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I'm thoroughly depressed with how similar Axl Rose and Shane Douglas look.



They most shop at the same weave store.
They both look like the Cowardly Lion.

Zandig totally should have been in WWE.

I remember semi-seriously fantasy booking that the pay-off of the Nexus angle (after Cena had turned heel, kicked Wade out of the group and become the new leader) would be that no one in WWE could stop the Nexus, so Vince had to bring in someone "beyond violent...someone ULTRAVIOLENT!", cue CZW theme; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUKOvlOaKHM Nick Gage, Wifebeater, Brain Damage & The Necro Butcher take out Nexus! Zandig takes out Cena! But only too late does Vince realise that The Zandig cannot be tamed! Ultimately, Wade leads the charge of WWE loyalists to get rid of the CZW invaders and defeats Zandig to win the belt. *sigh*.


I'm still in love with his current theme, he should never change it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yOKgTkzOSQ *pops*

He's supposed to be fit now, don't see why he's not on TV. It's not like they can't use a upper-level midcarder to put over some lower midcarders. Hell, put him with Hell No to battle the shield, he'll sell the ever living crap out of those three.

I would mark out if that theme hit at this point

i also wouldn't mind one last run with a Christian/Jericho feud of some sort
They both look like the Cowardly Lion.

Zandig totally should have been in WWE.

I remember semi-seriously fantasy booking that the pay-off of the Nexus angle (after Cena had turned heel, kicked Wade out of the group and become the new leader) would be that no one in WWE could stop the Nexus, so Vince had to bring in someone "beyond violent...someone ULTRAVIOLENT!", cue CZW theme; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUKOvlOaKHM Nick Gage, Wifebeater, Brain Damage & The Necro Butcher take out Nexus! Zandig takes out Cena! But only too late does Vince realise that The Zandig cannot be tamed! Ultimately, Wade leads the charge of WWE loyalists to get rid of the CZW invaders and defeats Zandig to win the belt. *sigh*.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I dunno man, can you do lottery numbers too?

I saw it maybe a week ago, not months. Maybe a little more. It definitely isn't brand new. Steph is a twitter beginner.


So not worth it
Well then, fuck you too WrassleGAF! Don't look at me to post horrible Stephanie McMahon picture in the future. I'll stick to AJ pictures from now.


So, May Wrasslin |OT|, who's making it?


So I barely got to see any of Chicago this weekend since I was going to an all day festival that practically started when I got there and ended a few hours before my plane left. I didn't get to the shore but I did get to see Lake Michigan from the plane so that was cool.

It's kind of a shitty picture, but I met Shooter Jennings this weekend.

I'm actually acquainted with a few of the artists who played, but I've never met or seen Shooter play before. He puts on a great show if you like southern rock and classic country music.

The Other Life

The Real Me

Shooter Jennings & Hierophant - Triskaidekaphobia

Now back to wrasslin....


Pro tip: If you're ever in Chicago on an overnight layover and planning on getting some sleep in the airport, don't go through Midway. Those chairs must be designed to prevent sleeping.


When he came back originally, he still did the old mannerisms like rolling his eyes back and sitting up, but after a month, he was just a normal biker dude.

Actually, he was kind of segueing into it before he left. His last few appearances had him in a t shirt, jeans, and bandanna and talking like Biker Taker. This was shortly after his angle became "Undertaker is taking his gimmick too seriously, Mark, chill out, you aren't a zombie devil guy". So he became basically proto-Biker Taker, then got hurt and came back as full on Biker Taker.


AJ is up there too.

I don't count girls I know in real life when I say things like that though. Only in the celebrity spectrum.


So not worth it
Was responding to the "come back" bit.

Nobody wants to see that, worst wrestler in at least a decade to be in that ring. Hell, calling her a wrestler is a stretch in itself.


Wrestlers in the past decade worse than Kelly Kelly:

Garrett Bischoff
Matt Morgan
Orlando Jordan
Sylvian Greiner
Kenzo Suzuki
Great Khali
Ken Anderson

Just off the top of my head.
Wrestlers in the past decade worse than Kelly Kelly:

Garrett Bischoff
Matt Morgan
Orlando Jordan
Sylvian Greiner
Kenzo Suzuki
Great Khali
Ken Anderson

Just off the top of my head.

Poor Raven :( He had a few decent months in TNA from what I remember, I think it was around the time Cornette came in. Then he became terrible.


Raven became shit when he became all about the money and didn't care if people knew he was there for the money.

Look at Kevin Nash for example. You know he's there for the money, but at least he acts like he gives a shit about whatever it is he's doing.


I would say the difference between Nash and Raven is that Nash makes it known he is in it for the money, but acts like he really cares about getting the money. Raven makes it known he is in it for the money, and doesn't give a fuck about anything.


So not worth it
I didn't mind Kelly Kelly Kelly. She'd make a good valet again, which isn't terrible as the Diva division is dead as it is anyway.

Kelly Kelly is one of the main reasons it died. It's only now somewhat coming back from that horrible model era and the first thing they do is bring back the Bella's.

If they bring back Kelly too. UGH! YUCK! BLEGH!
Raven also had that shitty thyroid problem that caused him to balloon up like crazy. Not that he was the greatest worker to begin with, but he was good at structuring his matches (which, of course, went right out of the window once he stopped giving a shit).

What amazed me about Kelly Kelly was that fucking no one told her to either learn how to run the fucking ropes, or stop running the fucking ropes! She was acceptable in the ring for the most part (except for the constant screaming and aforementioned inability to perform the most basic of wrestling basics).


Kelly Kelly is one of the main reasons it died. It's only now somewhat coming back from that horrible model era and the first thing they do is bring back the Bella's.

If they bring back Kelly too. UGH! YUCK! BLEGH!

Pretty good like much skills though.




I have a confession to make.

I've never understood the amount of admiration people have for Raven. People seem to talk (type) about him like he was some sort of wrestling mastermind, but I don't know. He always seemed a bit boring.

I enjoyed The Flock somewhat, but that was mainly as a collective and Storyline. Raven's 'Grunge' look was nice too, as it was different at the time and I liked Nirvana a lot at the time.

What amazed me about Kelly Kelly was that fucking no one told her to either learn how to run the fucking ropes, or stop running the fucking ropes! She was acceptable in the ring for the most part (except for the constant screaming and aforementioned inability to perform the most basic of wrestling basics).

That's like lesson #1!

You're told that it'll hurt unless you really hit them with pace and let them go across your back/shoulders. Right Arm out and over top rope to stay in the ring. Plant feet, lean in and sprint out. Silly KELLY KELLY KELLY.
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