justin Time, lol.
I don't think we so much hated the idea of a network, I think it was more of knowing that Vince would cock it up, in fact the ball dropping is so spectacular that it's still yet to have turned up in any actual capacity.
All I wanted from a WWE network was for it to be something like WWE Netflix. Imagine being able to watch every Raw and Nitro (and PPVs!) in order at your own leisure instead of having to pay for a network that runs things at their own schedule. ;-;

At least the last thing I read said it was a TV network and nothing on the internet. That could have changed.


So not worth it
Being non-US a network would just be a bunch of content I wouldn't have access to/needed to *cough* to watch.

I'd much prefer some kind of streaming webservice, it's where the future of broadcasting lies anyways, so why not be a frontrunner there?
Have I ever told you guys about a really cool friend of mine who has some Mark tendencies?

For example: He hates The Miz, and rightfully so. But his hate is beyond your average hater. I asked him a hypothetical question. Would you lose to The Miz at WrestleMania for 20 Billion (yes BILLION) dollars? He says absolutely not! Why? Because of respect. He would lose the respect of his friends and everyone in the world would know that he lost to him. You can't take something like that back.

But, would he lose to CM Punk at WrestleMania? Sure. For how much money? He'd do it for 500,000 dollars. I then asked, what if he did the Pepsi plunge on you? He is fine with that too. He trusts Punk to not screw it up.

He is 100 percent serious when he says this kind of stuff. He's a great guy, but when he says stuff like this I get a hard laugh out of it.

I'd lose to Miz for free. Being in the ring with him and talking to him, and increasing his Wrestlemania win streak is enough for me. Miz gonna be the next Undertaker, I can feel it.
All I wanted from a WWE network was for it to be something like WWE Netflix. Imagine being able to watch every Raw and Nitro (and PPVs!) in order at your own leisure instead of having to pay for a network that runs things at their own schedule. ;-;

At least the last thing I read said it was a TV network and nothing on the internet. That could have changed.

What the heck? Why?

I'd rather they take the highlights from certain angles/feuds and cut it up and condense it into something I can watch in 45 minutes.

Bootaaay, Sunflower, (maybe you I don't know) and the rest of the OCD people that need to record and preserve every second of wrestling programming just in case you might want to watch it someday are effing psychos.

This is serial killer behavior, like some Jeffrey Dahmer type shite. Do I need to be concerned about you guys?


So not worth it
Speaking of Tough Enough...


Remember Andy Leavine?

Kind of surprised he's not in Aces and Eights to be honest.
Bootaaay, Sunflower, (maybe you I don't know) and the rest of the OCD people that need to record and preserve every second of wrestling programming just in case you might want to watch it someday are effing psychos.

This is serial killer behavior, like some Jeffrey Dahmer type shite. Do I need to be concerned about you guys?

Hey, I only preserve the classics, dammit! Here, watch this, bean, and I'm sure you'll agree that this is wrestling worth keeping;

Watch it Boot, you'll enjoy it.

Thanks, I'll give it a watch - but don't get me wrong, I think AJ's a very talented wrestler. I just wish she (and the other girls like Layla, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Tamina, etc) got to actually show it on TV. I enjoyed her match with Kaitlyn on NXT, but all the while I was thinking "this match would have ended five minutes ago if it were on RAW or Smackdown".

Kana is my ultimate lady crush. So talented, so pretty, so radical.

I got a compilation of Kana & Mio Shirai a while back, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting, lol...

http://minus.com/myrgIyzx0AxnD - NSFW, I guess.

The worst entrance Warrior has ever had. Broken hearts all round.

He looked gassed by the time he got into the ring.


So not worth it
Hoping against hope that once the belt switches to AJ we'll see some longer divas mtches. To be fair to WWE, the Layla vs Tamina match got decent time on Smackdown this week.

Tamina has been quite good lately as well. Kaitlyn too. Can we credit Del Rey for that?
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